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The closest friendship

Posted on 02 Jul 2021 @ 4:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 03 Jul 2021 @ 8:23am

930 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Counsellors office
Timeline: Prior to Phase 2


Having returned to her office Lamia sat down on the sofa and rested her head in her hands, with the crew’s emotions being so high she was being bombarded with negative feelings and thoughts. It wasn’t helping her own mood one little bit.

Dodd had just departed Walon's office to go to his office to get changed for the ceremony on the flight deck. He could sense some despair from the other office in the Counseling Bay. So he knew it was Mia and so he walked to her office door and chimed.

Lamia was in her own little daydream when the door chimed, snaking it off she looked towards the door. “Come in.”

"Are you feeling okay?" Dodd asked as he stepped into Mia's office. "I was just next door checking in on Iria before the assembly on the flight deck and I felt drawn to check on you."

Lamia looked at Remington in surprise. “If I said yes would you believe me?” She offered a brief smile. “Actually no, would be more like it. It’s just... the mood aboard ship at the moment, the crew are distressed, upset, generally sombre, not surprising after what we’ve just been through. It’s making me feel... depressed, I guess.” She motioned Remington towards a seat. “I’m finally starting to coming to terms with losing our daughter, and now this...” she sighed. “It’s stirring up old feelings.”

"You know I can sense your mind and emotions, I know you have to be prepared for all the crew to come pouring their issues upon you while you have to deal with your own. You need to know that we do have a connection and Iria will understand if you need to come to me or both of us to talk." Dodd took the seat and put his hands on the table with one outreached towards Mia so if she wanted to hold it she could. "You two need to have a shoulder to offload your issues. I will do that for you as well Iria. Chris is also there to confide in. Use us to help you. I do have a feeling that you will have an uplifting later today."

Lamia smiled as she took a seat and Remington’s hand. “I never thought I’d ever had a connection with someone like I do with both Chris and you. When Betazoids... bond, they normally do so with just one mate, I never truly believed in it but when we were together in that cell the pheromones must have pushed me to a point of letting myself bond with you. That’s probably why you’re sensing me so strongly. I can feel Chris too, but I have to teach him how it works for a non-telepath.”

"Well, I am sure Chris understands that we did not mean for our connection to form and thus I don't feel any jealousy from him about our friendship," Dodd replied. "Just know that you can reach out and I will get it. I will be your friend for as long as time. But for now, get ready for the assembly and I am sure you will find it uplifting after all that has happened." Dodd did squeeze lightly Mia's hand and put his other hand on her shoulder in a sense of support.

Lamia smiled warmly. “Thank you, Remington, I appreciate that.” She paused. “Have you... thought about what it would have been like if Mia had survived? I’ve found myself wondering about that a lot the last few hours. I’ve no doubt that once you’re married you’ll be planning a family with Iria.”

"I think about it all the time," Dodd replied with a small tear rolling out of his eye. "I find myself talking to her when I meditate and that is how I think of her surviving with us."

Dodd then stood to prepare to leave for a visit back to engineering before getting in dress uniform for the assembly.

Lamia smiled “You talk to her” she nodded. “Maybe I should try that. Anyway... I should let you go, and start getting ready for the assembly. Neither of us wants to be late.”

"I do talk to her in my meditative state and I hold her so dear in my soul," Dodd replied. "I would be happy to arrange for you to do mediation with me and maybe I can link you in to talk to her as I do. But yes, you really don't want to be late for the assembly, I know you will be uplifted by it, I just know it."

Lamia smiled and nodded. “I’d like that very much Remington, thank you. Now, I’m going to let you go and get ready.” She stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek. “That’s for being there for me. I’ll see you at the assembly.”

"Mia, you are important to me and Iria is aware of it," Remy replied. "I know you will be happier after the assembly. I am and always will be your friend."

Dodd then returned the kiss by giving her one on her cheek and then turned to depart Lamia's office.

Lamia smiled curiously about Remington’s comment about her being happier after the briefing. It seemed somewhat cryptic but she’d wait and see what he meant. It was time for her to be getting ready for the assembly.


Lieutenant Lamia Arderne
Deputy Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer


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