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XO the intro Part 3

Posted on 30 Jul 2021 @ 5:37am by Captain Mazal Falk & Captain Patrick Jackson

6,576 words; about a 33 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Aurora Lounge
Timeline: Day after arrival; evening


After another quick walk back into the Starbase, the Marine CO made his way to his quarters. He entered and looked around at the sparse decor. Just like his office on base, he had little in the way of personal effects. Maybe it was time to change that. He shrugged and got into the shower. A quick shave and change of and he would be ready to go.

He grabbed a collared shirt and casual slacks but changed the shirt three times because they felt too tight. He knew he had been at the gym more trying to work out stress but he apparently had been in there more than he realized. He checked the time and hurried off. He was going to be on time, but he needed to book it. He would need to figure this out later. Would not look good for the CO to show up late. He took off and made his way to the lounge.

Mazal was there already, seated at the bar, on a stool, her back to the bar, engaged in what seemed to be a lively conversation, with several men. She was wearing a black skirt with light blue flowers on the bottom, and a light blue peasant blouse. Upon her feet she wore simple black sandals and on one of her wrists she wore a black bracelet. Upon her ears were a pair of simple gold clip on earrings. Her dark brown hair was loose, it brushed to a glossy silken sheen, showing off its natural wave. And a clip with light blue flowers caught her hair back from her face.

Part of the conversation could be heard, as Mazal commented. "Now gentlemen, I hope you haven't used some of the bad pick up lines that's been used on me. Like for instance. 'Do you like bacon? Wanna strip?' or this next one, 'Do you want to commit a sin for your next confessional?' this last one I thought was a doozy, 'You seem like the kinda girl who’s heard every line in the book. So what’s one more?' I didn't know just how to answer that one. About all I could do was just shoo him away. Even now I'm just flummoxed by that one. I mean should I be flattered or insulted." giving a shrug.

One of the men wearing security gold, raised up his index finger. "I'd be just as confused if a girl were to ask me that." he stated rubbing the top of his short dark hair. The other men nodded in agreement.

Patrick chuckled. He knew she was going to be trouble. oO Well, better go in and save the day, although she's handling it well. Oo He walked over to the group of men and shouldered his way in. "Alright boys, I'll show you how to win a heart. Oh, and you better call the bomb squad." He said and leaned against the bar. "Because this little lady planted a thermite charge so big it could melt any man's heart." He said and then looked from the men to her. "And her fingers on the trigger ready to blow."

Mazal's jaw dropped, when she heard those words coming from Patrick. They were smooth and it caused her heart to skip a beat. oO That man is trouble with a capital T! Oo then Mazal smiled, her voice smooth as silk, as she turned towards the other men. "Well boys, I hate to run but my date's here." moving from the stool gracefully, to slip an arm around Patrick's waist, "shall we?" looking into Patrick's eyes, while the men decided to turn and walk away.

"Absolutely." He said and put his arm over her shoulders. He gave a nod to the men leaving as they strolled to a table and chairs near the window of the station. He pulled her seat out for her and made sure she was comfortable before he sat down. "Sergeant would be proud I remembered how to treat a lady." He laughed. "You seemed to be handling yourself well, but couldn't stand to see my XO outnumbered, although obviously not out smarted."

Mazal smiled "thank you." when he helped her scoot forward to the table, then remarked. "Well, the sergeant had better be, and you are a smooth man, I'm going to have to watch out where you are concerned." giving him a teasing smile. " I am not ashamed to say your words made my heart skip a beat." Mazal fanning herself with her hand. "Oh my goodness." her eyes crinkling up in fun. "And thanks for the rescue."

He returned her smile. "You are welcome. And the way you're dressed I'm not surprised you had half the lounge trying to get on your arm for the evening. You look great Mazal." He said and got comfortable. "So tell me about your family. What do you do off duty?" The server arrived and he indicated to Mazal so she would order first.

Mazal ordered a steak medium rare with mashed potatoes and gravy. She also asked for a salad with a lemon wedge, no dressing. For a drink, a sparkling lemonade, and for dessert, a slice of mixed berry pie. Then she answered Jackson.

"As for what I am wearing, I decided I wanted to dress up. Good thing I didn't wear that red dress my sister had me wear for my Aunt Mary's birthday party. I'd be having a huge pack of trouble." she laughed, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "That party was some experience. It was also when I got the news of my coming here." she waited until he ordered his food before she continued.

He ordered the claim chowder for a soup, tritip and a baked potato for his main, apple pie alamode for dessert and a large beer for a drink. He thanked the server. "I'm sorry, you said something about a red dress that would start a bar brawl for you?" He laughed.

Mazal's cheeks turned an even darker pink as she nodded. "It was a lovely dress, not too tight as I hate wearing something that is too confining. I was able to move in it and it was flattering, and I moved quite comfortably in it. It was designed to dance in. However I should have realized it was a setup, for you see... she got with the local matchmaker and had me meet three nice looking men in case I was interested in them to maybe get to know them...." Mazal stopped and covered her face with one hand. shaking her head, trying to hold her mirth in and to cover her now blazing red cheeks.

Patrick laughed. "Don't worry Mazal, I won't press that for details. I'm sure the dress was lovely and your family was trying to be helpful. Although from what I saw, you can manage yourself just fine." He said and thanked the server for the beer. "I also didn't mean to get you embarrassed. Sounds like your family is doing what they can to try and look out for you and keep you happy. That's admirable." He took a drink of his beer and nodded. "Tell your Uncle again, sorry that I don't know good wine from bad but will be glad to learn with that bottle."

Mazal lowered her hand, her cheeks finally cooling down, and she was chuckling, "It was amusing I will admit that, and thank you for the earlier compliment, Patrick. And I must say." gesturing towards him. "You look pretty good yourself. Whatever you wear looks really good, on you." then thanked the server for her drink. "Oh don't worry about you not being used to wine, I can teach you. And there is nothing wrong with preferring a beer, either." smiling. "I like beer as well."

"Thank you." He said and lifted an arm and looked at the sleeve. "This was all cloths I brought with my from my last assignment and left some of them here. They either shrunk without being worn or I've been more of a gym rat than I thought." He shrugged and took another drink. "What kind do you like? Apparently you can school me on all sorts of things. Dancing and wine just to start."

"I don't know if I can school you on beer. There is a brand from Israel It called the Dancing Camel, its a bitter beer which is flavored with date syrup, or pomegranate or a citrus fruit. And its served room temperature much like beers from Europe. All in all, I like the dark lager types, served at room temperature. If you ask me the sorts of beer I've drank, I don't know if I can name them really." giving a shrug. "When I go to a bar I simply ask for the real stuff, and make it lager. I have another allergy and that is synthehol." She stated, and looked up when the waiter brought her salad. Thanking him. Then she asked Patrick. "What type of beers do you like?"

"If I am doing real beer, I like Irish beer usually the most. Recipes are older and stood the test of time. Type of beer depends on what I'm doing. If it's just to enjoy, usually a stout or something strong. If it's a hot day, larger or Pilsner. With a meal, usually an ale of some kind." He thanked the server for the soup and had them hold a moment. "Since you have a synthehol allergy, mind if I buy you the real thing?" He asked.

"I would love that, and the Irish Beers sound really good. I will let you choose, please." giving a smile to Patrick. She squeezed the lemon over her salad, while Patrick gave the order to the server. Taking a bite of it, finding the salad delicious.

Patrick ordered her a Harp. It was a nice lager, one of his favorite Irish lagers actually. He ordered an amber ale for himself as something darker would be too filling. He tried the chowder and was pleasantly surprised with how flavorful it really was. "So I know I asked you why you became a Marine and it was family, I'll follow that up with, why are you staying with the Marines?" He was honestly curious. She was attractive, smart, and sharp as a tack. She could be doing pretty much anything she wanted and yet she stays in the trenches.

"That is a good question, and I'll try to answer that. When growing up its been a routine with the training intermixed with play. I guess you can call me someone who is needing to be active, plus I do like being in the Marines. The camaraderie, the teamwork, sure there are losses, triumphs, but the main thing I feel is I feel I can add to the protection of others. Some say I may be an adrenaline junkie but if I am, why would I enjoy curling up with a good book and lose myself in it. When the time comes, if that happens and I am still alive, I could see myself stepping back and have a family of my own. However this life suits me. It calls to me, its ingrained in me, besides maybe someday I will be a Marine Captain or that current ambition will change to something else. If that make sense." Mazal replied, then taking another bite of her salad.

Patrick nodded as he chewed through his soup. "Those are all valid reasons and make sense why your staying where you are. Nothing wrong with those reasons that could take you away from it, but as long as you are following the path that works for you, that's what counts." He said and thanked the server for the beers. He raised his to her. "To many successful missions together and a long career for both of us."

Mazal raises her beer as well, then takes a drink, savoring the flavor. "Oh this is good. Now my question in return, why the marines and why did you stay?" there is a bit of foam on her upper lip before she removes it.

He took a long draw off the beer and looked down at the remainder of his soup and chuckled. "Well, I joined the Marines because it was that or jail." He laughed. "I was trying to join a gang and just turned 18. Was planning a bank job but turned put one of the guys in the crew was an informant. The detective gave me an option. Jail and start my life that way or join the Marines and become something. So I took the Marines and it gave me something close to family and acceptance."

He paused a moment and continued. "Why I stay? Nothing else for me out there." He said looking out to the stars. "I'm a planner and can think strategically, but a business usually does not like to hire a trained killer to work strategy. Here though, I can do something different, something beyond just myself. After a successful mission, I feel like I made a difference, my squad mates appreciate me and I them." He shrugged again. "Closest thing I ever got to having a family I guess."

Mazal nodded, "I can very well understand that. A few of my mates, they've shared that same experience, on how they have found family, a second chance, a direction in life. One of them was Dante', the one I had mentioned earlier." taking a long drink of the beer, she set it down, "He was something of a character." her musings were interrupted by their main meal being delivered. "thank you" she stated to the server.

He nodded and thanked the server as well. "I wish I could have met this Dante. Sounds like a character. Guess we need to be living for those that had their opportunities cut too short." He said and tried the tritip. He pointed to it with his steak knife, "and this is living let me tell you!" He said with a laugh. After another bite he looked over at Mazal. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine Mazal. The Colonel is going to have the finest rifle company in the Federation."

"Oh he would have kept you on your toes." laughing, then cutting into her steak, and taking a bite. It melted in her mouth with how good it was. "This is living." taking another drink. "I am thinking the same, so far so good, we've not tried to kill each other right from the start. A good sign, and I even made it through going out the airlock with you too and back inside." a teasing twinkle in her eyes. "I do hope for that as well making them the finest they can be."

He chuckled. "I read your file a few times on the road back. Your career says everything I need to know about how you function in a formal professional level. When we met, I wanted to see how you handle informal professional, which you did fine. We will be working together for a long while and I think it will be great. Why I wanted to celebrate that tonight." He said with a smile. Then he wrinkled his face. "Ok, enough shop. We're on Shoreleave. Maybe you can give me one of those lessons you mentioned after we finish." Motioning with his head to the dance floor. "Although I believe you didn't wear your steel toed shoes if memory serves."

"That's okay I can make sure I don't get stepped on or I can step on your toe with every time you step on mine." Mazal giving a wink, she finishes up her steak. "We can come back for dessert." offering her hand towards Patrick. "Now comes your real training."

He laughed. "That's a fair deal." He took her hand as they made their way to the dance floor. "What have I done?" He asked outloud to himself. While not necessarily graceful, he was quick on his feet. He just hoped his coordination would keep him from having to carry Mazal to Medical because of a broken foot. What a way to welcome your new XO then by breaking her foot because you tried to dance. He stood in front of her as the got into the middle. "Ok, ready."

"Well the first easiest way to get yourself comfortable and not worry about breaking me" she teased "is this." stepping up to him and getting him to put his arms in the dance position. Like the waltz "And we're not going go into the first step, I just want you to listen to the music and sway side to side, gently with me in your arms, and get in tune with the rhythm." Then she showed him the variance of arm position, the one which seems more intimate, him holding her and on his chest. Once she gets him comfortable with that, her next move would be the simple step touch, step touch.

He held her as instructed and did his best to relax. It was not as bad as he thought. Of course they had yet to move, but he took it as a good sign. He listened intently to the music, trying to feel the beats. He found then quickly, although different than military parade cadence, it taught him to pick it up quicker. He started to sway some as she told him and made sure he kept his feet close to the floor. "Ok, check." He said looking down to her. "What do I do next?"

Mazal slides her hands down Patrick's biceps to his forearms stepping back as she does so, to where her hands were in his, "okay watch my feet and then you mimic it, almost like mirroring my steps." first demonstrating before getting him to mirror her. She stepped to one side then moved her other foot beside the first, side step, side step. Then she had him do the same. Then at the same time mirroring her steps, with him holding her hands. Then Mazal said. "Okay now comes the next part, holding me close using the first hand position, your hand at my waist. And doing that step I just showed you, in close quarters."

He watched her feet another moment then let her get close. He did the steps hesitantly at first, then built a little more confidence as he relaxed. He would admit, he did not mind the close quarters dancing. He looked down into her eyes. "This is actually kinda fun. This was all a setup to get me to drop my guard so you can flip me over onto my back in a combat takedown isn't it?" He chuckled as they inched their way around.

Mazal looked at their positioning, their dancing, then she moved her gaze back to him. "Well I could try but if I were to move to do so, you can easily pull me in really close and wrap your arms around me to prevent that. I could counter that yes but I don't want to hurt you." she laughed, " I'm just enjoying the easy going dancing we are currently doing." Mazal was enjoying the dancing, Patrick was turning out to be a pretty good dancer and she was looking forward to teaching him more.

"Thanks." He answered. "I don't really want to visit medical tonight. Spent enough time there on the way back." He thought he would get bold and add a slight turn to the touch steps. Moving about 30 degrees to his right each time. It would take a while to go full circle, but it was something to try. He was sure she was giving him the most simple of steps, which he was grateful for, but he was enjoying it a lot. He knew there were faster dances and all kinds of stuff out there, but this was good to get his feet wet in.

Mazal smiled at Patrick trying out an addition and she was amenable to it. "I've got something else for you to try, just a bit of a flourish, nothing too fancy but it looks great and is fun. all you need to do is keep hold of one hand and gently nudge me on the hip and you'll see what I will do next."

Patrick smiled and did as he was told. He liked simple. Trying to keep his timing with his feet, he held one hand a softly nudged her hip with his other hand.

Mazal swung out gracefully in the direction he nudged her, to where she was arms length almost right next to him, then she slowly stepped back towards Patrick and turned her back to him as she drew nearer, until his arm was about her waist, and she was close to him. She reached back with her free arm, to where she touched the back of his head, slightly leaning against him while they still moved in time to the music. She would then move her hand forward and place it on his arm which held her other hand. Then slip around to where she was a facing him once more in the beginning position. She smiled and winked at Patrick, not saying a word, just a smile and a wink.

It took all he could to keep marching in time. He checked his jaw and found it slack, but his lips were still closed. He gave himself that much that at least it was not an open mouth stare, but dumbfounded was still a good word. The wink and smile was what threw him. Without saying a word, it told him to just enjoy the moment. He had been a fighting Marine for the last eight years of his life and was fighting to make it on the streets for years before that. He didn't know how, at least until now.

He looked around briefly and saw other people dancing next to them. As they turned, the window appeared and stars sparkled beyond in the distance as a ship slowly drifted past. He looked down to see not just a capable marine, but a pretty woman showing a big lug how to dance. It took longer than it would for a normal person, but something like a small light finally turned on deep in the back of his mind. It was that it was OK to enjoy yourself. For a few moments, he did not have to be a CO or even a Marine. For a little while, he could just be a new dancer learning. He still didn't quite know how to process that, but he smiled at her and nudged her hip again to watch her twirl again.

One more twirl then when she came close, Mazal would kiss Patrick on the cheek near the corner of his mouth, whispering, "We've got a dessert waiting for us at the table, shall we finish our meal?" his arm about her waist still. Her eyes were sparkling, her smile brilliant, and Mazal waited for Patrick's answer.

He kept his smile. He thought for a minute with a fuzzy mind. He didn't want the song to end but reminded himself that music would still be here. "Yeah," he said, his brain slowly picking up speed. "Yeah I forgot about that." He walked with her through the crowd back to their table, letting his brain clear. "That was great! Thank you!"

Mazal smiled at those whom they passed, then when they got to the table, "I am glad you enjoyed it, and you are welcome. I enjoyed it too. And my toes are safe for another dance lesson." giving a laugh. When she was seated, their server came over to bring their dessert. He had wisely waited for them to come back from the dance floor, before bringing it out.

"This looks good, after a nice turn about the dance floor, dessert afterwards always seems to be in order." Mazal taking a forkful and tasting it. "Ohh this is so delicious!" once the bite was finished. "Next time, I'll get ice cream to go on the top. For now though, I'll just enjoy it like it is." smiling. "You know, I saw some of the ladies giving you the eye, admiring you, but if looks could kill I'd be dead a hundred times over." grinning. "I think they were wishing they were in your arms instead of me."

He nodded at the ice cream on his pie. "Definitely a good idea for next time." He said and swallowed. "Really? I didn't see anyone and I'm not sure why. I'm not that good of a dancer. Well, I know there were seven guys earlier that were none to happy you sat with me tonight. I've been getting eyeballed by one most of the night." He said and looked to Mazal. "I imagine most of the guys were interested but would be rude to leave their date to try and pick you up from me." He laughed and started into his dessert again.

"Oh there was one doing that?" Mazal looking surprised. "I actually hadn't noticed, I was more concentrating on you." Mazal took another few bites looking at Patrick, then continued" With your physique, and your handsome clean cut looks, what girl wouldn't want to be in your arms. Well there are those who have their own preference, however besides that point, I certainly enjoyed being in your arms while we danced. And once you relaxed enough to enjoy the dancing, your movements smoothed out and you were graceful. Hence not stepping on my feet."

He nodded. "Ranger training. Always be alert." He said and glanced at her. "Thanks for encouraging me to relax without saying it." He looked at his pie. "Not something I do a lot. Once in a while fishing o. The holodeck, but almost never outside that." He pulled on his shirt sleeve a little. "I may spend too much time in the Gym. At least since we started making our way back here from the last away mission. How I deal with stress. Apparently a lot of it." He finished with a slight sigh to the word.

"Telling someone to relax tends to make them do the opposite. I know from my own experience. My mates took to just saying to me, just breathe. That worked better." smiling. Then her expressive dark brown eyes changed from mirth to concern hearing the latter part.

"I didn't want to ask until later but" Mazal reached out and took both of his hands in hers. "What happened? I do know that there was a difficult mission you were on." giving Patrick's hands a squeeze.

He gave her a weak smile, but it was for show. His eyes looked tired. Sleep was not his friend lately. "Mazal, if you were on mission with a team and found out there was a biological Hazard in the entire atmosphere and things were about to go full FUBAR, what would be the worst possible thing you would have to do be?"

Mazal thought over what he had said, then remembered Smithson lightly touching upon what they were dealing with, blue gills. Her mind compounded what could have been worse case scenario, she locked her eyes with Patrick's, her face paling. "Oh.. no..." the last thing that any marine would want to do was something she had heard of, almost a burnt earth scenario, no survivors. Her throat closed up and Mazal swallowed hard to clear the lump in her throat.

Mazal didn't move her hands from his, there wasn't really any words she could find to express the sympathy, the compassion she had towards him, to the marines, to those who experienced that. It showed in her eyes. There was no pity though, for that was the worse thing you could possibly show for someone who had been in a holocaust. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly.

Then Mazal stated matter of fact. "Looks like we've got some work to do then. " she wasn't making light of what he'd experienced, it was horrific. It will be dealt with though, but she wasn't going to treat Patrick like he was broken either. "and we'll walk through that mire together to get to the other side. Right?"

Patrick smile a little. "So you heard the mission." Her reaction was similar to most people's reaction to the order. He was glad to see she had humanity in her. He lost part of that and was able to talk himself through the sterilization of the planet. He just had to remind himself they were all long dead before the Tomcat even got there.

"That did happen. The problem for me, was on the shuttle back, prior to the order, we discovered spores in the atmosphere. Every surface had them on it, which means everyone in the shuttle is compromised with only the NEV suits keeping them out. Like I told you earlier, 12 hour battery life. There was a clock ticking for a solution." He said and took a breath.

"I was the only Marine on that away team. I was guarding a science team trying to take samples while a more aggressive team kept attention elsewhere." He paused again. "They wondered why I could just sit in a shuttle chair all calm. I told them I couldn't do anything much to help whole they solved the science, which was true. The other part was getting ready to ensure that contamination did not leave the planet." He didn't need to continue. She was a Marine and she knew that meant if they became infected he would ensure that it became a one way away mission. "Marines know and accept what we get into and every mission could be one way. They didn't and don't even know what may have happened. Enemy combatants all day every day. " He said shrugging a shoulder. "Same team non combatants just bad luck?" He shook his head. "I had my orders, and they made sense. I'm glad it didn't go that way, but I had to be ready, and was within an hour of action."

Mazal nodded, "I'm glad it didn't go that way, and what can you do? They had their expertise you had yours. I'd have been doing the same thing just sitting there, while they did their work." she moved her hands from his. "And the reason I think why you were on that away team was to do what you may have needed to do. To protect the rest of those who were on the ship and on the station." she leaned back in her chair. "Hopefully you can get some sleep, I can detect you've not slept to well. You need to reacquaint yourself with your bed." giving a light laugh.

Then she leaned forward, "And later on, you're going to have to get some more clothing to fit and have more give,. Otherwise when I show you some other fancy dance moves you're going to be finding a draft in the aft and that wouldn't be good." deciding to lighten things up for the time being.

He laughed a little. "That is the last thing I'd want, although I am looking forward to more dance lessons. I had a good time." He was quiet a moment. "You know the last time I was at station, I got grilled like you probably did. One of the Somers family, a warrant officer in security. Told me I passed the test after I mentioned I recognized I was coming into a position that was way above my pay grade and so obviously expendable. A 1st Lieutenant does not command that many troops." He chuckled. "Maybe it wasn't so much as me recognizing expandability but recognizing that there might need to be a hard call and I still took the job."

Mazal just gave a one shoulder shrug at the mention of being grilled, "Well it sounded like you did well though. To the other subject, dancing lessons, we'll have to work out times we can do so. Either here or better yet somewhere a bit more private, this way you can totally relax and not worry about stepping on my toes. And I can give you a recommendation of clothing you can get, when you do go shopping."

He nodded. "That sounds good. I'd like to learn all I can. I know there are lots of fun music and I know you can dance to all of it and would like to learn it. I knew a guy, well, on the street. Had me listen to something called Salsa. I thought it was just food, but it was really neat music. Said there was a dance as well. Have you ever heard of it?"

Mazal smiled, "Indeed I have and.. when I teach you, we're going to have to have some cold water nearby maybe even water with ice in it. That dance, besides the tango, can heat things up." wagging her eyebrows up and down. Her smile broadening, then she laughed. "Don't worry I'll keep it professional, and will turn the heat down. Like with martial arts training, it takes concentration to keep things together, and not get hurt."

It took a moment for him to follow what she meant, but when he arrived, he laughed. "Thank you." He said and motioned from his chest down. "I'm a delicate little flower and bruise easily." He said, unable to keep a straight face saying it. He looked down. "Although I think you're right. This flower needs a better set of clothes. I haven't worn non issued clothes in quite some time so have no idea what fashion is anymore. Not that I knew it to begin with obviously."

'I am not on the up and up on fashion either. I like to look pretty when I am in the mood for it, I get outfits that look good on me, and are comfortable." she looked him up and down, "I'd say go for clothing that looks good on you, feels comfortable to wear unless you want me to go with you to help you get a new wardrobe." Mazal replied. "Its up to you."

"I'll try to be a big boy and get my clothes. I'll make sure I get loose. I apparently let things get out of had with the ones I have." He said looking at her. "Well I'd say you have an eye for fashion. Every guy here has their eye on you. They're probably trying to will a Marine to get thrown in the brig and need their CO to bail them out so they can move in." He smirked. "They got to get some better lines for you though. I mean seriously, those were bad." He laughed.

Mazal laughed, "Yes they were, and those lines were some that had been pulled on me. As for your clothing tastes, you do have a good eye as to what to wear. What you have on does look good." giving a nod. She looked over towards where several men were giving her the eye, all she did was shake her head, then made a gesture with her finger for them to turn around, there was also a look in her eyes which brokered no nonsense. A couple tried to get match her gaze and eventually looked away. Mazal turned back around to look at Patrick. "I think I can scratch those men off my list." giving a lopsided smile and a shrug. "Unless they've taken that as a challenge. I'll have to find out later on. However, we may have to call it a night, and I hope you will get some sleep tonight, more that what you have been. Care to walk me home? Or shall I walk you home?" giving a wink and a full smile.

He returned the smile. "Let me walk you home." He smiled and stood up from the table. "Least I can do for giving me a dance lesson." He pulled her chair back and once she was ready, he offered her his elbow. Not just to be a gentleman, but also incase the disappointed men had other ideas, they would be less inclined to be stupid. While he would love to watch Mazal mop the floor with them, he did not want to have the night wrecked.

Taking his elbow, Mazal walked with Patrick out of the Aurora Lounge, and towards her quarters. When they reached her door, she looked into Patrick's eyes. "Thanks for the wonderful evening. Its the best I've had in awhile." She leaned against the wall just on the other side of her door, looking into Patrick's eyes. "And I'm glad I was able to give you a dance lesson." Mazal moved forward and gave him an embrace, giving him another kiss on the cheek barely touching the corner of his mouth. "Sleep well, Patrick." caressed his cheek and stepped back to head towards her door, which opened at her approach. She turned back giving one more look, one more smile and stepped inside, the door closing.

He stood there for a long minute. Not saying a word, his brain still trying to understand everything that happened tonight and what just happened. He turned and started toward his quarters almost in a dream. Halfway there, his brain started to function again. He leaned against a hall wall.
He was never great with women and nearly all his Shoreleave over the years was spent with his squads or alone and quiet. "What just happened?"

Was this normal on Shoreleave? He liked the idea of having a separate personal life, but was this really what it was like? He continued his walk to his room. oO Was she trying to get as close to the edge of the line as she could without crossing that professional barrier? Oo He wondered. She was at the razors edge, but he guessed she didn't cross it. He really hoped she would never cross that line because he liked her. He liked her a lot and did not want to have to be professional with her like he was with others. He wanted an ally and a friend in an XO. If he had to, he would address it, but for now, they had fun, he had fun. He would give himself that and not bother it with regulations.

He walked into his room and looked around. He pulled his small couch, table and chairs in the sitting room out and made it a little more open. It would be a while before he could sleep, so he decided to make the best of it. She said she would keep it professional, and he wanted to learn another activity that wasn't killing related. He stood in the center of the space, held his arms up, one high and one around where Mazal's waist would be. He looked down at his feet and started to move. One step forward, then together. One step to the side, then together. A step back, then together.


Captain Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

2nd Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer


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