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A Surprise Visit

Posted on 26 Jul 2021 @ 4:10pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Captain Mazal Falk

1,731 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51/CRR Tomcat
Timeline: Current


Alex was in the Ready Room, straightening out the wall decorations, which consisted of the Regimental Colours, which was the 95th Regimental Colours sloping off to the right, the Federation colours sloping off to the left, in the middle along with other emblems was a new addition the 95th Regimental Battle Honours flag in front of it was a laurel wreath with 95th in the centre and below it was two crossed rifles and above the number 95 was a Crown and above that the Rifle Bugle, at this moment in time she adjusted the Regimental banner so to make the plaque that was on the wall visible, it was the date the Rifles were reformed. Alex was so engrossed in her work, she jumped when the room buzzer sounded.

Spinning around she straightened up the desk which had the Photo of her husband and on the other side was one of her and her two sisters and brother, a picture that was taken at the beach when she was young. These however were facing away from the door, but on the desk was a sword resting on a stand in the centre but at the edge of the desk farthest away from her. When she felt composed from her startlement "ENTER!" she said sitting down.

Mazal dressed in her marine uniform, stepped inside casting a gaze around the room, comparing it to the spartan aspects of Smithson's desk. This office was filled with warmth and an indication of the woman, taking it all in then looking towards the redhead behind the desk. Mazal, with the basket under one arm, saluted with the other, before stepping forward.

"Hello Colonel Somers, I wanted to welcome you back from the mission. And I also wanted to introduce myself personally, I'm 2nd Lieutenant Mazal Falk." her smile warm and genuine. She shifted the basket slightly in her arm. "Hopefully I haven't interrupted you in anything."

She returned the salute "at ease Lieutenant, come on in and no not really, I was only straightening up the regimental colours, welcome to the Tomcat, please have a seat" Somers said looking at the basket the Lieutenant was holding with an amused raised eyebrow.

Mazal noticing the direction of Somers's eyes smiled, "I take it you are wondering what's in the basket? My uncle decided it was wise to send some wine with me as a gift. I've given one to Smithson, and I have three more. One is for me and I wanted to give you one and will be giving one to 1st Lieutenant Jackson." stepping forward to the desk, and opened the basket to reveal the wines

There are two bottles of red wine and one Rose'. "These wines of which I am very surprised that he gave me these, are from his private stock of fine wines. He has his own winery, and the wines are really really good. He told me that it was in honour of my becoming a 2nd lieutenant and XO. " Mazal giving a slight shrug. "Would you accept one of these?"

*Smiling at Falk* "that is very nice of your Uncle, I will take a bottle of red if you will please" Somers said, looking at the wines in the basket "please have a seat" she added.

Mazal pulled out a bottle of red wine and gently placed it on Somers desk before she sat down. Once she was seated, Mazal placed the basket on the floor to her left, then settled herself comfortably in the chair. "My uncle will be pleased to hear that you are happy with his gift." smiling. "You see, he's married to a marine and he knows what's a good thing to do for a new post. At least that is what he told me. I don't know if that is normal protocol, but he assured me it was important."

"To be honest apart from that brief stint in actual command of a ship, this is technically only my second command, but as a marine commander, but such events usually tend to foster a strong working relationship and teamwork, but it should always be done in moderation, especially where booze is concerned," Somers said with a smile.

Mazal nodded, "I do agree, moderation is good for most everything, and definitely for alcohol. I tend not to over-indulge in drinking. If I do, there is a problem. " Mazal remarked. "Too much booze will cut down on my effectiveness on quite a few activities I like to do, especially if I am using something sharp." *giving a lopsided smile*.

*gives wicked smile* "I am of the same mind, I have sat down with Klingon's before now and matched them drink for a drink of bloodwine, but I have never been able to stand after a long session and usually end up sleeping where I am sitting, I dread to think what my liver looks like. But thankfully I am getting a bit too long in the tooth for excessive drinking and have since eased up, been feeling a lot better for it" Somers said.

"I am glad of it," Mazal replied. "And glad you all made it back. Other than your career and family life. What do you like to do to destress."

Looks down, then up and as if she was breaking the fourth wall looks at the reader and smiles, before looking at Falk "I have some things that help destress me, but only one truly relaxes me, but I do not think you are quite ready for that" Somers said.

Mazal was perplexed, at that comment. "Okay then. You are one mysterious lady, Colonel Somers." her countenance then cleared up, "And it may be something that I don't need to know." Mazal added. "As in something very personal."

"Not that personal, I ran Lieutenant Winchester through the holoprogram, despite his attitude he is not a bad fighter but it was fun seeing him fight off hordes of hostiles," Somers said with an evil smile. "Tell me El-tee how are you trained up on vintage firearms and bladed weapons by any chance?" She asked.

"Vintage firearms I have fired, Browning BAR and a SA 22, shotguns. Bladed weapons, I'm there. I also can use blowguns, lariats, bolos and whips, not the Ferengi sort. Slings and thrown weapons." Mazal's interest rising.

"Do you have qualifications in sidearms like the Nine-millimetre pistol or Desert eagle type guns or the P90 and M4 or SLR and SA 80 weapons by any chance? Also, I noticed you did not say you had any sword experience" she said and pulled something from her belt on her waist and showed it to Falk and pressed a section on the handle.

'Schniiikt' sound was heard as the bar extended into a quarterstaff "I also have this on my when I am in uniform" Somers added holding out for Falk to see "go ahead and hold it, that is perfectly balanced" she said.

"You have a Denn'bok, a fighting pike? Very lovely." Mazal not twirling it as there were too many things that could be hit. "I do know how to use blades rather efficiently, I was just naming the odd weapon skills first." handing the staff back to Somers. "Blades, I know how to use, this includes the Bat'leth, The Mek'leth. The firearms that you have stated, I do have qualifications as well. Staffs, Escrima sticks, Bokkan. Gurkha Blade. "

"A Kukri blade is impressive, but I know that that particular blade when drawn can only be sheathed after it has drawn blood. I take it those blades you are qualified in, you have any experience with the Wakizashi blade? as I can and do use two of them" she said as she retracted the Staff with a 'Snikiit, Schniiikt' sound and put the staff back on her belt as she looked expectedly at the MXO.

"I've got to get one of those," Mazal stated. "And yes on the Wakizashi I do know how to use those as well." Mazal bent over and pulled out two blades from her boots, one from each boot, "These, I made myself." handing them hilt first to Somers. They are boot knives nothing fancy but something she made and have served her well. They are well balanced.

"I cannot remember where I got it from, I have had it for so many years now I cannot remember, but perhaps at some stage, maybe we can do that holodeck program with such weapons," Somers said "have you reported to your Department head, yet?" she asked.

"That will be my next stop, you were my intended first goal after I got squared away and you getting back." Mazal giving a genuinely warm smile. "and I would love to do that program with you. When would be a good time to do so. For now, time for me to report in, and meet Captain Jackson. With a gift from my Uncle, and a welcome back."

"I will let you know Lieutenant, I have a lot of stuff to do, but I will let you know when I have a free moment, hopefully, it will be soon," Somers said and stood holding out her hand "again welcome to the Tomcat" she added.

Mazal rose from her seat and shook Somers hand, giving a firm handshake. "Thank you for the warm welcome, and I am glad to be aboard the Tomcat and part of the crew. Until next time, Colonel." the Marine XO stated. "And enjoy the wine." With that, Mazal picked up her basket which had the rest of the wine inside. Mazal went to the door, turned to give Somers a warm smile and then left.

Alex smiled back oO nice youngster, has a bit of a firecracker streak, my type of marine Oo Somers thought to herself as the CRR doors closed she sighed heavily and returned to the bridge, she had enough of paperwork for the moment, she was a soldier, not a bureaucrat then as she entered the bridge it hit her eventually the ship she knew would be hers to command, her heart sank, perhaps she would give the excess work to Lucy, she put this to the back of her mind as she returned to her chair on the bridge.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

2nd Lt Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer


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