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A New Chapter of Life.

Posted on 14 Jul 2021 @ 8:45pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kara Sem

509 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: USS Tomcat
Timeline: present

This is the communique Kira Pril got to let her know she was finally getting a symbiote.

- Kira Pril's Quarters on the USS Tomcat while enroute to Starbase 51.


Pril was notified of a special communique that required her to read it immediately.

To: Kara Pril, Petty Officer 3rd Class, USS Tomcat
From: The Symbiosis Commisson of Trill

The Trill Symbiosis Commission has selected you to receive a symbiote for joining. Your selection was made possible from your previous application to be joined and the request of the symbiote you will be joining with.

This will happen on Starbase 51 when your ship is docked there after your current mission. Please report to the Medical Center on Starbase 51 within the hour of your arrival so we can begin the joining. There is no time for delay once you arrive as time is critical and the symbiote will only allow a joining with you.

If you do not want the symbiote, you can reject it, but it will be lost if you do as there is no time to find another compatible host.

Very Respectfully,
The Symbiosis Commission

Pril jumped up and ran out of her quarters to go find Nelson. He was in a holodeck doing his naked hiking in the Rainforest of Alderbaren. So she knew is locking code so she could let herself into his program. As she found him in all his glory, she ran up to him and hugged him so tight that she absorbed his sweat.

- Holodeck 2 -

"Guess what just happened." Kara stated to Clay.

"Did you just need to see me?" Clay replied with a horney grin on his face.

"No, No, I got a communique from the Symbiosis Commission and I have been selected for a joining with a symbiote who chose me over all other available Trill hosts."

"Well, that is something to celebrate." Clay replied and picked up Kara and planted a huge kiss on her lips. "I can change the setting and make this more to your liking and we can get our groove on."

The holodeck shifted to a cafe on the beach of Risa and Clay had made a holographic suit for him to wear while he ordered a celebratory dinner for Kara and himself to honor her for her selection to be joined.

"Is this something you really want?" Clay asked, "Are you ready for what changes will come to you and your life? To Us?"

"I am excited and hope you can be, as I would not do this if I was not with you." Kara responded. "I have always wanted to be joined but I know you will be my rock as this change happens and I know you will love me no matter what happens."

"I will love you no matter what and I think would be interesting to experience the past hosts memories that surface within you after your joining." Clay replied.

The two lovers then enjoyed this moment together not just making love but making it several ways.



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