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Checking On You [RATED 18+]

Posted on 17 Sep 2021 @ 1:49pm by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley
Edited on on 17 Sep 2021 @ 2:04pm

2,101 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Marine Country
Timeline: Current

WARNING: This post contains adult themes.


Leland was tired from having to wash up and grab a bite to eat. The mission was draining and took a lot of precision and stress from the whole Tomcat crew.

The Lieutenant JG was blown away by the amount of talent and extreme professionals that were stationed. One of the brilliant talents being that of the Marine Medic, Staff Sergeant Lilliana Vail. She had impressed him.

In his casual grey sweats and white tee-shirt, Leland was comfortable and relaxed. Wanting nothing better than to nestle into Lilli's quarters and cuddle with the lady.

Lilli had finished checking over the supplies for the marine medical bay, they were pretty well stocked in all just a few minor items that wanted restocking. As she was about to leave she turned around to see Leland standing in the doorway. “Leland! What brings you down to marine country?”

Leland cockily walked forward slowly and grinned, his fuzzy beard as he scratched at his chin, walking, looking at the floor. “What am I doing down here… What am I doing….” Hawksley continued, his eyes locked on Lilli.

As he walked closer, Hawksley shrugged and stopped. He placed a forearm atop that of Lilli where she was standing. “See. I’m just Clyde down here looking for my Bonnie?”

Lilli grinned. “Ohh really? Well in that case you may have just found her!”

"Good. Now only if there were banks in the 24th century, then maybe we could try and rob one?" He gruffly winked. Leaning into her neck, and lingering the side of his cheek on her neck.

"What are ya doin?" Hawk asked Lilli.

“Well I’ve just wrapped up my duties here” Lilli smiled. “Perhaps you’d like a tour of the facilities?”

"Sure, I'd like that." He had nodded. He allowed Lilli to take the lead as she was the host. Hawksley had rarely spent time down in the 'Marine Country', the 95th SMFC home, of the Tomcat since he arrived.

Following Lilli along greeting other officers along the way. Leland himself was no stranger to the culture and ways of the SMFC as he had a few buddies involved. He appreciated and respected their duties.

Taking Leland around the Marine deck Lilli smiled as they eventually arrived back at medbay. “So... that’s the quick tour. I’ll tell you what how’s about we just get the hell out of here? Let’s go to the station, get off-ship for a while!”

"You think so? What trouble can we get ourselves into?" He laughed and rubbed his large hands together. "And also some naughty fun!" He raised his eyebrows up and down playful, before racing Lilli to their quarters to pick up a few things before they left.

Lilli grabbed a handful of clothes and arranged for temporary quarters on the station, having a night off-ship with Leland would be more relaxing than being aboard a ship. “So you ready to go?” She smiled as she carried her small bag. “Our fun and temporary quarters await.”

Leland smiled. He had come back from the station after having left earlier to have a quick drink with some buddies. Smiling, he snuggled holding Lilli close inward to his large chest and shoulders, wrapping them securely around her. He could tell Lilli was tired and exhausted. This mission was one to de-compress.

Hawk placed his arms around Lilliana, as he placed his one arm around her back and the other arm around the bend in her knees. Scooping her bridal style. "Lemme carry you to the lift movers to the station." Leland wanting Lillis not to spend any more weight on her petite feet.

"I want to massage you down from your shoulders downward, once we get to that suite." He walked down the Tomcat main corridor way, with Lilli's bag of clothing.

“Now that sounds wonderful” Lilli smiled warmly. “I can’t wait to get there!”

- A few minutes later, SB51~

As they walked into the room Lilli had reserved for them she turned to look at Leland. “Now you were saying about that massage?”

"I'm half Swedish so, I may massage on a fair, petite, young and vivacious sexy lady of mine." He grinned and gently letting his fingers lace down and remove Lilli's clothing.

Leland kissed gently at Lilli's neck, taking in her lilac scented skin. Tasting the sweetness with a gentle kiss along her neck.

Taking along Vail with his hand leading his girl, he watched her, enjoying her sight. Well into the long, hot, now steam rising... Leland had worked to relieve Lilli's tension, soothing her back and downward muscles. He worked to ease any aches.

One thing, Lilli didn't quite know was that Leland did have a long lost certification for massage therapy from the School of Risa services. Using that background, his massaging techniques were deep tissue and warmed Himalayan salt stones. Hawksley had believed in their energies, and healing frequencies when attuned. HIs face and eyes lasered back on Lilli, watching her for any signs of discomfort in his work.

“Mmmm where did you learn to be such a good masseuse?” Lily smiled.

"I learned it. My Mother used to be a Horse Jockey. She would have terrible back issues. My Father had magic hands and always told me. As is, food to men. A way to a Woman's heart is..." Leland was relaxing his hands around, deep tissue massaging Lilli as he worked along her back. "Warm hands." Hawksley chuckled.

His biceps relaying forward and back in motion, as he worked, worked enjoyed seeing the peacefulness that had crossed the Master Sergeant's body and face.

Pouring just a slight dab of warmth on Vail's back, the pooling of Hawksley's large thumbs, encircling and inching and repositioning down Lilli's slender long back, the oil allowing for a smoother glide.

Lilli let out a pleasured sigh she was enjoying Leland’s massage, it felt good having his hands on her body. “Mmmm well I’m not complaining, you do an amazing massage!” She watched as Leland moved away from the bed and wiped his hands.

Grinning, Leland popped open a bottle of Champaign, Canberra Estate 2341, a warm year for the vineyards producing sweet, bubbly notes of guava and strawberry.

Hawksley gently sat the glass down to Lilliana, as he sat his aside as well after filled them. Leland had taken one of the white 3-inch candles and begun to ever so slightly arise feelings of warm tingling as he slowly expertly let small drips of wax on her back. Not hot as the wax was small and enough to cool upon touch.

Lilliana would find that the gentle wax drizzled was in the form of a heart, with the characters 'LV + LH'.

Lilli smiled as she reached a hand to pick up her glass and sip the Champagne. The guava and strawberry flavour was delicious and she smiled warmly as she gently placed the glass down again. “I’m enjoying this Leland, me and you alone, not having to worry about distractions.”

Leland, from behind, like a wild predator irresistibly, leans into Lilli as his crotch from behind is becoming ever the more randy, just sitting around the naked, body of his lover.

Gently kissing up Lilliana's back, Leland gently poured some of his wine on the skin, tasting the sweetness.

"We need this. Just us." Hawksley agreed.

"After this, I think you need the keys to my room. I want you to sleep in my quarters on the Tomcat. If you wish." He spoke kissing along...

Lilli smiled. “Hmmm I think I’d like that” she encouraged him as she ran her fingers through his hair. “To come home to you at night would be a treat.”

"I want to F- You right now.." Leland had slipped his knees splaying his Lady open for him, as she lay already relaxed on the massage monolith, surrounded by candles and sex toys.

Hawksley held Lilli in an easy muscled wrap around her from behind, calm, with finesse, Leland knew exactly the right amount of pressure his pride provoked, pushing past purposefully.

"NNHhhUIuihhhhH!!" Hawksley had groaned.

Lilli couldn’t help but moan as Leland entered her, encouraging him as she ran her free hand along his side and hip as he enjoyed her from behind. In this position, he had all the control and Lilli loved it. “You do know... that I love you, Leland.”

Hawksley had grunted, as he drove himself deep into Lilli's body. Enjoying the feel, the experience of a woman like her. He smiled and warmed to the feeling of Lilli's comment. He was happy, whenever he was able to be with her.

"Yeahhhh.." Leland cooed into Lilli's ear, as he gently let his teeth gnaw and suck at Vail's neck.

“Ohhh yeahhh” Lilli smiled as she encouraged Leland, this was one man she would never refuse. He turned her on in so many ways.

Sliding to the side and laying on his back, Leland raised Lilli to mount him and gently ride him atop. Doing this, Leland enjoyed the feel of his manhood pushed straight up Lilli...

Like his hands, large hands mounted onto the breasts that were taught and nipped hard, as Leland pulled downward his Girl and laying a deep tonged, kiss, hard and deep as he ploughed upward, his pelvis thrusting into his hot soon to be her Fiancé.

Lilli moaned and smiled as she rode Leland, she was enjoying the feel of being in control for the moment. Not that she liked being in control when making love. “Ohhhh, Leland!!” She leant forward kissing him passionately as they worked up a sweat together.

Rolling over Lilli effortlessly, Leland kept his eye contact on Vail as he entered her back in missionary. The room was slightly dark with candles in the background, flickering to their passion.

Hawksley applying gentle strokes, with his hips grinding. He grunted, moaning Lilli's name from his throat.

So excited to be with Lilli, Leland prematurely exuding, only to entrench himself overtop of his Girl, once again deeper. As he continues with more testosterone vigour... "Oh Hot Damn it!!" He growled watching Lillian's body taking him so hotly.

Lilli was being pushed to her limit, her first climax of the evening hit with a loud moan as she cried out Leland’s name.

Leland's face was solid and stallioned championing along like a race horse on a circuit run. Lilli his prize. Strong hands gripping her like a vice. Keeping Lilli in her place, in Leland's place.

Hawk enjoying every bit of a deep grinding mount and a methodic release. The sound of the room filled with two bodies as one. Lilli's dark hair fanned out, captioned in Leland's eyes a goddess of love, laying there for him. Lilli's shaking in momentary joy...

"Baby... Lilli...Yes," Hawk mouthed in passion, hands caressing, feeling, warmth.

“Ohhh, Leland...” Lilli smiled as she looked up into her lover’s eyes. Her hands caressed his body urging him onward as she enjoyed their lovemaking.

Hawksley thrilled, breathing in and out. His hair sweated, chest flexing, rising and falling as he gripped Lilli's legs bending her back ever so contorted, raised upward as a ploughing crescendo raised from Hawk downward Lilli. His pump filling Lilli so deep, so hard, so strong. He loved his lady, ravaging her as deep as he could.

Feeling Lilli's satin mounds behind her, gripping her cheeks tight. Burgeoning sensations overflowing, as Hawk's body shivered his sweat. Taught cheeks slammed downward in a vital blow to explode... "AWWWwwwWh!!" Leland pile dived, spasmed deep.

Leland’s climax set Lilli’s in motion as she cried out his name and dug her fingers into his skin. Holding on as her muscles spasmed tight around him. As they both came down off their high Lilli smiled as she kissed Leland gently yet passionately.

Holding still. Leland remained. He felt the waves of orgasm flow through his Lady. That warmth, that deepness was so fulfilling, a feeling of being so intertwined with his lover.

Leland holding Lilli's head at each side caressing, gently kissing back in breathed passions. Leland not releasing her, not wanting to ever at this moment. He enjoyed just keeping her in his place, in his spot.

Lilli smiled as she looked up into Leland’s eyes, he genuinely made her feel special like she was the only woman in the universe.


Lieutenant Jg Leland Hawksley
Deputy Chief Engineer

Staff Sergeant Lilliana Vail [P: Arderne]
Rifle SNCO


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