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Opportunity knocks

Posted on 19 Aug 2021 @ 9:09pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze
Edited on on 19 Aug 2021 @ 10:06pm

1,222 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Mess hall
Timeline: Before arrival At Sb51


Paul sat in the mess hall contemplating what to have for dinner, as his Girlfriend and now roommate was pulling double shift in Engineering, he knew that having not talked with some of the senior staff. Paul noticed the Tomcat's Ops chief looking around the room and he decided to invite him to sit with him as he tapped his combadge =/\= Lieutenant Ze, I have a free space at this table if you would like to join me? =/\= as he waved his hand so that the Lieutenant could see him.

Ze looked like hell, pulling double duty was not the best of things his hair issue and face about as tired and unflattering as was humanly possible. His shift had just ended and the call of food and empty stomach always came first. Hearing his comm bade chirp "Understood I'll be over now" he didn't recognise the voice, but then again torsol hadn't really met any of the senior crew bar Hawksley.

Grabbing his tray full of fruit juice a huge cake and a beef brisket burrito, he weaved between tables till he found the table lieutenant Winchester occupied "You must be lieutenant Winchester" he said with a smile holding his hand out for the other to take "Lieutenant Junior Grade Tosrol Ze" he said placing his tray down on the opposing side of the table.

"Nice to meet you Lieutenant, and please call me Paul," as he looked back over at the Tomcat's Operations chief, he continued "so how has Ops these days?" as he knew that he hadn't seen the Ops chief on the shooting range recently as he thought about asking him about his scores and would he mind doing his weapons evaluation shortly.

Tosrol smiled as he took his seat, unwrapping the burrito and taking a quick bite before he continued to speak. Washing his mouthful down with a gulp of orange juice "Ops has been busy by the looks of things the last Ops Cheif didn't do his job properly which has meant me combing over the entire duty roster and quartermasters logs to find all the holes and missing things that should have been added months ago" He said with a brief pinch of his nose "Whoever the guy is I hope he got shoved out of an airlock" tosrol said laughing a little as put his burrito down as he took another gulp of his drink.

" I will have a full inventory for you in the morning and what supplies that Security needs," replied Paul as he knew that the last chief must have been a total waste of space to leave the department in such a state; "so how long do you think the department will be up and running?" as he needed to get everyone certified with their weapons training.

Tosrol smiled as he ate another bite from his burrito "Shouldn't be too much longer I just have to re-align a few things on the bridge tomorrow get some reports from senior staff combine them and then I'm on bridge duty for the rest of the week all though most of that I'm on gamma shift so its not all bad" he said with a brief "thank you id appreciate that will help with the overhaul I have to do"

"That's ok," replied Paul looking back at Ze, he continued," Although I'd like to see your Officers doing their weapons evaluations sometime over the next few weeks," as he also knew that if the department knew Ze was doing it then they would know he meant that he was setting an example for the rest to follow.

Ze ate another mouthful of his burrito, letting it slide down his throat "Well between the mess of the previous COO and their own duties I'm sure I can try and clear some time but I can't assure it will be in the next 2 weeks we have a pretty choca block schedule at the moment" he said taking a sip "I can do my weapons text no problem but in my absence, my department will have to pick up the slack for the day"

"Fair enough," replied Paul to the Operations officer, as he noticed the waitress heading over by their table as she stopped next to the table, Paul said, " One pint of Larger please," as she gave a nod to Paul and walked away" I am letting you know that I am going to be strict with your boys" he stated looking at Ze " as they have been slacking and was going to say any backchat May I put them on brig duty for a month," he finished as his drink arrived.

Tosrol mulled over what the other said "My boys generally they follow orders and if they do become a problem Winchester best thing to do would be to get me because they are my staff and I feel like it should be my responsibility as their department chief to deal with them is that ok?" he ate his burrito in silence as he thought about what was said a little more.

"Fair enough," replied Paul looking back at the officer opposite he continued "but they must be told of the consequences of misbehaving on the training range," as he wanted both himself and the Ops Chief to make them understand that any mucking about on the range would not be tolerated by both of them.

Tosrol placed his burrito down as he looked to Winchester "I can assure you paul I will tell them and like I said they generally follow orders no questions asked I run a tight ship and they know any messing they get sent straight to the Colonel"

"Agreed," replied Paul looking back at the Ops chief, "Even I know what she will do with them," as he remembered how pissed off she was when she had taken him to the holodeck with the safties as low as could be and making them run her personnel programme; and boy would she give them hell.

Tosrol went back to his burrito as he took another bite, washing it down with his drink "I'm glad we are in agreeance lieutenant I would not want to be the person being frog marched to the holosuite by the colonel" he said with a slight laugh.

"Oh you heard about that did you?" asked Paul looking back at the Operations chief; He continued," I was lucky my Prosthetic arm took the brunt of it," as he knew that having his arm replaced yet again so soon after the upgrade. he picked up his drink; he said "Anyway I have to go meet my Sister and Neice for lunch,"

Ze looked to Winchester "There isn't much that escapes this pigeon lieutenant I have ears and beaks all over the tomcat" he said with a brief laugh and a smile "It was nice to meet you lieutenant I hope your afternoon goes well"He said with a cheery tone as he looked around the mess hall.

"Same to you too Pigeon," Replied Paul smiling at the Operations chief as he watched his new friend leave him alone to ponder what he could do next before they arrived at SB51.


Lieutenant JG Paul Winchester
Chief Security/Tactical


Liutennant JG Tosrol Ze
Chief Operations Officer


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