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Journey Home Part 3 - The Ceremony #2

Posted on 26 Jul 2021 @ 9:54pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Captain Patrick Jackson & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Edited on on 26 Jul 2021 @ 9:55pm

3,017 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Tomcat flight deck/Various
Timeline: Current


As all had finally arrived Alex tapped the audio pickup device and cleared her throat "Greetings, everyone, first off I want to thank you all for the job you did during Phase Two, I know it was not easy for anyone if it is required Counseling will be there to help. during my years in service, I have seen some pretty gnarly things, done a few too, in the name of duty. Regardless, you all proved yourselves, true Starfleet Officers, this day while the task was not easy for anyone, you obeyed your orders, I know all of you are feeling sad or guilty in some way, but let me assure you there was no way to save those colonists on that planet, I also want you to know I will be the one carrying the biggest regret and sadness for my part in this, it was I who fired the beam that set off the planet-wide orbs of destruction, which fulfilled the BDZ orders of Starfleet, warning buoys were placed around the planet. The biosphere should recover in about one-thousand years give or take a decade, we needed to get all the Bluegills this time, last time they almost brought the Federation down this is another reason we have to remain vigilant" she paused as she looked down and looked down at her PADD before looking up again.

"Okay, now onto why all of you were ordered to attend, this ceremony is to hand out five promotions, five of you have earned these promotions and as we are close to Starbase 51 the awards were automatically added to your service jackets, now without further ado, the first one is Ensign Ted Silver who led his Away Team with expertise and led it well going by the glowing reports I got about his conduct on the mission, Ensign Silver kindly step up onto the stage if you will," Somers said and the room was silent enough that one could hear a pin drop, then the room broke out into applause.

Shock. At first, it did not sink in that the person being applauded was him. Slowly he stood up and nervously made his way to the stage. All the way he felt himself shaking. Like a hedgehog caught in some headlights.

oO Everyone is looking at me.... just my luck if I trip and land on my face...Oo Ted thought.

Somehow he managed to make it to the stage. Without tripping over his feet and landing on his face. He stood in front of Somers. “Ensign Silver reporting as ordered,” Was all Ted could say.

As the young Ensign stood before her, she picked up a small wooden box and turned to Silver "Ensign Silver for diligence to duty and for sterling actions on leading the away team mission with great success, Ensign Silver I am proud to promote you to Lieutenant Junior Grade with all the rights and privileges that the rank holds" Somers said as she pinned the half-pip onto his collar next to the full pip he wore, she gave him a salute and watched him leave the make-shift stage.

Silver was in shock. Promotion. He had expected an award but not this. Now he was a Jay Jee. Even after suffering PTSD after the last mission. It took him a while to get back to his seat. People shook his hand or slapped him on the back.

“Wow...” Ted said sitting down

Matt clapped hooting loudly he was very proud of Mr Silver.

When the newly minted Lieutenant Jg returned to the crowd, the Colonel ticked off a name then continued "For his duty to the ship and conduct since taking over as Chief Science Officer, would Lieutenant Junior Grade Matthew Thompson kindly come forward to accept his promotion!" Somers said and this time she picked up the little wooden box and waited for the Lieutenant to step up to the stage.

Mr Thompson was surprised to have his name called up to the podium. He wasn't due for a promotion for another three months or more. So this was definitely a below the zone promotion. Perhaps His work was being looked at. It was easy for a science officer to become invisible as he/she delved into research always coming up with answers to various problems while others usually got the glory. Not that Matt was a glory hound or anything. He was a very competent scientist and had learned wisdom during his time on the Tomcat. He also learned something about leadership. He was sure of one thing, his mentor Maia Sterling would be proud of him.

Matt stepped up and saluted. "Lieutenant JG Mathew Thompson reporting as ordered," Matt said.

Colonel Somers Saluted back "for services rendered I am proud to promote you to full Lieutenant and grant you all the rights and privileges that come with the rank," Somers said and removed Thompson's half-pip and replaced it with a full gold pip and held out her hand for the handshake "well-done Lieutenant," she said with a smile.

"Thank You Colonel! I will endeavour to always be worthy of my rank and position". Matt said shaking the colonel's hand warmly and genuinely.

With that done and Thompson leaving the stage Lucy got another box ready as Somers continued "Having only been with us a short time, but proving his worth to the Away Team he was on and to this ship would First Lieutenant Patrick Jackson kindly step up onto the stage to receive his promotion" the Colonel said as the assembled crew applauded when Jackson was mentioned.

Patrick's eyebrows raised in surprise. This was not something he had expected, but he would not be the first person to complain. He stood up and made his way forward to the podium and stood next to the Colonel and stood at attention, his eyes forward and fixed on the wall.

As the MCO stood there the Colonel removed his First Lieutenant Bar and placed them down and opened up the box and took out a nice shiny new Marine Captain's rank and pinned it to his collar "congratulations Marine Captain Patrick Jackson, for duties to this ship and the Away Team you were assigned to I am proud to promote you up a grade and place upon you all the rights and privileges that such rank bestows" Somers said finishing putting the new rank on the Rifleman's collar, holding her hand out in offering. "I think it is time you wore the same type of sash belt I have over my shoulder Captain," she said indicating the piece of leather she had going from her left shoulder to right hip.

He maintained a straight face as she attached the bars, it was what protocol dictated during the ceremony. When she offered him her hand to shake, the protocol was over and a big smile crossed his face. He shook her hand and save a salute before leaving to sit down.

After the handshake and stepping back she returned the salute and smiled at him and when their arms lowered she watched him return to the group, now she returned to the dais.

Nicci had a smile on her face and gave him a thumbs-up as he left the stand, as the two friends made eye contact.

"Before I continue with the last two, I would like to remind all that you will have only two hours to congratulate those who were promoted before I expect you all back at your duty posts as we will be arriving at Starbase 51 in the next six hours or so. Also, I spoke to the Fleet Captain about these promotions and she signed off on them, in fact, there were only three things, but she mentioned the extra names so it is all above board and remember even though when you get promoted you need to push yourself and apply yourself harder not taper off and let your ability decline" she said looking at the officer it was directed at before turning to the assembled again.

"Now onto the last but one of these promotions, for her continued loyal service to the USS Tomcat and this crew, would Lieutenant Serina Donovan step up onto the stage please!" Somers said and the area broke into wild applause.

Serina paled suddenly in shock. Standing up on unsteady knees she wobbled, then walked stronger up to the podium. Saluting smartly, "Reporting as ordered, Sir", she said. oO Wait just a minute did she just call me Lieutenant? Not Lieutenant Junior Grade? Nah I'm hearing things! Oo

Hawksley stood there watching as the confident, proud, and robust Serina Donovan had accepted her call. Hawk had a fondness for her and was happy to see her doing well well in her career. Lieutenant Donovan’s skills were out of the ordinary, and she is a dynamic officer. Leland clapped heartily and nodded with a shout and whistle as Donovan received her new rank. He saw this immediate insight into the close-knit camaraderie of the Tomcat renewed Leland’s beliefs that he was indeed on a one-of-a-kind ship. A great ship.

As Paul watched Serina walk up to receive her promotion, he hoped that this might cheer her up after what she had been doing when the Tomcat had Bombed the planet rendering it devoid of life for the next thousand years or more, as he shouted "Well done love," as he started to clap his hands in celebration, although it now meant that she outranked him.

Serina's head turned slightly in Paul's direction as he shouted. Suddenly she realized that the entire gathered crew members were clapping loudly at her. Turning slightly red in the face, she turned back to face Captain Somers.

Ted joined in the applause. He hoped it would help Serina after what she had to do. A slight feeling of guilt came over him. But he blinked it away. This was a time to look forward not back. What was done was done.

Stepping closer to Serina Colonel Somers removed her half pip on Serina's collar and handed it to Lucy who took the half-pip and opened the small box. Alex picked up the full pip and turned to face Serina. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Serina Donovan, I am proud to grant you the rank of full Lieutenant with all the rights and privileges that come with the rank," she said as she pinned the full pip next to the other pip. "Congratulations Lieutenant Donovan" Somers finished holding out her hand.

Serina's knees gave way slightly as the shock and surprise were just too much. A medal and now a promotion? I'm going to cry sure as my name she thought. Extending her hand to the captains, the tears did actually welled in her eyes as she shook hands. "Thank you again, Captain. I will not let you down", she said as the tears of joy fell.

After the newly minted Lieutenant returned to the crowd amidst applause the Colonel raised her hands to silence the crowd "okay and now onto the final promotion, this one is for Lieutenant Commander. Recently we had a change in the Engineering Department, where Lieutenant JG Taggert became the new Chief Engineering Officer and Lieutenant Remington Dodd became my the new First Officer. Just for you all to know Fleet Captain Somers agreed to all this and signed the authorizations for them and she apologizes for not being here to do this" she paused.

"Would Lieutenant Remington Dodd kindly come up onto the stage to receive his promotion to Lieutenant Commander!" She said starting the applause, which the crowd picked up on and joined in all looking at Dodd.

Lamia had applauded all but none more so than Dodd. Since having lost their daughter they’d become very close friends. Her smile practically shone as she applauded loudly.

Dodd was shocked, as he did not think he would be promoted to Lieutenant commander at this time. He looked at Walon and leaned into her to give her a kiss and a hug and then stood up to head to his spot on the stage. He was in such shock that he was almost in a mental coma from emotions. He walked to the stage, stepped up and walked to Somers. He was never so trapped inside himself as he was never surprised in such a way before.

"Lieutenant Dodd reporting as requested," Dodd stated in a very monotoned voice and he stood perfectly stiff.

Smiling she turned and opened the box held by Lucy and took out the half pip and pinned it onto Dodd's Collar next to his two full pips, when it was secure she stepped back, held out her hand, "congratulations Commander Dodd, well earned" she said pumping his hand with a firm handshake.

Dodd was always a little aware of what was about to happen but somehow Somers was able to keep her mind from focusing on his promotion too long and thus eluding him from picking up on the random thoughts. Dodd was just focused upon his Imzadi and deep down he was so excited he wanted to shout it from the highest mountain top at the top of his lungs.

"Thank you, Ma'am." Dodd managed to speak out. "I am just very surprised for this was a very well masked event. I had no idea." Dodd then released the handshake and saluted LTC Somers as a sign of respect and thanks for her stepping up for CAPT Somers. He was more than overjoyed and yet he needed to keep stoic for the crew as he was now in a much higher position in the view of all.

Dr Cahill joined in the applause as each was promoted or received their awards. She sat there a low key to not take any spotlight from any of the others as this was their time to shine.

Serina was in shock still as she sat next to Paul. "How on earth did I.....what did I do.....I just flew the ship. I didn't do anything to get me promoted either....this is a crazy surprise. Oh my god!" Serina said, burying her head in Paul's shoulder.

" It just shows that if you put in the hard work," Paul responded looking at her, "you will be rewarded like you have today," wrapping his arm around her waist. he kissed her on the top of her head he said "and now you outrank me," he said with a chuckle.

Serina looked, "Yes on duty, but off duty, there is no rank," speaking softly. Nuzzling Paul's shoulder, she made her feelings known to him. Serina had fallen in love with Paul Winchester in more ways than one.

" I know that my love," replied Paul as he started to stroke her chin, he continued," and I do love you," as he kissed her gently on the cheek, "but on duty, I have to call you Ma'am," with a slight smile which turned into a wicked grin.

Returning the evil grin, "You call me Ma'am or I will bop you one. Just call me Donovan," she said giggling, as she kissed him on his hand.

"Yes Ma'am," he said with an evil grin on his face as he looked back at the woman who had captured his heart, he never did think that he would find someone with the same temperament as himself; but he had and had fallen for her.

Iria held back the whoop of delight and pride as Remy got promoted to Lieutenant Commander. She clapped and smiled brightly as she watched him returning to his seat beside her. She would show him just how happy she was for him later in private. Though she felt she could get away with giving him a hug and kiss as he finished getting settled in his seat once more.

Dodd sat back down and leaned over and embraced Walon with a hug and kiss. The love they shared was one for the ages. However, they had to pause the plans for the wedding as his promotion would have him needing to wrap a few things up in engineering and at the starbase before the next mission. Walon would be accepting of that, Dodd knew it. For now, he just had to get through the rest of the ceremony and then celebrate in their quarters later tonight.

With all that done Colonel Somers faced the assembled again and got them to calm down "Okay, well done to all those who got promoted, remember just because you got promoted you do not have the right to let your work decline or activity, while it will be harder for a Lieutenant Commander to make full Commander, for those Ensign to full Lieutenants, you have to keep pushing yourself if you wish to get a promotion. Now I will allow two hours for you to congratulate those promoted, then I want you all back at your stations for the docking with Starbase 51, do not worry you can all have a party and celebrate when on the Starbase as we will be there for some time, but I also encourage you to seek out counselling for the aftermath of Phase 2, but for now, I will leave you all in peace and I will see you, bridge officers, in two hours" Somers said and along with Lucy left the flight deck and returned to the bridge.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
First Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Chief Engineer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Assistant Chief of Security

Lieutenant Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Leland Hawksley
Chief Helm Officer

Lieutenant Jg Torsol Ze
Chief Operations Officer

MCapt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Jg Ted Silver
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Lieutenant Iria Walon [P: Dodd]


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