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We are Home - Docking

Posted on 19 Aug 2021 @ 10:04pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Captain Patrick Jackson & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Ensign Teela Tjaansz

2,871 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Main) Phase 2
Location: Various
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 MD 31


Colonel Somers was on the bridge having released the duty officer from her duty now looked up as the first of the bridge officers arrived, she looked over and smiled as the first of the officers took their stations. Alex was glad the mission was over and that they were two hours from their home base, she sat back and crossed her legs and looked over at the first officer which left the turbo lift "So how many gave back slaps and such were given out in those two hours?" Somers asked.

Lamia grinned as she turned to look at Somers from where she sat. “From what I saw there were quite a few, all definitely well earned.”

The Colonel simply smiled and said nothing as the CAG arrived on the bridge and headed over to Navigation.

"It was a magnificent soiree and a well-earned gala," Serina said, turning around from her helm seat. Serina was glad for a few things. First, she was going to see her daughters. Second, she was eager to tell her parents she was seeing a very special man who she hoped would be the one. And finally, third, she got her promotion to full Lieutenant. Yes even though there was a huge sadness, the promotions and such made it easier to swallow. Turning back to the viewscreen, she checked their heading and smiled.

Cahill Smiled as she realized the mission was about over, but at the same time, she knew she was full-filling her final duties as Acting XO. She knew Dodd would assume XO duties when the next mission began.

"All systems are 5x5 Captain all decks are reporting status as ready to dock when we arrive. All decks are awaiting orders.

She was looking forward to visiting a friend here on SB51 that she has not seen for a while. Last saw her when they were at SB Gamma 5" replied Cahill.

Again it felt strange with the Operations Chief once again taking the Security station as Paul sat once more at communications; he started to wonder when the Operations Chief was going to appoint a proper communications officer to this post so he could man the Security station. he said "Communications ready to go, Sir," as he hoped that Paula and Davina were still on SB 51 as he had news to tell them about him and Serena now living together.

Dodd was at the engineering console and while he was happy about his next chapter in life, he was sad that this was his last act as the Chief of Engineering. "Engineering is going for docking. All power relays are prepped for the tether to the starbase and all plasma waste containers are sealed for disembarking upon docking." He did not get to say that very often but this was a long mission and there was more than the usual amount. Lower decks were starting to have to store the containers in corridors and empty quarters.

Hawksley was looking forward to some time off at Starbase 51. Leland had been directly transferred from his last mission on the USS Harrington, where he had finished a tour under Captain Reynolds.

Since then, he had met a lot of interesting new faces on the Tomcat. Lilli had booked a Holosuite and Hawk was feeling interested, like something good was about to happen, more ways than one! Checking his systems display and contouring the ship to a vectoring approach axis to the base as they arrived. "Steady approach, Vector Axis Y-Y-Z," Leland called.

Matt was at his post on the main Science station, He ran several different types of scans subspace em looking for anything that might put the ship in danger. however, sensors indicated nothing out of the ordinary at this time. "Sensors indicate nothing out of the ordinary, Colonel. Looks like this will be a pleasant homecoming." Matt stated.

Looking at Thompson, "that is what I like to hear Lieutenant, after what we have been through I am all for a smooth ride, what say you?" Somers asked the CSO.

"On behalf of the entire crew I agree wholeheartedly," Matt replied.

Now all the senior Staff assigned to the bridge had arrived Alex responded. "Excellent, return us to warp Mr Hawksley warp six, we should be there in about three hours, engage when ready," Somers said.

Tosrol Ze had entered the bridge, not at his normal posting but at tactical. As he entered he smiled at the colonel "Wonderful ceremony colonial" he said taking his position as they journeyed back to starbase 5.

"Aye, Aye Colonel. Warp Six," Leland plotted in the course and heading, re-engaging the warp differential thrusters. The USS Tomcat created a static warp bubble, entering a flash of light expanse toward the horizon of the system.

- Security -

Thyra was in main security. She was putting away the weapons from the last test run into their lockers. She was there with ensign Leland.

"Are you excited to be back at the starbase, Thyra?" Ensign Jodie Leland asked.

Thyra put away a rifle and then closed the locker and secured it. "Yes, I am. I am hoping for a little r and r, and maybe get to know more of the crew. There are many interesting people on board."

Jodie Leland looked over at her. "Are you wanting to meet someone in particular?"

Thyra could feel her cheeks colour two shades darker blue, but she didn't turn around to let Leland see that. She knew nothing would go unnoticed on a ship even as big as the Tomcat. But she didn't think it was Jodie's business. She scratched her throat. "Not really." She ignored the question altogether and just continued her work. "Computer initiate the docking procedure. Make a notation in the security logs."

The computer chirped in response.

- Science Lab -

Home. The best four-letter word in the galaxy. Ted had been finishing off the data. Ready for transfer to Starfleet medical once they were docked. He hoped never to hear the words bluegill zombies ever again. He fingered his collar feeling the new rank insignia. Well, at least he had proved that Ted could lead an away team. Without losing anyone. The new rank proved that. The console beeped the data had been backed up and was ready.

Now all he had to do was speak to Perkins of the Poseidon and make sure. All the science projects were either finished or locked down. It would not do to have something escape and make a nuisance of itself. While they were away having fun.

- Marine Armory -

Patrick leaned against a counter and reviewed the inventory list. Everything looked good. He trusted his Marines, but policy dictated everything they do and that was munitions check before arrival. The Sergeant was on her game. Everything was inspected, accounted for and personally cleaned by her. "Looks, good Sergeant." He said signing off on the report. "Get any loose ends secure and then make sure you're at the front of the line to take off for liberty. Nice job." He said and made his way back to his office. He needed to make sure his order had arrived at the Starbase.

- Engineering -

Nicci was finally done with her list of repairs, as she walked out into main engineering with her large PADD and stylus. She grew up with paper and pencil and was very old-school, so she preferred writing things and even in cursive when possible. She had her long golden blonde hair in a thick braid down her back, keeping it out of the way while she did her work. Her tunic was half unzipped, as she was running back and forth all around main engineering, leaving her mostly clad in her tank top.

"Machado, Ramp, Johnson," she pointed to each in turn, "grab an extra man and take care of starboard and port impulse exhaust. We're not using 'em now, so we have time to solve that output fluctuation."

The three nodded and went on their tasks, as she turned to the ever-present light-purple-skinned computer expert, Teela Tjaansz. "Ensign, we're going to need the armoury systems double-checked, and make sure to confiscate all samples of the NEVs from all lockers. They're going back to Starfleet R&D."

"Aw, I'm sorry to see them go," she said with a lot of expression in her voice, as her tail swished slowly behind her.

"Not everything works out," Nicci shrugged. "I'm going to get the plasma transfer conduits double-checked, make sure warp is running smoothly. When we get back I'm going to want a full de-gauss of the coils and scrub 'em down."

"Aye Chief," Teela said with a smile and salute.

She was about to say "don't call me chief," but she stopped herself, being one to say it to Dodd a lot while she was his assistant, and let her go. It was nice having Teela with her to help out, but she'd need an assistant chief one day soon.

- Bridge -

Back on the bridge the Tomcat finally dropped from warp just outside the SB51 defence Perimeter Somers looked at Winchester "Lieutenant send our clearance codes to SB51 defence control and get us in and open up a shipwide channel" Somers said.

“Aye Sir,” Replied Paul as he opened a channel, “ Channel open Sir,” as he opened the shipwide channel turning back to his terminal and began to contact the Starbase to get permission to dock; he said =/\= Starbase 51, this is USS Tomcat Permission to dock,=/\=he stated in a calm voice as he knew that this was supposed to be an operations officers job, but he had been assigned it as part of his punishment, but he had to make the most of it as his duties down in Security were becoming lax and with paperwork now piling up on his desk which he had to sort out before they all went on shore-leave.

When the channel was open =/\=All hands this is the Captain, you will be pleased to know that we will be docking with Starbase 51 in two hours, finish locking down your departments and gather your items as we will be on R&R for a bit on the station, I want to thank you all for your service to this ship and the Federation and I understand all the mixed emotions there may be over Phase two if you need to seek Counselling if you have not already then please do so, again thank you all bridge out =/\= she said and closed the link.

Looking at Winchester "Well Lieutenant, can we enter our home base?" she asked her Chief of Security who was currently manning the Communications station for the trip home, if she was honest with herself then she was looking forward to getting onto the Starbase.

=/\= This is Starbase 51 to USS Tomcat, Permission granted, please head to bay 26 slot 14 and welcome home,=/\= replied the soft voice of the female Communications officer as she finished, =/\= Starbase 51 out,=/\= as Paul swivelled in his chair he said” Colonel, Docking has been granted to bay 26, slot 14,”

With the clearances gained the Tomcat entered the Starbases defence Perimeter "keep her steady Mr Hawksley, reduce to half impulse" Somers said as they neared the starbase doors as they opened, they were almost home, she had noticed that Hawksley was a bit restless being at the helm station, she felt bad for him as it was a position that did not offer the fastest promotion chances, so she decided to do something nice, but it would have to wait till they were on the Starbase first.

"Aye aye, Captain. Steady at half impulse." Leland inputted Captain Somer's command as per orders.

Once through the doors "switch to thrusters Lieutenant," she said "then move to half thruster power and guide us into dock" Somers added as she sat back and allowed those skilled enough to do their jobs.

Leland commenced helm operations after the com traffic between Starbase 51, and the Tomcat was confirmed. Since the space doors were already open, Lt. Jg. Hawksley's approach began on an automated finalized course. Hawksley was there to monitor the fine adjustments to the course computer, "Aft thrusters only," Leland reported.

Hawksley had scanned the parameters ahead. Leland's right-side bioprosthetic eyes were searching the broad horizon in front of him. Starbase 51 he had visited many times in the past. However, he had not been involved in the Sector operations that the Tomcat had charge, far more fascinating than his past tours on the Harrington.

The USS Bonaventure was already at docking port, as Leland ensured a standard 20 KM berth, "Docking Master requesting assigned." Leland reported his confirmation through his helm for the actual berth or "parking space" to the Tomcat. Taping in the controls, he smiled and grinned at Donovan. "You taught me everything I know, full-Lieutenant!" He winked congratulations. He was always fond of Donovan, happy that she was pleased to find what she was searching for.

Smiling widely, "Well done Hawksley. I couldn't have done it better," Serina said. "Captain, Racine reports all fighters are locked down," she added.

Cahill smiled as we finished docking she went to the medical station once docking was done. "Captain Sickbay reports all systems and normal and they are ready to transfer any patients when the order is given to allow it, all stations report that everything is 5x5," she said.

Somers looked at Cahill and smiled she was doing her job as acting First Officer on this account Somers looks at the viewscreen as the ship slowed down as she entered the mushroom-shaped Starbase and headed for the assigned docking space. As the ship slowed down even more the CHO was already using thrusters and expertly stopped the ship at the right place.

"Excellent Mr Hawksley, nice flying there," Somers said and looked back at the rear of the bridge at Dodd "Commander Dodd have the Starbase power lines connect to the ship and have the gangways connected to the hatches and then switch to Starbase power and power down the warp core," she said. And then looked over to Winchester "Lieutenant Winchester notify the crew that the moment all their stations are locked down into safe mode and words comes in from the Starbase they are free to disembark the ship and enjoy some well earned R&R

"Ma'am, all umbilicals have been connected and power will be shifted to starbase systems in ten minutes after the computers have synced all data and circuits," Dodd replied. "Engineering is reporting all systems are ready for station keeping."

"Starbase 51 transferring codes are accepted into Helm. Safe mode lockdown and system reviews have been assigned to Starbase 51 internal nav coms, Captain." Leland entered in the remainder key commands for the Helm to relinquish.

After a security swipe with his card, Hawksley replaced the pink, white, and purple 'Hello Kitty' lanyard around his large neck secured.

"Paul sat at communications and said " Colonel, Security officers are at all hatches," he stated as he knew that now he had to start to shut down his terminal; what he wanted most was to have some time with Serina and introduce her to Paula and Davina.

Looking over to Winchester "thank you, Lieutenant, when things have transferred you will be free to disembark and begin your leave" Somers said.

Serina locked down her navigation console and went to their quarters to pack a few things. Paul would be along once he had finished with his duties. She was anxious to find her parents and introduce the twins to Paul.

Having finally shut his terminal down, Paul looked over at Serina and hoped that she was now finished with what she had to do as he waited by the Turbo-lift for her to join him. whilst he waited he knew that Paula most probably had seen the Tomcat arrive and be waiting for him to disembark.

"Paul everything is locked down tight. Let's go, as my parents and twins will meet us at the off-ramp on the station. It is good to be home and this time with a man I dearly love," Serina said kissing him on the cheek.

With everything now switched to Starbase internal power the warp core was shut down and the internal power was now run by the starbase, Alex looked around and saw the crew starting to leave the bridge, decided she should to she logged out of the display device on the chairs arm and headed to the turbo lift.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
First Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Counsellor

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Assistant Chief of Security

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Chief Engineer

Lt Jg Leland Hawksley
Chief Helm Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Deputy Chief of Security/Tactical

Lieutenant Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Ted Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Torsol Ze
Chief Operations Officer

MCapt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Ensign Teela Tjaansz [P: Taggert]


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