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Into the Darkness -Extension

Posted on 19 Mar 2017 @ 5:10pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel & Ensign Angelica Wright

3,709 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Main Story)
Location: Hydransz Inner Sector
Timeline: Mission day 15-1


After they had cleared the asteroid belt and taken care of the automated defenses, they seemed to have entered a quiet sector, Jasmine figured that the organic beings would watch with a wait and see attitude, but they did seem to increase defensive ships around the Class M planets, but for the moment Jasmine was only concerned with the other planets that would likely have either automated defenses or fighter squadrons protecting any bases they did not know about.

"Mr Jekkar, have our Klingon escorts re-cloak and take up sentinel positions again, then launch Rebel Squadron and call back Raider Squadron and rotate those two Squadrons accordingly six hours in space and six on rest," Jasmine said.

"Aye Captain," Jekkar said with a nod as he implemented the commands. "Raider Lead confirms the order and will be on deck in a minute, Rebel has been mobilised and set to launch in 1:30."

"Excellent, Commander Swiftpaws any chirp from native sources on the Comms?" now Jasmine was looking at a bored-looking mouisian "ahem... Commander, I know manning the main communications station is dreadfully boring, but might you look a bit more alive, I put you there as you have a knack of being able on finding things in communications that others would not think to look for"

Sheela gave a tail wave of acknowledgement. "Nothing to report at the moment..." She opened her eyes as she made another minute adjustment. More focused on her job than anything else at the moment. "Try series 4760 bandwidth on the commercial settings," Speaking to the Coms Officer next to her.

"On it." The Coms Officer made the adjustment to his console.

Nodding she looked at the rest, "okay it seems that for the moment we have a quiet spell, so let's make the most of it, commander Sterling, start scanning the nearest planets, Lieutenant K'Tel look for bio-readings, or lifeform readings, the sooner we sort this system out the sooner we can be away from this system. *pause* Lieutenant Cahill are there reports of any serious injuries?" Jasmine said.

"Aye Captain," Maia said turning to her sensors.

"Scanning Hydaransz V Class L: Diameters 13,500 Km. Still within but at the outer edge of the ecozone region of a star's solar system, It has a rocky, barren surface with little water. The atmosphere is oxygen/argon with a high concentration of carbon dioxide approximately 48 percent. There is sparse desert terrain plant life due to very little natural water. The planet is suitable for humanoid colonisation with some terraforming. I am detecting a domed settlement of humanoids and several smaller ships on the surface as well as a communications satellite in orbit. The core is molten and it has 12 degree axial tilt. the day is 30.6 hours long. There are two moons that are essentially class D Neither has an atmosphere or settlements on them. I am not detecting any planetary defences. though those on the planet may be armed. The life forms appear to be predominately Xindi". Maia replied.

Maia looked up from her sensors.

"Captain, the Xindi are the Avian variety thought to be extinct". Maia reported

Looking at Maia in shock "Note it down commander, we can notify the Xindi if we survive this system" Jasmine responded as Maia nodded in response to what she had said.

Looking back at Ensign Taggert? "Ensign Taggert how reads your console?" she asked the young ensign at the bridge engineering console. "Xindi! Okay log their location in and declare them a neutral element, I would be interested to know why they have journeyed so far from New Xindus, but that can wait" Jasmine added.

The Ensign made her report and returned to her console to concentrate on the task at hand.

"Good to know" then she opened up a channel =/\= Somers to Dodd =/\=

=/\= "Dodd, here. What can I do for you captain?" =/\= Dodd replied with confidence.

=/\= How are things looking in engineering there, everything okay? The engineering console up here on the bridge is saying all green, but I know my ship, is there anything that would hinder the defence of the ship?" Jasmine asked.

=/\= "Well, ma'am, all of our readings are currently in the clear. We did have a few systems that seemed to have been short-circuited but the crew is working on it. They were minor systems and the secondaries kicked in." =/\= replied Dodd in a firm tone of voice but he could sense there was something bothering his captain.

=/\= Acknowledged Lieutenant, keep my ship in the sky, anything else? =/\= Jasmine asked.

=/\= "My team and I believe that we have increased the defences of our ship even while everything was going on. The Orions or any other group should not be able to beam anyone off of the Tomcat without being at one of the transporter terminals and have a recognised bio-signature. This also goes with a refinement of the shields of the ship and is linked to all the upgrades that Ensign Taggert implemented earlier. We have even set it up that a notification will be sent to specific terminals on the ship if some attempts to penetrate the shields with any sort of transporter beam. " =/\= Dodd added the report to his conversation but he still had the feeling that something was bothering the captain.

=/\= Excellent, keep it up and perhaps this time I will leave this blasted system with the crew I came in with, so what will we be doing? =/\=

=/\= "We will be monitoring the shields and the new defences that were installed along with doing all we can to fine tune the ship to keep her purring at peak efficiency." =/\= Dodd stated.

=/\= That is what I like to hear Lieutenant, Somers Out =/\= with that she closed the link and turned to face the screen, they were still orbiting Hydransz 5 which sciences got their data.

Jekkar stood at Tactical and monitored the landing and launch of the CAP. The Andorian Lieutenant monitored Systems meticulously with almost superhuman precision. "CAP is up and initiating patrol sequence Sigma 11." He then noticed a bleep on Tactical. "We have incoming, I'm reading one Ship at bearing 3987 mark 4 its an Automated Patrol Vessel." He checked again. "They'll be in Orbit in less than two minutes."

Looking at Jekkar "Okay keep an eye on it El-tee, if it attacks respond in kind" Jasmine said and Jekkar nodded.

Dr Cahill smiled, "So far nothing is standing out, But getting some early long-range information about the minerals available them a huge carbon base of minerals and also son radioactive deposits as well perhaps we need to send a mining colony once the area is made safe to allow for further of the resources. Also seeing a couple of huge fresh water supplies on the surface as well. I am also picking up possible trails of warp signatures from previous transfers through the system by other races but they are all quite old and hard to isolate which races made them Captain."

Thinking hard "log down the information and make sure you update our databanks on this system, I do not know about anyone else, but I am getting an uneasy feeling!" Jasmine said. "Okay people look alive, Ensign Wright ahead nice and steady and head to Hydaransz 4 now we have Hydaransz 5 mapped, Lieutenant Jekkar have the CAP to refuel and hold them on standby. everyone else be alert we are about to come up onto the first Class M planet, Hydaransz forum this is where we can expect things to get difficult" Jasmine finished.

"Aye Captain," Jekkar said as he relayed the orders into his console.

Maia continued scanning.

"The ships on Hydaransz 5 are mostly small Avian vessels. It could be a small colony or perhaps they are mining the carbon deposits on the planet. I am detecting a small communications satellite in orbit". Maia said.

Dr Cahill spotted the Orion ships coming out of hiding. "The weapons systems on the Orion ships are active. They did not come to ask us to join them for dinner Captain." She heard the order for them to report to Sick Bay. As she went to the Turbo Lift she looked at LCMD Swiftpaws. "Alert the Klingon ships if needed we have extra medical supplies we can beam over to them if their medical teams start running short."

"Squee." Sheela acknowledged Cahill as she relayed the order to her partner at Communications.

All the crew responded as they should without question, Wright obeyed the commands and did the piloting well.

As the Tomcat neared Hydransz 4 all hell broke loose as six large Orion Cruisers dropped in from hidden orbit and launched Orion fighters, now she knew why she had a bad feeling about this.

Opening the channel =/\= RED ALERT, All hands brace for combat =/\= as she said this the ships went from yellow alert to red, she looked at Sheela "Commander Swiftpaws, contact our shadows, have them de-cloak and hit those Orion's with everything they have and send word back to the support ships waiting outside the inner asteroid belt. Lieutenant Jekkar launch all fighters and have then concentrated on the Orion fighters, then any Orion you see target and fire at will with extreme prejudice" Jasmine said.

Jekkar nodded. "All fighters launch now! Orion ships coming out of hiding weapons on their ships are ready to fire Captain. " The Andorian then transferred to the targeting section of his console and locked Phasers on target. "Firing Phasers, continuing using Attack Pattern Omega Four." The Andorian continued to relay his attack with the CAP. "Bloody fighter jocks need to hurry up."

Coms Officer next to Sheela alerted the fighters to launch asap and get into the fray as quick as possible.

As the two officers carried out their tasks, she looked to the secondary science and sensor station "Lieutenant K'Tel you may be needed in medical as will you Lieutenant Cahill" she paused.

"Yes, Captain" K'Tel responded and left the bridge.

"I will get straight down to Medical Captain" Cahill responded and followed K'Tel off the bridge.

As the two doctors leave the bridge she turns to her first officer "Commander Sterling tie in the ships general sensors to your station and kindly monitor them *turns to Taggert* Ensign Taggert Lieutenant Dodd may need you in engineering, get down there" she added.

"On my way, sir," Taggert replied, as she hurried into the turbo lift. She knew time was of the essence.

"Aye Captain," Maia said tying in the sensors to her console...

Looking back at the Captain, Nicole nodded "Yes Captain" she said and also left the bridge.

As those two left Jasmine activated the ship communications =/\= Somers to Dodd =/\=

=/\= "Dodd, here. All is hectic as we are busy maintaining the status quo here, but what can I do for you, ma'am?" =/\= Dodd replied after tapping his commbadge.

=/\= Lieutenant, I have sent Ensign Taggert back down to help out, now we have engaged the enemy, I am going to need SIF, and all defences need to remain operational also prepare for a few hull breaches =/\=

=/\= "I will be keeping damage control teams at the ready and I now have someone at every station fully monitoring all of our systems and defences. The SIF is at full and patched into secondary power to keep it from failing if primary systems go down. My staff and I will keep this ship functional. I appreciate you sending Ensign Taggert back down as she will be a huge benefit to me here." =/\= Dodd replied as he walked quickly to the pool table to review the ship's stats.

=/\= Understood Chief, Somers out =/\= "Mr Jekkar use your own judgement on what tactic to use, go easy on the Quantum torps, use the Photon torps up first" Jasmine said.

"Already on it," Jekkar commented as he fired Photons. "Direct hit moderate damage to their engines and power systems." Jekkar continued to fire and examine his instruments. "That's one down switching to the other target."

Jasmine watched as her crew did well, most may have been new to the Tomcat, but they definitely knew their stuff, this was evident, it was at times like this being the Captain was sad, as the orders were given and carried out and unless required a Captain was not really needed unless a choice had to be made.

- Lower decks -Engineering -

PO2 Nelson was working to monitor the new defensive system to prevent unauthorised transport activity. PO3 Pril was monitoring the power relays for the work core.

When the red alert situation started, Dodd was impressed with how quickly his staff jumped into action. He was starting to get a sense that his staff really valued their place in the scheme of things. He was glad he moved them to a four shift rotation so that in cases like this they were willing to give more since they were not so exhausted after an eight-hour shift. Most of the engineering staff were now going to work longer shifts just to be sure all the system and ship herself were taken care off. Dodd was glad he had a team he could count on so early on in a crisis.

Seconds ticked by as the turbo lift descended the decks to Main Engineering. The sirens were sounding and red alert tracer lights flashing. The tension on the ship was building, she could feel.

The doors swished open, and Taggert rushed out. Her blonde hair was up in a bun to keep it out of the way, and she rushed into the floor of engineering. She quickly found the Chief and jogged over.

"Lieutenant Dodd, I'm back," she said quickly, hoping he would get her back in the action right away. "What's the situation here? Where can I get to work?"

"Great to have you back in the heart of the ship. I want you to oversee all damage control teams and keep all defensive systems operational. Pril and Nelson are assigned to the newly modified shields but all other defences are yours. I will be putting out all of the other fires, figuratively and literally and keeping the power on with the rest of the staff. By the way two of the staff were sent to sick bay and should be back after next shift due to burns they suffered." Dodd replied to Taggert as he continued to monitor a sensor relay about to short circuit right in front of them. "I think we got some faulty parts at Spacedock when they were repairing and upgrading the ship from the last mission."

- Medical -

Once on the Turbo lift with the doors closed she hit her communicator, " Beta Team set up in Cargo bay 1 to receive casualties there. The most serious go the Main Sick Bay." She looked at Dr K-Tel, "It is a good day to save lives today don't you agree there Doctor. Dr K-Tel you will be in charge of Alpha Team. This will allow me to do what is needed to take care of Commanding of the total Sick Bay Teams. "

Lieutenant K'Tel nodded and went about her duties dilligently.

They entered Sick Bay, "Report. Dr Davis responded "Beta Team says they are setup and ready Main Sick Bay is ready. All Quick Response teams report ready on all decks." Dr Cahill replied "Great, This is going to be a real tough fight, we have 6 Orion ships coming at us with intentions of a heavy fight. Good Luck everyone. I want all of you here when this is over alive and well. Also, want to try and save all our crew mates too.

Dr Cahill taps her Communicator, =/\=Sick Bay is set up and ready Captain, the secondary medical station is set up in Cargo Bay 1. All Quick Response units are in position and ready for anything.=/\= A nurse comes by with her tactical vest and weapons for her. She smiles and takes her stuff. Deep down she hoped we would not have to repel boarders but she had to be prepared in case we had too as she checked her phaser and phaser rifle.

- Bridge -

Almost jumping out of her seat as her Commbadge went off, she tapped it to make the connection and heard Cahill's voice =/\= Understood Lieutenant, Somers out =/\= as she signed off the ship was hit again and this time sparks flew and reports came in on her console =/\= Bridge to Medical, you will be having some injured personnel coming to you, bridge out =/\= "Maia get on the secondary tactical console and target those rear hostiles, Lieutenant Jekkar concentrate on front, port and Starboard hostiles. Ensign Wright attack Pattern Beta 2 followed by Beta 3 and Beta 4 then choose any Delta attack pattern you want. Mr Jekkar be ready to fire at targets of opportunity" Jasmine said as she held on for her life as the ship shook like a bucking bronco.

Jekkar nodded. "Firing Phasers, direct hit." The Lieutenant carried on as he calmly went about his duty. "Torpedoes away, we have an impact. Forward Hostiles are disabled, switching to Starboard." The Ship rocked once again from the impact. "Shields at 75% minor casualties reported on Deck 12."

Maia hit the COMM switch, "Damage control to deck twelve". Maia ordered.

Without looking back at the Captain's order "Yes Captain" Wright responded and used her own judgement for what attack pattern to use.

Looking over at Sheela "Sheela anything on Communications? Also how long till our backup gets here?" Jasmine asked.

"Squee? Backup?" Sheela looked at Jasmine. "Iz thought the Klingons were ourz back up..." She radio'ed the Klingons and got them into the action. "Enemy ships are maintaining radio silence."

"Captain sensors indicate a squadron of K'Vort class battle cruisers decloaking and firing on enemy vessels, Two of the Orion battle cruisers destroyed 2 more damaged and the others are moving off, the Klingons are asking permission to pursue". Maia stated.

Looking at her First Officer "Tell them, granted, but be weary as it might be an ambush, but wish them Qua'Pla from me" Jasmine said.

Sterling nodded and returned to her task of notifying the Klingon's.

- Medical -

=/\= Bridge to Medical, you will be having some injured personnel coming to you, bridge out =/\=

In Medical among the shake rattle and rolling the Captain's voice was heard, she used the ships tannoy system to alert medical to casualties then signed off.

Dr Cahill hit her communications badge, =/\= Roger that Captain, so far only minor injuries due to falls and some plasma burns. All are being treated as we speak. Most will return to duty once they are treated. Also, pass the word to Tac/Sec we thank them for the extra marines to protect the patients, staff and other things. So far we have handled everything and have no serious injured. Also, have opened a 3rd treatment area in Cargo Bay 3 as a precaution. So far no reported borders in this section yet.=/\=

Responding to the hail from Medical =/\= Understood Doctor, Somers out =/\= with that Jasmine closed the channel, there was too much going on for her to worry about Medical, which was in capable hands.::

- Engineering -

The team in engineering was really doing good until the most recent attack. Two energy technicians have received second-degree burns and are on their way to sickbay to be treated. Dodd was working calmly from the pool table getting reports from all his staff as systems were jumping between primary and secondary power. The warp core was still working fine and the shields seemed to be holding for now. SIF was still working and appeared to be holding its own even when other systems were fluctuating.

Nelson and Pril were constantly keeping the rest of their teams tuned in to keep all systems functioning. They did this by having them constantly running scans to make sure no short circuit would occur or that a burn out would not happen.

oO "I sort of wish I had a small pod of Exo-comps on board. They would be great to have in the Jeffries Tubes ready to repair any issues." Oo Dodd thought to himself as that is something he will request next time he is at a star base.

"Dammit," she cursed aloud, reading the status reports from the pool table of all the systems working or damaged. She used the still functioning comm systems to direct engineers to critical systems. "Thompson, get up to deck eight with Jones and Edwards. Life support is fluctuating in sector 2. Thrann, you and Gaila get up to the starboard impulse deck and get the fusion reactors reinforced. HroĆ¾garsson, get to the plasma conduits on the dorsal phaser strip."

"Taggert, how are the damage control teams doing? We do need them to fix the exhaust vents here in engineering before too much longer or we will all be cooked alive. Life Support in sector 2 has been fluctuating all day and secondary systems just won't stay online long. I have a team working to set up a tertiary power system to bypass the secondary system. So far the SIF is the only thing that has not shut down and it is wired directly to the secondary power supply at this time." Dodd replied to Taggert's review of the pool table.

The temperature in Engineering is now about fifteen degrees hotter than normal and slowly rising. Soon it could be hazardous to work in engineering. Dodd was going to have to find a workaround for all the systems with minimal drain on the ship's resources. Holodeck simulations with direct links to all ship's system could work but would be a large drain on the ship's power. He needed to cool down engineering as some of his crew were very sensitive to the heat already.


Captain Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat

Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/CSO
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws
Chief Intel Officer/Communications
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Tomcat

Lt. Jg Remington Dodd
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Tomcat

Lt. Jg Solan Jekkar
Chief of Security/Tactical
USS Tomcat

Lt. Jg Akhul K'Tel MD
USS Tomcat

Ensign Nicole Taggert
Assistant Chief Engineer
USS Tomcat

Ensign Angellica Wright [PNPC: K'Tel]
Helm Officer
USS Tomcat


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