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[BACKPOST]TR 116 - Assault Power Training

Posted on 21 Sep 2021 @ 9:22pm by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Edited on on 22 Sep 2021 @ 7:11pm

1,726 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck 1 - TR - 116 Security Training Program
Timeline: Current


Hawksley had finished locking in his crucial card information within the Tomcat's computer. He still had his beloved pink, white and purple 'Hello Kitty' lanyard around his neck.

He looked odd. A full-grown man. A robust full-grown man, loving 'Hello Kitty,' a centuries-old iconic cartoon. It relaxed Leland. Hello, Kitty pleased him to watch.

Tagging the door chime to Ensign Thyra's quarters, Leland pleasantly awaited the female Andorian. She was very kind and hopefully knew how to handle a TR 116. "Thyra is Andorian. She must know a good phaser." Leland mused.

Thyra had just put on her uniform and was now going through her dresser to find a hairband to keep her hair together. Her hair was now hanging loosely over her shoulder and she had an appointment today. When she found it she heard her door chime. o0 Oh no? Did he come here?o0 She thought to herself.
She hurried to the door and opened it.

"Ensign. I believe we are due for training," He checked his silver wristwatch. "In 10 minutes. I brought some chocolate chip, oatmeal cookies along. An Earth favourite of mine, if you like some?" He asked.

"Ooooh.." Thyra squealed. "Chocolate chip cookies? Oh, you shouldn't have, that is so kind of you, Lieutenant." With her long, white hair over her shoulder, her blue blushed cheeks were even more present.

Leland had nodded. "I have." He bowed and handed the bag forward in a kind gesture of thanks to Thyra for her help.

Thyra smiled as she got herself a nice cookie. "Mmmmm, don't mind if I do."

Leland stood at the doorway of the quarters and then taking a step backwards into the hallway. "I shall await you while you are ready." Hawksley stood back, giving Thrya her privacy as he was a bit early, he noticed. Perhaps he was too eager.

As Thyra had exited, ready to join, Leland had begun to go over the Rifle's specs. The weapons were already set up, ready in shooting booth ranges, complete with varying holographic devices in the room to improve fire and accuracy.

"... With a firing type of single shot, single bursts, fire, and automatic shot modes. A considerable 0.6 m by .2 by x .1 millimetres. 4 kg without the magazine. A single clip counts 50 rounds, at a rate of a whopping 500 rounds in 60 seconds!" Leland whistled, shooting Thrya an impressed look. The weapon alone looked deadly.

Thyra giggled and then said, "Impressive, Lieutenant, I see you have done your homework." She handed him his protective glasses as she put hers on. "The rifle is impressive, but to be honest, nothing beats holding a blade in my opinion." She aimed the weapon and pointed it around as she aimed past the nose of the weapon. "Computer, start the simulation."

The computer chirped. As she continued saying, "How about a couple of rounds to see your aim?"

Leland swiftly held up his Phaser Rifle with one knee on the floor, a masterful metal piece of magic, the TR - 116 Assault Phaser, and Ballistic Rapid specialized bullets.

The program enacted vertical and horizontal energy targets of various sizes, shapes and angled for a shot to be taken and aim. A variant rate of energy vs. actual time disrupted fire.

Hawksley had bent and twisted around from his position, his eyes through the safety goggles provided from Ensign Sh'shraaqir helped, as blast after blast of calm, collected, aim and executed timing of shots begun to count a tally...

Thyra checked the score on a computer screen. Aside from a few missed shots, he got them all. "Very good," she said as she touched the console. "I think we can do one more round and I can increase the level. You did say you already had practice with the rifle right, but it's been a while. I can tell. But you are doing well." She smiled.

Leland listened and didn't speak. He continued to aim, and get a feel for the feel, the erratic nature of the targets, the colours. The program was just as much an eye and cortex eval as it were a weaponry program.

Once more, Hawk had lent down his Rifle noticing a few configurations he might need to change. "I may need to leverage a new buttress to the end, it's ok, but I can take more support. Hawk, watched as Thyra worked her Rifle. She definitely had a gift, that Leland watched and had taken note of.

"That was... Better!" He broke into a cocky grin. "How about we try...... Running. Running a path and shooting our way out? Can this program set up some sort of obstacle course?"

For a second she had to think about his request. Then she nodded. "I think I know what you want. Computer, start security marine simulation 1." She hadn't finished talking as the room changed and the shooting range disappeared making a place for a training room. With obstacles to move around and take cover. "This is the special training ramp the marines and security officers use for their routine rifle training. The course is really interactive. The computer constantly randomizes the target locations, also targets can move at random intervals. And targets fire back." She grinned at the last part. "Don't worry, they're just simulated shots, they won't actually harm if they hit you. So want to give it a try on level 1, so you can get a feel for it?"

Once again, as the simulation was changed to a tactical scenario, Hawksley had to determine the reactionary gap time with the phasers and targets. With a minimum of 30 feet between Ensign Sh'shraaqir, Leland had targeted forward in the darkness and flashes of light.

Identifying any distance barriers, he located a tactical advantage. Saddling up next to an empty crate serves the purpose of forcing the computer target to go around.

Thyra loved this program. She spends many hours training on this course. She looked over to Leland who went totally out on it. She smiled. o0 They all want to do this course o0 She thought to herself.

She was hiding behind a stack of crates as she heard the little humming of the targets the sound only overpowered by the blasts. She heard one come closer and she turned over and shot it before moving to another location.

"Nice shot!" Hawksley had reacted, seeing how Thyra had targeted, shot and destroyed the flying droid.

Rolling from the current crate to the next. A classic roll and 12 o'clock shot upward in Leland's manoeuvre. The droid turning bright red, as its metal blasted apart from the phaser.

Checking the settings for a split second, Hawk was shocked, now as there now was a semi-set of double mechanoids entering from both sides of Hawk and Sh'shraaqir.

Thyra looked up and noticed they were being surrounded. Without a word, she turned her back to Leland. And started to take down the mechanoids on her side. She hoped Leland knew what to do as well and took on his side. She slowly moved back so her back would meet his back . "I think this is the final round!" She shouted.

Leland felt his shoulder blades back up to Thyra. Mechanoids dazzled with blinding light and flashing sensory deprivation tactics. Angry, feeling the anger of being ambushed, Leland slammed his thumb on the rifle's trigger as he held the displacement shot in rapid-fire... The droids burning up to a slight orange glow into the darkness.

"On three... You get ready to make it back to the green start." The green starts a few meters past the next room of the simulation Thrya and Leland experienced.

"Shoot-and-scoot baby!" Hawksley shouted over the sounds of the phaser fire from droids re-entering. The fire-and-move tactic of firing at a target and then immediately moving away from the location from where the shots were fired to avoid counter-battery fire.

Thyra didn't really want to head back for some reason, but she didn't argue. She slowly moved back then rushed to the green start where she waited for him to join her.

Employing a hit-and-run tactic, Hawksley jumped upward, crouched in place lending cover fire as Thrya retreated. Leland would withdraw as well, in firing succession leading back to the green entry.

As he got back the program stopped and the drones disappeared. "You did it, we did it...." She was jumping up and down very enthusiastic as she cheered with her arms and clapped. And then in her enthusiastic mood, she hugged.
o0 Thyra Sh'shraaqir let him go. o0 A voice in her head said. She quickly let him go. "Sorry. I was so excited, I had so much fun." She couldn't hide she was blushing, a bluer tint appeared on her cheeks.

Leland had laughed. He enjoyed the hug as he was a hugger in himself. "Hey. It was well earned! That was a heck of a simulation Thrya." Hawk grinned, with a nerdy snort which lent his nerdy side, often not a lot of people seeing. '

"Now I know the whole team to be on when we go on an away mission. And, I am a big huggy sorta dude. Unless it's usually an enemy. Then no, no hugs." Hawk nodded.

Thyra smiled and then almost squealed, "I love hugs too. But being so enthusiastic...I really don't know what else to call it right now.. not everyone likes that sort of thing. And here I go again stammering like an idiot. I will shut up now." She put her rifle away and sighed.

"Thank you for the training. I needed that." Hawksley had returned to their analytics with a padd. "I see that we pretty much correlated with the marksmanship. All bets aside maybe a good A-."

"Yes, it was impressive, we should do this again sometimes. You know shoot some stuff." Thyra didn't care much for the numbers. She was more looking for the thrill. "I can clean all of this up," she said as she started to depower her rifle so she could put it back in its locker. She was used to it by now.

"That's ok. I need to get dirty with the guns." He shook his head. "You make deconstructing look so cool." Hawksley watched.


Lieutenant JG Leland Hawksley
Deputy Chief of Engineering

Ensign Thyra Sh'shaaqir
Deputy Chief of Security


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