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A Time to Fight

Posted on 27 Mar 2017 @ 10:51pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Major S'arila Donovan & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

3,029 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Main Story)
Location: Hydransz Inner Sector
Timeline: Mission Day 2


After the first wave had been beaten back there was a lull in the fighting, while the Xindi may have been Federation allies, the colony in this system was too small to help with fighting, but as the damage was being assessed, twelve starships accompanied by four troop transport's finally arrived as backup, the four Klingon ships that had accompanied the Tomcat had been lost all hands, the flight controller on the Tomcat brought the fighters back in for patch repairs and restock of torpedoes. The viewscreen changed to the view of the ships there was two four Starfleet ships, one a Sovereign class, one a Galaxy class and two were Prometheus classes. The Klingon ships also four in number were two Vor'cha and two Negh'Var's the Romulan's had supplied two Warbirds, both D'Deredex class, the troops transports were modified standard Starfleet issue.

Jasmine looked over to Sheela "Commander contact the two Romulan ships and have them protect the troop transports, have the Klingon's move to cover our right flank and the Starfleet ships our left."

Sheela complied quickly setting things up the way Somers wanted the ships arranged.

Suddenly the alert sounded as twenty Orion ships dropped from warp "Lieutenant Jekkar, how are the stocks of Photon torpedoes and both other offensive and defences holding up?" Jasmine asked.

The Andorian felt his antennae twitch as he went over the Tactical Systems. "Stocks are good, we won't need to worry about breaking into the Quantum Torpedoes just yet." The Lieutenant then gazed at the systems readout. "I've managed to get Shields back up to 85% and we've got enough juice to burn on Phasers."

"Okay, *looks at Barker* Ensign use whatever attack pattern you see fit, Commander Sterling how are the rear weapons looking?

"Weapons and shields hot Captain, I don't much like the odds but we are ready for a fight". Maia reported.

"Yes sir" he replied and carried out his orders.

"Hmm, okay," she said in response to Sterlings reply, then she pressed her Commbadge and opened a channel =/\= Somers to Medical =/\=

she tapped her Commbadge =/\=Cahill here Captain!=/\=

=/\= El-tee how is the injured situation looking, the Orion's have sent more ships and we are about to be engaged in combat shortly? =/\=

=/\= We have them stabilised Captain and have room for more, my Emergency Response Teams stand ready=/\= Cahill looked around her location dubiously.

=/\= Good, be ready for anything, Somers out =/\= she closed the link to Medical down and opened one to Engineering =/\= Somers to engineering =/\=

=/\=Dodd, here captain, what can I do for you? =/\= Dodd replied as he was still keeping on task with his duties of fixing a burnt out relay in the sensor grid.

=/\= What is my ship looking like down there and how is she holding up? I only ask as more Orion ships are advancing on our position =/\=

=/\= The ship is holding, we have many overloaded relays we are working to replace. Secondary power relays are not holding when primary switches, so we are dealing with it. I have the best of my staff addressing all the major systems and doing what is necessary to maintain their functions. Damage Control teams are all over the ship and keeping it in working order. Those Orion swine will not get a member of our crew unless they are going to syphon us from escape pods and that ain't gonna happen while am Chief Engineer. =/\= Dodd replied in confidence as he could sense that the captain was wanting to hear a firm voice.

=/\= Thank you chief, Somers out =/\= she closed the link down and again looked at Sheela "Commander Swiftpaws, contact Omega and request more ships at our location, I do not intend to repeat what happened last time around. Commander Sterling, you remember our first time here, have you detected any of those Cyborg Pirate signatures here in the Inner system? They; were numerous in the Outer system? Lieutenant Jekkar fire at will when enemy ships are in range, use the torps sparingly" Jasmine said.

"Captain sensors indicate that the Orion ship's for the most part, are armed freighters, class 4 through 6. I think we stumbled on a convoy of sorts, so far they are not breaking off, curious. I am not detecting any cyborg ships at least not since we left the asteroid belt. I believe since we deactivated the awareness in our last mission the chances of Iconian technology at least operational technology is remote. The freighters are running with heavy subspace jammers however so getting sensor readings in impossible at this point.." Maia added. "Wait there are two Orion heavy battle cruisers coming out of a sensor blind, plasma weapons charged and locked. They are trying to flank us". Maia stated.

The Tomcat rumbled a bit as the shields took an opening salvo from the lead battle cruiser.

"A hit on the number one shield and the number two shield. No appreciable damage possibly a warning shot". Maia continued.

Sheela went back to her attempt at picking up Orion communications. But the Orions were maintaining radio silence. Only the communication was the joint Federation, Romulan, and Klingon Communications. "Squeeee!" Sheela spun in her seat with a very annoying squeal. "Theyz are using Telepaths to communicate between ships!"

"Confirmed, little to no damage" Jekkar said calmly. "I've got a weapons lock."

"Excellent lieutenant, kindly respond to the weapons fire if you will and the moment our fighters are refuelled and restocked launch them" Jasmine ordered. "Telepaths, okay Sheela keep on top of it, Helm hope you remember your attack patterns, as we are going to need them" Jasmine added.

"Aye Captain," Jekkar said as he went about his work. The calm Andorian fixed his sights on the targeting Sensors and then fired Phasers. "Direct hit on their Dorsal section I'm reading power fluctuations in their power systems." His brown eyes then diverted to the Fighter information. "Fighters are away and begging their Attack run."

Sheela rolled her eyes and spun back to the console. Like she could eavesdrop on their conversation. She tapped her commbadge. "Major Donovan. Iz do hope yooz have yooz Telepathic abilities back. Iz needs yooz on the bridge. Squeak." Letting Donovan know for sure it was her who had called.

While she was en route to the bridge she got a call from Sheela, so she tapped her Commbadge to make the link =/\= Sorry Commander by telepathic abilities went when we encountered that insectoid Dimensional race, I am unable to assist you =/\=

=/\= Squeaaa.. . =/\= Sheela sounding a bit disappointed as she thought rapidly. She fiddled with her console before her and began to send out a frequency that would disrupt long-distance telepathy waves. Suddenly the airwaves fill Orion Radio Chatter between ships. She immediately jammed the Orion Frequency, sending the Orion Syndicate Fleet into disarray.

- Engineering -

The hustle and bustle of the engineering crew have been constant since the first attack. The six-hour shifts that Dodd implemented are paying off as the crew get to rest more but once an actual attack happens he expects his crew to stay at a station for as long as possible. Dodd himself has been in engineering since before the first attack. He has been right in the thick of things and assisting all of his staff in making the best of the situation. He has Taggert working to coordinate all the defensive systems and damage control team. He is working everything else. Nelson and Pril have been placed in charge of maintaining the shields as their primary duties and they are not to work on anything else as this is the only major way to keep the crew from being beamed off the ship. Nelson was in the bow of the ship and Pril had the aft. They worked well together even if they are specialists in other aspects of engineering, Dodd knew that this pair had what it would take to keep the shields going no matter what.

oO I am so proud of my staff. They have proved they are for the success of this mission and I owe them a huge favour once we get some seriously needed downtime. I wish we could all go for a beach party on Pacifica for a week or even Risa would be nice. Oo Dodd thought to himself as he was trying to refocus on how to fix the OEM relay and maintain the SIF. oO I am sensing lots of telepathic traffic but it is faint for me to get a full reading on. Oo

He was also coordinating how to make a possible tertiary power supply to the major system and life support if the secondary systems were to fail which seems to be happening for no known reason. Maybe it is something about the system we are in, but many secondary systems are short-circuiting all over no matter how many repairs they get.

Two engineering staff members had been treated for burns after they were in the middle of repairing a console that had malfunctioned from a short-circuit. They were fine and ordered to take two shifts off to allow some time to heal and get refreshed.

The engineering technicians were all busy keeping all the systems and other staff members in engineering supplied. Dodd even turned his office into a sort of refreshment bar. He is currently allowing and the crew in engineering to got get beverages or snacks from his replicator as they need it. Water was the number one beverage but iced sweet tea was second on the list of requests.

The temperature in Engineering was a little on the hot side as some of the exhaust fans were shorted out, but once Damage Control can spare a team they would fix them but staff and crew kept on working. Dodd allowed all of his staff to remove their uniform jackets to help them deal with the heat.

- Medical -

Personnel in Sickbay were working hard, everything was clicking as it should. She heard the call from Captain Somers so Cahill tapped her Commbadge =/\=Captain all is good in Sickbay and Cargo Bays 1 and 2. I opened another section to spread out further and keep things going smoothly. So far only minor injuries and all were able to return to duty stations. Had a few bodies recovered from the ships lost. So far no survivors from them. We are holding our own in all areas right now. =/\=

=/\= Understood doctor, Somers out =/\=

- Bridge -

Jasmine closed the link to Medical and then opened another =/\= Somers to Donovan =/\=

Down in Marine Country in the MCO's office, S'arila was getting acquainted with the thing she detested the most paperwork when her Commbadge came to life, she tapped it =/\= Donovan here Captain =/\=

=/\= Report to the bridge Major, I have a job for the Chosen Men =/\= Jasmine said referring to her personal guard.

=/\= On my way, Donovan out =/\=

Just like that the ships hybrid marine officer did not ask questions, just simply acknowledged the instruction, this would have been easier to accept when S'arila had her telepathic ability, but unusual now that she had lost it, she turned to her two senior officers.

"Maia, Sheela check to see if the main sensors can detect any tech that can easily be sabotaged or removed on one of those ships," she asked.

Maia did what she could but couldn't penetrate the subspace interference.

"Captain I suggest we try to knock out the subspace jammers on one of the freighters, then we can get a good sensor reading". Maia stated.

Looking at Maia with a smile, she looks over to Sheela "Get it done Commander Swiftpaws, knock out those jammers, usually a feedback pulse along the same wavelength would do the job, but use your own judgement huh on what to use?" Jasmine said.

Sheela worked through the jamming frequencies and sent a major pulse of energy on the save waveband at the enemy ships in question. The pulse would fry any transmitter and hopefully cause a cascading effect amongst their communication systems.

Jekkar chimed in from Tactical. "Ma'am I'd recommend the Frigate on our Starboard Aft, she's not a match for us pound for pound but she has teeth and I can easily knock out a few of them." He commented with a smirk that seemed a little surprising given his calm demeanour as he pulled up the interactive display of the enemy Ship.

Swivelling her chair to face Jekkar "get it done El-tee, get it done and have the new arrivals watch our left and right flanks respectively, the Tomcat is a good tough ship, but she is not indestructible" she said then tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Donovan =/\=

Jekkar nodded. "Aye Ma'am I'll take good care of her." He said before turning his focus to Tactical. The Andorian used his meticulous nature to focus on the Frigate and find an itch that they'd need to scratch.

S'arila was checking her weapons at the main armoury when her commbadge sounded, she tapped it to make the connections =/\= yes boss? =/\=

Back on the bridge Jasmine looked curiously at the Major her response was usually odd, even for the hybrid =/\= report to the bridge =/\=

=/\= Affirmative, Donovan out =/\= the line was closed.

Jasmine then opened another channel to engineering =/\= Somers to engineering =/\=

- Engineering -

=/\= Dodd, here captain. How can I assist you? =/\= Dodd replied as he was securing the access panel on a Jeffrey's Tube.

=/\= Assign someone to transfer the Venture scouts cloak to the largest troop transport =/\=

=/\= Ma'am, if I may, I did not know there was access to a cloaking device. =/\= Dodd replied.

=/\= Yes we have one, Klingon in design and it is only used outside the Federation or for black ops missions, now I need someone to fit it to the transport, the ground offensive is about to begin =/\=

=/\= Okay, I would like to personally take this assignment as I feel that it best to keep my crew all in their positions. I know Taggert can handle the duties while I am off the ship. =/\=

=/\= Good, get it done, Somers out =/\=

- Bridge -

As Jasmine finished speaking with Engineering she looked at the bridge crew that had not been assigned to other tasks "Commander Swiftpaws have you disabled those jammers yet? Mr Jekkar what is the state of the enemy and get out fighters back out there with the duty of protecting this ship, Commander Sterling keep scanning, get as much information as you can on the planets and such, transfer rear firing weapons over to Lieutenant Jekkar's console" Jasmine said.

"Enemy Ship is dead in the water, they have life support but their Engines and Weapons are gone," Jekkar said to her. "Aft Shields are down and their Forward Shields are at 35%." He commented as he issued commands to the Fighters.

"Jamming has been stopped. Wez now have open communications with everything." Sheela announced as she was engrossed in her illicit work against the enemy ships.

"Good shooting Mr Jekkar. Scanning now. Looks like there holds are filled with Iconian artefacts, precious and semi-precious ores, and hover tanks Captain. I think we can beam over some of their cargo. Although it might be easier to take that ship with boarding parties". Maia stated.

After all had responded, the lift doors opened and Donovan ducking to exit the lift walked onto the bridge, she was Seven foot in height, she had her non-combat special eyewear on, her hair was up in a ponytail clearly showing her mark between her eyes, while she was very tall, her body was perfectly proportioned for someone of her height, which even in the modern world was rarely seen, but she was after all half alien so Jasmine always assumed that this was the reason.

"You sent for me Captain?" Donovan asked standing to attention.

"At ease Major, yes I have a task for the Chosen Men, they are in desperate need of exercise and in this I need their assault talents," Jasmine said as Donovan stood at ease and simply looked down and raised an eyebrow.

"Well take the chosen men down to Hydaransz Four and get an LZ set up so we can send down more troops, after that hold the line and await orders, by the time your troops gear up Engineering should have the cloak transferred, any questions?" Jasmine asked.

"No Captain," Donovan said and left the bridge grumbling about the impossible she missed the smile Jasmine gave her.

Jekkar examined Tactical. "I'm detecting two more Automated Drones in orbit of Hyadaransz Four." The lieutenant motioned to the 3 Dimensional display. "I'm reading Polaron Based Weaponry on both of them and what appears to be regenerative shielding." The Andorian looked at the Captain. "Ma'am I can hold them off to give the Chosen Men time but if they detect the Transport.....They're defenceless."

Twisting back to look at her Chief Tactical Officer "Good, but assign some of the Klingon escorts to take them out El-tee, the troop transport will be going in cloaked." Jasmine said with a smile and Jekkar simply nodded and went about his task.

- Engineering -

Dodd was getting the gear together that he would need to install the cloaking device on the transport. He was surprised the captain didn't make him pick another engineer to do the job. However, this was a very important task and there are risks and if he was not prepared to meet those risks he should not have joined Starfleet. He was a bit nervous as he had repaired cloaking devices in the past and even had to replace one on a Klingon Bird of Prey when it was docked in orbit around Betazed. So he knew he could install one on the transport ship.


Captain Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat

Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/CSO
USS Tomcat

Lt. Commander Sheela Swiftpaws
Chief Intelligence Officer/Communications
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Tomcat

Lt. Jg Solan Jekkar
Chief of Security/Tactical
USS Tomcat

Lt. Jg Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer
USS Tomcat

Major S'arila Donovan [PNPC: Somers]
Bravo Unit Cmdr/Acting MCO
USS Tomcat


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