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Meeting the Family

Posted on 24 Sep 2021 @ 8:52pm by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Paula Winchester

1,032 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Docking port


As they headed towards the ramp that led to SB51; Paul said to Serina, " you never mentioned Twins to me?" as it looked like he now had taken on a set of twins, as he was about to meet his future in-laws for the first time. This was a big deal for him and most probably for her as well as he knew that he would have to ask her father for his blessing to take his daughter's hand in marriage.

"I thought you heard me when I said the girls. I'm sorry was.....the Orion mission.......," Serina stopped walking and buried her head in his shoulder. That was something she never wanted to remember as it was painful to overcome the emotional trauma that went with it.

As Paul held onto his lover, he asked her" Was it the mission that my sister sent us on?" he hoped that it was not but he knew now that he had responsibilities to maintain, he said," I will love them as if they are my own," making a promise to her; he also knew that they were waiting for her. He finished," Come on let's meet the kids and I'll get Paula to join us with Davina," as he tapped his combadge he said,=/\= Hey Paula, you and Davina want to say hello,=/\=

=Odin's bar=

Paula sat in the bar about to take a sip of her drink when her combadge chirped, she said =/\= Winchester here go ahead=/\= as she heard her brother's voice come over the Com channel; as she hatted being surprised like she had as she nearly dropped her glass in shock. she said,=/\= I'm on my way bro, and please no more shocks otherwise you owe me a brandy, Winchester out=/\= as she got up from the table leaving the half-filled glass behind. as soon as she opened another channel and said =/\= Davina, this is your mother, your Uncle has just docked, do you want to go and meet him?=/\=

=The backroom of Odin's Bar=

Davina was stocking up the back shelves after receiving the new delivery of stock, and hearing her mother's voice, she quickly responded,=/\= Sorry Mom, I can not make it as I swamped as we just got our delivery,=/\= as she had just started her apprenticeship with the Bar and was working her way up through the ranks as it were.

=Docking Ramp SB51=

"Paul, I don't know who or how. I've pushed it into my subconscious and I just want to move forward. =/\=Serina to Backlash is, mom with you? If so meet is at the docking ring with the twins=/\=

=/\=Welcome home daughter, mom and the girls will meet you there=/\= Lars replied. Looking at Yasmine, "Well Serina is home finally," he said hugging his wife. "Yes Lars, she is home at last. Remember don't upset her, please. She just came off a terrible mission" Yasmine said, scooping up their grandchildren, Jasmine and Naomi.

Paul walked beside Serina and having found out that her daughters were part Orion, this hadn't put him off taking them as his own; as Paula had done with Davina when her biological mother had perished when her Colony had suffered a disaster that had destroyed the village. nowhere he was about to do the same taking those girls as his own.

Seeing her parents, she smiled as she saw Naomi and Jasmine in their arms. "Hi mom, dad, oh there are my two precious girls," she said as she took one and passed Naomi to Paul. Well mom, dad, this will be your new son in law, Lt. Jg. Paul Winchester. He used to be the ships CAG," Serina said.

Lars and Yasmine looked at Paul, "Well, Lars, this young man has captured our daughter's heart I see," said Yasmine. "Yes, Yasmine he definitely has. Have you two set any plans as to when this joyous occasion will happen?" Lars asked Paul.

"And now the Tomcat's Chief Security Officer," Paul started looking back at them, taking hold of Naomi he continued formally, " Sir, I formally request permission to take your Daughters hand in Marriage?" as he felt that it was only right to do it in the correct manner.

Lars looked at Paul and almost choked. No one ever approached him with that phrase and it surprised the hell out of him. Yasmine laughed at Lar's facial expression. It was unreal and precious to see shock like that. It made Serina giggle and Naomi grinned. It was a sight to see.

Clearing his throat, "Paul Winchester, welcome to the family son. You have my blessings," Lars said grabbing Paul by the neck and hugging him.

"Thank you Sir," replied Paul as he knew that he would have to invite Paula and Davina in on this, he continued, " My Sister and her Daughter are both here on the station," as he now had to get used to having the kids around him, he thought oO Maybe this will mellow me out a bit Oo as he looked over at his new Mother in law.

"I for one want to see your sister, Paula and her daughter. I want to introduce them to my parents as one big happy family," Serina said smiling warmly.

"Yeah, I hope we will be as Paula and I had a bad falling out in the past and only now are we talking," replied Paul who had forgiven his sister for embarrassing him on their graduation day; but he wasn't sure if Paula had forgiven him as he never had approached her on the subject.

"Paul, time heals all wounds. I think when she meets you and the family, you might be surprised," Serina said.

"Yeah I know that Love, but it is not her I'm worried about it is Lisa Creed, her ex," replied Paul as he knew that Lisa was going to be the hardest nut to crack, he continued, "during those years I was not very sociable with her,"

"We can deal with Lisa later, right now let's meet our family," Serina said, kissing Paul tenderly.


Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


Lt. Serina "Reaper" Donovan


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