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Friendly Counselor Chat

Posted on 21 Sep 2021 @ 11:09pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Captain Mazal Falk
Edited on on 22 Sep 2021 @ 7:07pm

2,932 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various
Timeline: 3rd evening of shore leave


It was early evening of the third day of shore leave, Mazal had been exploring the Arboretum, and was sitting on a bench just looking around her. It was peaceful and calm, reminding her of some of the beautiful parks she had seen back on Earth. Mazal smiled, as she relaxed her mind drifting to those whom she had met so far of the USS Tomcat crew. She could count on one hand whom she had met. Well, scratch that, Mazal now had to use her other hand to count whom she'd met so far.

Mazal chuckled, she was definitely working on her mental list, of whom to meet. She got down to the next one, and that was the chief counsellor, a Lieutenant Arderne. Mazal didn't know if she wanted to meet the Counselor in an official office or, just meet up in a more relaxed situation. Mazal was willing to meet where ever the counsellor was comfortable.

Mazal tapped on her commbadge, =/\= "Lieutenant Arderne, I'm 2nd Lieutenant Mazal Falk, I was wondering if we could meet up and chat for a few? Since this is shore leave, pick a place and I'll meet you wherever. =/\=

Lamia was enjoying shore leave it was giving her a chance to spend well earned time with Chris. As Mazal’s voice came over the comms she tapped her badge. =/\= This is Arderne, I’ll meet you in the Arboretum in say... ten minutes. =/\=

Mazal smiled when she heard this. =/\=I'll be waiting then, I'm already here. =/\=

Making her way to the Arboretum Lamia walked inside and looked around, she loved the whole area it was one of her favourite relaxing places.

Mazal had moved to where Lamia could see her and when she saw the counsellor, she waved. "Hi, I'm Mazal Falk. Thanks for coming. Hopefully, I didn't disturb you in anything." her demeanour was radiating friendliness which matched the genuine warm smile Mazal had. "This is a great place here."

Lamia smiled as she walked over to Falk. “It certainly is! This is my favourite place to come when the ship is docked.” She looked around then back at Falk. “So what can do I for you?”

"Well, I do need to report in for the cursory psychological meeting but, in truth, I just wanted to get acquainted with you as a person. With us serving on the same ship, I feel that is a necessary part of becoming part of the crew. It doesn't matter what position or capacity we serve in, we are still on the team." Mazal remarked.

Lamia smiled. “That’s true, to be honest, I would only Counsel the Marine crew if there was a particular reason that they couldn’t speak to Sergeant Vail, she’s the assigned Marine Counsellor. As for getting to know each other, that’ll be lovely.”

Mazal nodded as to what Lamia said. "Okay I will certainly get to know her." she looked around, then looked back to Lamia, "So now what to do for an icebreaker." giving a laugh. "Anyway, how long have you been with the Tomcat?" deciding to start with that.

“It’s over a year now, hard to believe how time flies!” She grinned. “I came aboard as Chief Ops, but I recently transferred to Assistant Counsellor before moving to Chief.”

"That is cool, and I think you'd be a fine Chief Counselor, and are. You do create a fine relaxing mood, I definitely like that." smiling. "What do you like to do for fun?" Mazal was definitely interested in finding out. She would love to have a few female friends just to well, hang out, do things with. At times a woman just has to be around other females.

“Well I love to reading ‘real books, not on a PADD, I love to watch movies and enjoy the holodeck. Lamia smiled. “I’m still recovering from the loss of my daughter so I haven’t really been out and done anything since then. I guess I’ve kind of become a hermit!” She shrugged her shoulders.

"You lost your daughter?" Mazal reached out and touched Lamia's hand, feeling like a dagger had stabbed in her own chest, and her eyes watering. "I am truly sorry that happened. I may not have experienced that but, I've seen the results and.. and.." Mazal closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them once more. "That just isn't something that I would wish on anyone." giving a slight squeeze to Lamia's hand, then moved her hand back. "My sister is pregnant and just the thought of losing the baby in her womb that would shatter someone." she wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes.

“Thank you” Lamia offered a smile. “The pregnancy was enhanced, the slavers who were holding some of our crew were trying to make a quicker sale on good breeding stock. My baby never really had a chance.”

"I am indeed terribly sorry for that, and you were in the clutches of slavers?" Mazal frowned on this. "Well I am indeed glad you are not there anymore." her frown leaving, but still there was thunder in her eyes.

“It was during a previous mission, a lot of us were taken” Lamia sighed. “Commander Dodd was my daughter’s father, he was the one the slavers chose to be the breeding male. We all faced the hardest time, but we’ve come out the other side stronger for it.”

Mazal's eyebrows raised at this and her eyes widened. "Well, I can't say I've been in that situation, but I am glad you are stronger for it. Must have created some strong bonds there. " She mused. After a few moments of pondering over what Lamia had told her, her features going into a more thoughtful expression.

Mazal then stated. "Well, how about we go have an adventure in the holodeck or for that matter, watch a movie, should make it a movie in the holo-suite this way I can throw popcorn and it is easier to clean up." Mazal giving an impish smile at Lamia.

Lamia grinned. “Sounds like fun to me! We should have a film night with the crew, it would be so much fun and give people a chance to enjoy themselves.”

"That is a great idea, and I would love that. For now though, movie or a holo- an adventure which would you like, your choice." Mazal stated, "Or would you like something more serene like a tropical lagoon, where you can go snorkelling and see the bright tropical fish."

“Ohh most definitely the tropical lagoon, it must have a beach for sunbathing!” Lamia grinned. “Not that you can get sunburnt on the holodeck!”

"Well, you can if you take some of the safety features off but I am not suggesting that." Mazal shaking her head rather vigorously. "I had one friend who did that, got a sunburn." she held out an elbow towards Lamia like she had done to friends, "Let's go swimming, sunbathe and just have a good relaxing time," Mazal stated.

Lamia grinned and accepted the invitation. “Hell why not! we're on shore leave after all.”

They arrived at the holo suite and found there was a spot opened, "I am thinking a Hawaiian Beach, white sand, palm trees, a lagoon..." Mazal selecting such a program, once the door was opened and the two women stepped through the archway and onto a wooden pathway that led towards the beach. To the side was a changing area for them to select swimwear. At the end of the wooden pathway was the expanse of snow-white sand and beyond that was the ocean blue.

A gentle breeze moved the foliage to where it danced, and the brilliant red flowers swayed as well. The breeze also rustled through the palm fronds of the tropical trees. "I think I am going to opt for a two-piece today." Mazal stated with a smile, "a light blue." then requested the computer for her selection, along with a large beach towel.

“Hmm I think I’ll go for a bikini as well” Lamia smiled as she told the computer what she wanted, along with her beach towel. She emerged not long afterwards in a rainbow coloured two-piece and headed for a good place on the beach.

When they reached the beach, beneath the sun and the clear blue sky, Mazal spread out her towel and sat down on it. Leaning back on her hands with her feet outstretched, "I love this scenery and the sound of the waves lapping at the sandy beach." Mazal commented, then looked over towards Lamia. "I think this is good therapy to listen to this, it is so relaxing. Or even watch the seagulls floating above drifting on the wind." giving a smile.

“I definitely don’t need to tell you how to relax!” Lamia grinned. “This is wonderful, the ultimate way to relax and chill out.”

"It is indeed. Another way I love to relax is going on a hiking trip and go camping. Set up a hammock and just read a good book, a real one. Listening to the sound of nature around. Or curled up, near a fireplace with the rain falling outside, and hearing the snapping of the pine logs that are aflame. Just is so lovely as well. My family has a cabin that they liked to travel to from time to time, a log cabin that has a fireplace."

“Sounds lovely” Lamia smiled. “I love wooden cabins, there’s just something so lovely about them! That and being out amongst nature where I’m not constantly bombarded by the emotions of those all around me. I still feel those on the planet but it’s more of a background hum.”

"Well, hopefully, I'm not bombarding you with a tumult of emotions." Mazal giving a smile. "Though I have been told, I can be rather energetic." giving a light chuckle. "What type of books do you like to read?"

Mia grinned. “Don’t worry about your emotions I can cope with! As for books... I like a bit of all sort really. I have horror, history, the supernatural, comedy, psychology. A real mix. What about you? Do you read?”

"I actually like a variety as well in my reading I will add romance novels depending on how well they are written. But I do love to read good mystery and supernatural books. Even fantasy too. Also, I read adventure stories too." Mazal replied. "I am just a regular bookworm." she grinned. "Even have read books on how to make wine. "

“Now that’s something I’ve never read” Mia smiled. “But then I’ve never really been interested in that kind of thing.”

"Well, I figured I would do so, as my uncle is very much into the winemaking business, and well as a girl I participated in the wine stomping. It was great fun." Mazal replied. "Made my feet all purple or even red depending on the colour of the grapes." she laughed.

“Sounds like great fun!!” Mia grinned. “It sounds like you had quite the childhood growing up.

Mazal stretched out on her back but turned her head towards Mia. "I did have quite the childhood it was definitely filled with variety, training as well. My mother was a marine, and so was my aunt," she answered. " How about you, what was your childhood like?"

“I was kind of split between two worlds, my mother serves in Starfleet so I spent a lot of time with her.” Mia smiled as she relaxed back in her seat a little more. “My father is an Ambassador for Drax, so I spent some time going back and forth when he was available.”

"That is pretty cool. My father is an Investigator in Security. It's an interesting mix, of Star Fleet and Marine. They made it work rather well. Do you have any siblings?" Mazal asked.

Lamia shook her head. “No, I’m an only child. My parents were happy just to have me, with busy careers they didn't have a lot of time for more children.” She looked at Mazal curiously. “You?”

Mazal nodded, "I do have siblings. There are five of us and I am literally the middle man in the bunch." giving a laugh. "Mom and Dad wanted to have kids, so they did. Mom decided to er retire from the Marines but in truth, I didn't think she really did, as she and dad decided to teach us skills."

“Parents are great that way” Lamia grinned. “They teach us everything they feel we need to survive. As we grow up we learn just what sound advice it was!”

"I am definitely glad they raised us as they did, it helped me a lot. And I will always give them credit for what they taught me and my siblings. It certainly has saved my life countless numbers of times." Mazal replied.

Mazal noticed some movement to one side and sat up, then she laughed. There was a shell moving seeming to be moving by itself then she saw what had moved it. "Look a hermit crab."

“Where!?” Lamia turned to look, she’d never actually seen a Hermit crab before so she was fascinated to see. “Believe it or not, I’ve never seen a hermit crab before!”

Mazal moved to show Lamia where it was, "these guys like to find shells to put over themselves when they get too big for their current one. This is so cool!"

Mia grinned the twinkle in her eyes said just how much she was enjoying this get away from it all time. “Completely fascinating.”

Mazal watched the hermit crab for a few more minutes then something from the corner of her eyes caught her attention. There was a beautiful blue butterfly, drifting downward to where it would land on Mia's head. "Um... Lamia, you've got a butterfly wanting to make a landing on your head." giving a slight laugh.

“Seriously!?” Lamia held still actually wanting the butterfly to land. “I seriously love butterflies! They’re one of nature’s most amazing things.”

Mazal decided to get something the equivalent of a camera out and readied it for her to take a picture of, Lamia and the butterfly.

The blue butterfly drifted down and gently landed upon Lamia's head, both wings together with the size of a person's hand. Mazal snapped a few shots, smiling.

"You look absolutely lovely with that butterfly there." the butterfly opening and closing its wings slowly as if it were sunning itself. Mazal also decided to do a small video as well. This was too good to pass up and would make for a good memory for Lamia.

It lifted off and then moved to where Lamia could see it, landing on the hermit crab's shell.

Lamia looked at the gorgeous butterfly with awe, “That is incredible! Nature is a wonderful thing, when I’m on away duty I like to take time to immerse, that’s if I get a chance of course!” She smiled. “Thank you for all of this it’s been so wonderful. We need to do this regularly.”

"I agree, this has been fun and once I get another shot of the butterfly and hermit crab, let me show you the video of the butterfly on your head." taking several then she moved to where Lamia could see it. "Okay here you are and the butterfly. " showing the short video to Lamia. "You look really beautiful in this. And the flowers show up nicely in the background." Mazal said, "And I'll make you a copy of this of your own."

“I’d like that very much, thank you!” Lamia smiled the warmest smile yet. “I’ve needed to do this for a long time, to get back to being myself. Thank you for that.”

"You are very welcome." Mazal giving an answering grin., "I needed this as well. Maybe next time we can actually do a spa program. I don't know about you, but I really could use a pampering program from time to time. A massage, manicure, pedicure, you know, the whole works."

There is a bleep and Mazal looked up towards the sky." I guess it's almost time to end our getaway. I've got a dance lesson appointment I need to get to. I teach dancing from time to time."

“Wow! You certainly keep busy. I might join you sometime” Lamia grinned as she stood ready to get going. “I don’t want you to be late so I’ll let you get on your way.”

"I would love for you to join. I am currently adding to my own learning experience, belly dancing and pole dancing they develop other muscles that the other dancing doesn't develop." Mazal replied. "Thank you once again for doing this with me. And the pole dancing plus belly dancing. This is a secret that you now know, about me. And you are the only one I've told."

“Pole dancing huh?” Lamia grinned, the thought of learning it than showing it off to Chris was appealing. “I think I’d like to learn that. Your secret is safe with me I promise!”

Mazal smiled warmly and gave Lamia an impulsive embrace giving a slight squeal "thank you!" then giggled. "I am glad to share that with you."

Lamia grinned. She had no doubt they were going to be great friends.


2nd Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine XO

Lieutenant Lamia Arderne
Chief Counsellor


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