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To Everything There Is A Season

Posted on 31 Aug 2021 @ 2:13am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
Edited on on 01 Sep 2021 @ 2:02pm

1,168 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: En Route to Starbase 51
Timeline: Current


- Starboard Lounge, USS Nassau -

It had taken more than three weeks to transit from the USS Minerva to the USS Tomcat. First, a two-day shuttle from the Aegian-class ship out in the Federation’s fringes, then a layover on New Lagos, then more than a week aboard the USS Tori as it transited much of Federation space. Then another layover on Benecia, and finally five days aboard the USS Nassau, a bespoke crew transport bringing resupply crew to a handful of starbases, including SB51.

oO So glad it’s finally over. Oo

Dr Jane Sinclair had tried her best to take advantage of the downtime. The farms on New Lagos were an educational treat and the beaches and nightclubs on Benecia made for a wonderful holiday. The transports had Holodecks and lounges so crew and passengers could pass the time. But three weeks without work, without professional purpose, was much too long, especially unplanned.

The Starboard Lounge was the ideal place to spend her last hours aboard the Nassau. She sat at a table by the large bay window with Thrazenia zh’Paravess, an Ensign in starship operations who was going to be assigned to the USS T’Maran. Zenia had made it a point to build a social circle among the ship’s temporary passengers. Many had disembarked at previous stops. More, including her, were staying on for longer. But Jane was leaving today, imminently, when they reached Starbase 51, so Zenia made a point to spend these last few hours just the two of them.

That meant watching the stars, sipping synthehol wine, and conversing about anything and everything.

“How do you do it?” Jane asked. “I’ve seen you make such deep friendships during this voyage, but you seem fine the day after these friends leave.”

“It isn’t a lack of compassion,” Zenia confirmed, her antennae pointing at her human drinking companion. “Andorians can be cold but not that cold. No, I just have faith that, when the time comes, if it’s meant to be, we’ll all reconnect again.”

“And if you don’t?” Jane pushed. “If it’s not meant to be?”

“Sadder but ultimately that’s fine too,” Zenia said. “I’ll miss the friends I’ve made here but the good memories of what we had remained. Take you and me. We met last week. We shared stories, we drank, we danced, we laughed, we loved. I’ll remember it forever, as something fun and meaningful, even if temporary.”

Jane smiled and brushed a lock of blue hair back behind her ear. “It’s a good way to look at life.” She lifted her glass. “To everything, there is a season. And a time to every purpose under the heavens.”

Zenia smiled back and clinked her glass against Jane’s. “That’s beautiful. What’s it from?”

“A song from Earth’s past,” Jane explained. “And before that the bible.” She sipped from her almost-empty wine glass, finishing it just as the Nassau exited warp.

From their window, Starbase 51 suddenly loomed large, a truly gargantuan structure in space ahead of them. oO The wonders of the Federation never cease to amaze, Oo Jane thought.

=/\= Now here this, =/\= came a voice over the comm system. =/\= Arriving at Starbase 51. All personnel set to disembark, report to Airlock 3 immediately. =/\=

“I guess that’s me,” Jane said as she stood up from her spot by the window. “Walk me to the airlock?”

The Andorian smiled, downed the rest of her wine, and stood. The two walked arm in arm down out of the lounge as the immense open doors of the Starbase filled the window out which they previously looked.

- Quartermaster’s Office, Starbase 51 -

If there was one thing that Jane Sinclair truly hated, it was hurrying up to wait.

Whether it was a medical procedure, a recipe, or a musical number, proper planning took into account how much time was needed and how much time was available. Surgical tools were prepared while the patient was on their way. Vegetables were chopped while the oven preheated. A song was never rushed; it took however long it would take.

Regrettably, in her time in Starfleet, Jane learned that many of her peers preferred to go as quickly as they could at all times, often requiring that they wait a while before they could begin subsequent steps. The Ops Chief on the Nassau, for example, wanted all passengers to disembark promptly, even though seventy per cent of them had nowhere to go; many of the temporary berths would not be ready for hours. It was in this situation that Jane found herself: queueing at the Quartermaster’s office with fifty other Starfleet transfers, waiting to find out where she could stay while waiting for her official orders to report to the Tomcat.

Forty-five minutes passed before she could be seen.

“Lieutenant junior grade Sinclair, Jane Elisabeth,” she said dryly, her boredom and exhaustion clear in her voice. “Please tell me I have somewhere I can go.”

The poor Crewman at the desk tried to avoid eye contact, keeping his attention on his computer screen. He had, after all, been giving bad news to crew transfers for a while. oO He’s just doing his job, Oo Jane reminded herself. oO Be patient. Be kind. Oo “Sorry. I know it’s not your fault,” she added.

The Ops Crewman’s eyes actually seemed to light up and he turned to face Jane with a warm grin on his face. “Good news, Lieutenant. The Tomcat docked five minutes ago. My files don’t show if your quarters there are ready, but I have the approval to transfer your belongings over.” He typed away at his console and an isolinear chip was ejected from an adjacent port. He took it out of the slot and passed it to the waiting doctor. “Take this to Gangway 21 Gamma. Show it to the security officer on duty and you’ll be permitted aboard. Check with the Quartermaster over there for your personal effects.”

Jane’s sour mood improved instantly. In minutes she would be at her new assignment. At her new home. Among her new colleagues and soon-to-be friends. “Thank you, Crewman!” The desk prevented her from hugging him, but her beaming smile showed him just how happy he had made her.

Without missing a beat, she vacated the queue and made the best speed towards the turbolift and onward to the gangway, cognizant that she would probably need to wait her turn there, but her eagerness preempting her patience.

oO To everything there is a season. A time for love, and a time for loss. A time to rush, and a time to wait. A time to leave old things behind, and a time to begin anew. Oo


Dr Jane Sinclair
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


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