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Meeting another Marine

Posted on 21 Sep 2021 @ 1:41pm by Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley & Captain Mazal Falk

2,673 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Marine XO’s office

Mazal sat in her quarters, gazing at the padd with the roster of the marines she'll be working with. She stopped at one that drew her interest, the marine held dual credentials. Her name was Staff SGT Vail She was listed as both a medic and also as a counselor. Mazal found that impressive and also it made sense to her as well.

Wanting to get acquainted with another of her fellow Marines, Mazal tapped on her combadge, =/\="Staff SGT Vail, this is 2nd Lieutenant Falk, what are you up to right now? I'd like to meet up with you, I'm just beginning to meet our fellow Marines, and would like to start with you. Do you have a suggested place? =/\=

Lilli was sitting feet up in Leland’s quarters when the call from Falk came through. =/\= Vail here, I can come to your office ma’am thats not a problem. I’ll be there shortly. =/\= Getting up from her seat she headed out, double checking with the computer where Falk was she made for the marine XO’s office. When she arrived she straightened her jacket before pressing the chime.

"Enter!" Mazal called out, realizing this was the first time she was doing this. Had such an odd feeling.

Lilli walked in offering the customary salute, standing at attention until told to do otherwise. “Lilliana Vail reporting as requested ma’am.”

"At ease Vail, and take a load off your feet." Mazal responded, motioning towards a chair. "Can I get you something to drink?"

Lilli relaxed her stance and took a seat. “Thank you, a Pepsi would be lovely please.”

Mazal nodded, "Pepsi neat or on the rocks?" giving a slight smile. Her finger poised to give the command.

“Oh most definitely on the rocks!” Lilli grinned. “Just a small amount of ice though please or it’ll be watered down before long.”

"Granted." Mazal replied, and ordered it to Lilli's specification, bringing it over. "Ah yes, my first customer of Falk's bar." giving a chuckle, which then went a smile. She turned to get herself some tea, ginger with lemon and honey, then took a seat, not behind the desk but in another chair not to far from the one Lilli sat in.

"How are you doing?" Mazal began, "And sorry if I seem awkward, its my first posting of being an XO." her eyes clearly smiling.

“I’m doing just fine, thank you” Lilli smiled picking up her drink and sipping it. She held onto the glass for a moment before putting it down again. “I’ve settled in well but so far I haven’t needed out in the field.”

Mazal nodded, "What do you like best about the Marines and what made you decide to join?" taking an exploratory sip of her ginger tea. Good, it didn't burn her lips.

“What do I like best?” Lilli paused to think. “It’s family, the marines are one big family, we look out for each other.” She paused to sip her Pepsi. “As for why I joined I wanted a challenge and to prove myself good enough.”

"And why would someone not think you to be good enough?" Mazal giving Lilli an assessing look. "I see a capable woman right here, in this room. And I will agree, the marines are family, as you grow close to the men and women whom choose to serve in this capacity. Has someone treated you like this, before?"

“No one in the marines, but others have before.” She tucked her hair behind her ears. “People don’t tend to see Romulans in a good way, even someone whose half Romulan.”

"Ah the judgement bias of someone not liking someone due to their race." Mazal states, "Well I don't, and won't judge someone just for the aspect of their birth and into what race they are a part of. My own perceptions is this, whomever you are, as long as you treat me well or treat others well, you're good in my book. Historically speaking, my race has been persecuted for their beliefs and had an order for genocide put out on them. I know what it is like to, be on the receiving end. Therefore, don't worry about me, I just want to get to know you and not going to worry about where you come from."

Lilli nodded. “I appreciate that thank you. Just to be clear no one here has treated me like that, everyone here has accepted me no questions asked.” She smiled warmly. “That’s how I know this is the right home for me.”

"Oh good, I am glad to hear that." Mazal visibly relaxing, "Just let me know though if someone is being stupid and treating you like dirt. I will not tolerate that at all. Not from anyone." she gave a wry smile, "Okay so I get a bit passionate in my feelings but, I just don't like it when others are treated awful."

“Fair enough” Lilli smiled warmly. “May I ask where you stand on crew relationships? Not between marines, it’s just... I’ve met someone onboard ship he’s an officer. Call me crazy but I think I’m in love!” She blushed and smiled.

"You know something, I had actually asked Smithson, about friendships between marines and star fleet and also was curious about romance as well. She told me that as far as she was aware there are no set rules, she said there was a Sergeant Major dating a Full Lieutenant on the ship, so mingling in such a manner is allowed." Mazal stated, "And I don't see any problem with that whatsoever. Who is the lucky man?" Mazal interested in this. She being a bit of a romantic at heart.

“It’s Leland... err Lieutenant Hawksley.” Lilli smiled like a giddy little schoolgirl just at the mention of Leland's name. “We haven’t known each other that long, it’s been kind of a whirlwind romance.”

"Leland, I know Leland." Mazal giving a huge broad grin. " He is quite the guy, and that is fantastic! I joined him and two others, Silver and Tosrol for a night out, at a bar where they sang a song. Those boys can sure sing rather well. It was nice getting to know others of the Tomcat. Made me feel welcome, and was an impromptu celebration of my new rank and coming to a new ship. We met after I watched the Tomcat come to the station. He definitely knows how to fly."

Lilli nodded. “Unfortunately I don’t get to be on the bridge to see him at work, but I know he’s a talented man.”

"Well, I am glad you and he are together. You definitely seem rather happy." Mazal giving a smile, then took a drink of her tea, then set her mug down. "Sometime, I may find someone to be with. There is someone I do like, but I'm keeping it as just friends. There is chemistry, and we work well together but... Its got to just stay that way, as just friends." giving a slight tilt to her head a shrug.

“Why?” Lilli looked at Mazal curiously. “If you like each other then why not explore the possibilities?”

"Because, he wears the same color of uniform as I do, and he is the CO of the Marines. And due to that, I won't cross that line. He needs an XO who can work alongside him, but no entanglements of the personal kind, as in us being intimate lovers. That is my personal code, and something I abide by." Mazal paused to take a drink of her tea before continuing.

"If two lovers were working in the same profession, and they are sent out in the field or one has to send another out into the field into danger, it will make the other feel worried and not up to their best. May even get distracted. Which can possibly lead them getting hurt, or death or make a bad call. And I do not want that happening with Captain Jackson. He's a good man and already I respect him and consider him a very good friend." Mazal being very open and honest about this.

Lilli nodded. “I understand, to be honest I’m glad Leland isn’t a marine. I know as a Fleet Officer he’ll go on away party duty but at least it’s not going off into heavy combat or anything.” She paused she’d been feeling off par for a few days.

Mazal's brow furrowed catching sight of Lilli's expression. "Are you okay?"

“Sorry...” Lilli offered a smile. “I’m not feeling entirely myself today, must be something I ate.”

Mazal nodded at her explanation. "That can happen from time to time, especially if I accidentally eat something that I didn't know had chocolate. I'm allergic to chocolate." She looked at her tea then said. "maybe try some ginger tea it could help out with the nausea."

“Really?” Lilli nodded. ‘Thanks I’ll try that. Hopefully it’ll go over soon anyway, if it doesn’t I’ll have to consult the doctor.”

"That would be a good idea to do so. Never good to let something just stay. Anyway, as I said ginger tea." She thought for a moment, giving a slight smile, "You and Leland that is so cool. That man truly loves you." Mazal remarked. "Anyway so when I need counseling I would come see you. That is good to know. Now for another matter, besides seeing your loved one. what do you like to do for fun, or enjoyment?"

“I like a bit of assorts really” Lilli smiled warmly. “I enjoy time on the holodeck, going to the Arboretum, reading, playing cards, in-fact I have plenty of hobbies! Let’s just say I don’t usually get bored!”

"Those sound great fun. And definitely varied, that is good. I've got a few hobbies myself. I keep busy as well. I definitely love to dance. A great way to relieve stress too." Mazal stated. "Dancing, it just a big part of life and a way to celebrate life."

“Now that’s something I rarely do!” Lilli grinned. “Though now I’ve got a man in my life that could change! Do you have a favourite dance, or style of dance?”

"I know different styles and it depends on the situation. If I just want to have fun, I just freestyle, I do like to do the Tango. You can get into the emotion of the dance. However pure, plain and simple I just love to dance." Mazal grinning. "I will say on good authority, your man can dance. He and the other two men with him, did a Karaoke number and they were amazing, and boy can Leland sing. I do hope that he does sing to you. You are a lucky woman, and I feel he is a lucky man to have you in his life."

Lilliana smiled warmly. “I never knew any of that about him, I’ll have to suggest some dancing and nightlife. If you ever want to join us for dinner you’re always welcome.”

"That sounds lovely." Mazal replied with a broad smile. "And glad I could give you more information about your sweetheart. He has that spark of life and having fun. I do know he has a serious side to him too, but, he just loves to live life to the fullest from what I can tell."

Lilliana smiled. “Oh that he does!” Her mind drifted back to their encounter in the store room, Leland was so passionate he wasn’t afraid of being naughty from time to time.

"I will also say this, Leland is good medicine too. I am looking forward working with him and the others on the Tomcat. Also Leland is being somewhat of a matchmaker. He was suggesting that I date Tosrol and maybe even Silver. He really cares about his friends. And I was surprised at that. We had only just met and then he just said that out loud. Did I make an good impression on him for, Leland to do that? I didn't mind but all I can say is wow!" Mazal grinnned.

Lilli listened feeling a little upset with herself for not really knowing Leland as well as Falk seemed to. “He certainly seems to have made a good impression, I’m a lucky woman to have a man whose so well thought of.” She offered a smile.

Falk noted the expression in Lilli's eyes, before she gave a smile. "Did I put my foot in it?" Mazal asked. "I was just letting you know what I found out about him, just in that moment of time, my meeting him and Tosrol and Silver." a worried look and a feeling of worry as well.

“Ohh no...sorry!” Lilli offered an apologetic smile. “I’ve just come to realise I know barely anything about Leland. I just need to spend more time getting to know him better.”

Mazal nodded, visibly relieved. "I was worried. But yes, getting to know him better would be good. Like say, romancing him." Mazal not knowing what they do for dates, she's just tapping into what her mother told her. "My mother told me when I was old enough to have a boyfriend, that a girl can't expect the boy to do all the romancing, the girl needs to do some as well." she chuckled, "My parents practiced what they preached. It was so awesome seeing them continuing their romance, even after they had us kids. Mom would leave him notes, Dad would leave her notes of love. Flowers, both of them actually gave each other flowers. I thought that was really great."

“Really?” Lilli looked amazed. “I’ll remember that, I need to return the favour for somewhere Leland took me so maybe I could do something Romantic for him.”

"He may like it and be impressed." Mazal stated. "And would make the romance and relationship even more wonderful, from what I am thinking. And you know, a person can do something like that for a friend but on a smaller scale, not necessarily romantic level but, hey its fun to show a friend that you appreciate them wholeheartedly."

Lilli nodded in agreement. “It is indeed, thank you for giving me a different perspective on a relationship. You’d think as a Counsellor I’d know these things! Considering I have to advise others though in my case, it’s advising marines.”

"Well, I learned this stuff from my mother and my aunt plus my dad and uncle. And others. Plus also observations as well, things I've seen. However, you are a good counselor, you make a person feel relaxed and want to talk to you. After all, I told you about my.. attraction to someone. And I normally am quiet about that. Well except for the person I mentioned. Other than that, I normally am a person who will be quiet about certain matters. Therefore, I feel comfortable and also have trust in you as well." Mazal stated with confidence. "And nothing wrong in someone passing along their own experiences."

“That’s very true” Lilli nodded. “I’m sorry to say that I have to get going. Anytime you feel like talking, or just want some company feel free to give me a call.”

"I most certainly will give you a call, and its okay, I was just realizing what time it was. And thank you for this, I enjoyed it very much." Mazal rising from the chair. "Will be seeing you later on."

“Yes Ma’am you will” Lilliana smiled warmly. “Thank you too, I’ve enjoyed this very much.” She stood offered the customary salute before turning and heading on her way, she had one more stop before heading to Sickbay.


2nd Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine XO

Staff Sergeant Lilliana Vail
Combat Medic/Counsellor


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