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A Little Holo-Adventure...[Backpost]

Posted on 08 Feb 2022 @ 6:46pm by Captain Mazal Falk

2,123 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holo-suite on the station
Timeline: After reaching the Starbase

--Starbase Promenade--

Shortly after docking, the entire ship's complement had been given leave given the tough mission they'd just endured. The new Chief of Engineering, Nicole Taggert, had put in a lot of repair and refit requests, so the ship would be docked for a while. Most of the initial equipment removals would be handled by the starbase crew, and a number of systems had to be taken off-line, necessitating the ship to be emptied for some of the more intensive work.

While all that was going on, Nicci enjoyed having a few days before she would need to start supervision of the minor refit. She had walked into a shop called 'Galactic Adventures!', a very touristy but interesting outdoor shop with a wide variety of gear that drew her attention. For a 21st century person, Bass Pro, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Academy Sports mixed together would be an appropriate parallel.

She was in a comfortable pair of low-cut jeans that showed off her firm, tight rear and toned legs, coming just below her hip bones, a long blonde ponytail, and a baby blue tank top that gave her an impressive amount of cleavage, which most shirts did for her regardless of how much she tried to avoid it. As she walked the aisles, she saw a great pair of hiking shorts...much better than jeans or the leggings she had currently. The price was right, and the fit was great, and they even came with a ratcheted belt, a relatively common thing these days, more for looks than necessity, as most shorts stayed put on her.

Nicci paid for the shorts in the lower portion of the shop, and was eager to put them on, so she changed in the dressing room and looked at herself in the mirror...

"Something's off..." she said, as she adjusted her ponytail, doing a quick bit of work to put it into a braid, and then gave a moment's concentration, shifting her blonde hair to a dark brown, and willing her eyes to a sort of 'complex brown' that she just seemed to picture as more appropriate to the outfit.

"That looks like I'm ready to go on a good hike or raid some old tombs like Doctor Jones or Pitfall Harry did," she said with a smile and a nod, satisfied at her look.

"Aw, dangit," she said with snap of her fingers. "I needed some new hiking boots! My old ones fell apart on that run I took to Blood Mountain!"

Mazal came walking in, she was curious as to what they had here on the promenade, and was also in the mood to do some good old fashioned play of being Indira Jones. Her boots looked like they had been through a lot but were still holding true and were well broken in. The top rose just above her ankles. About her waist was a gunbelt, and inside the holster was a Webley MKVI. To keep her pants up, she had a web belt. Also strapped to the gunbelt was her bull whip. Another thing that she had was a cable wrapped with leather, just for her to swing across a chasm. Something Mazal had learned when doing research on the movie and how they did the stunts.

Mazal wore the 1930's style leather jacket, which had its own wear and tear as well. She wore the khaki colored pants as well as the shirt. Both comfortable to her.

Nicci took her time in the upstairs portion of the shop to go through, trying to find a good pair of hiking boots to go with her outfit. As she looked, she gravitated towards a good calf-high boot that would give her great ankle support, breathability, and yet be durable enough to hold up under extreme conditions.

She knelt down to get a box of the boots, giving a nice visual for anyone behind her looking at her from behind, or through the box rack, as a few empty spaces let anyone see right into her cleavage while she was more concerned with shoe sizes than her shirt size at the moment.

Walking around, checking out what was available, Mazal stopped and took a step back seeing a woman dressed as... "Lara Croft?" clearing her throat, Mazal stated, "You certainly look like you're dressed for adventure. That is one of the better Tomb Raider outfits I've seen in awhile."

Despite her senses, she was so wrapped up that she jumped a little and fell over, knocking a few boxes over herself, her hands behind her, supporting her weight, but displaying her endowments quite well as they shook at her fall. "Oof!"

She took a moment to get up and was confused, "Who's Lara Croft?" Her Georgia accent was evident, but mild at the moment.

Mazal was ready to help the woman up but she was able to do so without. "Well, Lara is a great explorer going after archeological treasures. And I've watched her movies. So, that is why I made the comment."

"Well, I guess I can see where you got that. I sometimes do enjoy dressing up for a holo adventure now and again," Nicci admitted. "I was looking for a good pair of hiking boots for a jaunt through the Appalachian Trail or something a bit more exciting perhaps."

"Well, I was getting ready to do some exploration of my own." Falk remarked, with a smile. "What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Nic...ole Taggert," she said, remembering to say the whole thing. "Chief Engineer on the Tomcat now, surprisingly. What's your name?" She extended her hand to the lady in front of her.

"I'm Mazal Falk, the new Marine XO of the Tomcat." taking Nicci's hand in a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you. I take it from your outfit you do some dressing up? Or were you going on a holo adventure to relax?"

"Well I do like to dress up, and Today I was seeing if they had an adventure I could go on. Like say Indiana Jones though I call myself Indira Jones. Hence the outfit." raising her hat to give a slight bow. Her dark hair looking slightly mussed. Mazal placed the fedora back onto her head. "I at times go on holo adventures with different levels just to keep myself up to date on my skills." Mazal replied. "Do you like to do holo adventures too?"

"Definitely," Nicci said with a smile. "Sometimes taking part in an old movie or TV show, or creating new adventures as an old Sentai hero or something. Then there are those killer days where you're scared out of your mind, and you just need a little role play, which I'm scared to admit, involves old cheesy TV romantic dramas to take my mind off being scared witless. Or after a boring day I need a little excitement, a little exploration, you know? So I go into a Mayan jungle and visit some old temple with a set of booby traps, " she said, remembering one of her old Pitfall Adventures holo novels. "But the short answer, I like a little challenge to take my mind off fixing a spaceship. Different puzzles challenge different skills, you know?"

"I totally get that. I do like to step into adventure roleplay as well, but..." Mazal put her index finger to her lips. "No one except for you, now, knows that I like to do this sort of thing. I keep quiet about it, most times, when I do an adventure, I'm dressed normal and going on a hike or even go rock climbing in rock climbing gear." she then grinned, "What shall we go do, once you get your new boots?"

"Well, tell a secret, share a secret," she smiled as she looked up at the tall woman. She was definitely beautiful. Maybe she should keep her normally blonde hair brunette for a while just to try something new. "I often roleplay as the Red Zyuranger, mixing the Japanese and American series like Valeria Kirk did in 2293 in her sim-novels. That's one of my dark secrets. Shhhh..." she motioned with a playful finger over her full lips.

"Now, I think perhaps we can use my holo-reservation up on holo-suite 5 for maybe a nice jungle temple sim, perhaps? I've got about 4 hours or so reserved in..." she looked at her timepiece for a sec, "about 28 minutes."

'Oh I am game for that!" Mazal replied with a grin, "and your secret is safe with me." I like the fact that I've got someone I can, go adventuring with." she rechecked her items then looked at Taggart. "I've got the stuff I need so far, how about you?"

She held up her boots, a nice size 8, and smiled. "I got a good pair with some good arch support, and some hiking socks, so I'm game for a jungle run if you are!"

Nicci walked with her new friend to the cashier and paid for her boots, and took the time to switch to her new boots and socks, so she could wear them in a little before they got to the holo-suite. With those new boots, and her braided brunette hair, she was practically the very image of Lara Croft to any fan of the ancient Earth game series.

"You look fabulous." as Mazal walked alongside Nicci. "I am looking forward to this and what your adventure will be like. Jungle temple." then she said in a quote. "Snakes why does it have to be snakes." she laughed. "I am not scared of snakes but that was a funny line from that Indiana Jones movie I loved to watch." Mazal said.

"Indiana Jones? I've seen some old movies, but I don't think I've seen that one. Is it good?" Nicci asked with a crinkle in her brow as she turned to Falk while they walked to the holo-suites.

"I found them enjoyable, and I really liked the actor for Dr. Jones. Harrison Ford. Even though he is long gone, I still had a crush on him." Mazal laughed. "Liked his looks and the fact he got muddy and dirty as well." she shrugged. "But the movies certainly had their appeal. Old temples in a jungle. Solving of puzzles and making sure you don't step on a stone which triggered a trap."

"Man that sounds dangerous," Nicci said as they continued along the promenade to the holo-suites. "How'd those old temple builders get out once they made all those traps, I wonder?" She had an engineer's mind, and she was already visualizing all the ropes, triggers, and whatnot needed to cause a booby trap, calculating the forces and physics involved in getting it all set up. She couldn't help having an overactive mind nowadays.

"I would think that they would have maps as to where they placed the traps. Would make sense to me. When I worked in demolitions, we had mapped out where we placed them. This way those who were going into that booby trapped area they would know where to step and where not to step." Mazal replied. "And memorizing where the traps are placed. Its always a good thing to do." walking along side Nicci. "I would hate to forget where I put my traps at, just in case I get chased into my own danger zone."

"True. Maybe we could try one of those temple treasure programs?" Taggert asked as they walked.

"That would be a lot of fun there. I like to work my brain around puzzles, and the great thing about it, being in one of those adventures, if you get killed, you can go back and try another day." Mazal giving a big smile. "I know in real life, you can't have those second chances but, hey it's a game an adventure."

Just as the two women were getting ready to step inside the adventure, there was a beep and Mazal looked at the message on her padd. She frowned slightly then looked at Taggart. "Hey sorry, I've got to get going. I forgot I had scheduled time to talk to my parents. Raincheck?" Mazal giving an apologetic smile. "And I've got to go now." with a quick wave of her hand Mazal strode away she couldn't miss this chat with her parents.

"Well dang," Nicci replied. "I understand. I have my parents tomorrow night. Let's do it another time."

She watched the other officer leave, waving as she did. oO Maybe a super sentai zyuranger program would work? Oo she thought as she did have time booked.

2nd Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer

Lt, JG Nicole Taggert
Chief Engineering Officer, USS Tomcat


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