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What in Tarnation happened! Part 1

Posted on 21 Sep 2021 @ 7:31pm by Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers

2,176 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Various
Timeline: Prior to Next mission (Current)


Alex arrived at her starbase quarters and quickly changed into early 21st Century style joggers and a baggy t-shirt, she put her hair up in a carefree ponytail and stepped into some fluffy slippers, opened a bottle of Bloodwine 2230 vintage and poured herself a glass and sat at her desk and opened a channel to Jasmine's runabout, she made the call and waited to be connected, while she did she took another sip of her bloodwine, then the holding screen changed to a dishevelled Jasmine who spoke a bit sleepy and grumpily.

=/\= Hi Alex, could you not wait till I was awake? =/\= she asked.

- Runabout USS Nile -

Jasmine was having a nice dream in the rear portion of the runabout she had when an incessant beeping could be heard she grumbled about all the injustices going on, she even cursed a few times, but she got up to put on her trousers and undershirt but did not do it all the way up as she sat at the pilot station and opened up a channel only to be greeted by her cousin wearing her custom vintage lounging attire with a t-shirt that was so baggy it showed her left shoulder with the tattoo of the SFMC on it.

=/\= Hi Alex, could you not wait till I was awake? =/\= she asked.

- Somers Quarters SB 51 -

*Mockingly* =/\=aww sorry to wake you cous =/\= Alex said with a smile and got a dirty look for her troubles.

=/\= Why are you calling, anyway Alex? =/\= Jasmine asked as she yawned.

=/\= just wanted to catch you up on stuff, I have moved Lieutenant Hawksley over to DCEO as his file said he had engineering experience and we needed at least two leaders in that area and it will give Lieutenant Taggert some experience of working with someone besides Dodd in engineering *pauses* also by the time you return we will have a new ACMO in place, got word earlier that a new ACMO has been assigned to the Tomcat, and are currently going through orientation now so they will be aboard when we start our next mission =/\= Alex said.

Jasmine now smiling =/\= that is good news, what of Karyn, not heard anything since she was given a field commission, how is she doing?=/\= Jasmine asked.

=/\= Last I heard she was promoted to First Lieutenant, so she is following me in the rapid promotion side of things, so what of you Jas, what is your ETA at Starbase 51? =/\= Alex asked.

=/\= A week, I estimate my arrival at, I have done everything that I need to do so now I should be back just as you are finishing up with your next mission, so how have you been finding commanding a ship? =/\= Jasmine asked.

*shrugs* =/\= you make it seem a lot easier than it actually is, but at least when I return back to the Academy I will be better prepared for those classes *pause as she shuddered* I will be the oldest cadet there, I will have to wear one of the Academy uniforms, but I am told that I will be able to keep my rank, I am not looking forward to it, but it is something that must be done =/\= Alex said in response as she finished a glass and poured herself another.

Alex noticed the lights on the ship flickering =/\= Jasmine what is happening? =/\= She asked suddenly feeling concerned, she saw her cousin turn her attention to another console as she was tapping in something.

=/\= I have just been tractored by an unknown ship I... =/\= the image froze a moment then it began to play again =/\= mayday, mayday I have just been boarded =/\= Jasmine said and Alex saw some unknown figures enter the cockpit they had EVA suits on with tinted visors so she did not know what the species was before the screen went out.

-Somers Quarters SB 51-

"Sonofa!!" Alex exclaimed as she stood up so fast she had a short dizzy spell before it was gone, she picked up her Commbadge and activated it =/\= Lieutenants Donovan, Silver and Ensign Sh'shraaqir meet me in the Tomcat's Flight Deck at our Runabout, we have us an issue with the Fleet Captain's shuttle, I will brief en-route bring EVA suits =/\= she said as she rushed to get into uniform again while she waited for the responses.

- Bar -Men’s Toilet SB51 -

Ted had wandered off from the others to find somewhere to empty his bladder. There had been a queue so he had to wait. Finally, his turn came and after doing the act he washed his hands. Ted stood listening to Somers. In a pigeons breath, he acknowledged and moved toward the entrance. One of his fellow Tomcats was in trouble it was time to act!

-Intelligence office-

With a tall glass of coconut water, Thyra was reading intelligence reports. Since she was assigned she wanted to get prepared for her duties. Then the com bleeped and a hasty colonel Somers called her and two others to action. She wondered why she was called, but she didn't give it much thought and just put the glass back in the replicator and the report back in her desk drawer. She then left the room locking it.

Serina was just sitting down to dinner when the comm came through. "Emergency call. I'll be back," she said dropping her plate and tore out the doors. It took about 5 minutes for her to grab her flight suit and EVA suit and hustle to the flight deck.

- Main Flight Deck Tomcat -

Silver arrived dressed in his Science Officers EVA suit. Thankfully it was not the same one as he had worn before. This one had a few new features added. Including a built-in HUD in the helmet. That way he would not have to keep looking down at his arm. When using a tricorder. He left the helmet off, for now, Choi my to carry it under his arm.

Serina skidded to a stop, fully dressed, flight suit with EVA suit on top holding her helmet.

Finally, she arrived on the main flight deck of the Tomcat where she had some flight crews ready for the Runabout they were going to take out to the Fleet Captain's last location, she was in her Marine style EVA suit, it was just like the standard Starfleet EVA, but it was sleeker-looking where the helmet was concerned her hair was up in a tight bun, now here she was with standard weaponry namely a hand Phaser and was waiting as the runabout was moved into position near her, she looked at a far door and saw three officers stepping out EVA suits on and helmets in hand as they approached her.

When they had stopped next to her Somers begun "Sorry to pull you three offshore leave so soon, but we have an issue, I was in discussion with Fleet Captain Somers over sub-space when her ship was attacked by persons as yet unknown, the screen went dead and I had SB51 CinC scan the area for any explosions, there have been none, so we can assume that the Fleet Captain was kidnapped and her runabout left adrift. Now as she is a Fleet Captain she will have codes for the Mira Sector and the defence perimeters, and the runabout while not much, could reveal some unwanted stuff to the hostiles in the area, so before we board, do you have any questions?" Somers asked.

“We’re the scans able to pick up any trails. Maybe we could analyse them if there are?. It may give us a clue as to who took her.” Silver asked

Thyra still wasn't used to these suits very much. "I doubt they were stupid enough to leave a warp trail. And if they did, they probably would have masked it to lead us astray. I suggest we check the runabout if they took anything from there. And we should rewatch the communication with the colonel to see if you missed anything, colonel."

Looking at Silver "If they are as clever as I assume then no there would be no trails, just like the Ensign said, but we are going out there anyway, I have another pilot with us as Serina can pilot the adrift runabout back to the Starbase. Now it is a three day trip to the Fleet Captain's last known location at the ships maximum warp" Somers said and then looked at Serina "Lieutenant Donovan, you will be my Copilot on the way out there *she looks at the rest* You should all get into your seats and strap in as I lower the SIF so it feels like I am in a small shuttle, so if there are no other questions!" Somers said pausing to see if there were any.

“Not at present.” Although he did not agree with Somers. Ted knew better than to argue. No matter how clever a person was at covering their tracks. Sometimes there could still be a trail. Agreed it would not be easy to find. But even the galaxy’s best cloak and dagger brigade. Did not wipe away everything.

"Racine could fly fighter escort if you need one. I think it wise with another pair of eyes as it were", Serina suggested

Looking at Serina "no need, I can fly any auxiliary ship Starfleet currently has in service, including the Gryphon fighter we have, but I have yet to fire the weapons of that fighter" she looks at the Andorian ", you ready ensign?" She asked.

Thyra sat down and strapped in. "Yes, and I think this group is enough for what we need to do. Also, I don't think we should attract too much attention." She tried to look serious. She then couched a little. "Sorry, trying to get into my role, how am I doing?"

With a nod, she looked at the Assembled "okay the tasks you have when we get there Lieutenant Donovan you will get the engines back online and ready to fly the ship back to the Starbase *looks at Thyra* Ensign you will look through the ship's databanks and logs to see if the Fleet Captain left anything and you Lieutenant Silver will scan for any residue that may have been left behind unknowingly, any questions before we board the ship?" Somers asked.

"I have no questions and understood, sir," Thyra said.

"Nope, my tasks are understood, sir," Serina added.

“ Understood.” Silver said nodding. As he tapped some controls on his EVA suits control pad on his sleeve.

Looking at the Andorian with a smile, "you are doing fine Thyra, you will feel more comfortable in your new role as you gain first-hand experience" Somers said "okay all aboard" she added as she walked up the ramp and sat at the pilot station, as she ran through the preflight the rest of the crew she had assembled boarded and closed the door behind them, joining her upfront was Serina Donovan ", you Ready Serina?" She asked.

"Ready, willing, and able, Captain Somers. Let's get going," Serina said waiting for clearance.

With that clearance from flight control came in and Alex without prior warning had dialled back the SIF and lifted the runabout and the ship shot out of the flight bay pushing everyone into the back of their seats "forgot to mention you are in for a bumpy ride" Somers said with humour as she adjusted her heading and left the Starbase behind when cleared she set the heading to the Captain's last known location and went to the vehicles maximum warp, when safely at warp she swivelled in her seat "okay do any of you have misgivings about what we might or might not find?" She asked.

Silver considered his response to this.

“I’m just wondering if maybe we should of brought more people or the Tomcat with. What if we run into trouble?” Ted asked.

"If I could, I would have flown in my fighter since we have no known direction or who we would run into. But, a runabout would be less likely to be fired upon before they ask questions as to why we are here. Getting the engines online is not a problem, but getting it back to starbase might be," Serina said.

Thyra just looked on her EVA computer. "I may have a feeling they already got what they needed. I don't think they are out there."

*Looks over at Serina* "Lieutenant, I could not agree more, but we have to deal with what has on hand, si we have some time, grab a drink and try to relax as much as one can in your EVA suits" Somers said and she took the runabout to warp.

TBC in What in Tarnation happened! Part 2 - The Other side


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Lieutenant Jg Ted Silver
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Chief Intelligence Officer


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