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Two Guys and a Girl (Adult Themed)

Posted on 21 Sep 2021 @ 1:54pm by Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley

2,049 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Hawksley’s Quarters

Attention: This post contains Sexual Encounters and Graphic Details, avoid reading if you are not into that sort of thing.


As Leland had wanted Lilli was waiting for him to come home, wearing something skimpy she thought he’d like she was sitting stretched out on the sofa when the door opened.

As Leland was keeping the respect he insisted Remy go first, so Dodd stepped in and had a vision of Lilli in a curious pose on the sofa wearing much of nothing. "Sorry Sergeant did not mean to ruin your surprise for your man."

Lilli quickly grabbed her dressing gown which was lying over the back of the sofa and covered herself. “Commander! Sorry Sir I err... I wasn’t expecting anyone else.” She blushed a deep shade of red.

"No worries, Lilli, I was just that same shade of red yesterday for a moment when Leland came to visit me." Dodd replied with a light chuckle.

Hawksley had turned to Lilli on the Sofa. "Isn't she incredible. This is what I get to come home to. Lilli is the smartest, most discerning, most.... erotic, females I have ever met." Hawksley had walked in, he started to take off his pair of sneakers he was wearing as he took a chair. Leland winked at Dodd.

"Don't worry. She doesn't bite. We've been... Wanting to know if you need any stress relief, Sir..." Hawksley had started to reach up and off his own tee-shirt, having had just done a workout with Dodd at the gym and showered.

Lilli smiled as she walked across to Leland, “What Leland isn’t saying is that I find him extremely attractive.” She playfully ran her fingers over his chest now he wasn’t wearing a t-shirt.

"Well, I was not expecting this and had not done anything like this since the academy." Dodd states with a look of intent at Hawksley as the now young shirtless hunk was giving off vibes of wanted to see Dodd naked once more as well as see him with his girl.

Lilli saw the look between Dodd and Leland, “Would you like Remington to join us Imzadi?” She smiled as she looked at Dodd, what woman wouldn’t find him attractive. “How’s about I leave you two to talk” she stood and headed towards the bedroom. “I’ll be in the bedroom when you want me” She teasingly removed her dressing gown again and left it behind.

"Yes, my Imzadi." Hawksley replied in lust to Lilli, already hot seeing that they all would share a good time together.

Leland began to flex his shoulders, and walk to Dodd. "Do you think you can handle my Lady? You think you can.... Touch her where I can't?" Hawk found it oddly liberating, sexually, to see another close friend, a Bromance of a friend. Someone he admired, both cordually on duty, and an off duty behind closed doors.

"What we do in this quarters. Or choose to? Simply will stay in these quarters." Hawksley spoke to Dodd, in a tone that the XO had not heard. It was serious, and personal, and turned on.

Hawk had led his eyes up and down Dodd. "You don't want to.. Let Lilli down do you, Dodd? You.. You're going to give Lilli something special." He would love nothing more, than to see the physical prowess of another male, in kind, in stature physically as he were.

"You really just want me naked in full view for your pleasure, don't you?" Dodd added. "I love to be naked so that does not take much doing, but I am not sure about having my way with our lady is really for me, unless there is really no way this will get out out to others." Dodd felt his manhood getting stiff.

In the bedroom Lilli was sitting on the bed waiting for both men to join her. This was going to be a first for her so she was nervous, and excited all at the same time.”

Remy then took Leland in his grip and pulled him in for a kiss that was so much like the passionate variety that he gave to Walon, but not as intense. More or less it was to get a full feel of what Leland really wanted. Remy then removed his shirt and tuned to walk into the bedroom and have his conquest of Lilli. While he longed for the intimacy of a woman, she was offering and he did have attraction towards her but he never seduced an attached woman before while the attached male was present.

At that moment the bedroom door opened to reveal Lilli in the doorway, she wanted to be sure that Dodd was comfortable with what was being suggested. She smiled as she saw him with no shirt on, greeting him she gently ran her fingers across his skin. “I wasn’t sure if you liked this idea, but seeing you now I think I’ve changed my mind, you seem pretty sure now.”

"You have no idea what I am wanting, but what you are offering will satisfy my hunger for now." Dodd stated as he let his pants fall to the floor and his nakedness reigned in the mood for what was about to happen. He grabbed Vail and pulled her into his chest as he embraced her for a kiss and held her so tight yet so very delicate as well. While being held against his flesh, he was certain she felt the hardening of his manhood and that she also really felt the hunger of his loins throbbing.

Lilli could indeed feel just how much Dodd wanted her, as she returned his kiss. She wasn’t used to being shared but if Leland didn’t mind she wasn’t going to refuse Dodd either. She practically melted into his embrace as he held her.

Without a single word, Dodd hoisted Vail up and sat her on the edge of the bed then as he slid her back to all him to get on top of her, the couple began a rhythmic jive of movements that allowed for Dodd to get Vail in the perfect position for him to dive in deep and tickle the walls of a sweet feminine cavern. The moist and warm welcoming he felt, made Dodd glide in and out so slowly as to enjoy every single millimeter of this beautiful woman and what she was giving his heartbroken body.

Knowing Hawksley was intrigued by Dodd's nakedness and now to invite him to use his girlfriend made Dodd a little more slow and driven to give Hawksley a good show and to really show him how their bromance may continue for a long time to come. The fact that Hawksley was now naked and watching Vail receive the hunky Dodd was making Dodd more horny.

Lilli was enjoying every moment of her impromptu love making with Dodd, her sighs and moans of pleasure were clear for both Dodd and Leland to hear. Her hands gently gripped Remington’s body encouraging him onward, while the thought of Leland enjoying the show kept her wanting to entertain.

This engaging act of seduction was satisfying Dodd's needs to release himself but also turning him into a form of entertainment for his bro. Dodd could feel the thoughts Hawksley had regarding this encounter, which in turn got Dodd more aroused and thus got him firmer as continuously impaled Vail with himself as she moaned and arched her back with every thrust.

Lilli could see Leland watching holding out her hand she encouraged him closer wanting to be able to touch him as Dodd enjoyed her. She could feel how much having Leland watching was turning Dodd on. “Come and join us Imzadi.”

Hawk was inspired. He felt the sexual tension in the room. For every movement, every breath, every shudder from both Lilli and Dodd was sensual. The very act of seeing the bodies, the two sharing their pleasures.

Leland watched intently, the scene. He didn't feel what most men would feel. Leland sensed Dodd, he sensed Lilli and it was pure affection, lust, sensations...

As Leland got on to the bed near Lilli, he lusted to join in the sympatico that was developing. Not take away, but only to add to it. Hawksley's eyes fixed on Dodd, his manhood, his body tensing and releasing in his masculine form intriqued Hawksley. He didn't feel odd, he felt liberated.

Leaning downward to place a gentle, loving kiss to Lilli's lips from above, Leland splayed out his thighs around Lilli's sides as she was treated to Dodd's scepter. Reaching forward, Leland then smiled at Dodd as he lent the man a kiss placed to his lips, tasting yet feeling the energy between the three.

Dodd then repositioned himself and Vail to allow access to for Hawksley to join in the fun. Dodd was now on his back which put Vail on top. The action was about to get more intense for Vail once Hawksley joined in more.

Never in his wildest did he believe this would happen. Sure, Leland experienced a ménage à trois. Just not with another guy.

Careful not to cause any pain, Hawksley was more than primed to join. Hawk slipped his large hands along the sides of Vail. Planted above the two, Leland expertly fell into his lady and budding bromance. Bodies intertwined, becoming one.

The yin to the yang. Leland grunting, his closed eyes a moment as he began his pelvic glide, sliding into Lilli's familiar embrace that already was filled. Two points of pride served Lilli, Hawksley's body tensing, flexing forward, feeling Dodd within supporting.

Dodd felt the addition of Hawksley and he could sense the change in Vail's emotions. He could sense she was not accustom to being with two men at once, but she was feeling very satisified.

Lilli was in a whole new world of sexual gratification, never before had she been with two men let alone both at once! Her body was on a high she felt she’d never come down from, she moaned loudly crying out loudly as her body reacted with a powerful climax. Her back arched as she tipped her head back revelling in the sensations she was experiencing.

Dodd could not hold back any longer, so he pulled out and exploded as Hawksley and Vail continued in their rhythmic motions on top of the man. He could feel every thrust of Hawksley and every emotion of both lovers. The afterglow Dodd felt was calming as he was so in the moment still.

Lilli was still in the moment with Leland, enjoying every moment of their passion. She smiled as her eyes fell on Dodd seeing he was fully satisfied.

Hawk realized Dodd had his go, relieving himself. At the bottom, he was easing the weight on him as Leland rolled to saddle Lilli between Dodd on the left now. Hawk feeling the sexual charge in the room as he gained speed and vigor, pumping away Lilli, enjoying her body, lusting, seeing as she was filled to the brim and now fucked with zeal.

"AwwwW.." Leland groaned, feeling as Lilli's body continued to shudder from the orgasm Dodd had initiated within her, her soft treasures within a place that Leland coveted.

"You two are going to be the death of me, all this love making and yet you two are still full of energy and this old man is tapped." Dodd stated as he was relishing the thoughts of the two lovebirds.

Lilli smiled the biggest smile yet as she leant her head down and gave Dodd a romantic kiss, “I’m glad you’re enjoying it!”

~ A while later ~

Their lovemaking enjoyment over Lilli lay between both men, she was cuddled up to Dodd at Leland’s behest with Leland spooned up behind her. To say she was tired was an understatement, the day’s news about her being pregnant was still weighing on her mind but for now she simply relaxed with both as they all cuddled up together for the night.


Staff Sergeant Lilliana Vail
Combat Medic/Counsellor

Lt Commander Remington Dodd
Executive Officer

Lieutenant jg Leland Hawksley
Asst Chief Engineer


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