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What in Tarnation happened! Part 2 - The Other side

Posted on 29 Oct 2021 @ 1:26pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson

1,730 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: USS Nile/Various
Timeline: Nine days before Mission Briefing


- Runabout USS Nile -

Jasmine was having a nice dream in the rear portion of the runabout she had when an incessant beeping could be heard she grumbled about all the injustices going on, she even cursed a few times, but she got up to put on her trousers and undershirt but did not do it all the way up as she sat at the pilot station and opened up a channel only to be greeted by her cousin wearing her custom vintage lounging attire with a t-shirt that was so baggy it showed her left shoulder with the tattoo of the SFMC on it.

=/\= Hi Alex, could you not wait till I was awake? =/\= she asked.

- Somers Quarters SB 51 -

=/\=aww sorry to wake you cous =/\= Alex said mockingly with a smile and got a dirty look from Jasmine for her troubles.

=/\= Why are you calling, anyway Alex? =/\= Jasmine asked as she yawned.

=/\= just wanted to catch you up on stuff, I have moved Lieutenant Hawksley over to DCEO as his file said he had engineering experience and we needed at least two leaders in that area and it will give Lieutenant Taggert some experience of working with someone besides Dodd in engineering *pauses* also by the time you return we will have a new ACMO in place, got word earlier that a new ACMO has been assigned to the Tomcat, and are currently going through orientation now so they will be aboard when we start our next mission =/\= Alex said.

Jasmine now smiling =/\= that is good news, what of Karyn, not heard anything since she was given a field commission, how is she doing?=/\= She asked pulling her knees up onto the seat.

=/\= Last I heard she was promoted to First Lieutenant, so she is following me in the rapid promotion side of things, so what if you Jas, what is your ETA at Starbase 51? =/\= Alex asked.

Looking to the side at the Chrono and back to the screen =/\= A week, I estimate my arrival at, I have done everything that I need to do so now I should be back just as you are finishing up with your next mission, so how have you been finding commanding a ship? =/\= Jasmine asked.

Alex shrugged =/\= you make it seem a lot easier than it actually is, but at least when I return back to the Academy I will be better prepared for those classes *pause as she shuddered* I will be the oldest cadet there, I will have to wear one of the Academy uniforms, but I am told that I will be able to keep my rank, I am not looking forward to it, but it is something that must be done =/\= Alex said in response as she finished a glass and poured herself another.

Alex looked concerned as she noticed the lights on the ship flickering =/\= Jasmine what is happening? =/\= She asked suddenly feeling concerned, she saw her cousin turn her attention to another console as she was tapping in something.

=/\= I have just been tractored by an unknown ship I... =/\= after adjusting the power Alex's image began to move again as Jasmine put out a mayday =/\= mayday, mayday I have just been boarded =/\= Jasmine said before the screen went out.

Like a flaming phoenix complete with fire trailing it sensed the approaching runabout, it turned slowly leisurely like a shark hunting prey. approaching the runabout from the port forward side

*Proximity sensors started to blare on the runabout*

A flaming phoenix golden in colour and majestic in appearance had planned this and had intercepted the runabout moving slowly through space, the ship was close to unclaimed space but was still in Federation space. However, this area was lightly patrolled by Starfleet. The Apostate and crew of the vengeance indeed felt justice would be served. the vengeance locked on a tractor beam, holding the runabout in its tight grip. then extending a grappling claw and capturing the runabout. The apostate them beamed onto the runabout.

looking around he didn't see anyone else on the ship. "Are you Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers?" a tall radiant Nausican looking warrior asked.

"Fleet Captain Somers, Jasmine Lynne Starfleet service number Alpha-3-67-91-56-omega-2391-sigma," she said as she looked around then back at the Nausicaan "Really, you are asking me such a question, did you not do a scan of the runabout before you tractored it?" she asked defiantly.

"Scanned, Tagged and Processed Fleet Captain, He sneered. You will be kept in storage", He stretched out his hand and the claw closed the runabout disappeared. "Behold." He said.

The Fleet Captain has beamed aboard, not needing the runabout any longer the claw relaxed and set it adrift...

"Welcome aboard Fleet Captain Somers, I am the Apostate and you are my prisoner." The Apostate said.

The Apostate turned towards the golden Naussican, "Take her to interrogation cell number three."

Wondering what was in store for her Jasmine was dragged from the transporter room and through a dank and dirty ship, as they took her to the brig, the blow she received to her nogging caused the lights to seem more colourful and blurry at the same time and seemed to pulse with an energy all their own, as they neared the brig she felt a wallop on the back of her head and it was lights out, by this time her hair was sweaty, dirty and her hair matted in blood, her eye was beginning to swell from the hit she took there.

She was unsure on how long she had been out, but when she came to, it seemed some time had passed as the ship was underway and she woke up in the same atmosphere of the ship, but she was bound to a table and in her undergarments and had tubes inside her undergarments and in places that things should not go outside of a bedroom, there was also a tube in her mouth, but unable to help herself the tubes inserted on her lower half were exciting her, she understood that was not the intent, but she had not been with a guy for years so this would be an interesting time, but still she would be in for a rough time as her captors did not seem to be of the friendly sort.

One of the golden Nausicaans brought in some food and water. "Eat and Drink, Human!" The Nausicaan grumbled in that warbly thickly accented voice of his.

With shaky hands, she moves her dirty and matted hair out of her face and shudders as she takes a bit of the bitter food, but it was nourishment so she ate her food, all the while thinking what the hell was going on, she was unaware that she had down wrong to any Nausicaans. unless they were hired by someone she had wronged and forgot about.

The Apostate came in and ran what looked like a medical tricorder over her. "You have a concussion, when you are finished eating you should rest. You must be ready for your trial." The Apostate said.

"That I guessed, plus some other injuries I will wager" then she realised what he said "what trial, I have done nothing wrong!" she said clearly puzzled by the comment as she did not know what she had done wrong.

"I suppose ignorance is bliss Fleet Captain. All will be revealed at your inquiry. Rest now we will arrive at our destination by the time you awaken." The Apostate said.

Defiantly "I will not get some sleep," she said, but she felt herself getting drowsy and realised they put some relaxants into her food and before long darkness claimed her, for once she had no dreams.

The Apostate left her to sleep, She really did need her full faculties for what was to come.

He went to the bridge and folded space making sure to leave the antiproton breadcrumbs to lure Starfleet or at least the Fleet Captain's ship the Tomcat to his planet, once teeming with life now a barren sand dune. the atmosphere and water had been ripped away, leaving the planet vulnerable to all the stellar winds radiation and spacial phenomenon. The magnetic field was still up, but not even soil bacteria survived. His beautiful garden was just a dead lifeless ball. Yes, Somers would pay and so would her crew.

"Continue to scan the surface." He said to his golden Naussican's.

He left to prepare the observation deck.

"Wake the woman when preparations are made. Have her fed dressed and shackled."

"Hmmm Gruumba my Liege." the golden Naussican said.

"Also prepare the Regenesis device." The Apostate said.

"Moombata tuv singuuti Apostate." The golden Naussican said.

Unlike other dreamscapes, Jasmine found herself in a white featureless room, where there was nothing, she was somewhat disappointed "Well this is strange, I must have taken more punishment than she had realised and decided to have her dreamscape fade to black as she cherished the quiet slumber that she was getting but was under no illusion that she would feel the pain when she woke up again.

The sound of heavy footsteps woke her up as she opened her eyes and saw a Nausicaan there she inwardly groaned.

"Come with us," they instructed.

Jasmine stood up on shaky legs and followed the Nausicaan she looked forward, she was being taken somewhere, this was clear, her stomach grumbled and she was fancying a big juicy medium-rare steak and fries, but she remained silent.

Somers was led to an observation area. Outside of the ship, it was obvious that they were orbiting a planet and it looked like a dead world

"Please have a seat," The Apostate said.

"I assume you are hungry? I am not familiar with your species so I don't know what you eat. Name it and you can have it." The Apostate said not looking at her but at the planet below.

Taking the offered seat, she was well aware that there was an ulterior motive to all this "we can eat most things, but a nice steak and Fries if you know what they are!" She said and the Apostate was unsure left to get something edible for a humanoid.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer

Apostate [NPC: Thompson]

Tolar [NPC: Thompson]
Nausicaan Raider


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