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The ol check in

Posted on 01 Nov 2021 @ 5:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51 & Warrant Officer K'Muss
Edited on on 22 Nov 2021 @ 9:58pm

863 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: SB 51


- Security Center -

K'Muss stood outside the security centre, his mind somewhat racing. He knew he had a clear record. But he kept flashing back to an incident with a Klingon marine earlier in life. He shook his head. "He never pressed charges. I did give him his knife back though." The caitian shrugged as he walked in. He began to look for someone who could at least tell him where to go.

After finishing up with Lieutenant Sinclair Sam looked up from what she was doing and saw a Catian enter the outer office, he even had bags and was wearing green indicating that he was new to the Rifles. She stood up tugging down her tunic and walked out oO strange that a new arrival should come to me, this should be interesting Oo she thought to herself so she put a smile on and entered the main office.

"Hello, Warrant Officer?" She asked noting his rank as she closed the space.

"Hello, Commander," he replied. "I wonder if you could help me. The lieutenant in the transporter room told me to report to security." The caitian shrugged.

*Smiling* "I am Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson and you have come to the right place, please have a seat and can I see your transfer Padd please?" Smithson asked holding her hand out.

"It's right here," K'Muss said, feeling relieved. He happily handed the padd over. oO So I just won't mention that incident with that Klingon Oo he thought to himself.

taking the Padd she looked at it and transferred the data on it to the computer then handed the Padd back "now then you are the first SNCO we have had posted here for some time, so welcome to the Mira Sector" Smithson said as she tapped stuff into the computer as the built-in the wall replicator/printer began creating the ID badge and Isolinear ship with special codes.

"So how was the long trip out here chief?" Smithson asked as she tapped away inputting data into the bases computer.

"Wasn't too bad. Thanks for asking. Hitched a ride on my old ship, so got to catch up a little bit" K'muss smiled.

*absently smiling* "that is good," Smithson said and she picked up the ID card and held it out to him "this ID Card is to only be worn visibly or somewhere on your person and only while you are on the ship if you are assigned to an away team the ID card remains on the Tomcat," she said waiting for K'Muss to take it.

"Nice." K'Muss. "Cool too. The Dax didn't have anything like this," he said, visibly impressed.

*Smiling* "The Tomcat is not your normal ship, she has three Fighter Squadrons numbering 12 per squadron, 24 pilots so that the pilots have a rotation, there are even 24 or more Klingon Pilots on the ship. Then you have 467 Rifles, twelve of those are the Fleet Captain's guard, they go by Bravo unit. Then you have the fact that the Tomcat operates in the wilds of space, so extra security is needed" she paused as she picked up the Isolinear chip and held that out to him.

"This Chief is a separate set of clearance codes for you, your standard ones will work, but should there be an emergency you will need a set unique to the Tomcat and they are on here" she added holding it out to him.

K'Muss nodded. "Thank you." He smiled as he took the Isolinear chip off the Commander.

There is only one thing left, but while we are waiting for that, do you have any questions Warrant Officer K'Muss?" Smithson asked as she tapped information into the database and a long red piece of paper began to appear out of the wall printer, she waited to see if he had any questions.

"I think I'm good, Commander," K'muss replied. Jus ready for duty I suppose."

Taking out the printed strip of paper and holding it out "I know you are an NCO, but all crew get one of these, this is a one-use code, it will lock out any hostiles from accessing the Tomcat's systems so that only you can access the ship. This is only to be used if all other Officers are incapacitated and the ship is in danger of being overrun, so memorize the long code and then destroy the strip of paper" she said then paused.

"Memorize and destroy. Gotcha, Commander"

After she continued "Okay, as there are no other questions you have Chief, report to Marine Captain Patrick Jackson or Second Lieutenant Mazal Falk, they are your department heads now and will welcome you into the Rifles, you are free to go about your business" Smithson said.

"Thank you" K'Muss replied and stood up.

Smithson stood up and shook the NCOs hand and watched the Catian leave "well, it seems the Rifles have themselves another one!" she said to herself before she returned to her task, sometimes she wondered should she ask for a change of scenery. but only sometimes.


Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson [P: Somers]
Starbase 51 Chief of Security

Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO


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