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Confiding in you

Posted on 21 Sep 2021 @ 8:25pm by Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

1,028 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: First Officer’s Office
Timeline: Day after ‘two guys and one girl’


The previous night had been one Lilli wasn’t going to forget anytime soon, for more reasons than one. She’d enjoyed making love with Dodd and hoped that she’d brought him some memorable enjoyment after his recent heartbreak. Making her way to the First Officer’s office she pressed the chime and waited for an answer.

Dodd was up early and after his morning run, he just went to his office to do a little work and have his coffee. He was not expecting any visitors with the shore leave still in progress, so he was only in his shorts and socks and shoes after removing his shirt once in his office. Then the chime sounded. "Enter. " Dodd stated to allow a friendly mind into the office.

Walking inside Lilli offered a warm smile. “Good Morning, can we talk?”

"Well, hello." Dodd replied. "I guess we can talk if you don't mind me being ripe from my workout as I have not showered yet."

“Are you kidding?” Lilli grinned. “After how sweaty we were last night!”

"That is a different sweat. This is funk sweat. What is one your mind or do I really need to ask?" Dodd responded back.

Lilli walked over to a seat and sat down. “You know don’t you? That I’m... pregnant?”

"I knew last night about ten minutes into our fun and yet I was in the moment and giving Leland a show of what you deserve in a man and I knew it was not my place to say anything." Dodd replied.

“I appreciate that, thank you” Lilli smiled. “To be honest, I love Leland but I’m not sure how he’ll react to the news that he’s going to be a father! Especially so soon. There’s that and my career...” she sighed. “I’m a Combat Medic, as well as a Counsellor, it’s what I do. According to the Doctor Sinclair I’m already 4 weeks.”

"So you have already seen a doctor." Dodd stated with a bit of surprise. "I will keep quiet myself and hope you do the right thing. I know you will make a great mother but you are the only one who can decide how you want to handle this."

Lilli nodded. “I saw Doctor Sinclair, she’s being absolutely wonderful about all this. I don’t intend not to have this baby, I just... need sometime to think about how it’s all going to work, I don’t want Leland to feel obliged to be with me because I’m carrying his baby.”

"Leland wants to be with you and I know that more than ever after our time last night." Dodd replied. "I know you love him and you were only trying to help me out as he was. He does have some attraction to me, but we are merely friends and the bromance is not going to go beyond that anytime soon if ever. I promise you that I will not say anything to him, but you need to do it sooner rather than later and them work out what the plan is." I will do what I can to help you coordinate the plans as I am the XO and that will help you out as well."

Lilli nodded. “I appreciate that. I hope you enjoyed last night, I’ll admit I’d never been with two men before but I enjoyed it.”

"I must admit that while I was so glad for the opportunity to release myself, I did enjoy the evening and I do feel an attraction for you, but I will not be a part of undoing your relationship with Leland and I must not let that happen between us again." Dodd stated. "I appreciate you and Leland and all you did to help me feel like a man once again. I know Leland has some attraction to me and I will keep that in check in our bromance and thus the young hunk will be your main man. But I get him for drinking movie nights, video games and daring holodeck adventures from time to time. We can share Leland and keep it fun and respectable in the same."

"Thank you and I felt like I did in the academy days, as I never really slept alone then. Last night was sort of me reliving those carefree-days for one night." Dodd added.

Lilli smiled and nodded. “I appreciate that, and I’m glad we could help you. If you’re ever lost, and lonely then come spend some time with us. It doesn’t have to lead to anything just three friends spending time together.”

"I will keep that on my mind for when the need is there." Dodd said with a wink.

Lilli smiled warmly. “In that case I’d best let you get on with your duties. For what it’s worth it feels better knowing I have someone to talk to.”

"No worries, and I can be a good counsellor even if I am not licensed as one." Dodd replied. "I will see you soon in our mission briefing."

Lilli offered a wry smile. “I doubt I’ll be in a mission briefing, unless it’s a marine one. I’m not senior staff like you Commander.”

"My bad, so sorry." Dodd replied. "I am sure Captain Jackson or XO Falk will brief you after the senior staff is done."

Lilli nodded. “Of that I've no doubt” she couldn’t help but wonder if Dodd was thinking of Arderne for a reason. She didn’t ask out of politeness. “I’ve no doubt I’ll see you around Commander.”

"Vail, you take care of yourself and my door is always open so come see me if you need anything at all." Dodd stated with his whole heart in the sentiment. "You have a friend in me."

And with that Vail departed Dodd's office and the two got about with the duties they had waiting for them.


Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Executive Officer; USS Tomcat


Staff Sergeant Lilliana Vail
Field Medic Marine Unit / Counselor; USS Tomcat


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