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Mission Briefing Part 1 - Assemble

Posted on 28 Sep 2021 @ 1:04pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Captain Patrick Jackson & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Captain Mazal Falk & Warrant Officer K'Muss
Edited on on 28 Sep 2021 @ 1:04pm

3,242 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Main)
Location: Various
Timeline: Prior to Mission Launch


- CRR -

After speaking with Admiral Casey, Alex realized their shore leave was over, the Tomcat had been fully restocked and any small dings in her hull were hammered out so to speak, now in the CRR, she finalized some reports then tapped her Commbadge.

=/\= Colonel Somers to all Senior Staff assemble in the main briefing room in ten minutes, Somers out =/\= she said and closed the link and picking up her Padd and headed towards the main briefing room.

Arriving in the main briefing room mug of tea in her hand Somers prepared all that she needed now she sat down and drunk a little as she waited for all the Staff to arrive.

While down in the Counselling office...

Lamia was busy organizing appointments in her office when the call to join the briefing came through. Picking up a PADD she took a deep breath and headed for the briefing room, this was going to be her first briefing as Chief Counsellor and she was more than a little nervous.

- Turbolift -

Arriving at the turbolift Lamia stepped in she was surprised to see Remington. “Commander” She smiled warmly as she stepped inside with him. “I hope you’ve had a relaxing shore leave?”

"Relaxing and chillin' and very busy as well," Dodd replied. "How was your time away from the ship?"

“Wonderful” Mia smiled warmly. “Apart from time with Chris, I made a couple of new friends, including the new doctor.” She couldn’t help but feel awkward about talking about Chris in front of Remington knowing how he felt about her. “I guess it’s back to the grindstone now, I’m a little nervous about joining my first Senior Staff meeting as Chief Counsellor.”

"You will be just fine and there is nothing to be worried about," Dodd replied. "I know you will do great things as the new chief of counselling."

The Turbolift doors opened and Dodd motioned for Arderne to step out first. "I have to check in on the bridge before the briefing so I will see you soon." Dodd then departed to go and check up on the current bridge crew.

- Marine XO's Quarters -

Mazal had just put her sparse belongings in her quarters already getting them sorted out. She looked around feeling that she had accomplished something when the call came from Colonel Somers. Her heart started pounding, this was her first time reporting in her new role. With one more glance about, Mazal left to report in.

- Briefing room -

Mazal arrived and smiled at Colonel Somers. "Greetings Colonel" giving a broad smile. "Hope you had a good shore-leave." Mazal taking a seat at the table.

Ted arrived next and took his seat he nodded at Mazal.

*Looking at Falk* "I did thank you Lieutenant" Somers replied and looked over to Silver "Hello Lieutenant, you not going to give a greeting to your Commander or others?" Somers said to him.

Silver could have kicked himself. The one thing you do when entering a room full of people was to say hello. Not walk in and sit down like a sulking teenager. Grounded for going out and returning well after midnight and drunk.

“ Sorry Captain my manners alluded me for a moment. Greetings everyone sorry about that.” Silver said.

*Smiling* "not a problem Ted, you have been doing well to date," Somers said and watched Silver take his seat.

Jane Sinclair had been running some tests in the medical lab when the summons had come in, but she was able to suspend them, push away from the lab, and rush to the ship’s briefing room.

“Colonel,” she said as she came in, looking up at the much taller woman. “We haven’t met yet. Jane Sinclair, Dr Cahill’s new assistant chief.” She reached her hand out to the Colonel.

still standing she took the offered hand and gave a genuine smile "a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant Sinclair, yes I had heard we got us a new ACMO, like your hair colour too" Somers said.

“Thank you!” Jane replied, before taking her own seat.

Arriving at the briefing room Lamia smiled politely as she entered the room ahead of Remington. “Good Morning everyone” she nodded politely to all present.

Looking over at the arriving Counsellor "hello Lamia" Somers responded and observed the woman's stance as being different, and hid a smile, as others started arriving.

Lamia smile practically shone as she took her seat, as much as she was nervous her special time with Chris had helped a lot.

- Taggert's Quarters -

Nicci woke up, not remembering how she got back there at first, then saw a very buff, a well-chiselled man in her bed. She got out as quietly as she could, and saw she was completely naked, and she felt exactly what happened last night. Her endowment seemed to bounce around as she moved quickly to the bathroom area.

oO Oh God...I hope I didn't lose control last night...Oo she thought to herself.

The call came over the intercom, and the man stirred.

"Hey babe," he said in a really deep bass voice. Even his face was chiselled like the best statue from the Renaissance. "Last night was wore me out!"

"Well, I gotta get to work, so I'm going to get ready and you can let yourself out," she said quickly as she sped into the bathroom.

With the quickest shower she'd ever taken, and a quick ultrasonic brushing of her teeth, Nicci dressed quickly. Pants, socks, boots, then bra, undershirt, tunic, zipped and tucked, then finally the over jacket and badge. She took a last look at the man and saw him dressing. He looked like male perfection. oO Why'd he had to be so damn perfect looking? I'm not sure I want to remember last night...Oo

She turned and left, making it to the meeting with a minute to spare.

- Bridge -

Dodd was going over some simple details with the crew working the bridge and getting some data transferred to a PADD. Then he would be heading to the briefing. He was nervous as he was already thinking how he was going to enjoy being the XO but this mission would not allow him on the away team as he would be needed on the ship as there was a secondary mission that would be in progress as well.

Dodd got his PADD and stopped by the replicator to get a mug of Denobulan Hot Chocolate, which is what he normally had when he was very nervous and going to a mission briefing. He then headed to the conference room for the briefing which would be his first as the XO.

- Engineering -

Lt. Hawksley had wrapped up working with the Engineering staff in the upper warp field chamber of the port nacelle of the Tomcat. For Leland, the standard maintenance tasks were phenomenally liberating.

Briefed by Commander Dodd and later with Lieutenant JG Taggart, Leland completed a schematic trace fractures audit of the port nacelle housing. The whole task had taken 18 hours for one nacelle as each chamber of verterium cortenide housing was field scanned.

"Well, that was hell." He quipped energetically. Hawk's eyes were half bloodshot from the red bulls he had downed in between.

Slapping his hands together. "Let's greet the Chief with the good news!" He slapped the two teammates, Ensign Mayweather and Lieutenant JG He'Le'Tor, on their shoulders.

- Fighter Deck -

Serina was checking the flight rotations when she got the call. Putting away the list she headed to the briefing hoping to pick up Winchester on the way.

Cahill came walking in hoping not to be late. She was held up by an emergency in Sick Bay. She came in and got herself an extra-large coffee extra strong and sat down. "Sorry if I was late."

- Briefing Room -

First entered Taggert, she simply nodded to all that was already there, then came in Cahill who had gotten herself a large mug of coffee from the replicator if the smell was anything to go by and sat down and looked around "Sorry if I was late." Cahill simply said.

Not finding Paul, Serina walked into the briefing room. Getting a black coffee, she sat in her appropriate seat. "Morning all," she said smiling.

"Morning Serina." Mazal greeting the CAG, with a smile.

A moment later Patrick walked through the doors. He nodded to the Colonel. "Colonel, good morning. Everyone. " He said and took a seat next to his XO. "Good Morning Falk, ready to roll?"

Mazal greeted those who arrived, then turned to Jackson, "You betcha, I am excited to seeing what the day will bring."

She looked once more at those who have arrived in the briefing room. Most of them she had met during shore leave. "This is thrilling." Mazal also commented, looking back at Jackson.

Ze had just finished up his daily report rotations, the briefing would be short and he pushed his padd away and got up making himself a tea for the walk to the briefing room. Arriving just as he had intended to "Afternoon all" He said dipping his head and joining the table.

As Paul entered the room, he said," Sorry for being late had to deal with Paula" Paul stated as he moved to the replicator and ordered himself a coffee, He asked, So what have I missed?" as he knew that he had missed Serina on the way up here and hoped to tell her that he had talked to Paula.

Mazal just stared at Winchester, oO Why was he bringing up personal stuff at a mission briefing? Talk about embarrassing for Paula. What the heck? This isn't professional behaviour. I hope he isn't going to cause a scene Oo Falk thought to herself.

"Um, you didn't miss anything, Winchester. We're not all here." Mazal's tone was slightly icy on this point. "And perhaps you might not want to bring up personal business here at a mission briefing? I don't think your sister would like the fact you brought up something personal that is to be just between you two. I know I wouldn't like that at all." her tone going even colder.

Looking at Falk in surprise "Lieutenant Falk, while the Lieutenant can be a pain, he did not give any details on why he only just made it, he simply said why he was almost late" Somers said to the MXO in a calm tone but the look she gave the MXO said more than her calm words ever could "I would have words between you and Lieutenant Winchester after this mission briefing" Somers said.

"Oh Joy," replied Paul with a hint of sarcasm as he looked back at Falk, as he hadn't met her long enough but here she was getting him into strife with the Colonel, oO Oh great thanks a lot Falk, Oo he thought as he said in front of everyone," I was going to wait till after the meeting, But Serina and I are happy to announce that we are getting Married," as he gave a smile to Serina, " And Colonel We would like you to do the honours of performing the ceremony " he finished speaking.

The marine CO moved his hand from under the table and placed it on Mazal's leg gently, Bending from the elbow to keep his arm from moving. He kept his expression neutral but used the touch as a silent and invisible communication to steady his XO.

Lamia was watching the interaction between Winchester and Falk, it was part of her duties now to help out in these situations. “Congratulations on your engagement and pending wedding Lieutenants.” She offered a polite smile.

"Yes Colonel, I will do so," Falk replied, realizing she needed to simmer down. She was happy about the news for Serina and Winchester, especially Serina, the lady was an awesome woman. The touch of Jackson definitely helped her to rein in her emotions, giving a slight nod as to his unspoken cue.

"However, I will say one more thing. Congratulations to you both, Donovan and Winchester." Mazal speaking up to try to not stir the pot any further, mustering up a true smile, as she was actually happy.

*Looking around those already in the room "good calm seas" Somers simply said and looked at Winchester "Congratulation Lieutenant, but you and your Betrothed may want to come to speak to me at a later date, I know you are both Officers, but Lieutenant Donovan outranks you, so three of us need to have us a chat, understood?" Somers said.

"On behalf of the both of us Sir, Thank you," replied Paul looking around the room as he took his seat for the briefing as he hoped that this next mission was not to be a repeat of the last one, after all, he had just managed to calm Serena down after having to have been the one that piloted the ship when they nuked a planet.

Serina almost choked, turned beet red, smiled and nodded at everyone. Not knowing what to say or how to say it.

K'Muss entered the briefing room mostly glad he was in the right place, immediately noticing that everyone else outranked him. He sighed and entered. He nodded to everyone as he did.

Nicci kept herself silent but felt kind of guilty for what she got up to last night, and her pulse was racing a bit, thinking one of the more telepathically inclined officers might figure out what she did in a moment of weakness. She reviewed the repairs they'd finished - the spaceframe, hull, engines, isolinear systems, ODN conduits, and all the rest - repaired in relatively record time. She didn't have time for as many updates as she wanted, but she ordered the systems so she could do upgrades on the fly as she had time, and when it didn't interfere with regular operations.

Dodd entered the room with his head held high and a nice firm smile on his face. "Greetings, all, I hope you all had a great time off and now we all get to jump back in the trenches."

Mazal gave a smile, turning when hearing the XO's voice. She remembered their small lunch together, just breaking the ice so to speak. "Looking forward to it, Sir!" Mazal stated.

Thyra walked into the briefing room. Her eyes had circles, as she had not slept all night. In one hand she had a mug of coffee and in the other, she had a padd she was reading before she fell asleep at her desk where she was woken up by the call from the colonel. Suppressing a yawn, she took a sip from her coffee. "Sorry everyone, didn't mean to hold you all up." She nodded to everyone and then quickly took a seat in a chair putting the coffee and the padd down. She was still adjusting to her new role as Chief of Intelligence. Having to go through department and intelligence reports, she felt like she was trying to gain up on things. But as soon as she was up to speed she would be an effective Chief Intelligence and she also hadn't announced her new assistant chief. But that would come later.

Entering the room, Hawksley acknowledged the CO and XO with a nod and a one-off sharp salute in respect.

"I come bearing gifts." Hawksley had gestured at everyone, an engineering silver tool crate. "Oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies with mini marshmallows. My favourite, unreplicated, of course." He was taking a seat at the table with his silver mug of coffee and padd.

The marine CO was not going to be shy about homemade cookies. "Thanks, Lieutenant." He said and picked up a cookie and took a bite. "Good. Man of many talents. Speaking of, congratulations on the extra duty."

Hawksley had beamed at the marine CO. "Thank you, Sir." He then resigned back to his seat with his mug of coffee.

Lamia leant across the table and collected a couple of cookies. “Thank you, Lieutenant, this is a very thoughtful gesture” she smiled warmly as she relaxed back in her seat and started eating.

Hawksley had nodded, his face blushing from the compliments. "I am happy that you enjoy them."

The cookies looked good but Mazal would pass on them. The chocolate chips wouldn't be too good for her.

Nicci had developed a taste for chocolate, but she remembered that she had had chocolate last night before she blacked out, so she passed on the cookies.

Matt help himself to the cookies chocolate chip were his favourites and they were good too.

"Ted you gotta try these they are fabulous," Thompson said.

Ted picked up some cookies and started munching.

" Wow. You are correct! Chocolate chip bet they're not replicated" Ted said

K'muss eagerly took a chocolate chip. He was never one to turn down free cookies. He took a bite and his eyes lit up. "Delicious, sir!" The caitian said.

With everyone knows there the Colonel cleared her throat to get everyone's attention, she looked at the young exhausted Ensign "Ensign, how goes sorting out Intelligence Department?" She asked Thrya.

Thyra took a sip from her coffee again and lifted herself to look at the colonel. "It's going well, Colonel, ma'am, sir... My predecessor left easy to read reports. I am going through them all as well as personnel files. I also intend to meet them all." She smiled.

*Smiling* "Good, but you need to get some sleep, I cannot have my new Chief Intelligence Officer ending up in medical from exhaustion now can I?" Somers asked.

"Yes, sir, I will get a few hours in after the briefing, and maybe get in bed on a more orderly our, does that sound good to you." Thyra took another sip from her coffee. It helped a little.

With a smile, she looked around the assembled "before we begin the briefing, not all of you have met two of our new additions, Lieutenant Jg Jane Sinclair who is the new Assistant Chief Medical Officer and Warrant Officer K'Muss who is joining as one of our Rifles at the rank of Warrant Officer, I know it is unusual to see an NCO in such briefings but this is not a normal ship" Somers said "those of you who have yet to do so can greet the new arrivals after the briefing, any questions can either wait till the correct moment during the briefing or happen after it" she said and fell silent.

TBC in Mission Briefing Part 2 - The Briefing


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
First Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Chief Engineer

Lt Jg Leland Hawksley
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Torsol Ze
Chief Operations Officer

MCapt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Jg Ted Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

2nd Lt Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer

Lt Jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO


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