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A Family discussion

Posted on 20 Sep 2021 @ 7:07pm by Lieutenant Paula Winchester & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers
Edited on on 23 Sep 2021 @ 7:33pm

1,345 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Aroua Lounge - SB51
Timeline: Shortly before the Mission briefing


- Aurora Lounge / SB51-

Previously On the Tomcat...

"Thanks, Jackson for the drink," called Paul as the Marine left the table, he thought to himself oO Well, not all Marines are bad! Oo as Paul looked back at the waitress and said "Another Larger please," as she gave a nod of her head and left Paul alone to ponder his next move; as Paul sat there alone Suddenly his Sister appeared at his elbow and said, "So, Brother what's the news?"

Now On the Tomcat...

“Oh hey Paula, Please sit,” replied Paul looking at his sister; he continued, “Did I ever tell you that I have been seeing Lieutenant Donavan the Tomcat’s CAG?” as he took a sip of the chilled Liquid; as he put the drink down on the table and looked straight at his sister, he said.

”You know how Lisa made you happy?” as he remembered the smiles that both had on their faces when they were around each other.

“Until you ruined it for me by embarrassing both of us in front of everyone,” replied Paula looking back at her Brother, she continued,” However she never forgave you for that and every time Mom tried to get us to talk,” as Paula started to remember the arguments that they had about Paul.

“She didn’t want to talk to you as you had made it clear that you didn’t want us to be together,” as the waitress appeared at the side of the table and looked at Paula

“What would you like to drink?” she asked Paula!

Paula replied “I’ll have what he is having” as the waitress gave her a nod and left the side of their table.

Paula turned back to Paul and continued“In the end, she left me and put in for a transfer,” as she hoped that Paul was going to start showing remorse about what he had done to both her and Lisa; but she knew that would never happen.

Paul Looked directly at his sister and knew that she was going to be angry with him, “Paula, I'm sorry, I was wrong about it all, I was angry at the time and felt that you could not trust me,” Paul replied.

“I now know that she was your one true love and I feel bad about what happened between the both of you,” as once more taking a sip of his cold refreshing drink. Paul had never expressed his feelings like this to his sister about what had happened between them.

“So, now you admit you were wrong, now that she has left me, Paul,” replied Paula, looking at her brother.

Paula let out a snarl as her anger started to boil over, she continued “you got what you wanted Paul, her out of my life,” she spat out as she started to release all the frustrations over this matter out and the open.

After she had finished she then turned to her brother and asked him, “So, Paul, what are you going to do to repair the damage that you caused?”

“So, you want me to call her?” Paul looked back at Paula asking her the question that had been playing on his mind and then continued more calmly.

Then he again continued to ask “so do you want me to try and get both of you back together?” as he knew that by calling Lisa would be opening up another angry bear but he would do it to see his sister happy once more.

“Now that would be a start but you do know that she is to be very angry,” as she picked up her drink and took a sip of it she continued” But you should have told us both and not hid for those five years from us both” she knew that Paul had been hurting for those five years that they had not been talking.

And then after a brief pause, he continued...

”All I ever wanted was for you to be happy Sis but when you came out as you did,” Paula leaned back in her seat and looked at him for a moment and then realized that he had been hurt by their actions.

She remarked “Why the hell did you not tell us how you felt and I’m sorry for embarrassing you as we did,” as the waitress returned with Paula’s drink and Paula responded “Thank you" to the waitress” taking the cold liquid from the waitress as she departed from the table she turned her attention back to Paul and said.

“Hold on a minute you were talking about you and Serena and not Lisa and I” Paula stated taking a sip of her chilled beverage, she asked, “what are you on about?” as she now knew that her brother was going to drop some news on her and it was big news.

After a brief Pause, Paul spoke….

“We’re getting married and I’m going to adopt her Twins as my own,” looking back at Paula taking a sip of the drink “and we want the whole family to be a part of this, that includes you, Davina and Lisa,” as he hoped that Lisa would listen to him, he thought to himself oO I wonder how she is going to take this news? Oo as he waited for her to process the bombshell of news.

“Married?” replied Paula, “when did this happen and why are you allowed happiness when I am not?” she stated looking back at him, as her temper started to rise once more as her brother seemed to relish this news that he had dropped on her; as she took a sip of her drink to calm herself.

Paul responded “Both Serna and I both want you and Davina and Lisa in the family unit,” as he knew what he was asking was too much, to say the least at this moment in time; however, she was family and he wanted her to be apart of this joyful time in his life. he continued “You are my sister Paula and I love you,”

As Paula took a deep breath and spoke….

” If you love me so much Paul why in the hell did you go to so many lengths to break both Lisa and me Up?” asking the question to her brother as she was making him squirm and beg and feel uncomfortable in doing so “and by the way Paul I love you too ” she continued looking at him as she finished,” but, you have to let me live my life and if that is living with a woman then so be it,”

Paul took a sip of his drink and then spoke…

“Paula, do you why it upset me so much?” as he looked at Paula, he continued,” did it not occur to you both that I had been taking beatings because of it,” as he finished “from the Marines as it is the reason I don't trust them,” as he remembered every time he defended Paula so he got his ass kicked.

Paula looked at him wither mouth open and shocked at the statement that he had just made, Paula said “ I did not realize what you had gone through Paul,” as now she started to understand why her brother had been angry with them, but would Lisa understand as she had been a former Marine but she would have to talk with her before Paul did.

As Paul was about to speak his combadge chirped…

=/\= Colonel Somers to all Senior Staff assemble in the main briefing room in ten minutes, Somers out =/\= the Colonel stated as Paul rose from his seat and said “ I have to go Paula and remember I love you, sis,” as he kissed her on the forehead and exited the lounge and head back to the Tomcat.


Lieutenant JG Paul Winchester
Chief Security/ Tactical

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant PaulaWinchester [P: Winchester]


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