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Intelligence Blues

Posted on 23 Sep 2021 @ 9:15pm by Ensign Sonar xi'Indrai & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir

649 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Intelligence suite
Timeline: The evening before the briefing

Thyra walked in her new department. The intelligence section was on the same deck as security, so she not much had changed. Her office was next to it. She walked in to the intelligence section first to see what she had. The room was as big as two average science labs combined. There were spread out several cubicles with computers and a main screen in the center. It was a quiet evening, so not many intelligence officers were working right now. In fact there seemed to be only one present this evening.

Sitting in one of the cubicles was Sonar. He didn't know when the new Chief Intelligence Officer would arrive, so he was still working on reports and going through new intelligence that had come in from starfleet intelligence.

Thyra walked up till she stood behind the Andorian male. She tilted her head as he antennae moved around a little. "Are we trying to get some credit with the new Chief?" She asked smiling.

Sonar kept his eyes on the screen as he said, "Yea well she hasn't arrived yet, so I guess it would be harmless if get some work done before she arrives." He turned around to look at the person who spoke to him, and possibly scold them if they were trespassing. When he looked in the brown eyes of his new chief.

He quickly jumped up and tried to stand at attention. "Sorry....I had no idea you were coming in, ma'am." He stammered a little. o0 Wow, who is this? I had no idea Ensign Sh'Shraaqir had such a warm smile. It's quite catching. o0

Thyra waved his excuses away, "At ease, Ensign. It's quite alright. I just came to check on my new department." She looked at him a bit in thought when she said, "I think I read your file, it's quite impressing, I just don't understand why you're not running this department instead of me."

Sonar shrugged, "Well, you see ma'am, I think I am more comfortable sitting behind a computer then leading people. And I don't deem myself ready. I was considered of course, as bras does that, checking the department first if there is a suitable candidate among us. I declined. But to be fair, you make a much better candidate, with your training in security as well, it makes you perfect for the position."

Thyra crossed her arms as she looked at Sonar. o0 Is he serious now? o0 "How unandorian of you. Is this also the reason you passed on the Imperial guard and went for the academy?"

Sonar blinked. o0 I can't tell if she wants to make me mad or just teasing me. o0 His antennae were pointing towards her now. He crossed his arms too and then reflected back. "Isn't that what you did?"

"Well, then, as the pink skins would say, touche." She smiled. "This feels like home. Thank you, Ensign. There are moments I miss my family, you just made me feel like I was home again. I don't miss them less, but I do feel better."

Sonar nodded. "Just don't become my mother, then I think we can work perfectly together." He laughed and then he looked to his new boss and said, "How may I be of service?"

"Maybe you can get all intelligence and personnel files in the department in my office. If I am going to lead this place," She looked around, "I need to get a head start."

"Understood," He simply said, "I will start looking them up and bring them to your office. Anything else, ma'am?"

Thyra shook her head. "That will be all, Ensign. Thank you!" She then walked to her new office. She wanted to check what she could change, and what decorations she needed to bring.


Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tomcat


Ensign Sonar Xi'Indrai
Intelligence Officer
USS Tomcat


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