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The Cat That Ate the Cream

Posted on 11 Feb 2022 @ 10:49pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Warrant Officer K'Muss

1,134 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Crews Training gym
Timeline: 0400 hours Before SARS Mission [Backpost]


Tosrol was punishing himself, hit after hit into the massive sand filled punch bag. The lack of sleep and all round bad mood had gotten to him early hours of the morning. His hair scraped back into a light knott at the back of his head, standard issue starfleet vest and shorts adorning his body, the music playing was loud fast and by a band from earth called asking alexandria. You could hear the hits over the music and boy was the young betazoid pissed, his now ex girlfriend was stationed on a ship out in the delta quadrant and she had sent him a picture of her new boyfriend and her enjoying there shore leave on a wonderful planet.

Ze had noticed anyone around him and he was to focused on his rage to even consider someone else being around him.

K'muss walked in dressed in standard issue PT gear. He immediately started to jam to the music. Putting his bag down he noticed somebody going to town on a bag. "Nice right" the caitian said, walking up.

Mazal came walking into the gym, green tank top with a sports bra beneath. She was wearing a pair of black sweats. Over one shoulder Mazal carried a black duffle bag, and a pair of escrima sticks in the other. She paused for a moment eyeing both K'Muss and Ze, noting the fury that Ze was putting into his punches. He was definitely pissed off at something. It was vastly different than how he was at that impromptu gathering when she first met him.

"Yo Ze, what's gotten you into the mode of fists of fury!" Mazal called out, then turned to K'Muss. "Good to see ya." a twinkle in her eyes. She set down her duffle bag along with her escrima sticks.

He stopped what he was doing for a brief nano second "Ex girlfriend proplems" He said returning his fury to the bag "sent me a photo of her and the replacement on leave at riza just to get rise outta me looks like it worked huh?" he said with a brief pain filled smile "K'muss isent it welcome to the tomcat" he said with a better smile "the names Tosrol Ze chief of ops and slayer of pints nice to meet you" he said with a slight wink.

"Same to you." K'Muss smiled

"Likewise, Ell tee." K'Muss said.

"You seem to be a cat of few words, what's wrong another Cat's got your tongue?" Mazal teased K'Muss.

"Yeah. I gotta find him too. Might be needing that later." K'Muss laughed

"Ze so why don't you show me the image of the woman, and her so called new boyfriend and just how can someone break up with you. You've got the looks and the style." Mazal said,

Ze stopped plowing into the bag, his wrapped hands underneath the gloves, pulling one off and then the other he wiped his forehead grabbing the water bottle he glugged a few lengths before he produced the padd in his pokcet "Theres the little she heretic" he spat handing over the padd.

"Man, that's rough." K'Muss said. The caitian looked at the picture. He shrugged. "And I agree with the Ell Tee. She's the one who lost here"

"Hmnn" Mazal said as she looked at the woman in the photo. "She's not all that." was her remark. "How would you like to erm, make her jealous and maybe even make her current boyfriend do a double take. Might make her green with envy." Mazal laughed, an impish expression in her eyes. "I could be your fake girl friend, after all I can clean up nicely, and with my physique, she will be the one who will wonder why she left you." waggling her eyebrows up and down, and striking a sultry pose in her work out clothing.

Then Mazal chuckled, moving to where she could start warming up for her exercise routine, sitting down and doing her stretches. She paused and looked over towards the other two. "Whichever you want."

Looking over to Mazal and K'muss "Well she was rougher than old boots let me tell you" He said with a slight smirk "Hang on you'd do that Mazal? Really?" he asked he wasn't used to people wanting to help, but here she was wanting to help "I'll take you up on that offer" He said beaming as he got down to some press ups.

"Oh good glad to hear that, we'll have to get things set up and maybe... we can get someone to take some pictures." her eyes drifting over to K'Muss. "So K'Muss, care to make a bit of mischief?" an impish grin on her face.

"Always" the caitian replied. A mischievous grin formed at his lips.

Mazal laughed, then turned to Ze. "Now we just need to make a plan of action, and follow it through. And sweet sweet revenge for you." her dark eyes sparkling with a bit of excitement.

The bit if Ze's stomach was alive with pent up anger "Oh the sweetest of revenges" He said with an impish look in his eyes "K'muss we need a holo novel that's based in the early 2000s reckon we could get hold of one I have a bit of an epic idea"

Mazal looked intrigued and was intrigued. "What do you have in mind?" she had to know, what it was.

"I can search the ships database." The caitian offered.

"Well then, lets get with the plan!" Mazal exclaimed, looking at Ze. "And then let me know what I need to dress in etc." grinning.

"This outta be good" the caitian smiled

"I am thinking I'll wear something somewhat saucy and flirty, and definitely feminine." Mazal replied with a grin. "I'll even break out my other war paint, my make up and make myself seem more dazzling." she laughed at the thought. "I am all for making the woman extremely jealous."

Tos had been having a dry cut of it lately and Mazal seemed to be the only person who seemed to be able to pull the crap out of him "Right then lets do it lets say tomorrow when were off we go to the holo suite and have some fun" he said with a wink as he punched into the bag some more.

"Okay Tomorrow it is then, I will see you oh lets say about 1800, and I will be dressed to kill so to speak." Mazal flashing a brilliant smile. She walked over and planted a kiss on Ze's cheek. "See you around lover boy." giving a saucy wink and then left the Gym.


LT JG Tosrol Ze
Chief Operation Officer
USS Tomcat

2nd LT. Mazal Falk
Marine XO
USS Tomcat

Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO


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