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Setting out

Posted on 12 Nov 2021 @ 12:53pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir

1,899 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Main)
Location: Dock SB51/Various
Timeline: S3 Ep4 MD 001


Now that the briefing was over and the talk with two of her Officers over Alex arrives on the bridge and sits in the Captain's chair, realizing that one day this will be hers and she was dreading it as she would be a Fleet Officer by then not a Rifleman, she knew she would miss the green, but such was a price for commanding a starship since the last war all hostilities had died down and there were few about so now Starfleet was putting its combat forces on the back burner, understandable really what need was there for soldiers when there was no war to fight. She was brought out of her musings as the bridge crew began to arrive.

Dodd now arrived on the bridge and while this is his first official mission in the role of XO, he started to the engineering console out of old habit. He realized his error and played it off as he continued to then examine all the rear bridge stations before finally arriving at his post next to the captain's chair.

"Hello, Colonel," Dodd stated as he did the Picard manoeuvre and took his seat.

*Knowing why her XO did what he did Alex smiled* "still getting used to a change of duties I see!" Somers said openly smiling "ah, do nae worry yourself none, you will adjust soon enough. So how is Mr Hawksley settling in down in Engineering?" She asked.

"Well, Ma'am, I nae worry, I am nervous as I have not been on the bridge without being at the rear console. As for the young Hawksley, he is settling in just fine and I know Taggert will keep him on his toes." Dodd replied with a glance back at the new chief engineer.

Mr Thompson took his place at Science one. He had gotten rather good at bridge duty in the last year. He ran through a sensor diagnostic, then checked for any messages he may have gotten. After the diagnostics were done.

"Good Morning Colonel Somers, Mr Dodd. Has there been any word on what happened to Captain Somers?" Matt asked.

Looking at her Chief Science Officer puzzled they had seen each other in the briefing room moments ago, she mentally shrugged "nothing as of your Matt, still waiting on Intelligence to come up with a location to where she is" Somers responded with a smile.

"Will we get a chance to investigate the area ourselves, Colonel?" Matt asked.

"I would imagine so Lieutenant, yes but the moment we arrive at our destination Commander Dodd will organise the away teams and such" Somers said with a smile.

"Understood Colonel" Matt replied.

Over at the engineering console, LT Taggert got her settings transferred in, her user profile having slightly different saturation levels from others due to her eyes. She sat at the console near the turbo lift, so as to give her more readouts than the free-standing console portside.
"All right, comms online, matter-antimatter ratios good, warp coils coiling.... ready for action," she said with a nod.

"Thank you for that update, Chief," Dodd replied as it was interesting to hear the firm confidence in Taggert's voice.

While she was waiting for the final pair to arrive she looked at her First Officer, a good start don't you think?" Somers asked her First Officer.

Ze had walked onto the bridge looking a little dishevelled, but he was their nonetheless "Colonel, commander" he nodded to both Dodd and Somers respectively. Getting over to the communications panel he plugged in his earpiece and awaited orders.

Taggert placed an earpiece in and tapped it to connect to the comm lines. =/\=Hawksley, you reading me down there?=/\=

=/\= Confirmed, Taggart. =/\= Hawksley replied.

=/\=Just verifying our connection =/\= she replied. =/\=All systems read green up here. How's the crew look down there?=/\=

=/\= All stationed personnel report systems nominal Lieutenant. =/\=

In engineering, Leland turned his attention to the master systems display. The EPS flows, manoeuvring thruster assemblies, and warp systems were all top-notch as to be expected.

=/\= Colonel, systems, and personnel are optimal. =/\= Hawksley had replied promptly. The sound of the warp core fluxing in the background.

"Lieutenant Ze, how are the upgrades to our communications systems functioning?" Dodd asked of Ze after he had a moment to get settled.

Ze looked up towards the captain and XO "Upgrades look like there holding up however at the current threshold it's zapping energy I can create a sub-routine that can balance out the fluctuations captain if you so wish?" he asked with a smile.

Serina had taken her station a few minutes before and was busy putting in her commands and sending orders down to her second in command Racine. "Helm five by five Colonel. Fighter deck also reports they are ready for anything," Serina said.

"Sciences are five by five Colonel, Sensors are operating well within normal parameters," Thompson reported.

Looking around the bridge "Excellent, power up the warp core and switch to internal power when Ready Lieutenant Taggert" Somers began.

"Aye, Colonel," Lt. Taggert replied as she turned back to her console on the starboard side of the bridge, next to the turbolift. With a few deft taps, the umbilical supports disconnected from the ship, shortly after the warp core went from station-keeping to full power non-propulsive status. Impulse engines were next, again, non-propulsive, as thrusters came online next since regulations specified thruster only while in spacedock. "All systems now transferred to internal power, Colonel."

=/\= Mr Hawksley, Report on warp intermix ratio and power generation. Just want to verify all instruments are reporting correctly,=/\= Taggert said through her comm headset.

=/\=Aye, Taggart. I have a standard ratio intermix rate of 25:1. =/\= Hawksley reported as he double-checked his screen, his positronic right eye scanning intake. The ratio was only used when the core is online in an idle state.

"Lieutenant Thompson, double-check environmental systems when we are under our own power," she said.

"Acknowledged Colonel," Matt replied.

Matt switched over from the LCARS system and tapped into environmental systems and ran diagnostics then pronounced them to be working within normal parameters.

When all that was done and confirmations returned that all was ready, the next instructions she gave, she had confidence that the right officer would follow through "detach cables from Starbase and channel power into thrusters" looked at Ze "Mr Ze, get permission for us to leave spacedock" she said

Ze smiled "Aye Captain," he said pressing the dial and punching in the hailing frequency "Starbase 51 this is the USS Tomcat are we cleared for departure?" he spoke waiting on the click in his ear and a voice came over "USS Tomcat this is Starbase 51 communications you are cleared for undocking," he said "Safe to let her go, captain," he said with a hand in his hair.

When they got clearance Somers turned to Donovan "okay Lieutenant take us out at One-quarter thrusters if you will" she said.

"One quarter thrusters Aye Colonel," Serina said as she guided the Tomcat smartly from the station. Once cleared she asked, "Where to Colonel," *looking at the Colonel smiling.*

"When we have cleared space dock and passed outside of the starbases defence perimeter Commander Dodd will give you the coordinates Lieutenant," Somers said to Serina.

"Yes, Ma'am," Dodd replied.

"Understood Colonel," Serina said as she looked at Cmdr. Dodd for the next request.

"Lieutenant Donovan, you will plot a course for Planetary System 569701. We will be heading to the fourth planet in that system. Report when we are on the edge of that system to get more information." Dodd started to Donovan and knew she would do her best as she always does. "Please adjust accordingly as these coordinates are over twenty-five years old as that is the last time anyone from Starfleet or the Federation was involved with this planetary system."

"Understood Commander Dodd. Heading for Planetary system 56970, fourth planet adjusting according to instructions," sir, Serina daid as she input the coordinates.

"Colonel, when will your team depart and do we need to detour to any different coordinates?" Dodd asked of LTC Somers.

*Looks at her First Officer* "the moment Intelligence gives me the Fleet Captain's location, but for now Commander let's get to point one of this mission, shall we?" She said and cut off any reply the Commander may have given the Chief Intelligence Officer contacted her via communications.

- Intelligence suite -

Thyra looked at a screen as she was talking to someone. "You sure you have confirmation, there is no room for error on this lieutenant.." She added softly, "'am."

A female voice reflected, "Look, Thyra, I know you're new at this, but I have been in Intel for 10 years now, I trust my sources, you trust me, so trust that this is right."

Thyra nodded as the screen turned off. She stared a moment at the logo on the screen and then tapped her badge. =/\=Ensign Sh'shraaqir to Colonel Somers, I have a confirmation on the fleet captain's location, but you're not going to like it. =/\=

She tapped a few buttons on her console. =/\= I have sent you the information now with the coordinates. =/\=

=/\= Thank you, Ensign, Somers out =/\= Somers responded then tapped her Commbadge =/\=Major Donovan, Lieutenant Sinclair, Ensign Thyra and Warrant Officer K'Muss, report to the armoury and gear up for Location and Extraction, we have the location of Fleet Captain Somers, Doctor Sinclair prepare a trauma kit, and make sure you are equipped to deal with serious injuries that come from beating and torture. Thyra prep a standard Security and Intel package, I will want you to gather all data from where we are going, you can decode it later, the rest of you kit out for assault we will not be taking prisoners on this occasion, it gets in there kill everything not belonging to us and get out again if there are any questions you can ask me in the armoury =/\= Somers said.

=/\=Donovan to Colonel understood =/\= S'arila responded and signed off.

From sickbay, Jane tapped her commbadge. =/\= This is Sinclair. Understood. =/\= She tapped her commbadge again and set to work preparing herself for the mission.

Thyra was going through her equipment as the call came in. =/\= I am way ahead of you, colonel, see you in the armoury.=/\= She grabbed a padd and started to download all her data on it. And then dropped a tricorder in her bag, before heading for the armoury.

[TAGS:] =/\= K'Muss =/\=

After all the acknowledgements had come in she stood up and looked at Dodd "Commander Dodd, you have the bridge Number One, look after her" the Colonel said as she stepped away from the center seat.

"Aye, Ma'am" Dodd replied. "I will take good care of this ship."

Looking at the First Officer as she entered the turbo lift "I hope so Commander," she said with a smile that was unreadable as the lift doors closed.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
First Officer

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Chief Engineer

Lt Jg Leland Hawksley
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Torsol Ze
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Lt Jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander


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