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Friendly Tea

Posted on 07 Dec 2021 @ 4:53am by Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Captain Mazal Falk
Edited on on 03 Jan 2022 @ 4:02pm

2,822 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: 10 Forward
Timeline: Current


- Ten forward -

Mazal paced back and forth in her quarters on the Tomcat, which wasn't too big but that didn't bother her. What was bothering her was two things. One she was doing some studying to enrich her mind and two Mazal wanted to get her mind off of the upcoming events that were going to take place.

She also wanted to get to know the crew better, her mind went back to when she had first arrived on the station and the arrival of the Tomcat, and that impromptu get together. She was already getting to know Ze better, hadn't gotten with Hawksley after that. Mazal resolved that she needed to do that as well. Her mind drifted towards one other person and that was Ted Silver

Mazal sent a message to Ted, the message reading. Lieutenant Silver, er Ted would you meet with me in ten forward? I just want to have a friendly conversation, and some tea. Thanks, Mazal Falk

And then she went to ten forward to wait to see if Ted would arrive.

Following his run-in with Starfleet security over cloning a fish. Silver decided to put some distance. Between himself and the Science Lab. So Falk’s invite came at just the correct time. He could just do with a tea some cake and a chat.

Ted entered Ten Forward and looked around. Seeing Mazal he waved and walked towards her.

“ Hello how are you? Thanks for the invite. Phew! It came at the correct time. You have no idea what trouble I have just been through.” He told her.

"What happened?" Mazal looking rather concerned. "Is someone bothering you?" an eyebrow-raising. "They had better not." a frown appearing now. She felt a connection with the man in front of her, and well, would hate for someone to be messing with him.

Ted gave her a small smile.

“ Well….. We were going to have a mascot for the science department. It was decided to have a couple of fish. Koi carp or goldfish as they are known. To save time I decided to clone a couple. So I started to look into the process on the computer. Next thing I know some security program kicks in. You would think I was trying to resurrect Khan. The way it treated me.” He explained to her.

Mazal eyes widened. "Oh wow Ted. Um its okay if I call you that." at the moment just trying to keep within the regulations of the ship and such. "I'm glad you were willing to come to have tea with me as well. I almost sort of gotten into trouble after the briefing. I well..." she looked down at her hands then back up to Ted. "I sort of yelled at Lieutenant Winchester about something he did. I won't go into it and I did do that with respect however, I might have stepped over a line too."

Ted looked at her.

“ From what I have seen of Lieutenant Winchester I don’t think he bears a grudge. We all get cross sometimes. It will ok so long as you don’t make a habit of it.” Ted said picking up a menu.

He scanned the menu.

“ Any idea of what you would like. I find a good sweet tea and a slice of chocolate cake cures all cases of the ‘ did I really do that’ Assam tea is the best although the Betazoid herbal is better. But it does tarnish the taste of the chocolate cake.” He explained.

"The betazoid herbal tea sounds good but I'll pass on the chocolate cake. I'm allergic to chocolate." Mazal remarked, "I'll have a piece of mixed berry pie instead with a scoop of ice cream." placing her order. "I won't make a habit of stepping over the line, well unless its a matter of life or death then well, I will step over the line there." giving a pleasant smile. "I'm not a mean person, but can be rather direct."

Ted was a little surprised at Mazal being allergic to chocolate. In this day and age he thought that allergy treatments have come along way. But there were some people who were difficult to treat allergy wise. Not everyone is easy to treat but in a way that was okay. After all Ted had a friend who is allergic to bread products. He was also a little direct sometimes.

" That's unfortunate you having an allergy to chocolate. I love it myself chocolate not allergies. Hence my many visits to the gym. Being direct is not a crime though. Sometimes it can be a good thing. So long as it does not hurt anyone of course." Ted said

"That is something I don't do is be mean. Sometimes though it might come out sharp." Mazal gave a bit of a sigh. "Anyway, I do want to apologize if I made you uncomfortable during our first meeting. I was just enjoying life at the moment and I can get slightly carried away, hence the kiss on the cheek." her cheeks going a bit red.

Ted remembered the kiss on the cheek. He also remembered feeling his cheeks go warm.

“ Don’t worry about it. If anyone should be sorry it should be me. Blushing like a five year. That was a good evening though. I like a good sing. It’s a shame we can’t have a karaoke machine here on the Tomcat.” Ted said.

"Well, you could do something like that in the holo-suite," Mazal replied. "I do like a good sing as well-" then her cheeks turned a bright red color once more. "Um forget what I just said. "About a good sing." she picked up her tea and took a drink, looking out towards the stars. She couldn't believe she said something to Ted or anyone else for that matter.

Mazal normally was quiet about her singing. She had been told she was a good singer, by close friends. And parents and also family members. She just, didn't think so. As far as she was concerned, Mazal felt that her singing was mediocre, and she would at least credit herself that her singing didn't make people's ears bleed.

Ted thought about that.

“ I am not sure the Holodeck can be programmed for that. I think the CO likes it used for just training.” Ted replied

Mazal raised an eyebrow at that. "Actually I don't think that the holo-suite is just used for training, my own perception of her, Colonel Somers would use it for a step away from the everyday grind of ship life. And I would think it is mandatory to have it be accessed for a mental health program as well. It all depends on the length of a mission. On another ship I've been on, they did utilize the holo-suites for more than one purpose. All men and women of both green and non green uniforms have to have a way to give their minds a break."

Their food and drinks arrived. As Silver thanked the waiter he noticed a tall Andorian in security yellow. There was something about him that made Ted feel uneasy. But he did not know why.

“ Sorry…… that tall Andorian…….. yes yes maybe your correct. To be honest I ‘be not really had time to go to the Holodeck yet. If we are allowed to use it. I have a great Norfolk broads program. This does look delicious.” Ted said.

Mazal nodded, and thanked the waiter. "Who is that?" nodding towards the tall Andorian. "I really hope he doesn't have any trouble with Marines. I've got no problem with security but, is he looking for someone?" then she took a drink and picked up her fork. "As for the holo-deck its a nice one, I checked it out during shore leave, so I would be very interested in experiencing your holo program.
Mazal giving a smile.

Ted took a bite of his chocolate cake. It was very nice which made him smile. As usually the replicated version tasted a tad soapy.

“ Hmmm…. Shame you are allergic to this as it is quite nice. How is your dish?” Ted asked.

Mazal had taken a bite of it and closed her eyes for a moment as she savoured the flavour. "This is really good. And your dessert does look good as well, but I don't miss the taste of chocolate. A friend of mine had once stated, 'You don't miss what can kill you.' which I agree with him on that. I can enjoy it vicariously while I watch you eat it. Don't worry I won't stare." giving a grin.

Ted smiled.

“ Getting back to my Holo program. It is very realistic right down to the river we could take a boat. The scenery is very good plus it has creatures in it to. Swans and ducks plus waterfowl. Unless you have a favourite program we could try?” Ted asked.

Mazal's eyes lit up when Ted mentioned his holo program. "Oh, I really want to try your holo program. I have a few programs I could show you, but first, yours please?" clasping her hands together to plead with him, including the puppy eyed expression. "You will have to pick the time and let me know. I really really want to see this."

Ted nodded taking another bite of his chocolate cake and sip of his drink.

“Very well. But it will have to be after this mission. I don’t think we will have time for it until then.” Ted replied

Mazal nodded in agreement. "I can wait, sort of." giving a playful wink, then smiled. "Seriously though, I am hoping things will go well on that mission, and the same for rescuing of the Captain too." taking a bite of her pie.

Ted nodded.

“ I hope the Captain is ok. What do you make of all this?” Ted asked

"I hope that she is okay as well. And heaven helps the person who took her. The colonel isn't one whom will sit idly by. I hope they have good life insurance." Mazal remarked. "As no one will be able to withstand the wrath of the colonel. None what so ever."

Ted looked at his fork as he pressed it down into his cake.

“ How long have you known the colonel?” He asked

"I've not known the Colonel long. We've only had a couple of chats. The first time, I paid a surprise visit as I wanted take her a present. She wasn't expecting that. We had a really good visit. I do like her a lot."

Mazal took another bite of her pie, then continued. "Then the second one as well, when Winchester and I were asked to stay behind in order to sort something out. However the lady she had a lot of qualities in her. She can be scared if her anger comes out. However, the Colonel does have a gentle side to her as well." Mazal responded with a smile.

Ted munched on his cake for a moment.

“ I remember the Colonel’s pep talk before the Blue Gill Zombie away mission. It was my first time as away team leader and I was as scared as a long-tailed cat. In a room full of rocking chairs. It helped me to bury my fear so it did not impede on my leading skills.” Ted said.

"She is good at inspiring others, most definitely and.." Mazal shuddered slightly. "I've had that feeling before, like what you had said about your fear. And my mind just imagined being a long-tailed cat. I'd be a bit skittish myself." giving a slight smile. "From what I have gathered hearing various comments, you all had a very tough assignment that I don't envy you." she reaching out and placed a hand upon his, giving a light squeeze, then moved her hand back to resume eating. "I am really sorry for that happening."

Ted wondered if she meant the mission or squeezing his hand.

“ That’s ok. Do you need a top-up?” He asked pointing at her drink.

"Ah yes I do." Mazal paused as a thought struck her. "Hey Ted, I need to figure out the boundaries to have with you, that is if you don't mind my asking. Do you accept embraces from friends, or do you not want contact of any sort. I can be an affectionate person, and do touchy-feely sort of stuff. However, I do need to know what lines to not cross."

After ordering two more mugs of Betazoid tea Ted thought for a minute before speaking.

“ I am very shy. It takes me a while to pluck up courage to make friends. But once I know people it’s easy for me to speak with you. Hugs are ok and a friendly peck on the cheek. But romantic stuff…… I am very uncomfortable about. Especially on a vessel with a fellow crew person. I would only end up ruining things. By constantly worrying what would happen if things went wrong and we broke up. So being a good friend is fine for me. With a hug or two plus the odd peck on the cheek.” Ted said.

Mazal nodded, "I can work with that and I do actually understand the worry. I may seem really confident on the romance level but, I'm not. I have a particular type of person I guess, if I ever feel comfortable enough to go into a romance."

Mazal had gotten another drink then continued. "With the choice, I have made, as in being a marine, I sometimes I have that thought of, what if I get killed and I would cause loved one grief. I don't want that. I would hate to cause a friend grief either. However friends can enrich a persons life for however long they are in yours. So I will stay within boundaries, and an occasional kiss on the cheek and an embrace. However, don't be too shy if you would like to have an embrace too. I know it will probably take some warming up to do that, but, it will be on your terms."

Ted nodded. He gave a sip of his recently topped up drink. He made a face.

“ This is unsweetened I’m sure I asked for the same again. How bizarre? Unless it was to start with and the chocolate cake made it sweet. I feel like ordering some more cake but shouldn’t. I would have to do fifty laps extra on the Holodeck. When I was a cadet at the academy the instructor did not like science cadets. He was always making us run extra laps.” He said.

Mazal shook her head at hearing what Ted's instructor did, "That just isn't right, Ted, what that instructor did. Was he of that old mindset of, those who are in science are not worth a hill of beans. I know countless individuals who are thankful to the art of science, who wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for scientists in all fields." picking up her cup and raising it towards Ted. "I have a great respect for those in Science. To you, Ted, may you continue in the great field of science and find great discoveries." giving her friend a smile.

Ted smiled.

“ Thanks. I think he was one of the old school. An ex starship captain who lost one to many ships. Probably blamed his science officer for the destruction of his last vessel. Science officers are always the scapegoat when the sh….. mud hits the fan. We need more people like you out there. Anyway, all that running, in the end, was good for me. I came first in the Federation memorial marathon that year.” He said

Mazal grinned when he told her of the marathon, "That is amazing! And what a way to turn things around for a positive. I would have loved to have been there. Would have been your cheerleader squad at the finish line."

Mazal then looked down at her own plate, realizing that her dessert was now all gone. "Drats, looks like I finished my pie and didn't realize that I had. Now the question for me is, should I have another piece or have one later on." she mused. "Perhaps we should do this another time, of which I would love to do, Ted. You are good company and I feel very comfortable being around you."

Ted looked at his plate. He had finished as well. Wiping his mouth with a napkin. He said.

“ Me to. Yes this has been fun. Maybe we can do this again soon?” Ted replied.

"I would really like that, very much." Mazal giving her friend a warm smile.


Lieutenant (JG) Ted Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer

2nd Lt Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer


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