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Who's the skirt?

Posted on 08 Feb 2022 @ 6:16pm by Sergeant Major Bronco (Bronc) Hardway & Captain Patrick Jackson

1,551 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Near the MCO's Office
Timeline: On the way to the mission

Bronc had noticed the arrival of the newest marine, heard rumors that she was the newest Marine XO but she'd not taken the time of day to even introduce herself, during shore leave. He grunted at that, maybe she thought she was too good to mix with the rest of them. Heard tales that she was keeping company with the Fleet officers. He scoffed at that, what was she, a sell out? At first he wanted to go confront her but hey, why bother when he can get the grubby details from Captain Jackson.

He was going to hammer at the door of the office then thought better of it, he needed to keep himself out of the brig on this one, otherwise he'd be sitting out on another mission. Reaching out he pressed the chime, and waited for Jackson to answer. If he were there.

The Captain was in his office, looking over the new list of recruits and transfers that should be onboard. They were getting a number of last minute staff changes and imagined some would be running to the dock with limited transfer time. They had a few new boots that would need to get up to snuff in quick order and he was looking for open fire teams and squads with a good Sergeant to keep them in line. The Captain did not look up when the chime range. "Enter."

"Captain Jackson, sir." Bronco holding himself in a stance of attention, then said. "I'd like to get some information from you sir. I heard we've got a new XO. Is there something wrong with us mugs that she's not meeting the rest of us?"

"At ease Sergeant Major." The Captain said and gave a nod to the chair. "To answer your question, we're Marines. There is plenty wrong with us. As to why the Lieutenant has not introduced herself around, I don't dictate what you do on your liberty and I don't with hers either. We do have a formal introduction planned, but I wanted to be underway first."

Bronco took a seat, his muscular form settling in. "Okay so, did she report into you? What is she like. Yeah I know you said we'd be meeting her formally but, is she going to last or is she going to be turning tail and run, sir?"

Patrick put his padd down. "Lieutenant Falk is..." he trailed off and looked at the door behind Bronco in thought. "Different." He said after a moment. The last few days interactions playing through his head rapidly. "She has a unique way of looking at life. Bubbly but spicy at the same time." He looked back at his Sergeant Major. "Unlikely that she is going to turn tail. If anything, she would probably lead the charge. She's a good Marine and earned her bar. She's not a charity case."

"Bubbly and spicy? Okay, I've got to hear about this sir, and she's not afraid of taking the lead on a charge?" he raised an eyebrow at this. "How did you find out about all this." Bronc paused as he processed what Jackson had told him. "You must have done some research to find all of this out." he paused again.

Then Bronco's eyebrows raised, "Wait a minute, you spent your shore leave doing research on your new XO? I thought you were out with some good looking dame." a look of disappointment came into his eyes.

"From what I heard and saw, there was a dark haired gorgeous woman who was spending time with you. She was a great dancer, she caused quite the stir when she was in the Aurora Lounge." Bronco speared a look at his CO. "Did she just ditch you? What happened?"

The Captain nodded as a smile spread across his face. "Oh she'll be around a while. That pretty woman happens to be the new XO. All part of orientation." The smile was half thinking about that moment and the other half waiting for the reaction he knew was coming.

Bronco just stared at his CO for a few moments, his brain having been halted. Did he just hear Jackson right? A slow blink or two then his jaw hit the floor, all Bronco could do was gape at Jackson then his brain caught up.

"Wait, what? That pretty female is the new XO? Can she take the punishment that will be doled out? I'm sure she can but, no offense sir its just that she's -" he gave out a bit of a low whistle. "She is someone whom a man would love to come home to." Bronco flashing a grin. "I know I would."

The Captain nodded. "Oh she can take some punishment. We did a combat sim with safety to minimum. Both got banged up and cut up pretty good, but she didn't complain. Throws a grenade well too. She'll handle herself well."

He looked at the Sergeant Major. "I'm sure you do want to go home to her, along with a large portion of the ship's company. That is where you come in Sergeant Major. I'll need you to keep a tight rein on lips. Standard chatter is fine, but you know where the line is and I expect all my Marines to stay behind it. I'll handle the officers, but I'll need you to keep the enlisted in line, which I know you are more than capable of." He said with a knowing smile and nod.

"Okay, Captain." Bronco responded, "I'll ride herd on the enlisted." Giving a tightlipped smile, "Honestly, sir there had been speculation as to you finding someone whom would be good for you. You seemed happy when with her. Caused a few cases of men going green with envy. Shall I pass the word to the others of hands off the XO?"

The Captain nodded. "I would hope it would be a given as she is the XO. I'd make sure the new boots are aware of it. Those that have been around know the pecking order and I don't think will be a problem." He said and then smirked. "I'm glad I could still make a few people envious. The problem is it is generally considered inappropriate for a CO and his XO to be that familiar with each other. Maybe in the mirror universe, but not this one."

"More's the pity, but I can understand that one. Its been known to happen in the other areas of Star Fleet but, with the Marines, maybe there are a few cases that are not known about." Bronco giving a shrug. "However, not a good mix. There is that temptation though some of the women who are in the corps are mighty fine looking. Though don't mess with them. As they are not pushovers. Though I am thinking sometime I might put the XO through her paces." a small twinkle in his eyes, his face otherwise a stoic facade.

The Captain saw the twinkle and gave a small nod. "I expect the new XO would get a little exercise from the ranks. Combat and personally, she does well and will be a great fit, but the leadership is still to be tested. I know you'll keep it under control, but will give her a test." He smiled a little. "If my hunch is right though, she may turn the table and put you through the paces if you're not careful. She seems to be a wily one."

"We'll see if that holds true. Lately I've not been beat in the practice skirmishes we've had before she came along. I will keep it under control though." Bronco replied "I will also have to reserve judgement, as to how well she can handle a match up between me and her. I'm not the most delicate acting person on the ship. Hope she will be up for what happens." giving a crooked smile. And he was definitely going to test her.

The Captain gave a nod. He had confidence in his new XO and if she was going to last, she would need to show everyone she earned that bar. Trying to save her from that not only would not do any good, but do her a big disservice. "If she wanted for everything to be soft and gentle, she could have picked anything else but the Marines. She's not fresh from boot, so she knows things don't come easily in the Marines. I'll be interested to hear your report on her."

Bronco gave a nod."I will give a full report then on how things went. And you definitely sound rather confident about her skills. Has she put you on the mats herself?" he was curious, as there wasn't a whole lot of details he could find out. He would be going in blind, then again, it wouldn't be that bad anyway, he had confidence in himself.

Shaking his head a bit, Bronc looked at his CO, "I had best get back to it. I'll see you later Sir."

Jackson gave a nod, and watched as Hardway left.

Bronc was eager to meet Lieutenant Falk, and see what she was made of.


M. Captain Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

Sergeant Major Bronco Hardway
Marine [p: Mazal Falk]


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