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Getting ready to do what is necessary

Posted on 31 Oct 2021 @ 1:25am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill

201 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Sick Bay

Dr Cahill was an expert at packing more than most people could in her medical packs. Not knowing what was going to happen she prepared her heavy pack, medium pack and light pack. She wanted to be ready.

She did nt know what was going to happen and went to where she kept her phasers in her office and checked out her phaser rifle and all the power packs. Along with all her hand phasers and power packs.

She always carried at least 2 hand phasers incase she may be detained and searched. But only a few knew about this. She never made it public knowledge. And this gave her an upper hand.

She then checked all her Klingon weapons to be sure she was ready to fight. She then went to a location to prepare her mind for battle.

She returned when she was finished and took to doing her duties as CMO to help keep her mind clear. A Klingon nurse asked her in Klingon if she was ready for battle. She replied, it is time to do what we must to do and be ready to fight hard. As it is the Klingon way.

Alexanderia Cahill
CMO Tomcat Ncc-62114


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