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Reporting for duty

Posted on 26 Jan 2022 @ 10:24pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Ensign Teton

1,195 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Mess hall , Security office

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-Mess Hall-

Slowly Teton took a sip of his drink and considered the situation. Since his arrival on the Tomcat. The Andorian had been part of beta shift. This had meant night shifts and staying on the ship when. The rest of the crew were on leave. This suited him just fine.

But now due to a shift shakeup in security. Teton had been placed on the alpha shift. He could speak with Winchester but then he would have to have a reason. Why Teton wished to stay on the beta shift. Would because if my evil uncle and older brother discovered I was still alive. They would kill me before I had the chance to kill them. For killing my parents.Be an acceptable reason?

No. It would end his career in Starfleet on the spot.

Anyway. All the years before this point in time. They had not looked for him or their paths had crossed. Plus had been 19 years old when his parents were murdered. Now a man of 30 years of age. It was most probable they would not even recognise him. But rest assured he would never forget their faces. Oh no.

-Security office-

An hour later he walked into security.

“ Greetings Lieutenant Winchester. Ensign Teton reporting for duty. Sir “ Teton said politely.

"Ah Ensign, Nice to meet you," replied Paul looking at the Andorian, he continued "Please come into my office," as he waved him inside, he finished "So, Ensign, you wanted to see me?" as he asked the question.

The Andorian tilted his head slightly. Was the Chief of Security having a joke with him? Humans did have a rather baffling sense of humour. Was this what was called ‘ hazing ‘?

“ I was under the impression sir that it was your good self who wished to see myself.” The Ensign replied.

"Ah yes I did," replied Paul as he continued "Please take a seat" as he walked back around his desk and took a seat and then looked at the Andorian Officer, as he could tell there was more to him wanting to stay on the nightshift, but it was up to him to explain why as this was the second time Paul had tried to bring him to the day shift.

"So, Ensign, May I ask why you are not wanting to be moved to Alpha shift, But remain on Beta?"

This surprised Teton as he had not made it known, that he was not happy with the shift change. Was the Chief of Security telepathic in some way? If that was true then he would have already picked up on the Andorians belated need for revenge. Then again it could have said something in passing to someone and it had made its way to Winchester’s ears.

“ I am sorry sir. But I do not remember telling anyone this information. As far as I am concerned a move to the alpha shift. Is quite acceptable to myself.” Teton said

"You didn't have to Ensign," Replied Paul looking back at the Andorian Officer, He continued, "it was something told me that there was an issue or reason why you did not want the move," as he leaned back into the chair.

Teton gave a sigh.

“ I can assure you, sir. That whatever you have heard. There is no issue now sir. I am as you humans say 100% behind my change of shifts.Sir.” Teton said.

"Good, Good," replied Paul looking back at him, "it seems to be your lucky day," as he looked at the memo that had just popped up and read that Ensign Childers was getting a promotion to full Lieutenant and a Transfer to the USS Endurance. He finished "as of now you are the acting DCoS as Ensign Childers is off to pastures new it seems,"

The Andorian considered this.

“ May I ask what are my duties as acting DCoS? Will I be expected to attend meetings for example?” Teton asked

"Yes Ensign, you will be expected to attend staff briefings as well as keep track of all ships weapons," replied Paul looking back at Teton, he continued "Also you are tasked with making sure every crewmember has their weapon certificates updated yearly" as he leaned back into his chair.

The Andorian gave a click of his fingers as something came to his mind.

“ Thank you for reminding me sir. I also need to update my own weapon certificate within the next month. Very well sir I shall take on the duties of acting DCoS. Are there any outstanding issues that need attention?” Teton asked

"Ah, yes, Ensign Childers was doing a stocktake of the armoury and has been called away for some reason," replied Paul looking back at Ensign Teton, he continued," I'd like you to continue that assignment for me,"

“ Very well sir. I shall continue Ensign Childers task. On the subject of said Ensign Childers do you wish me to perhaps investigate said reason for the sudden stoppage in the task?” Teton asked

"That won't be necessary Ensign, " replied Paul as he looked back at him, He continued "Ensign Childers is being reassigned to the USS Endurance, hence why you now have the role," as he gave his new assistant the information

Teton nodded and glanced at a padd.

“ I see that some of the crew are due for combat training. As my service record states. I have experience in hand combat weapons and unarmed combat. Also marksmanship in a range of weapons including those favoured by crewmen on away missions. With your permission sir. I would like to assist in this combat training if that is acceptable to yourself? Sir.” Teton asked

"Permission granted Ensign," replied Paul knowing that any training that the Ensign could provide would help, he continued "Speak with Lieutenant Falk and see if you can help her," as it would mean building a bridge between the two departments.

Teton thought about this for a moment.

“ Does Lieutenant Falk have a complete list of weaponry used by the habitants of the planet. The away mission is to be conducted on? As it would be a better situation to use weapons our teams will encounter. Rather then the weapons we have as they cannot be used on the planet.” He asked.

"It will consist of the short sword, Daggers and knives," replied Paul looking back at the Ensign, as he knew that with someone extra to help it would ease the burden on Lieutenant Falk.

Teton considered this.

“ Will these weapons by sharp and if so what protection will the away team have from them. On the planet as well as the holodeck?” Teton asked Winchester.

"yes some will be, but others will be practice weapons," replied Paul looking back at his new assistant, He continued" you may get asked to take some of the load off of the Lieutenant," as he knew that the teams needed to be ready before they reached the planet.

Teton nodded.

“ Then with your permission. I will make my way and report to the holodeck.” He said.


Ensign Teton ( NPC Silver )
USS Tomcat


Lieutenant JG Paul Winchester
Chief Security/Tactical



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