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The S.A.R Operation

Posted on 30 Jan 2022 @ 5:13pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Warrant Officer K'Muss

2,566 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Various
Timeline: Same time as Main Missions


After leaving Commander Dodd in command Alex headed down to the main armoury by way of her quarters where she dressed in her combat green outfit, it did not take her long to change, her outfit was an armoured but form-fitting one-piece item that showed off her curves and trim figure, the legs had thigh pouches, the specialized belt had her secret weapon on. Now kitted out she arrived at the ship's armoury, where she pulled out a harness that had two Wakizashi swords in their holders on the back, as she was strapping the harness tight in walked three of her team, it must have been a sight a lithe redhead in a tight-fitting combat jumpsuit fastening down her harness and making sure the shoulder holsters were firmly attached, she paused as she looked up.

"Welcome you three, you all have your required equipment?" Somers asked having paused in gathering her weapons and tying her hair up in a tight bun.

"Yes, ma'am," replied Jane. She was also already in her uniform, blue-trimmed but otherwise identical to the Colonels. Her blue hair was tied behind her head in a ponytail. She had her bag of medical supplies slung over her shoulder. "Just need this." She crossed the armoury and picked up a standard Type-2 phaser. She hated to use it, but she knew how necessary it was for her to be able to defend herself, her team, and her patient. She checked the weapon over, inspecting it as she was trained, and put it in its holster on her hip.

Thyra also put a phaser in the holster on her hip. As well as clipping her tricorder on. She then grabbed a phaser rifle. She set the weapon. She hated her settings, but orders were orders. The colonel didn't want to take any prisoners. She clipped the band over her shoulder and looked to the colonel. Her long white hair was also tied in a bun. "Ready, colonel." She took the padd from the other holster. "I have the data here and have a standard Intel and security kit. Most of the data is already decoded."

"Knife, check. You never know." K'muss said, getting his gear together. He went through his checklist. It had been a while since he'd been on a SAR op. "Good to go, colonel."

As she arrived S'arila did not catch what K'Muss had said, she looked down at the Colonel with an apologetic face "sorry I am late Colonel" she said as she started to gather her things.

Looking up at the Major "someone sitting on your shirt-tails Major!" Somers said amused both women had a long history together and Alex could still make the hybrid blush. "Okay, the Rifles on the Away team will carry larger weapons, I hope you are all up to scratch on your TR-116 usage?" She asked the Marines in the room.

"Fully checked out as of last range session," K'muss replied. "I'm no sniper, but I can at least hit the side of a barn."

While she said this she finished fastening the clips on her harness and then pulling out her fully operational Desert eagle Pistols, she loaded each with an extended mag and placed them in her shoulder holsters and then put some spare ammo into the smaller pouches, she saved the largest pouch for the TR-116 ammo, the room had gone silent, she looked up a little sheepish and saw all looking at her *shrugs* "I am a marksman, I hit what I shoot, but better take some emergency breathing gear" she added with a grim smile.

S'arila looked at Alex with the rest but hid the amusement in response to the Colonel's comments, this was classic Alex, she liked to stir the pot, to this day S'arila never found out why Alex did it.

Jane looked at the Colonel’s pistols. She’d come across similar models, usually in museums or antique collections. She knew the kind of horrible injuries that such weapons could cause and was pleased that her medkit was well stocked. “I’m glad we’re all ready for this, Colonel, but I sincerely hope you don’t need to use those.”

"Better to have them and not need them than the other way around" K'muss smiled

Thyra looked over to the caitian. "Wise words, but still, knowing where we are going....precaution is advised." She shuddered and then looked at the team. "I do find this team interesting. I have yet to work with some of you." She smiled. "Well then, shall we get this thing on the road."

Jane nodded, ready to go.

Somers looks at Sinclair "I will be using them, forensic traces showed that Nausicaans are partly responsible, but make no mistake we will be going in hot and I will be drawing blood from them" she said. "Okay you lot get you onto the Venture class scout, I had engineering install our Klingon cloak, yes we have one, but we only use it as and when needed and only on the Venture class scout, now get into the ship," she said and led the way, as the team got in the only one having difficulty was S'arila who was grumbling in her native tongue, most of the words could not be translated, some could though so Alex got the gist and smiled as she slipped into the pilot's seat.

She contacted flight control and quickly got launch clearance "Okay, away we go," she said lifting the ship upon its repulsors and slowly taxing around so the ship nos were facing towards the shuttle bay doors. She paused there as the atmospheric shields activated keeping the bay pressurized as the outer door opened, it did not take too long and with a sudden burst of speed and the Venture class scout shot out through the barrier when clear Alex brought the shuttle around over the top of the ship before clearing the flight some of the Tomcat and going to warp, Somers activated the autopilot and turned to face her team.

"Okay, any questions on your roles, ask now as it will not be possible when we get there," she said as she pressed the surface that cloaked the ship.

Jane shook her head. "No, ma'am."

Nodding to the Doctor she looks around "anyone else?" Somers asked.

S'arila shook her head, she had nothing to ask, but she did see something in the Colonel's eyes when both briefly locked eye contact, it was a similar look her double had during some nasty fights with the Dominion in her reality, Alex was out for blood.

Thyra looked up a moment from the padd she was reading. "I have one. Knowing the territory we are entering and the enemy we are up against, what is your plan? I don't think it is wise to just rush in guns blazing. Drawing blood is fine, but I would feel much safer if we had a plan. And this is both the tactician and spy in me." She grinned. She trusted the colonel, as a marine would have a plan and it would be best if the team was aware of this plan.

"The location of the Fleet Captain is on a large Starship orbiting the planet we sterilized, yes that planet," she said when she saw their reactions, now when we get there it will be under cloak and we will see a scarred world, but we must focus on our tasks at hand, we will be invisible until we dock with the ships port hatch, then all hell is going to break loose, I will go first as I am the best shot, the rest of you follow behind, you all know your tasks, K'Muss and Donovan will cover your backs," she said looking at Thrya and Sinclair when we have our LZ we can change it up a bit, but until then let me do what I have been trained for, our enemies will be Nausicaans, the person known as the Apostate, well we do not know much about him, only that he seems to have been a native of the planet I scorched, he is to be captured alive, all other Nausicaans are free game, give them no quarter as they will give you none. Now when we get to the Captain's location, Sinclair you will stabilize the Captain for a hot return to this ship, then you and K'Muss will carry the Captain back while Major Donovan will carry the Apostate back, any questions?" Somers asked.

"Understood Colonel, understood," S'arila said, she said very few words most of the time so this was in character for her.

"Understood," Jane replied.

"So we are going in guns blazing?" Thyra said looking at her intel kit. "Well, it's a good thing we came prepared then." She looked around the room. "I have no further questions."

Looking over to the Catian "what about you Chief, any questions before we arrive at our destination?" Somers asked.

"None come to mind, Colonel. Just ready for action." the caitian replied.

Secure in the aft compartment as the ship flew to its destination, Jane busied herself during the transit by checking and re-checking her equipment. It would not do to have her medical tricorder or other gear fails. Lives could be lost as a result. As she worked, she broke the silence and began softly singing. It started as a murmur but got clearer as she approached the bridge.

"The city's cold and empty
Oh, no one's around to judge me
Oh, I can't see clearly when you're go-o-one

I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch
I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night
Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust

"That's beautiful, Doctor, I don't know that song, could you tell me about it?" Thyra smiled. Music was one of her favourite art, next to her painting. Though she wasn't good at it like painting.

“Thank you,” Jane replied, blushing. “It’s called ‘Blinding Light,’ and it’s from the early 21st century. It was something my old Academy band and I used to perform. I’ve had it in my head these past few days. Not sure why. And I guess I tend to fill silences with quiet singing.”

From the pilot seat, "it was a nice tune, I usually have crap running around in my head" Somers said as she took the ship cloaked and then went to warp "Okay, do a final check of your kit, it will not be long before we get there" Somers added.

“Yes, ma’am,” Jane said. Her voice quieted to hum as she did one final check of her gear.

Thyra checked her gear and then leaned over to Jane. I love to hear you sing, and I can show you some of my paintings." She grinned.

“I’d like that,” Jane replied, returning the smile.

K'Muss did just that. He ran through his gear the way his dunny taught him in basic. He checked and double-checked. He flashed the "ok" sign.

By the time they had finished checking their equipment, the enemy ships hull had been breached and the alarms on the ship began to sound, S'arila and two Rifles went first to make sure the entry point was secure, as each paused at the opening waiting for the all-clear Somers turned to them.

"Okay, there will be some fighting, so keep your heads down and shoot back if required, now Doctor Sinclair it is a good chance the Fleet Captain will be in such a bad way that she may not be in much of a fit state, so prepare to use your trauma kit I have heard about how brutally efficient these Nausicaans can be," She said.

"Understood, Colonel," Jane said, kit slung over her shoulder, sidearm drawn. She knew the Colonel was right. When they found the Captain, she'd be in a rough state.

With a nod she looked at Thrya and K'Muss "You pair are teamed up together, when we get our foot in the door so to speak take one of the Rifles and three of you head to engineering, if those in engineering fight then show no mercy if they surrender, stun them and tie them up, Chief" she said looking at K'Muss "you job is to plant explosives around the warp core *looks at Thyra* yours Ensign is to download all data, you are more likely to get better access in engineering, just download the data, you can decrypt it later, then when that is done get back here" Somers said.

Thyra nodded. "Understood, sir." She hit a few buttons on her tricorder to make sure it was ready when they got there.

K'Muss simply nodded and said nothing.

The moment they answered Donovan spoke "okay boss all clear, for some reason the alarms are going off but no one is coming to this area!" the Major said sounding puzzled.

"Find a console and silence those alarms and see if you can erase all traces of our presence, I saw this ship it is so old I am hoping they will think that it is of a ship's failing systems," Alex said.

"Understood Boss" S'arila responded.

Somers tapped Thyra and K'Muss through the hole as she looked at Sinclair "you Lieutenant are with me, got it?" She said.

The doctor nodded, staying close to the Colonel as instructed. "Ready, ma'am."

With that leading the way the Colonel entered the cargo hold followed by Sinclair when they were all in the cargo bay she looked at the two rifles, one of you go with Ensign Sh'shraaqir and WO K'Muss" she said and the Rifleman nodded, then she looked to the other one "you will keep this area secure and prepare for a hot exit" she said and the second rifleman nodded.

"Good *looks at Thyra and K'Muss* "right in brief get to engineering access the computer core and obtain other engineering data and download it, and Mr K'Muss will plant some spatial charges and set and get back here," she said to the pair

Thyra pulled out a small device from her belt and pushed a few buttons. She walked to a console and put it against it. The alarms went quiet. She pushed a few buttons on the device again and then held her tricorder next to it. "These systems are very old, they are easy to hack. I have downloaded a map and connected the tricorders to the internal scanners. It should allow us to see any lifeforms approaching." She nodded to the colonel as she pointed K'Muss to one of the duck vents. We should be able to go around undetected and get in without being noticed. We will have to deal with a few targets in Engineering. But Engineering is not heavily guarded." She waited for K'Muss to enter the vent before she would follow.

The Rifleman nodded once and followed the Intel Chief out of the ships cargo bay and onto their destination in Engineering.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander

Lt Jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Chief Intelligence Officer

Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO


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