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Catching up chat

Posted on 08 Feb 2022 @ 6:21pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Captain Patrick Jackson

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Jackson's Quarters
Timeline: Before Away Mission


Mazal made her way to Jackson's quarters on the Tomcat. It wasn't too difficult to find, and she brought with her a house warming gift for him. His favorite alcohol, Ale. Why not, she knew what Patrick liked, and heck she was certain he wouldn't mind it anyway. Mazal also brought some food as well, the two of them may need it anyway, she was hungry. Lunch and a chat, that will work out fine. Mazal pressed the chime to let Patrick know, someone was there.

The marine Captain was on his couch reading a book. It had been a while since he had been able to take some time to catch up on some reading material he was given and figured it was as good of time as any. He heard the door chime ring. "Come in." He said and finished up the sentence he was on and tapped his place holder.

Mazal stepped inside, letting the door close behind her. "Hi there Captain. Long time no see." giving him a wink and a teasing smile. "I bring you some food and some ale, the real stuff. Its a housewarming gift." she walked over and set the items on a near by table.

"Hopefully I haven't interrupted you in anything." turning to face Patrick, her back towards the table.

He shook his head and put his padd down on the end table next to him. "Not at all. Just doing some catchup reading. Figured this was as good of time as any." He said and offered her a chair with a gesture. "Food and beer huh? Sounds good. Didn't realize it was getting that time already." He said looking at the chrono on the wall.

Mazal sat down and smiled, "Well don't want you to starve. Besides, I was hungry and you are good company to have a meal with. Hope you like cinnamon rolls for dessert." She crossed her legs at the ankle drawing them under the chair she was sitting in. She was absentmindedly twirling a strand about her right index, her right elbow being supported by her left arm which crossed her chest.

"Who doesn't like cinnamon rolls?" He asked and took a look at them. "They smell great." He said and put the lid back down. It was a good smell to have floating around his quarters. "I forgot to get you a warming gift."

"You don't need to get me one." Mazal replied, with a smile. "Or you can owe me one." giving a chuckle. "Okay let's sit down and eat and chat. Or just stare at each other." giving Patrick a wink. It could be seen though, that Mazal was slightly on edge as well.

Patrick grabbed a bite of the food and opened up the beer. He noticed her fidgeting, something he had not seen in her before. She was casual, but just a little off. She was also not quite herself. He tried to put his finger on it but could not define it. "I don't mind eating." He said and took a drink of the ale. "You ok Falk?"

Mazal shook her head, "Not really, Patrick. As you already know, Captain Somers had asked myself and Lieutenant Winchester to stay afterwards. She wanted to find out what was going on with myself and him. Well, I did explain to her what happened, but I felt awful as to what I did at the briefing. I am sorry for my speaking out like I did. I feel like I just put a blemish on the corps due to what I did. And.. I am sorry." Mazal lifted her eyes from where she had been looking at her untouched food to meet Jackson's eyes.

There was a slight shimmer of tears there, "I can't believe I did that. In front of everyone, I let my irritation with him get the best of me." she grumbled. "Just how stupid can I get?"

The Captain nodded. "There is one thing about speaking out of turn like that Mazal, is that after you do, and you realize the mistake, it's a mistake that you will never repeat." He shrugged. "Any mark you may have earned the corps will be smoothed out after a little action. You had a learning experience and I believe you will ensure that will never happen again. I see it as a closed matter now."

There was definitely a palatable sign of relief coming from her, a visible change of her mood. It was like that of a dark cloud that hid the sun, was chased away by a strong wind, her smile beaming brightly. "I won't be allowing that to happen again. And thank you, Patrick." Picking up her sandwich, feeling her appetite return. "That was really bothering me." shaking off the blues, and taking a bite of the sandwich.

She chewed a few bites then opened up the beer. "To our upcoming mission, may it be successful." Mazal holding it out towards Patrick as a toast.

Jackson gave a nod holding up his beer towards in a silent agreement.


M. Captain Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

2nd Lt Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer


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