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Christine's New role

Posted on 02 Nov 2021 @ 11:27pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Christine Childers

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Current


- Security Office- USS Tomcat-

After the talk with the Colonel and Lieutenant Falk, Paul had returned back to his office to start getting his reports in order before the next mission started in earnest, although he still had to sort out a replacement for his deputy chief who had now become the Tomcat’s CIO, as he knew that if he only chose the officer as a temporary replacement to try them out, but he still needed someone here whilst he was off the ship to maintain the department.

As he started going through the Service jacket’s of potential Deputy Chief Of Security as he looked over one of them and came across Ensign Christine Childers whom he remembered from the previous mission had done well, to him it warranted the right to be a deputy chief as he noticed that she was in intelligence and knew that having to speak with Thyra about the move was going to be difficult, to say the least as he tapped his combadge

=/\= Lieutenant Winchester to Ensign Childers, please report to Main security,=/\=

-Meanwhile Christine’s Quarters-

Ensign Christine Childers was getting ready to go to the gym for a workout when her Combadge chirped and had heard the call from the Tomcat’s Chief Security as she pulled on her sports bra and checked herself out in the Mirror.

As she responded =/\= I’m on my way Sir,=/\= as she started to wonder why he had called for her, as she turned and exited her quarters to find out the mystery.

As Christine exited her Quarters and began to walk along the corridor as she continued on her way as she nodded to another officer as she walked past him, just then her friend from that she had made from Engineering came up to her, giving her a smile.

“Hey Christine, how are you?” asked Jessica,

looked at the woman she had been chasing for the past week had been trying to get her to sleep with her, but Christine had told her no, as she noticed that she was off duty.

she continued “and why is it every time I see you you are wearing skimpy clothes to turn me on,”

Christine responded,” Jess, I have told you I am not going to sleep with you,”

“Aww Chris, you're no fun,” she moaned looking at her friend She stated “ All I want is one night with you, that’s all,” she started to look at the floor, She finished “ I’m Horny as hell and need to be burned out,”
“And you want me to be the one to do it?” replied Christine looking back at her,” what happened with Maria was us getting over a hell of a mission and we found comfort in each other arms,” she explained As she hurried along to the nearest turbolift. she turned to Jess and said” I’m busy at the moment, I Have been summoned to Main Security”

“What the hell does Winchester want from you?” she asked as she knew how the rumour of the attitude of Paul Winchester had been for the last few weeks, she continued to keep up with Christine’s stride, as she had no love for the Tomcat’s chief Security after how he had treated other woman who had slept with his sister, but she was just hoping that it wasn’t anything bad.

“I do not know Jess, but whatever it is he must need me,” replied Christine as they turned the corner, “I did hear that he is getting married to Serina Donavan who has two Daughters and that he has taken them for his own,” as this news had been a shocker after what she had heard about him.

“You are kidding me? Donavan accepted his proposal?” as she was surprised, to say the least at the news, she thought oO Maybe this will mellow him out a bit? Oo as the pair of women continued down the corridor and found the turbo-lift. as the doors parted and entered the lift she turned to Jess and said” we will talk about another thing Later Jess,” as the doors closed. She thought oO Wow, what is it with Jess wanting to sleep with me Oo

she said “Main Security”

-Meanwhile back in Paul’s Office-

As Paul continued to read over the same paragraph and started to rub his eyes as he was now feeling sleepy as he knew that getting this in order was what he had to do and had neglected in doing as he could not wait for his new Deputy Chief to arrive and half some of the workload. as his door, Chime buzzed.

“Enter,” He called.

As the door slid back to reveal Christine who came to a standstill in front of his desk still wondering why she had been brought here as she was off duty and looked directly at the wall behind Paul.

She said “Ensign Christine Childers reporting as ordered Sir,”

Paul leaned back in his chair and looked directly at her for a minute and then spoke “So, I suspect you are wondering why I called you here?” as he started to rub his chin, He continued “At this moment in time I do not have a deputy chief and as of this moment you have been granted the position only temporally of Deputy chief,”

Christine stood there shocked with her jaw wide open and not releasing what had just happened, she had just been offered the position of Deputy chief if only until someone higher came along.

She said, “You want me, Sir?” asking the question with a surprised look upon her face, She continued, “But I’m an Intelligence officer, not a Security Officer,”

Paul smiled as he remembered when he was first moved from CAG to Intelligence and then to Security, although at the time he was recovering from the crash that had resulted in the loss of his arm, however, he knew that Serina would give him clearance to the flight deck to see his old teams and put the fear of god back and them.

“I was the Tomcat;’s CAG before I got moved to Security,” replied Paul looking at her “and that was because I have a Prosthesis,” he stated as he rolled up his sleeve and showed the arm to her “And this is not common knowledge below decks,” as he was trusting her with this information that he had given her.

“I Understand Sir, Classified Information,” as she looked at him knowing that being given the trust showed that this was her first chance at an assistant chief spot and might help her in her career in the fleet. She continued “anything else sir?”

“Just that you won’t be noted on the roster as DCoS with the fleet Captain until she returns,” Paul stated looking back at Christine, he continued” For now I need you to start going through the armoury and do me full weapons check then we will have a meeting with the section chief’s,”

“Aye Sir,” replied Christine as she thought to herself oO Bang goes my day off, Oo as she noticed Paul going to his drawer and passing over her new warrant card, as she picked it up and put it upon her hip she finished,” I’ll get on it right away,”

“Very well, Dismissed,” replied Paul as he watched the young woman leave to start her duties, now he had to wait for his next appointment, Ensign Teton.


Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Security/Tactical

Ensign Christine Childers [P: Winchester]
Security officer


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