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Christine's New role pt 2

Posted on 28 Jan 2022 @ 11:47am by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Christine Childers

1,343 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Main armoury
Timeline: Prior to SAR Mission


- Main Armoury- USS Tomcat-

It was now Her first day’s shift on Beta and her first duty was to do a full Audit of all the weapons, However, she had made a note of the last inspection which had been a month ago by Lieutenant Winchester himself, but she herself had been tasked with this months inspection as she now wore the yellow of Security and hoped that this was not going to become the worst move for her.

As she swiped her card in the slot and tapped in her code, the door opened before her as she thought to herself oO What a relief, I thought it was not going to work for the minute Oo as she stepped and the room and picked up a PADD and started to catalogue the Phazers in the racks and also assign herself a sidearm. Before she could start working on the Catalog of the ships weapons suddenly her combadge chirped.

Tapping her commbadge she said =/\= Ensign Childers here, Go ahead =/\=

=/\= Ensign Childers, this is Colonel Somers, report to the CRR immediately, Somers out =/\= Alex said closing the link before the other woman could respond, after the call she prepared things.

Christine could not believe that she was being summoned to the Colonel's ready room, and even not being given chance to do her assigned task, she placed the PADD back on the desk in front of her and exited the room. as she started to wonder what she had done to warrant this?

as she hurried along the corridor to the nearest turbo-lift, Christine knew that she had only minutes ago been given Temporary duties of Deputy Chief of Security by Lieutenant Winchester. as she was still reeling from that news, but what could this be? she thought oO Is Mom and dad alright? Oo as she had worried about them oO or is Rebecca ok? Oo as thoughts about her adoptive Sister came to her mind.

As she turned the corner, she ran once more into Jessica who just gave a nod to her and smiled as she recognized that Christine was once more in a hurry. Christine knew that this was not the time to chat with the woman about things and found an open turbo-lift and darted inside she said"Bridge."

Alex had finished going through some paperwork when the door buzzer sounded, startling her oO Damn that was quick! Oo she thought to herself as she pulled the required file up "Enter" she said.

As Christine entered the room and came to a halt in front of the Colonel, she said "Ensign Christine Childers reporting as ordered ma'am," with her hands behind her back looking at the wall, she thought to herself oO I don't know why I am here, but something is up Oo as she waited for the Colonel to speak.

"Ensign Christine Childers!" Somers said looking up from where she was sitting, come in Ensign, come in" Somers said cheerfully standing up "relax Ensign relax, I am the Marine, not you" the Colonel said smiling

"Thank you, ma'am," replied Christine as she still was not sure why she was even here, she asked," Ma'am, May I ask why I have been summoned here?" as she knew that with a task not finished things would not look good for her.

Somers looks at the young Ensign a little puzzled "you are not in trouble Ensign" she said as she pulled out two shot glasses and some Andorian ale and placed them on the desk, then she pulled out a small box. "The drink is to calm you but I wanted to let you know that you have been reassigned to the USS Endurance a Nebula Class ship as its Chief of Security and Tactical, of course, this means it comes with a promotion and a steep learning curve as you will be commanding a Department," Somers said as she poured two small rounds of Ale into the glasses but left them on the desk as she put the bottle away while she waited to see what the Ensign's response would be.

"I'm, I'm what!" she stammered trying to calm herself as the shock hit her that only moments ago she was acting assistant chief and now she had been given her own department on another ship, She said, "I think I will take that drink, Ma'am," as she picked up the glass from the desk. she finished, "May I ask what my new rank will be Ma'am?"

Looking at Childers amused at how she made a bee-line for the Andorian Ale and knocked it back in one go as she also asked a question, "your new rank will be Full Lieutenant, which will be official before you leave the Tomcat, so when you arrive at the Starbase the Endurance is currently docked at and report to the First Officer" Somers said as she knocked her own drink back. "I have no idea how Mr Winchester will react as you currently and technically outrank him, but until you do leave this ship you are still his deputy," she said.

"Full Lieutenant, oh wow," replied Christine looking back at the Colonel, she continued, "I think I need another drink," as she wondered how Lieutenant Winchester was going to take the news, but she knew that it was going to be a sight to see.

"Sorry Lieutenant, one drink is all you get, now I have updated your personnel file and authorised the transfer to the Endurance, there is now only one thing left "ATTENTION" Somers shouted and the young officer had quick reactions as she was standing to attention as Alex opened the box she had and pulled out a solid pip and advanced.

As Christine stood tall looking at the wall, she knew that this advancement in her Career was such a rapid one that she knew that the Colonel had stuck her neck out for her and she was not going to let her down.

Somers closed the space and put the pip next to the other one, made sure it was fastened and then stepped back and held out her hand "congratulations Lieutenant Childers, may you serve your next Commander with honour" Somers said.

"I will not let you down, Ma'am" replied Christine as she knew now that her next chapter in her career awaited her on the Endurance.

After pulling her hand away "I have to wonder how Lieutenant Winchester will take this, it will not be good of that I am certain, but I will deal with that if the need arises so I have nothing further, so before I dismiss you, do you have any questions to ask?" Somers asked.

"Do you mind if I go see him when I leave you, Ma'am?" asked Christine looking at the Colonel as she wanted to thank Paul for everything he has done for her.

"Not a problem Lieutenant, just don't go throwing at him the fact that you outrank him huh!" Somers suggested to the newly minted Lieutenant.

"Oh where the fun in that?" replied Christine as she gave a chuckle knowing that Paul would have to call her Ma'am but she knew that he would be pleased for her, as she also knew that she would now have a lot of work ahead of her on her next assignment.

"Oy vey!" the Colonel exclaimed "Your funeral Lieutenant, still I think we are done here, you have any questions about your next assignment?" Somers asked.

"No Ma'am" replied Christine.

"Very well then Lieutenant Childers dismissed and good luck on your new assignment," Somers said and watched the newly minted Lieutenant leave the Ready Room with a spring in her step. She shook her head in wry amusement knowing that things will not be as easy as she thinks, but such was life, with a sigh she returned to her preparations for her upcoming SAR mission.


Lt Col Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Christine Childers [P: Winchester]
Security Officer


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