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Searching for survivors

Posted on 05 May 2017 @ 11:19pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Captain Maia Sterling
Edited on on 06 May 2017 @ 2:24pm

1,445 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Incidental Posts)
Location: Runabout Sabretooth
Timeline: Mission day 26+2


Maia much preferred the runabout, she was lucky however, the Tomcat was equipped with one, so instead. Her orders were to provide assistance to the survivors of the last battle. A number of ships were adrift, most of the COMMS were down. Those that had COMMS could use their disaster beacons. She had Dr Cahill with her as well as a medical crew and a damage control team, just in case.

So far they had not found anything except 23 escape pods, most of the ships that were damaged had been destroyed, some of the crews had escaped. the debris at 210 mark 31 was considerably larger, but life signs were inconclusive, Maia set a course to intercept.

What they found were the primary hull of a Federation starship or at least most of it. Looked to be Luna class USS Europa. the atmosphere was fairly stable and emergency force fields were in place. Maia scanned for life and detected several humanoid life forms.

"Dr Cahill take an away team. They are mostly clustered around their sick bay render any medical aid and have the damage control team stabilise their power reserves". Maia instructed.

"On it Commander", Dr Cahill moved quickly and was able to get in using her medical override protocols, where they had activated the security protocols. Once in she moved quickly to the injured. =/\=Cahill to Transporter Room 2 lock on to these emergency signals and beam the injured directly to Sick Bay. I have 16 casualties to transport immediately.=/\=

=/\=Commander I have sent 16 casualties to the Tomcat Sick Bay. They can be better treated there in Sick Bay than here. I am scanning for other life signs as we are continuing to advance." She finds a working computer panel and uses it check for other signs of life. "Commander, the computer shows life signs on the 2 decks below us. I have sent medical teams there to check on them and ordered them to transport the injured and all other survivors to the Tomcat.=/\=

=/\=If they can be moved we can beam them here Doctor.=/\=

=/\= They can be beamed there with no problem, most are the usual injuries in this type of situation. Most will be able to return to duty in a few days. Just need to be monitored for other hidden injuries Commander Sterling. =/\=

=/\=Alright Doctor, we will commence beaming over the injured first then the rest of the survivors. Sterling out=/\=

Maia turned to the console scanning the debris for other life forms. Several birds of prey were damaged and or destroyed. There ships disaster beacons were not functional. However, there was minimal life support on a few of the larger pieces of debris. As soon as her people were back Maia set a course for them. Eventually, they picked up 34 survivors. The runabout was getting pretty crowded so Maia set a course back towards the Tomcat.

=/\= Sterling to Tomcat, We have 34 survivors ready to be beamed aboard request permission to keep searching.=/\=

- USS Tomcat - Bridge -

Jasmine was working with the replacement bridge crew as most of her senior officers were on missions when the Communications came to life.

=/\= Sterling to Tomcat, We have 34 survivors ready to be beamed aboard request permission to keep searching.=/\=

She pressed the chairs Comms button =/\= Beam them aboard Commander and you have permission to keep searching =/\= while she was waiting for a response she sent a signal to medical notifying them that they would be having some injured survivors.

=/\= Understood Captain sick bay receiving casualties now, resuming search, Sterling out. =/\=

Once back on the run about Saber Tooth, Dr Cahill continued to care for the survivors and to make them as comfortable as possible. She also made sure the most critically injured were transported first then as the others were able to be sent to the Tomcat she paid more attention to the mission at hand.

She moves to the Medical Station and continued to scan for more survivor signs. "Commander I am showing signs of numerous survivors from a large chunk of debris from what is left of the large Klingon ship on our port side. Scan show at least 20 on the largest section there. It may be a good point of interest."

"Got it". Once the casualties had been beamed back to the Tomcat, Maia set a course back to the large Klingon ship at 210 mark 11.

=/\= This is Federation Runabout Sabertooth calling Imperial Klingon Starship Koloth, prepare to receive damage control and medical parties.=/\=

There was no acknowledgement. Maia swung the ship around to see if she could land in the hanger bay but it was gone. So Maia decided to dock using an airlock. There was an atmosphere on the other side. Forward a few times and they treated her like she was a great friend.

As Commander Sterling was leading the team they moved forward to see what was going on. "Commander I am showing life signs to the Aft and also forward of our position. Not sure how many there are though. The debris section appears to be from near the Bridge section of the Koloth. This is one of the great flagships of the Klingon Empire. She has been a very noble ship and has put up a great fight to the end for the Empire as well.

"Can we get through or should we use the runabouts site to site transporter". Maia asked.

Dr Cahill had been on the planet Klin'zhai early in her career and was able to use the Klingon computers. She went to a computer panel and checked it. It still worked and she checked the sensors. " The computer shows we can get access both areas without the transporters Commander. The Aft area has 85 % atmosphere and Forward has 90%. Both areas controlled and show no problems maintaining the current levels.

"Very well, which direction has the most life forms"? Maia asked.

Dr Cahill responded, "Commander, Forward has 16 live forms showing and the Aft has 8. The forward section is part of what used to be the Bridge and Aft is what is left of Engineering. It appears the ones in Engineering may be trying to maintain life support systems. Not sure what the other group is doing though. I can have Alpha Team go the group Aft and bring them back to the Saber Tooth while we check out the Forward area."

"Very well let's head to the bridge". Maia stated.

The away team made it to the bridge hatch and opened it onto the bridge, half the bridge was open to space and there was a force field preventing decompression.

"I am Commander Maia sterling from the Starship Tomcat, who is in command here"? Maia asked.

I am Lieutenant Klank, chief weapons officer, the captain and the first officer got blown out into space. Comms are down and life support is barely functional". Lt klank replied.

"We have a runabout docked on your dorsal hatch. We can evacuate your crew and wounded and tow what's left of this ship back to the fleet for repairs". Sterling said.

"No, we will not abandon ship Commander".

"Lieutenant most of this ship is gone. Only a fool fights in a burning house". Maia replied.

Klank looked around and then relented. "Abandon ship" he ordered.

The men and women mostly enlisted filed out after that...

=/\= Sterling to Dr Cahill what's your status? =/\=

Dr Cahill went to the second location and found it was Main Engineering. They were working hard trying to get the ship working again she walked in. "Who is in charge here", as they continued to work. An officer turned around."I am LT Karf, Chief engineer. we are working to keep life support up and try to get the propulsion going so we can get repairs done."

"I am Dr Cahill, CMO of the Tomcat, we have a runabout attached to an airlock. We are here to get you off and arrange to tow for repairs." Then the order to abandon ship sounds over the communications system. " Come the runabout is this way on a dorsal hatch."

=/\= We have 8 survivors. and are coming your way now. We will meet you at the Saber Tooth. =/\= We move quickly and arrive at the same time as Commander Sterling and the others arrive.

Once the Survivors were aboard the runabout, Maia rigged the tractor beam and towed what was left of the Klingon ship out of the debris field and to a holding space then set a course for the Tomcat.


Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/ACSO
USS Tomcat

Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer
USS Tomcat


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