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(Mature Audiences) Fun in the Pool

Posted on 08 Dec 2021 @ 10:02pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley
Edited on on 08 Dec 2021 @ 10:30pm

2,350 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Before "There’s something you need to know"

Includes non-explicit depictions of a sexual encounter


Having discovered Jane’s swimming pool program in the holodeck memory Lilli was enjoying a nice swim, keeping herself fit during her pregnancy was going to be important. Being part Betazoid she wasn’t embarrassed by nudity so she was swimming topless enjoying the feel of the water on her skin.

Jane was also planning a swim that afternoon. She had heard that the program was in use, but by someone she knew. Lilliana Vail. She smiled and decided to try her luck. Maybe she would share?

She walked into the holodeck, barefoot and wearing a robe, and smiled at Lilli. “Hello!” she called. “Sorry to be a bother. I fancied a swim too, mind if I join?”

Lilli smiled as she stopped swimming, holding onto the side of the pool. “Sure! It’s your program after all. Come on in.”

Jane grinned and nodded. She noticed Lilli’s choice of swimwear so she didn’t bother warning her swim partner that she swam nude. Instead she simply turned away, took off her robe, which she tossed onto a bench with her towel, and dived into the pool. The cool water on her skin and in her hair reinvigorated the young doctor. She came up, took a deep breath, and swam toward her friend.

Lilli smiled warmly as Jane joined her. “I’m very well, thank you. The medication you gave me for my morning sickness seems to be working nicely, I’m glad to say!”

“Good!” Jane said as she swam up to the pool edge and grabbed hold. “I’m firmly of the view that women needn’t suffer in their quests to become mothers. Save that for their actual motherhood. If we can relieve you of some pain ahead of time, we should!” She out her head back under the water and came back up, loving the cool water on her face. “How are you doing otherwise? Not asking as a doctor, but a friend.”

“I’m...okay” Lilli answered a little cagily. “To be honest I’m wondering whether or not I should tell Leland about the baby yet. I’m worried what he’ll say!”

“I’m sure he’ll give you a big smooch and be very happy about it,” Jane reassured her. “If he says anything different, you send him my way and I’ll smack some sense into him. I think there’s a medical tool for that. Something for removing one’s head from one’s arse.”

Lilli couldn’t help but laugh at Jane’s response. “I’ll remember that! Thank you Jane.”

"Of course!" Jane kicked off and swam into the middle of the pool. She was glad to be moving in the cool water. It felt fantastic. It was one of the very few forms of exercise she truly enjoyed. "How are you liking the program?"

Lilli swam along with, She too was enjoying the feel of the water. “I think it’s brilliant! I love to swim and this is a fantastic way to get exercise and have fun.”

"When I one day leave the fleet," Jane said, "Wherever I end up living, I plan to have a pool and hot tub there. Basically this program, but outdoors." As she reached the other side, she held on to the edge again. "Do you mind if I ask you a question of an...intimate nature?"

Lilli moved to the edge by Jane giving her a curious look. “Sure, to be honest I’m curious what it is you want to know?”

"Well," Jane wasn't sure how to say it, but then shook her head clear and just asked. "When you came into sickbay, we talked a bit about...having brought a third person into the bedroom. I could tell, and ordinarily I wouldn't have said anything but I wanted to make sure you were safe. Now that that's out of the way, as a friend, well, I'm curious what it's like. To be with two at the same time." She couldn't hide a blush.

Lilli smiled. “Actually it was my first time with two men. To be honest, it was...different but it was pleasant. It was an odd feeling to start with but my enjoyment was off the chart so I soon got into it.”

"I bet!" Jane said. "When we first met, I told you that I'm homosexual. I've played around in a lot of different ways but I've never tried anything with two." She chuckled and wiped some hair out of her face. "I've thought about having the holodeck offer me some options but...I don't know, the mood isn't quite right."

“To be honest, I’ve never been one to experiment before now.” Lilli grinned. “Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones driving me to want what I normally wouldn’t but...” she shrugged her shoulders. “What’s it like? Being with another woman?”

“It’s a bit hard to explain,” Jane admitted. “I don’t exactly have a frame of reference for men. But it feels fantastic!” She groaned and rolled her eyes back for emphasis. “Remember, a woman knows what feels good to her, and so making another woman feel that way comes naturally.” She smiled and winked.

Lilli grinned. “I don’t have any reference with women so I guess that puts me at a disadvantage where imagining what it’s like is concerned.” She had to admit she was feeling pretty curious. “’d like to show me?”

Jane blushed and was glad to be under the water, which hid any arousal she might have shown at the idea. This gorgeous woman, who wore only a small bathing suit bottom, just propositioned her while she was fully nude. The idea wasn’t without merits, but conflicting thoughts came through her mind. Lilli was gorgeous, but also in a relationship. But clearly that relationship was at least partially open, if she and her partner had permitted another man into their bedroom.

“Are you sure?” Jane asked. “I’d…very much like it, but I don’t want to do anything that might cause a problem for you and your boyfriend.”

Lilli smiled. “Leland and I...we have a free relationship at present, though I’m hoping that’ll change once he knows I’m pregnant.” She moved a little closer to Jane. “I’m...curious.”

“Well then,” Jane said with a grin. “Perhaps I can sate your curiosity. You set the pace though, okay?” She closed the small gap between the two and gently pressed her lips to Lilli’s.

It took Lilli a moment to get used to being kissed by another woman, but she soon let herself melt into the experience, returning Jane’s kiss.

Feeling Lilli relax into it, Jane pushed into the kiss, probing Lilli’s lips with her tongue. One hand held the edge of the pool while the other wrapped around the back of Lilli’s head, fingers entwining in her silky hair.

Lilli was finding the kiss a turn on as she moved her free hand up along Jane’s side, gently tracing past the outer edge of Jane’s breast. As the kiss broke off she offered a smile. “Maybe somewhere more private might be a better idea? A transport to your quarters maybe?”

"Sounds like a plan," Jane agreed. She quickly climbed out of the pool and helped Lilli to her feet. "Computer, end program. Transport both people and all belongings to Lieutenant Sinclair's quarters.

The pool around them vanished first, replaced with a hologrid, though the water dripping from their bodies remained. Next the holo environment was replaced with the interior of Jane's small quarters.

She took Lilli by the hand and backed up toward the bed, slowly pulling Lilli with her.

Lilli followed Jane, she had to admit she’d enjoyed the kiss in the pool. If the rest of their time together held as much promise she was expecting to enjoy what was to come.

“So,” Jane said softly as she stopped and held Lilli close at the foot of the bed. “You’re looking to get a bit wild before truly committing yourself to someone. I can get behind that.” She gently wrapped her arms behind Lilli’s back and pulled her into another kiss. Their tongues danced just a moment before Jane pulled millimetres back. “Tell me though,” she whispered, “what do you want to do? And don’t just say ‘to try being with a woman’. There’s something about that which you find appealing. Tell me.” She then started kissing and sucking on Lilli’s neck.

Lilli wasn’t sure what to say at first before she let her inhibitions go. “I want...” She leant in closer whispering it in Jane’s ear.

Jane giggled as she continued down to Lilli's shoulder. She quickly broke the kiss and came back up to her eyeline. "Saucy minx, you. Lie down."

Lilli grinned doing as Jane asked, she slowly moved onto the bed laying down, she waited for Jane.

Jane made a show of sliding her new partner's swimsuit bottom off slowly, and then climbed up onto the bed with her. She gently trailed more kisses down to Lilli's chest as her right hand began applying tender loving ministrations.

Lilli quietly moaned, Jane was giving her just what she’d been wanting. The gentle touch on her skin, combined with Jane’s kisses were making Lilli’s breathing faster and heavier.

The blue-haired woman smiled to herself and looked up at Lilli to see her face as her breathing changed. It would be up to her to take her new lover, even if a one-time lover, all the way. And so while she had taken a good long time with the chest, she trailed her kisses further down, her eyes still looking up to watch Lilli squirm.

Lilli was in heaven, albeit a passion induced heaven. Jane knew just what she wanted and how to deliver it to maximum effect. Lilli’s hands grasped the bedsheet yanking on it as Jane worked her magic, the pleasured moans and gasps of enjoyment confirmation that she was doing a good job.

oO Any moment now, Oo Jane thought as she kept up the pace of her tender loving care. Lilli was a friend, and Lilli wanted to know what sex with a woman was like, and by god Jane was going to make sure she ended the night knowing what it was like.

Lilli’s breathing became a lot heavier before she gripped the bed covers and cried out as the climax that had been threatening finally hit.

Jane grinned at the results of her handiwork and slowly kissed her way back up to Lilli's face. She passionately kissed the Betazoid/Romulan woman and wrapped her arms around Lilli's waist. She rolled them both so that now Lilli was on top. She also took one of Lilli's hands and placed it where she wanted it. "Just do what feels right," she whispered softly.

Lilli nodded. Going with what she knew she liked, and what Jane had showed her she started enjoying Jane’s body. Using her fingers to pleasure Jane whilst she kissed her way along Jane’s neck and lower.

“Mmmm…you’re a natural,” Jane moaned as she arched her back and prepared to enjoy herself….

- Later -

Jane sat at her table, wearing a simple blue robe, and drank a glass of water while reading from a PADD. Lilli could be heard in the sonic shower. Ordinarily she’d be in there too but she was completely romanced out. She just wanted to sit and rehydrate. She’d have a shower later.

Lilli emerged from the bathroom feeling refreshed, she smiled as she walked over to where Jane was sitting. “Thank you Jane, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself here with you.”

Jane grinned and looked over at the freshly cleaned Lilli. "Me too. So...was this a one time thing? Or something we might do again sometime?" Jane legitimately wasn't sure what Lilli wanted. On the one hand, she knew first-hand oO Heh Oo that Lilli enjoyed herself immensely. But on the other, the other woman was in a very committed relationship. Open for now, but there was no way to know how long that openness would last.

Lilli took a seat. “To be honest I don’t know!” She offered a smile. “I’ve had an absolutely amazing time, but I don’t want to risk ruining what I have with Leland. I need him, now more than ever.”

“I understand,” Jane said, giving Lilli a warm smile. And she did. The other woman was pregnant, and she felt that she needed the baby’s father in her life. She wanted the security and comfort of permanence.

Sometimes she wished she had found that kind of permanence.

She suppressed the bad feelings with a saucy smirk and a playful joke. “You’ll just have to live without that one thing you seemed to particularly like. Though I suppose I can instruct Leland exactly how to do it.” She winked.

“Ohh don’t worry, Leland knows exactly how to pleasure me to keep me going all night!” Lilli grinned. “Speaking of which I should get going.” She picked up her clothing before pausing to walk over to Jane. “Thank you Jane” She leant down giving Jane a loving kiss.

Jane returned the kiss and when it broke, she set down her PADD and stood. "Good night, Lilli." She walked to the sonic shower, now vacated, to get clean, giving Lilli time to get dressed and leave.

It had been a good night, having begun with a swim and having ended with a snog. She hoped she might do it again, but even if she didn't, the memories would last a lifetime.


Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair, MD, DVM
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Staff Sergeant Lilliana Vail
Combat Medic/Counsellor


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