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Back Post "What The Hell Did You Do Now?"

Posted on 16 May 2022 @ 9:30pm by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

877 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Quarter's


Serina heard partially of what happened between Falk and Paul. She was livid and upset because this might hurt their wedding plans.

Paul walked in the door, "Paul what in the hell did you do now to get demoted?" Serina hollered at him.

Paul looked back at his bride to be as he had guessed that the gossip had hit warp 10 on the ship and that she had only heard snippets, but she was mad as hell at him, he said, "before you yell this was before we got together," looking at her as he continued "after I got moved from intelligence to Security I had to hand over some codes to Iria who had taken over from me."

"What? Wait.......and now this comes up just before our marriage? I thought there were no secrets between us......Paul.....what else do I need to know? And don't leave anything out either..," Serina said sitting on the couch, crossing her legs. For the moment her anger was controlled but for how long?

"Well, you know how Paula and Lisa met at the Academy," replied Paul looking back at Serina, he continued," well, there were a group of Marines who kept on about it to me every day and in the end, I took it upon myself to defend Paula's honour," as he leaned against the wall he finished " hence why I distrust Marines,"

"Granted. You distrust marines, but you are a Starfleet officer and you have to act like one even if it kills you. Jesus Paul.....try and hold your temper please," Serina said.

"It also took me five years to forgive them both for not telling me until graduation," he stated looking back at her "and that hurt me more than the beatings I took," he concluded as he walked over to the replication unit to order a beer.

Getting up and walking to where he was, Serina put her arms around his shoulders, "Why didn't you tell me this before? About Iria, Paula and her daughter? I am not chopped liver you know. I am a good listener and you know it. Next time just tell me ok? No more secrets ok?" Serina said, leaning into his body.

"Lisa was her lover, not her Daughter," Paul replied looking back at her as he continued, "Davina is her Daughter," as he waited for the cold drink to appear. he looked back at her and finished "and I called the Colonel's honour into question in a briefing,"

Serina's whole demeanour changed in a flash. "You did what? Oh no please don't tell you didn't. No, I am not mad but how on earth did you do that?", she asked.

" I did, I thought she only got command because of her name," replied Paul looking back at the Tomcat's CAG, He continued, "But I have now learnt to trust her Judgement," as he hoped to silence her anger.

"Well, I am glad you got that fixed and quickly. Would not be good to get the Colonel's ire up again. I was hoping that you would get that all straightened out soon. It fits you better to be in her good graces," Serina said giving Paul an affectionate hug. She had calmed down considerably enough so it could be shown.

"So, am I" replied Paul as he looked back at his bride to be, "and I am sorry for the demotion and I will make it back to Full Lieutenant," as he knew that his wife didn't want to outrank her husband as he knew that was frowned upon in Starfleet. he finished " I Can Not wait till we are cut and Carried."

"Cut and carried???? What on earth do you mean by that dear?" Serina said, looking dead at Paul.

"Ah sorry, I sometimes go back into cockney rhyming slang Love," looking back at his wife to be as he continued," Cut and Carried is Married in cockney rhyming slang," he continued " I could take you to the Rub a dub dub for a drink?" as he smiled at her.

Serina bust out laughing, "Rub a Dub Dub for a drink? Where on Earth did you hear that from?" she chided, kissing him on the cheek.

"It's called Cockney rhyming slang from London," replied Paul looking back at his wife to be, he continued "if you were born within the sounds of bow bells you are a true cockney," as he knew that he had made her laugh, he finished "and that is how they spoke."

"Oh for heaven's sake," Serina said laughing, laughing felt good for a change. It had been a while since she had laughed instead of yelling at Paul. He really meant well and she could not fault him for what he does. Kissing him deeply, she held him tightly and did not want to let him go for fear of losing him, but losing him to what?

"Well Wife, I need to sleep, as we both need to be up early in the morning," he said holding out his hand to her.

"I love you my husband to be," she daid and snuggled up with him.


Lieutenant JG P Winchester
Chief Security/Tactical


Lt. Serina "Reaper" Donovan


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