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Sword training

Posted on 02 Apr 2022 @ 1:45am by Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

2,293 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Security Office/Holosuite
Timeline: Before Away Missions


-Security Office / USS Tomcat-
After the briefing had finished Paul had returned to the office and had needed to finish his paperwork before going on the mission, although he had to help Taggert with the Transponders, he knew that a bit of extra training with swords and daggers and the only persons he knew that would help him was the Colonel and Lieutenant Falk, since the Colonel had left on the SAR Mission that left him no choice but to ask Lieutenant Falk. He thought to himself oO would she even help me? Oo as he tapped his combadge.

He said =/\= Lieutenant Falk, would you please come to the Security Office, Iā€™d like to ask a favour of you=/\=

Mazal had just crossed two swords together to catch the blade of an opponent, his bastard sword pressing downward her biceps bulging to keep his sword from bearing down on her. When she heard the call from Winchester she yelled, "Computer freeze program." her opponent who was the size of a rather tall klingon, paused his attack. Taking a several deep breaths, she then said. "Computer connect me to Lieutenant Winchester."

=/\=Lieutenant Winchester, um, I'd like to come to your office but I'm not really in uniform, it will be a few minutes before I can get to you. I'm in the holo deck doing some weapon training, however, I'll be there shortly. =/\= Mazal looking longingly at the opponent she was facing. oO Looks like I will have to finish this later. After all, the Colonel had reminded me earlier that Winchester outranked me. Oo

Mazal spoke out, "Computer end program." and went to put away her weaponry.

Paul leaned back into his chair and then spoke, =/\= Stay where you are Lieutenant, I'll come to you =/\=

As he rose from the chair and exited his office, Paul hoped that the Marine would help him as he had only had one lesson with them and now having to use them on a mission he needed more training, as he walked along the corridor in deep thought as he knew that she was going to be a tough taskmaster and expected it from a Marine.

But having to ask a Marine for help was something new to him as to how he distrusted them and maybe Lieutenant Falk might just help him understand what it is to be a Marine and see things from her perspective and maybe, just maybe this would help him understand them and begin to build trust between both him and the Marines.

When Winchester arrived he would see Mazal dressed in some dark brown leather armor, much like an warrior princess outfit. On her hip was slung a whip, and at her feet was a duffle bag which was unzipped showing some weapons in there.(Think Xena's outfit.)

There was the familiar grid patterns which showed when there wasn't a program running. She was just finishing mopping her face with a towel, when he stepped inside.

"Hello Lieutenant Winchester." Mazal's voice somewhat stiff in tone. "What sort of favor were you wanting to ask me about?"

As Paul entered the holo-deck and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the Marine in the outfit before him, he said "Wow, you look," as he knew that if Serina had seen him looking at the Lieutenant like he was, she would hit him over the head with a wet fish, as he finished "you look stunning,"

as he walked over to her he said " and as for the favour, I want you to train me with swords and daggers as I have had only one lesson," he knew that this was the first time he asked someone for help.

Mazal crossed her arms over her chest and gazed down at him, her height being a few inches taller. "I think I can do so, but you are going to have to wear something a bit more... durable." she stated. Not acknowledging his compliment about how she looked. He had someone and she didn't flirt with taken ones.

When Winchester neared her, and stopped, Mazal walked around, sizing him up, and taking a assessment as to his body structure and build. Then she gave a nod.

"Computer bring up Mazal training program, 11b." and the grid changed to what looked like an ancient roman/ greek style training arena. There were walls around, and two walls with weapons on racks. On the area where they stood it was dirt. To the side were logs with targets on them and sticks inserted that were in the area representing arms and a head. There were also padded dummies with which to practice as well.

"This is my training ground for melee weapons, Lieutenant Winchester. Over there." nodding towards an door which led into the inner area of the building. "You will find some clothing to change into. A tunic top and pants and boots. No, you will not be wearing armor yet. Its best for you to learn without it at the moment." Mazal stated.

Paul gave a nod of his head and walked over towards the door that Lieutenant Falk had pointed to, as he did so, he knew that having to ask for help didn't always feel right and made him feel like he was back at the academy once more, but here he was doing just that and was pleased that Mazal had said yes to him.

As he opened the door, he found himself inside a small chamber with a bench with the outfit laying upon it, as he picked up the tunic and looked at it for a moment he noticed that it was a dusty gold colour and sleeveless, he thought oO this is going to look good on me, Oo and put it back down on the bench and then started to get changed.

-20 minutes later-

Paul exited the changing room now dressed in the dusty gold tunic and brown pants with dark brown boots, he walked back over to Mazal and asked her, "So, How do I look?"

Mazal walked around Winchester giving him another assessing look, the outfit did work out for him. "Yup, definitely looks good on you. Not too restrictive for your movement." this time breaking out in a brilliant smile. "Come on. Lets see how you work with a short sword. Or do you want to start with a dagger instead. With where we maybe going, small knives or even a bowie knife would work."

"I'd like to do some short sword work if that is ok with you," replied Paul looking at Mazal, as he knew that swordplay might come into play more than knife work, but he also knew that it would be handy as a backup. As Paul walked over to the rack of short swords and picked one up and held it to see if it felt right in his hand, he knew that he had to find the correct weight of the weapon, he asked Mazal,ā€ would Duel wielding be a good idea for this mission?ā€ as he knew that having another sword with him might help or might be a hinder. but to ask questions as this was all new to him and learn how a Marine thinks. he said " Oh and by the way, Ensign Teton has offered his services to help train the away teams with you."

"Ensign Teton? Hmnn do you wish him to come into the practice here at this time? Also I don't mind if he does. Or are you wanting a one on one session with me, before we bring him in. I would like to see what his skills are." Mazal stated, then she took a look at what Winchester had picked for himself. "That is a good balance. As for Dual weapons, right now you need to be more familiar with using just one weapon instead of two. We will be switching your training from one hand to the next so both will be trained at the same time."

"I want a one on one session with you before having someone else join," replied Paul looking back at the Marine as he left the rack of weapons, he finished "Shall we start?"

Mazal nodded, "Then let's begin. First off show me what you've learned so far, and use that practice dummy there. I do know that Colonel Somer's had put you through some sort of scenario and I'd like to see what you had picked up."

As Paul moved over to the practice dummy, he started to take the moves slow so that Mazal could see the moves that he was making, he hoped that she could see just what he had picked up, but still this was for the mission.

Mazal watched with keen interest, she could see that he had some instruction. Then she walked up towards Winchester. "Not bad, if you don't mind. I will adjust your stance just a small amount like so..." running going to his arm where he held the sword and checking it how it was positioned. She ran her hand over the length of his arm and tested its extension. Then she nodded. "Okay that isn't bad."

"Thanks," replied Paul as he started the drill once more with the new stance that Mazal had given him, he thought to himself oO Maybe not all Marines are bad, Oo as he continued to practice with his sword.

Mazal watched as he went through his movements, "Okay not bad, not bad at all. Now for some practice swords. I don't fancy you or I getting hurt. I'd be in a deep mess if that happens." Mazal remarked with a smile, then she went to get the practice swords, they were wooden and a dark brown. She tossed one towards Winchester. "Here you go, this will keep us from killing each other mostly. Though there was a master swordsman by the name of Musashi, he used a bokken and defeated them with that wooden sword."

"Okay now to go work on the dummies." Mazal stated, "Those will do just fine." as she stepped up and started demonstrating slowly the various types of strikes. Once she is done showing him the different ways of the sword, the jabs, the slices and the strikes, Mazal looked at Winchester. "Okay looks not too bad. Now comes the fun part. We won't be fighting against each other we will be doing a sort of adventure. You, me, against opponents." giving a smile. "should be fun."

Paul responded "Just Bring it Mazal," as he brought his hand up and issued the challenge, as he had done this with the Colonel and had shown her that he could accept a challenge, now he had done the same with Mazal.

"Well we are going against a horde, back to back Winchester. Get ready and we begin."

The scene changed to where both of them are in the midst of a battle field in ancient times, several men were coming towards them. Mazal let out a war cry, as she blocked an incoming attack with one arm and the other hand she buried her sword into his neck. She then kicked another pushing him away from getting too close to them.

As Paul fought off the three that was attacking him, he noticed that Mazal was having more go after her and Paul being a gent charged at them, as one turned round, Paul said "you want a shot at the title, come get some," as he challenged the guy nearest Mazal.

Mazal took down two of her three opponents and was working on her third when she noticed another one coming her way along with several others. She almost jumped when she heard Winchester's voice next to her. Mazal was starting to go into what she called her fighting Zen.

Another block then a slice across the stomach, and Mazal was at the next one.

The one opponent went after Winchester, deciding he wanted to have at it with the one who stood next to Mazal.

As Paul dropped one sword to the ground and held onto the single blade he said "Do you want a shot at the title," as he swung his sword around in his hand as the Challenger started to fight with him and the sounds of the blades clashing against one another and the battle raged between them. Suddenly Paul raised his sword up in the air and began circling his opponent.

Checking his aim with his outstretched arm, Paul knew that he could make the killing blow, he brought his hand back to the hilt as the challenger charged at him, he swung his sword at the opponent's head taking it clean off as he said "There can only be one"

The final opponent rendered dead and Mazal's gaze snapped over to Winchester, then she laughed. "You just... you just... Oh wow that is a good one. Nice quote there mate." slapping Winchester on his shoulder in a friendly way. "Shall we call today's session at an end. We've got to get prepared for our mission now." Mazal grinning through the grime and sweat she accumulated during the training course. "A bit more practice and you'll get even better. Big plus you didn't stab me in the back so good work."

" Yeah let's call it a day and have a beer," replied Paul who now needed a nice cold beer to chill out and rest after this workout," he said, " Fancy joining me Mazal?"

"Sure I don't mind sharing a pint with you." Mazal replied and grinned.


Lieutenant Jg P Winchester
Chief Security Officer

2nd Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine XO



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