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The Battle of Deck 5

Posted on 12 Apr 2017 @ 7:32pm by Lieutenant Solan Jekkar
Edited on on 12 Apr 2017 @ 9:17pm

1,100 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Incidental Posts)
Location: Deck 5, Section 14 Charlie
Timeline: Mission Day 26


The doors of the Turbolift opened as Jekkar was met by the sounds of Phaser and Disruptor Fire. The Andorian Officer bolted out of the lift and into the Hallway.

"Status?" He barked over the sounds of the firefight.

Ensign Saeed and Echo Team had arrived almost as soon as they got the call to respond, the Marines just after them. Both Starfleet Units had engaged the Orion’s in Close Quarters but right now it was a stalemate. "Lovek and Greer are dead, we tried a flanking Manoeuvre and Sergeant Reynolds got hit."

Jekkar muttered something in his native Andorian tongue as he signalled for one of the Officers to toss him a rifle. The Andorian caught the weapon and checked the setting. "Alright, I want Cooper and Harris with me." Jekkar pointed to the two Marines. "Saeed I want you and Echo to lay down covering fire."

There was an acknowledgement from all parties involved as Jekkar laid out his plan of action.

The Orion’s whilst formidable did not know the layout of the Tomcat as well as the Security and the Marines and had set up a position in a dead end of Deck 5. They carried what looked like Klingon style Disruptors though there was the older Cardassian Weapon thrown in.

"The three of us will go left and take the Jeffries Tube to the other side of the Deck and go round the flank. Saeed your job is to keep them focused on you. Any questions?" The Andorian asked.

Everyone shook their heads. They were ready.

Jekkar gave the signal as he took the two Marines and climbed into the Jeffries Tube whilst Saeed and the others kept the Orion’s pinned down. The brief exchange was deadly as the dozen or so Orion’s was whittled down to about 8. Reynolds had crawled back to the location of Echo Team and used his Pistol each step.

Inside the Jeffries Tube, the three Starfleet Crewmembers could feel the Ship rock from the impact on the shields. Cooper looked towards Jekkar. "You might need this Lieutenant." He said as he handed him a stun grenade.

The Andorian nodded as he crawled up the tube to the access hatch. "Thank you, Lance Corporal. Weapons on stun if you will please. Captain Somers wants the Leaders alive." He said as he tweaked the setting on his Rifle.

Once they were in position, Jekkar pressed his Commbadge. "Saeed we are in position, standby." The Lieutenant keyed in the manual override for the Jeffries tube access and then looked to the two Marines. "Remember they don't know the Ship as well as we do." For once, the Andorian let out a smirk. He was enjoying this.

"Come on! What do I pay you idiots for?" The Orion Squad Leader said as he fired his Disruptor at Echo team. "Tellarites would do better than this." He dual wielded two Disruptor pistols and directed his Unit to push forward knowing that they had weakened the Starfleet Unit.

Jekkar crawled forward and onto the Deck slowly. Harris handed him his Rifle as the three of them exited the tube. The Orion’s hadn't seen them and were firmly focused on Echo Team.

The three-man team took up positions on either side of the corridor. Jekkar on the left, Cooper and Harris on the right. The Orion’s were wedged in the middle of the cross-connecting hallway taking fire from the Security and Marine Unit.

"Saeed we are in position so watch your fire and get into cover. Be ready to move in once you see the signal." Jekkar then closed the channel and reached for the Stun Grenade. With a final glance to the two Marines, he set the timer and threw it.

The sound was piercing as it detonated with a flash and disorientated the Borders. Jekkar then fired his weapon and took out two of them in the distraction, Harris took one and Cooper hit another. That left them 4.

With an almost animalistic growl, the largely built Orion Chief had been dazed from the grenade but was still on his feet as he threw down his Disruptors and unsheathed a large blade. He bypassed the two Marines and headed directly for Jekkar. The Andorian knew what was coming next as he watched the burly alien head towards him.

Close Quarters wasn't something Jekkar was used to. His skills were better suited to investigation and deduction, but right now he had to muster all his strength as he used his rifle to block the slashes of the blade. His attacker must have been around 7 foot tall and weighed around 300 pounds. But Jekkar wasn't giving up without a fight. He kicked and punched the Orion as the two of them wrestled, each time the heavy blade needed a dodge. Solan managed to take the blade out of his hands as the large fists came swinging. His rifle now ended up on the floor and it was a fistfight.

Solan Jekkar watched out of the corner of his eye as Harris and Cooper had subdued the remaining Orion’s and Saeed and the rest of Echo team proceeded forward. This just left Jekkar to deal with the leader who had realised he was surrounded as he picked up the Lieutenant by the throat and pinned against the bulkhead. His grip tightened as the shouting from Harris and Cooper took over, their weapons pointed and ready to fire but the chances of hitting Jekkar were high. Using the distraction from the Marines, the Lieutenant swing his foot which landed in the crotch of his larger attacker and forced him to release his grip and fall to his knees.

Jekkar landed on the Deck and coughed for air. He looked over at the Orion who was on his knees surrounded by Security. "You okay Chief?" Saeed asked as he helped the Lieutenant up to his feet. "Status?" Solan asked as he rubbed his neck.

"All borders down El-Tee," Harris commented as he approached Jekkar. "What about him?" The Marine asked in reference to the prisoner. The Marines were about to stun him when Jekkar held up his hand to stop them. He walked up towards the subdued attacker and with a large left hook from the Andorian the Orion was out cold.

"Get them to the Brig, I want Security and Marine Units to sweep all the Decks." Solan picked up his weapon and then pressed his Commbadge. "Jekkar to Bridge, Deck five is secure."


Lieutenant JG Solan Jekkar
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Tomcat


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