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The Rescue Part #3

Posted on 30 Mar 2022 @ 1:10pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Warrant Officer K'Muss

1,741 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


"It is okay to come in now both of you, now it was quiet in the brig the feated smell assaulted her nose, it was a mix of human sweat, blood and other bodily fluids, mixed with Nausicaan musk, she felt her stomach turning "Lieutenant Sinclair check on the Fleet Captain, Major check the brig logs," Somers said walking over to her cousin to check on her condition, she places a hand on her arm and the woman groaned.

Jane rushed to the Fleet Captain's side and knelt beside her. "Captain? If you can hear me, my name is Doctor Sinclair and I'm here to help."

The Captain's body, naked and shivering, was covered in bruises. She lay on her side, one arm under her head, her face turned into it. The ground was beyond filthy; though Jane expected that the Nausicaans hadn't fed their prisoner, they also hadn't offered a latrine. Jane dare not move her without a thorough scan. "Be gentle, Colonel. She has broken bones but I can't be sure which ones yet." Tricorder and scanner in hand, Jane began an examination.

Alex looked at the Doctor "she is all yours doc, all yours" she said, then jumped a little as a crackled voice spoke in a low tone.

"Alex, is... that... you?" Jasmine asked as she started coughing.

"Yes it is, rest easy you are safe now, the doc is looking after you," Alex said barely choking back her emotions, Jasmine was a total mess.

"Oh good, I think I will sleep now," Jasmine said her voice a little clearer now and then there was silence.

S'arila checked the brig logs and after a moment of looking she looked at Somers, "someone called the Apostate is in charge of this ship" she said.

"How many left on the ship?" the Colonel asked.

"One moment," Donovan said then when she had an answer "three Nausicaan's and one undetermined and they are on the bridge Colonel," S'arila said.

"Thank you, Major," the Colonel said and prepared her weapons as the doctor worked on her cousin.

"Bleeding in the abdominal cavity," Jane reported. Damage to her kidneys. Fractures of the left femur and four ribs. Multiple fractures of the zygomatic and maxillae. No damage to her spinal column though."

She set the tricorder down and prepared a hypospray and the osteoregenerator. "Captain, I'm going to give you something for the pain, and then start treating your broken leg and ribs." She injected Fleet Captain Somers with a pain reliever and then set to work on the thigh. "Colonel, most of this will take a while to treat, but we can't move her at all until the leg and ribs are treated."

Jasmine simply sighed as the hypo did its work and the pain eased for a response to Sinclair she nodded slightly but said nothing.

Alex, on the other hand, looked at Sinclair "understood El-tee, get her ready to move, the Major will carry her when ready, I got an appointment on the bridge" Colonel Somers said and left the brig.

Knitting bone together was easy with an osteoregenerator but it was still delicate time-consuming work. The longer Jane took, the greater risk there was of being found, if not by those few Nausicaans still on the ship then by another ship. But if she went too fast, the bone wouldn't heal right. So the doctor took deep breaths, centred herself, and worked at the best possible pace.

The leg took the longest, being one of the largest bones in the body. The ribs were cracked but not fully separated; they knitted together nicely.

"Captain, I'm going to roll you onto your back, okay?" she explained to her patient. "This will hurt, but I've given your leg and ribs an initial treatment, so along with the pain meds it won't be unbearable."

"Alert enough she realised she was in her birthday suit, is it cold in here or is it me or is it that I am naked!>" She asked some grim humour returning, she moved her head a little "nope I am naked, is there a gown I can cover myself up with before you do doctor?" She asked Sinclair.

Jane had not packed a blanket, though she knew there was one on the Venture. She looked around and found a dirty sheet on a guard’s chair. It would do.

The Doctor draped the sheet over the Fleet Captain, and then took her by the shoulder and hip and gently rolled her onto her back. She now got a good look at Somers's face. The broken facial bones were evident; she might need surgery to fix them properly. Dried blood and dirt had been caked onto her cheeks, jaw, and forehead, and one eye was swollen shut. Her lips were both splits. Despite the pain reliever, Jane could tell that her patient was still in agony. "I'm going to give you another anaesthetic, as well as an antibiotic to help with any infections. Then we'll be ready to bring you back to the ship."

Jasmine grunted in acknowledgement, even the short amount of talking she had done hurt so she only grunted as that hurt less...

Pressing her hypo to the Fleet Captain's neck, Jane looked up to Donovan. "Your turn now, Major. Be gentle and watch her face, if you can."

Shouldering her weapon S'arila made sure the Fleet Captain's modesty was covered and then she gently picked her up, okay we should wait for the Colonel" the Major said shifting the Captain into an easier position.

Alex headed to the nearest lift and entered, as she entered the lift and the doors closed "Bridge" she said and as the lift moved up she put on flash protection goggles and put in some earplugs and readied two flashbangs, the moment the doors opened she would toss them, it would be close, she prepared to crouch as the lift slowed down and stopped, the moment the doors opened she threw the grenades left and right respectively and crouched down, as the disruptor fire hit where she would have been standing, next was cries of agony as there were two bright flashes and a dual loud pop sound.

It was this moment Alex stood up in one swift motion one pistol in hand and her other hand cupping the hand with the gun and she moved it at the first Nuasicaan and fired, as he hit the floor she took the second out as before he had dropped she took the third out. As the smoke cleared the ship's air vents kicking in and sucking the smoke out she walked up to the humanoid on the floor rubbing his eyes, she took out her earplugs and took the goggles off.

"Who are you to attack me?" The Apostate said, getting up.

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers, current acting Commanding Officer of the USS Tomcat, you tortured my Cousin, so this is personal, but I will take you back to face your crimes, your Nausicaan crew are all dead or indisposed, I attacked because you attacked a Starfleet Officer, now after the condition, I saw her in if it was up to me I would kill you where you stand coward, but I am bound by Starfleet law and I will obey that," she said lightly grabbing his shoulder, but secretly she placed a transport inhibitor on his back, it was small enough not to be noticed immediately, the Apostate roughly moved out of her reach and then there was a bright light, it forced her to look away for a moment.

He took his staff and clicked a button on it. A bright light flashed and he was gone.

In a split second the flash whisked the Apostate away he reappeared and Alex had an evil smile on her face "the bad guys always try to flee" she said snatching his staff off him and breaking it "okay, time for these cuffs, we will discuss why you decided to torture a Starfleet Captain when you are in the Tomcat's brig, do not worry Federation prisons are a paradise compared to other Empires Prisons, plenty of menial tasks to be done, well-fed and great health plan" she added cuffing the Apostates wrists behind his back "do you even have a name? What do I call you?" She asked holstering her sidearm "you are so lucky there is no death penalty in the Federation" she finished.

"No, I won't be suffering the indignities of your justice system." The Apostate said.

"We will talk at greater length when we return to the Tomcat, as you punished the wrong person for what happened to the planet below us and trust me the Federation justice system is a lot more humane than that of the Klingon, Cardassian or Romulan ones. I could arrange for you to go to Rura Penthe, but only those I deem unworthy enough get to go there. No, you will be humanly treated in prison, well-fed and clothed. I may even be able to get you access to research materials and machines that you might be able to use to speed up the planetary regeneration process you started" Somers said. "What is your name anyway, cannot keep silently referring to you as pain in my rear, what is your name please?" She asked ending with a question.

"My name is The Apostate," The Apostate said.

She gave him an incredulous look "Really! Your parents must have hated you" she responded to the answer, she tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Team two, status on engineering? =/\= She asked.

=/\=This is team two, we are all good to go, ma'am.=/\= Thyra replied as she stepped over a Nausicaan body snoring on the floor.

=/\= Acknowledge Ensign, get you and your team back to the ship, we are leaving this ship in five minutes, if you do not want to be space atoms then get here pronto, understood? =/\= Colonel Somers asked.

The Andorian Intelligence Officer replied with an affirmative and a report that she had gotten what they needed and were on the way back.

=/\= Affirmative Ensign see you in five minutes, Somers out =/\= Somers said.


Lt Jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Chief Intelligence Officer

Warrant Officer K'Muss
Rifles SNCO

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander


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