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Mistaken Culprit

Posted on 18 Jan 2022 @ 4:59pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt

1,559 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Orbit of Destroyed Planet
Timeline: After What in Tarnation Happened Part 2


The trial and inquiry were not going well. Somers refused to take responsibility for her actions or the actions of her crew despite the proof that the apostate offered.

As judge jury and executioner, the apostate showed the defendant what had been done to his planet and even showed her a temporal rewind of events. She had failed to take any responsibility for the tragic events of that day. Somers had no remorse, therefore the Apostate had no mercy. She was beaten to death, literally. The Apostate was able to bring her back though. He had had his Nausicaan friends break her arms and legs repeatedly, heal then break them again. She was whipped and branded. She had an agonizer implanted in her. She was healed and then placed in a pain amplifier. She then had her eyes ripped out of her body. Then they gave her papercuts and poured lemon juice on them.

Jasmine after being fed had been moved to a pain amplifier and ruthlessly tortured and killed over and over again. They had tried to clean her up, but the swollen eye and lip could not be so easily hidden. She knew this trial was a sham trial, something for them to save face, she had not seen the planet the Apostate mentioned, so obviously something bad had happened, but she then thought back to what had already been said, could he be talking about the planet the Tomcat was going to!

How can you not take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your crew? The Apostate stated.

So until she knew more she remained silent and fought through the pain, but while she did not know what she was eating, it was nourishing and it seemed edible, which means they wanted her strong for this sham trial.

"Your ship the USS Tomcat destroyed my planet less than one of your months ago, it is a dead lifeless world now." The Apostate said.

"Are all Humans as cavalier as this one was? the Apostate wondered... The Apostate started making plans to destroy the Earth after that. "Take her back to her cell and let her rest." He told the golden Nausicaan guard. "Let me know when She's conscious again, dress her wounds." The Apostate ordered.

The Apostate returned to his lab he was going to attempt to reseed the planet below with new life.

He bombarded the planet with omicron particle waves which would start the process of generating life at the molecular level. This time he merely wanted to make a class M planet. By the time Jasmine woke up the oceans were beginning to form.

It would take a long time for a stable biosphere to form but at least this was not a dead world anymore. Later the Apostate invited Jasmine to dinner "Well I trust you are well-rested?" The Apostate said.

After numerous beatings and torture, she still had not broken, she was cleaned up, while the apostate did not do the physical stuff he was not wholly innocent in her treatment, the Nausicaans however loved to beat up Starfleet Officers, now she was escorted to the Apostates quarters, where she was released. Her visual look seemed healed but she was limping and felt a few cracked ribs.

She looked at him incredulously "well-rested! Are you insane your henchmen have been beating me and torturing me and you have the cheek to be polite!" she said sitting down and looking evilly at the Apostate.

"I do have a question for you Mr, what make you think that I was responsible for the planet below us?" she asked "think about it you and your hired thugs caught me on my way back to the Mira Sector and the Starfleet Starbase there if I had a hand in this would I not be with my crew not in a shuttle headed back? think man how could I be part of that mission if I was at a Starbase in another sector?" She asked.

"I will show you." The Apostate said.

The Apostate called up the holographic processor. He made the appropriate stardate changes and the holographic processor shifted to the specific date.

On it clearly showed the USS Tomcat bombarding the planet with a biogenic weapon and within hours the entire planet was rendered a lifeless husk. Not even soil bacteria survived. The evidence was clear. The Tomcat destroyed his planet.

"According to my database, you were the effective commander of that ship or were its task force commander. Either way, the orders would have come from you." The Apostate said.

He directly looked at her.

"What I don't understand is why you did it. From my own research the Federation you claim to represent has outlawed all biogenic weapons. I can only assume it was some sort of terrorist attack. Or a testbed for further destruction?" The Apostate queried.

Looking a little confused "I was not the one to have pulled the proverbial trigger, I was away on other duties, someone else was in command, as for what you say, you are correct, but if such weapons were used it would not only be a biological agent they would have used a type of Napalm chemical too to burn ant trace of infection away. But the one you want will be coming for me and her callsign is Red death and she is a Marine, she will have been the one who would have given the order not me as I do not know the full score as I was not there" Jasmine said and fell silent.

"Who gave this red death person the order to destroy my planet?" The Apostate asked.

"I do not know, most likely Starfleet, but with great reluctance, if they decided on a Base Delta Zero you can be sure it was the only response available to them as we Starfleet do our best not to destroy a planet. As for this Red Death, you will have to ask her, as she would have taken her orders from Starfleet, but your minions will not be spared when she arrives, you may end up surviving but you will know pain, now I have nothing more to say so I guess your Nausicaan lackeys will be looking after me then!" Jasmine said as she felt the dry blood on the side of her face crack when she grimaced at some shooting pains in her arms from where she had been hung.

"I don't understand your unwillingness to cooperate. I have made my case and your attitude is rather flippant, I have no wish to hurt you, I just want those responsible for the destruction of my planet to take responsibility and answer for it." The Apostate said.

The Apostate looked at her growing more and more frustrated.

"Perhaps I should put you in a life pod and jettison you to the planet, then find the Tomcat and destroy it myself. What would you say to that Fleet Captain"? the Apostate asked.

Looking up at her Captor "the Tomcat is an Akira class heavily modified for combat, your ship would not last long, attacking the ship would be a suicide, as for the life pod you will not do that as I am too valuable a prisoner to be rid of so easily, now you will meet Red Death soon, and that is all I will say to you, but by all means, had me over to your Nausicaan thugs as I have nothing more to say to you and have enjoyed these hours of no beatings which have allowed me to recompose myself" she said looking at him with a malicious smile.

That is exactly what the Apostate did, He handed her over to the Nausicaan thugs to be worked over, Working someone over was something Nausicaans did with enthusiasm, they were at it for several hours until they beat her unconscious.

The Apostate was good at listening, she felt herself being dragged off then the beatings started, there were no questions this time, while she was still conscious she heard the Nausicaan's laughing and jeering as they mercilessly beat her, at one point she felt pain in her ribs as a hard kick broke them, luckily it was low down but it hurt to breathe, she emitted a few grunts as their fists and feet made contact before she finally blacked out she felt first her arm get broken then her leg, then it was blissful blackness as she fell unconscious she heard her tormentors laughing at how easily human's bled out.

She had no idea how long she had been out, as she was in the part of the ship that had no windows, but as she tried to breathe she felt a massive stabbing pain at the rib location, her one eye was swollen shut, the other part, her uniform what was left of it was in tatters, her hair was a matted mess, from a mix of blood and dirty torture or beating chamber, she could barely moisten her lips she could not move one arm or leg without pain, but this time none came to visit, not even the Apostate, the pain was so bad that she fell unconscious again.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Apostate [NPC: Thompson]
Renegade Captain


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