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[BACK POST] To Be or Not to be that is the question

Posted on 04 Apr 2022 @ 4:13am by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze
Edited on on 04 Apr 2022 @ 2:03pm

1,608 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Ships Bar
Timeline: 01900 hours (day before mission)


Tos had been a really bad friend, he had been remarkably ill this last couple weeks and only came out from under his quit two days ago. He still looked like an ass and needed to get out of his room. He had spoken to Leland and hopefully, he would join him for a drink before the mission.

Leland was finished working in Engineering for the Alpha shift. He had been checking in on Tosrol, who was sick and quarters bound for a while. He didn't seem like he was all that responsive lately, and since he was one of his best buds, he had no question to check in.

"Computer. Location of Lieutenant Jg Tosrol Ze?" Leland hand lent his hand at the door frame to Toss's quarters.

" Tosrol, the Current location of Lt. Jg Tosrol Ze is in the Ships Bar."

This wasn't like him.

"Lt. Jg. Ze..... Buddy!" Pratt had given the betazoid man, a tall handsome character a good hearty pat to his back. "How in... I know you've been sick bro?" Leland takes a seat at the bar, more concerned to speak to his best friend, ensuring he was ok!

Tos looked up and low and behold there he was the man of the hour Leland Hawksley "Leland" he got up and wrapped the man in a hug "Your the first person I've seen in a week outside of medical staff don't mind me I just need the human interaction" he felt safe with hawk and it showed in how affectionate Tos was towards him.

"Well this sickness whatever it was knocked me off my betazoid feet i was bed-bound for at least three of those days it was not playing around," he said pushing himself out of the hug for two seconds "I know just the cure for it though," he said looking to the bar tender "Landon two of your finest Romulan ales please I have been craving one all week and I'm telling you it'll sort my sinus's out right sharpish," he said with a slight wink looking to the bar tender and back at Hawk.

Leland burst into a bright red embarrassment at the suddenly affectionate Tosrol. The dude was always a friendly, caring, open guy. Thus, Leland had nothing to hide, but offer his truest friendship to his literal brother. They acted the same at times!

Hawksley just hugged Tosrol harder as he heaved his forearm, the scene of the two large men hugging each other, embracing each other.

When they took the seats once more, Leland kept his forearm on Tosrol’s back shoulder, showing concern, a leaning in to an extent. “That is so sh**ty Tos!” Leland hated to see how the illness had caused a very concerning level of bed rest. Due to privacy laws, Leland didn’t even know that Tosrol was in, until a few days after he admitted.

“Don’t you do that again.” Hawksley had snarled, a pissed off yet-concerned tone to Tosrol. He was angry that he didn’t contact him. Sitting back down, relaxing Leland shook it off. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Tos. It’s just. Damn it. Your like a brother, amongst men here on this ship to me. Among many. We need you. I need you.” Hawksley furrowed a brow, smiling at him, his hazel eyes twinkling as he searched back at Tosrol.

Leland shook his finger at Ze. “Ze Man. He Man! I tell you right here Landon!” Leland laughed and smiled. “You know your feeling better when the Lt. Jg. Here has no issue uttering those words. Make that another, Landon. When my bro drinks, I won’t leave him hanging.” Hawksley had lifted his hands upward. Well. Last time he had touched a drink, to be honest, knock on wood was two evenings ago.

“You ain’t playing around. I have seen the Doctors notes. I practically had Hercules sit outside your quarters with listening ears each night!” Leland noted.

Tos wasent taken aback by lelands concerned yet angry outburst he had deserved it hadent contacted his brother and it fell on tos's shoulders he soldiered it though because unlike anyone else hawk knew him, knew his darkest parts "It's ok I need you to your my best friend and it will never happen again, but thank you for having herculeas at my door I did hear him on the odd occasion" he smiled as he drnak some more of his drink.

He laughed as he wrapped is arm around Hawk "Yoru stuck with me now Hawk I ain't going nowhere" he pulled him in tight "Well the doc said as much as I'm quite resistant to most earth viruses this one was particularly nasty" He said raising his bottle "To Brothers and always coming back" he said with a wide smile as he looked at hawk.

Hawksley leaned back in his bar seat comfortably, watching back at Tosrol raise his glass, and Hawk raising his shot of the warm blue drink as well. It was nice to be back in their spot. They could always talk about anything, and not worry about it too.

"Cheers. To the Brothers." Hawksley solemnly noted, and leaned in his glass to give a hearty clink to Tosrol's. Downing it. Hawk, squinted. He shook his head, his eyes watering a bit.

"WhooOOOOOOooo..." He slapped at his own thigh. "Dang it. What is this kind now Landon?"

Leland wanted to tell him, his Brother. He got Married. "I'm Married. Lilli is pregnant." This all ironically happened while Tosrol was in the ward. Leland felt terrible.

"I.. I should have been there for you when you were sick. I didn't know, let alone. I needed you there to stand with me." Dodd was there, as it was well known Dodd was a good Brother of his as well. Just, Tosrol chilled and rolled as Leland had. He had many different friends, all over.

Tosrol was taken a back atfirst but slowly he eased into a smile as he hugged leland like he never had before "Well done Leland im so glad you got married it sucks i wasent there due to my illness but im here to celebrate now" he said looking to his bestfriend "Just means you'll have to be my best man when i tie the knott and betazoid weddings can get a little skrewey" he said winking "To marrige and living long and prospering"

"Here, Here!" Hawk had lifted the chilled mug up in the air of the lounge. "To Marriage and living long and prospering!" Leland nodded his head over and over, as he hugged back, slapping nice and tight and then letting go to take a seat back.

"Oh man..." Leland wiped his forehead. "What on Earth. So, at the wedding of the Ze Family. Tos, you will be naked. You'd expect your like best man, no." He turned laughing. "Betezoid society has stopped that I thought?"

Ze laughed a little "Thankfully Leland those practises are long gone but my family take weddings very seriously and you will be welcomed as much as anyone else into the family" he said with a wide smile "My father already wants to meet my best friend so you know he has a high opinion of you" he said with a very wide smile.

"I am very honoured. Tos. You know I can't wait to meet your family. Oh Tos. Marry me now!" Leland laughed. Their Bromance a fun play. "Seriously tho. THat would be awesome." Leland nodded at Ze respectfully.

“Hey!.." He remembered."I hope you like guns.” Hawk questioned Ze. “I mean. Everyone can fire a phaser, right? Just press the toggle and fry the things. I’ve got..” Leland held his hands out, gesturing the size. “An ancient Earth. Colt 45 .44 Calibre from the 1870s. AN original Jesse James used a gun.”

“Jesse James. Wild West! Cowboy Country.’ YeeeeEEEE HAWwW!!” Leland laughed. “As in an authentic bank robber’s weapon. New and restored, a family heirloom. My Grandfather had it passed down, generations of Hawksley’s. We were the drivers for him.” He raised a brow at that bit of odd history.
He took another drink and wiped his mouth. He was shaking his head. “Anyways. I want you and Mazal to join Lilli and me on the holodeck; we need to fire this baby off Tos!!!” He grinned.

“I want you to be there to see this thing in action. I’ve already spoken to Mazel. She loved the idea.” Hawksley grinned like a candy store was opening up!

Tos laughed "Oh i love guns earth guns specifically," he said smiling looking at hawk "I would love to be there" he said clapping him on the back "Brothers for life" he said with a wink.

“What kind of ancient history does the longstanding Ze Family have? Hmmmn?” Leland replied with a wink and chuckled.

Ze laughed again "Well you'll find out when getting off this mission and get some rack time," he said smiling my mother is arriving at starbase 51"

"Right on." Leland nodded as he was sufficiently bushed. "Dude. I am bushed. I should hit the barrack." Leland turned, as he leaned in. "Always."

Ze drained his drink yawned and placed the glass back down on the table "That's me for the night Landon cut me off" he said burping a little "I'll walk with you back to your quarter mine are only round the corner" He said standing gingerly waiting for Leland to lead the way.


Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze
Cheif Operations Officer

Lt. Jg Leland Hawksley
Assistant, Engineer


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