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Home Sweet You

Posted on 14 Feb 2022 @ 6:16pm by Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley

927 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: The Hawksley Quarters
Timeline: Prior to away team departure


Hawksley had finished his shift and then his workout after the gym. It was a late night, and he had missed dinner. Leland looked forward to this moment as he entered their quarters. Hercules wagged his tail from their bedroom where Lilli was sleeping. Happily greeting Leland.

~* Hawker. Hawk.Shhhh Shhhh Lilli... Belly. Baby. Shhh... Hey, Hi!!*~

“Hey, boy…” Hawksley knelt at the entrance and rubbed at the dog’s neck. The golden fur was relaxing, as was his greeting. The room was lit in dim lights. Their bookcases in the background have been lit. “How has the Mrs’s been tonight, huh?” He rubbed once more before walking in.

~* Sleep... Bump, Baby, Excitement... Sleep, Ba...Tired. *~ Hercules pawed and then was placated by a treat.

Hawksley exited their washroom after cleaning up and brushing his teeth and mouthwash. Leland spied Lilli as she slept there, calm, peaceful on her side in the shade of their bedroom. Hawksley smiled and blinked.

Slipping into bed, wearing his boxers, Leland gently and quietly sided up alongside his wife, placing his left forearm overtop the cover, spooning to his Angel. He then kissed Lilli as she lay sleeping on her head and caressed it before closing his own eyes, whispering, “Night, my Love.”

Lilli had stirred at the sound and feel of Leland getting into bed with her. “Mmm...hey” She smiled a tired smile as she turned her head a little to acknowledge her husband’s presence. “You’re late home tonight.”

"I messaged you at lunch." Leland stifled a tired yawn forming as soon as he had hit the bed. He remembered sending a short explanation, having had to alter the schedule last minute.

"I covered for two loaned out engineers to science..." Hawksley mumbled before leaning inward nuzzling his head on his pillow next to Lilli's. His face melted in sleep.

Lilli smiled as she lay and watched Leland fall asleep, she still couldn’t believe she was married, let alone pregnant. She gave it a few more minutes before gently sliding out of bed to go and get herself a snack, her hunger levels had increased considerably, and she knew if she didn’t have a snack she’d end up lying awake all the longer. She quietly crept out of the bedroom not wanting to wake Leland.

A quiet sound, soft. I was following Lilli into the replicator and dining area. The golden retriever sat in place. Hercules, the 16-year-old bud of Leland, was a chatty AI *~ Lilli. Mom. Lilli Mo. Bay-y baby, make you hungry. Mrs.. HaWker... *~

The golden color of the retriever in the night lighting of the rooms had shone, the dog cocked his head questioningly at Lilli.

“Hi Herc” Lilli smiled as she patted Hercules on the head. “I woke up hungry, thought I’d get myself something to eat.” She grinned, she’d gotten used to talking to the golden canine like he was any normal person.

Herc licked his lips, as he felt the soft pet from Lilli, reassuring as it were. ~* I stay up... Keep you... Hawker *~ Herc turned his head, Leland wiped his eye as he groggily walked out.

"Got the cravings, Babe?" Hawk entered and decided to get a glass of water and sit down with Lilli for a moment. The dim lights relaxed and soothed their quiet voices.

Lilli nodded. “I woke up hungry, couldn’t get back to sleep.” She offered an apologetic glance. “I didn’t wake you did I?”

“I was in the middle of a dream.” He grinned, half tired in his gaze at Lilli. Herc took his spot around the floor of the table. “Involved a… Mysterious Woman. Who had long dark curls of hair…? The softest naked skin… I couldn’t see her… the mist in the room….” Leland winked.

“How are you feeling? What is that you’re eating?” Hawksley furrowed a brow at what had looked to be some odd-looking biscuit and yogurt. “That looks to be so bland. I thought cravings were weird things.”

“I’m not so sure this is a craving.. yet!” Lilli grinned. “I just wanted something that would fill a gap, but wouldn’t be too heavy on my stomach for the morning.” She walked across to the sofa and took a seat. “I’ll just eat this and we can head back to bed.”

Leland sat there and couldn't help but gently slide Lilli's petit feet and start to caress them gently, nothing too stimulating to wake her. Just massaging slowly and then rubbing up against her leg.

"There is something... You know so sexy about a glowing pregnant woman."

Lilli smiled. “I certainly hope so! I’d dread to think that you wouldn’t find me sexy.” She tucked politely into her crackers as Leland massaged her feet. “Mmm that feels good.”

"Well, you.. You look glowing. Maybe I should check in to engineer..." Hawk chuckled quietly, enjoying watching his new Wife.

“Don’t you dare!” Lilli grinned. “You’re coming right back to bed with me.”

"Just the words, that I want." Leland truly was happy in life.

“Glad to hear it!” Lilli grinned as she finished munching her way through her light snack. “Mmm that’s me done.”

"Alright. Let's not turn into night hawks now, babe." He cuddled closely to his wife, enjoying her as he gently yet firmly used his strong shoulder biceps picking up, taking Lilli back to their bedroom...


Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley
Marine Medic


Lieutenant jg Leland Hawksley
Assistant Chief Engineer


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