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Prologue: Arth Observation Team

Posted on 09 Feb 2022 @ 5:23pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

1,559 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Planet 569701-D or Arth as known to the inhabitants
Timeline: 25 years approximately in the past

OOC: This is a means to share some data with all of you about who was on the observation team and some background of the planet. Please allow this to help when you are dealing with anything on the surface of the planet. Dodd


The observation team arrived in orbit of a planet that a probe discovered only a few year ago.

This planet was located in the 569701 system with was unexplored. The fourth planet was deemed to contain humanoid life and thus an observation team was dispatched.

The observation team consisted of eight scientists. Doctor Sherman Arlo is the leader of the team. He has degrees in archeology and anthropology as well as social development. He picked a team to do the best with the least amount of people.

Sheila Arlo is an anthropologist and she also had degrees in xenobiology and zoology. She is Dr. Arlo's wife and at time of hte mission assignment they had been married for only three months. She was happy to come on the mission because it was perfect for her research and to spend time with her new husband.

Doctor Judith Davenport is the second in charge of this observation team. She was an anthropologist and long time assistant to Dr. Sherman Arlo. She also head degrees in cryptozoology and crypto-archeology. She had dated Dr. Arlo for a bit before he met Sheila at a conference on Pacifica.

Doctor Hermes Hopkins was a clinical researcher who was good at calibrating collections of data. He was picked because he had done lost of field work with anthropologist and archeologists and knew what to expect. He was not married and his only family were his grandparents and a great-aunt who all encouraged him to go on the mission.

Doctor Amy Fowler is a young anthropologist who had degrees in astronomy and biochemistry as well. She was picked for her fresh perspective having just earned her doctorial standing and she is also looking to get established in her field and do field research.

Then Doctors Hugo and Mildred Sparks were a couple who had done several archeological surveys of planets in the Vulcan system and even had the chance to do work at the Avian Xindii ruins along with helping to find evidence of a anthropological link between Andorians and Bolians that they are still working on having published at the right time because many do not feel it will settle well either species.

And finally Doctor Daniel Jackson who was a gifted linguist, accredited biologist, skilled surgeon and held six doctorial degrees in Zoology (Biology), Anthropology, Chemistry, Music Theory, Geology and Political Science. He was young and a prodigy and picked to be able to carry this mission on based on his youth.

So upon arrival to the fourth planet of the system, The vessel converted itself into a sort of space station and allowed the team to spend a few week in orbit to determine the optimal location for their outpost and how to make it blend in with the locals and also to allow for the best to see as much as they could.

Once the study was done to get the outpost on the surface the computer determined the best time to land the outpost. The weather allowed a perfect time to land the outpost and conceal it as much as possible. There was a strong thunderstorm and that is when the outpost landed and embedded into the terrain just outside the outer edge of the largest town at the time.

After the first year, the staff was established in their routines and yet still had not had much direct interaction with the natives. Doctors Arlo were the first to venture out into the populous during the daytime. They had been reviewing the people and figured they could walk among them and keep their interactions to a minimum.

Doctor Jackson found out the animals of this world were unique but yet had similar roles to Terran animals. The equine of this planet were more bovine in nature but yet they look more like horses. The humans here domesticated them called them Corses. There was even a sort of canine species that looked like a Terran jackal, but purred more like a feline. The humans of this world also domesticated them and called them Hounds. These Hounds come in a variety of colors but almost all of them looked very much like jackals other than the varieties of hues. There were also rodents and insects on this planet. The insects here were more arachnid in nature in the sense they had had eight legs and all had multiple eyes but they had the body structure of Terran insects and many species had wings. The reptiles were odd as well by Terran standards. Here there were no amphibians but only reptiles. The snakes here never lost their legs but instead they had devolved to little stubs with claws on them which they used when in trees to keep ahold of the bark. The fowl here were more like what Terrans called Dinosaurs. They were reptile in looks but had a velociraptor appearance. They could fly like Terran birds but they could be as large as a shuttlecraft and yet they were carnivores as well.

The more of zoological diversity of this world is catalogued in database of the outpost or likely in the great hall of records at the Central Plexis Archives. The university would also have a record of fauna of the planet. The animal life of the planet is native to the planet as is the plant life. The humans are the only transplanted element.

Dr. Fowler had mapped the stars with the satellites the Federation had placed in orbit when they stationed the observation outpost. She did an very detailed map of the stars that could be seen from the surface and how the heavens related to the religion of the planet. She worked with others on her team to figure out what made the people of different cultures merge into a single collective and even merge their beliefs. Gods like Zeus and Ra were merged into one god and then the raise of Christianity came and wiped out all the belief of multiple entities and formed a single trinity of sorts. This model of Christianity had the Mother, Son and the Unseen.

Then the terrible thing happened. Doctor Davenport exited the outpost to do an undercover walk among the people and she did not come back for a month. She had met a local leader and talked to him and got him to introduce her to the Prime Counsel who was sort of the planetary leader. She then got her hands in the government of the planet and virtually overnight the technology of the planet accelerated exponentially. In a month's time, Doctor Davenport had smuggled a replicator out of the outpost and make more for the people of Central Plexis. Dr. Davenport then became the Secretary of Infrastructure and Technology for Arth. After thirty days, she had blindly turned the government into a puppet show where she as pulling the strings. She then sent a small platoon of troops to the outpost to loot the technology and bring in all the observers. Doctors Fowler and Jackson were able to slip away and blended in with the locals and took up aliases and established themselves as educators in a small village until a few years later they got jobs at the University of Central Plexis. Doctor Daniel Jackson become Professor Xavier Roberts and Doctor Amy Fowler became Professor Xena Orbins. They have been under the radar since. Doctors Sherman and Sheila Arlo were taking prisoner and shortly after, Sheila passed away from a heart attack. Sherman was questioned about the location of the 'Black Box' of the outpost but he held firm and never shared any information. He was admitted to the first asylum on Arth and had been there ever since.

Doctors Sparks and Doctor Hopkins were all questioned and held in jail cells. Dr. Davenport who now goes by Dame Judith Davenport slowly tortured the three trying to find out information of where Doctors Jackson and Fowler were. Eventually Doctor Hopkins was admitted to a paddle cell next to Dr. Arlo. As for the Doctors Sparks, they were old and time was not good to them with what Dame Davenport torturing them, and they passed away in their sleep one night, or so the records say.

Dame Davenport is basically supplying technology to the planet and advancing it quickly with what she has to offer. Soon she will reveal that there is a need to go beyond the planet and see what else they can dominate in the beyond. The planet was just in the very early stages of industrial evolution and it is now in the equivalent stage of the later part of Earth's twentieth century, roughly similar to 1984 or 1985 on Earth. Even the fashions of the locals were on par for the later 1980's era of Earth. The music and popular media broadcasts were similar in nature. In fact Dame Davenport had rebroadcasted some archive shows she had in her computer, a show called Misfits of Science and another called MacGyver. These shows became a basis for what was television on this planet.



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