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Bro-Time Bathhouse Fun: Part 1 Mature Content

Posted on 31 Aug 2022 @ 4:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & 1st Lieutenant James O'Donnaghue

2,928 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck 3 of the USS Tomcat

Attention: This post will contain some sexual references as well as descriptions of male anatomical references.


Dodd was due for some downtime and he was really needing a good time where he did not have to keep his clothes on.

So he had looked into what men did to bond in the ancient times and through out history. What he found was the idea of bathhouses. The concept was men being men and no women allowed. Swimming, showering, bathing, working out, steam rooms and saunas all in the buff and not a thread to really be needed on one's body.

Dodd built a new holodeck program and called it Bro-Time Bathhouse. Since he enjoys being naked when not on duty he set up a program based upon what the computer had in its files of what ol' Earth Bathhouses or Steam houses were in their times. These Bathhouses were for men only while some cultures had them for both sexes or even coed version, this program was for males only. The program had a safety feature that would not let females enter more than five feet inside, to in deed make it a bonding time for the males using the program. The ancient Romans had bathhouses where men of all status levels could go to get some sort of relaxation or even to conduct business without the females involved. There were even such places that were for medicinal purposes that used mineral enriched spring water and also steam filled rooms that helped one to relax. They were popular in major cities in North America in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. So while Dodd did some programming he let the computer do most of the setup based upon the data it had for the sort of environment it was to be. It was to be a place for men to me men and bond with other men and to be in only the company of men. It was therapeutic for the ancient Romans of Earth so he felt it would be good for him.

He was off duty for 48 hours and so he activated the program.

He was at the front desk of the Steamworks and since it was his program he just walked in and placed his uniform in a locker near the front corner and walked straight to the gym area. He grabbed a towel to put on the seat and began to work out. And after about forty-five minutes, he had a good sweat going. He programmed this environment to be a little hotter than he normally would have his quarters set as he wanted it to be cleansing for his mind and body. Dodd always felt saunas and steam rooms did that for him.

He then walked over to the shower on the side of room and rinsed off the sweat. His firm and tone body glimmered in the lighting as he then walked his naked self to the hot tub and lowered himself into the water.

=/\= Dodd to Nelson =/\=

=/\= Nelson here, sir. =/\=

=/\= Are you off duty and want to have some relaxing downtime? =/\= Dodd asked of his friend.

=/\= Sure, what do you have in mind? =/\= Nelson replied.

=/\= I am in Holodeck 3 and thought you would enjoy this program I created. So felt you should join me if you are game. =/\= Dodd stated

=/\= Sure, I will be there in a few minutes, do I need anything special? =/\= Nelson replied

=/\= No in fact you need nothing at all. When you arrive the arch will scan you as this program is for males only. Then follow the signage when you enter. I will be in the gym area when you arrive. =/\= Dodd Replied

=/\= Great see you soon. =/\= Nelson replied

Dodd then got up out of the hot tub and returned to the gym to then work on a butterfly press until Nelson arrived.

After a few moments, Nelson arrived. He was shocked about the program when he entered the holodeck. He walked up to the front desk and they asked him for his uniform. He undressed and they let him in the facility. He walked up to the gym area and saw his commander in all his glory.

"Sir, I am surprised you created this program." Clay stated.

"Well, I love to be naked and I enjoy hanging with you and I know you also like to be naked. So I figured we are to grown men and can hang out naked together, getting all our stresses out and enjoying time together." Dodd replied without missing a rep on the machine.

Nelson, then took to a bench press machine and started to pump the weight. The two buddies were getting a good work out on. After about 45 minutes, the two were covered in sweat and took a rinse in the cold shower. Then they both went to the steam room to sit in the steam and let their bodies relax.

"I think Hawksley would enjoy this, Remy." Clay stated to Remy.

"Really, I was not sure he would enjoy this." Remy replied.

"Well, I know he likes you and I think him being in Engineering is a good thing since Taggert had to leave. He is a good person and I know he really looks up to you. I like working with him but not sure of his personal side outside of engineering." Clay added.

"I guess we could have him join us." Remy stated.

=/\= Nelson to Hawksley =/\=

=/\= Hawksley here. What's up? =/\=

=/\= You off duty? =/\=

=/\= *Leland Laughs* Why Nelson? I'm definitely not back if there is an issue. =/\=

=/\= Great, do you care to join Dodd and I in holodeck three for some relaxing bro-time? Dodd has set up program he really feels you would like this and I fell it will make your friendship tighter.

Dodd and Nelson were just enjoying the warm steam as tehy continued to relax in the steam room as they waited for Hawksley to join them.

Hawksley entered the Holodeck. Excited to spend some of then Engineering buddies relaxation.

The doors opened as Hawksley tore off his white tee-shirt, literally jogging for the showers. He entered as he stripped down. Lt. Hawksley's off duty khaki cargos dropping to the tiles as he entered the showers. The steam, the water. The bodies. The dudes. "Dang it. Dudes, you been working out?" Leland enjoys the communal showers. As it were back in his academy frat days in sport.

"I bet there's a hot tub and other goodies in this program Dodd?!" Hawk raised his eyebrows up and down excitedly, as he washed downward. "I seen a hole back there!!!" He clasped his hands together excitedly.

"I am not exactly sure of all the secrets in this program as I let the computer do about half of the programing." Dodd replied.

Leland enjoyed spending time, joking, taunting, and measuring up how each of them shaped up. All exercised together; Hewitt, Nelson, Dodd, and Hawk.

As the time progressed, The group started towards the steam room, along the way they passed a wall with holes cut into it. The holes were all about the same height but below the waistline of all the men. A character in the program walked up and opened a door, "Gentlemen would you care to step in to use a glory hole?"

"What is a glory hole?" Nelson asked of the character.

"You enter here and walk down to a hole and you slide your penis in the hole and a willing gentleman may find it fanciful to orally pleasure you. The stimulations is heightened by the fact that you can't see the person who is tending to your needs." The character responded.

"Maybe we will hit those up later." Dodd stated as he continued to the steam room. "If you gents want to go ahead and experience this place go ahead, as for me I will wait and take in another steam."

"I think I am going to give this a try." Nelson entered the section for those that sought to receive oral gratification. He walked to about the sixth space and preceded to place his manhood in the available hole. He only waited a minute as a holographic man approached and preceded to service Nelson. This was an experience Nelson had never had before. He was a nudist and enjoyed being naked and he enjoyed the art of making love. However, he never imagined this sensation in this context and it was making him so aroused that he was not sure how he was going to react next.

Hawksley watched the attendant. “This is like a vending machine suck off. This is the bomb!” Leland grunted and grinned, eyeing the dude as he waited to service them. He crossed his forearms and turned as curious Nelson went in. “HoOO HOooOOOO HOoooOOOOOO!!!” Hawk chanted. He was gawking at the whole shocking elements of the program, driving him into intense excitement.

“Nah. I’mma headed over with Dodd here to the steam room….” Leland stated. “Hewitt here.”

Hewitt uncrossed his forearms, having not said much. “Damn it!” He rubbed his chin, thinking the offer through. “I’mma go get ma dick sucked off!” He grinned big, turning, and then high-fived.

“Good. Cause. Then now you won’t have to use those nasty hands of yours anymore.” Hawksley gruffed. He laughed turning and heading onward in the large program complex with Dodd.

Todd had suited up to a stall next to Nelson. Already seeing the deep concentration on Man’s face, Hewitt turned, attending to his hole. There was some bit of privacy but not all that much.

Todd helped himself in as he breathed outward, his eyes looking forward at a dark wall. He cocked his head, trying to see if there was anything more to the area. Only to feel… “Oh… Hun… HunhH… UUHn OOo OoohHhh Ohhh...” He then relaxed as his neck seemed to lower into his shoulders, his back easing.

“Damn!” He cooed with a sigh, his face glossing.

Nelson was intrigued that Hewitt was next to him. He felt the guy was too dignified to be in this program but he enjoyed working along side him in Engineering. Nelson was enjoying the sensation of the pleasure he was receiving but also the tension that was being released from Hewitt somehow made Nelson feel more comfortable and thus helped him climax. Now he was just enjoying the attention the of the moment as he lingered just to witness Hewitt's climax.

Meanwhile Dodd was in a steam room enjoying the moment and chatting with a computer character who was in the steam room merely as a a servant for the players. The steam almost appeared to have its own personality as it was very dense and yet it was comforting to Dodd.

"Commander.." Hawksley entered the steam room. Serene steam flowed through the room, causing visibility issues.

"Grabbed us a few beers." Leland relaxed, as he took a seat next to a figure sitting there. "At least I think that's you, Dodd." Hawksley cheekily poked Dodd with the cold bottle!

"Hey, that's cold." Dodd replied with a slight jump from the cold of the bottle as he he had started to drift off from the comfort of the steam.

"Ah! Hahahahahaha..." Leland slapped his hand on his thigh, laughter echoing in the small room. "Caught you sleeping bro!!"

"No, I just closed my eyes and my mind for a moment to enjoy the steam. This heat is nice and I feel like I did in Iria's arms when we made love. The steam is wonderful and an awakening for my soul." Dodd replied and now that he was thinking of Iria he was getting firm and knew he would need to shift his focus to something else.

Leland closed his eyes and placed his mind on pause. He heard what Dodd had said, but felt it didn’t need a response. The steam was nice as it hit his body, Hawk proud to show it off wherever he went with dudes, and in good taste of course!

Just then, a chuckle was heard. Hawksley paused and then chuckled some more… “Awe. This steam… It fluxes like a warm warp core. The core, “she vibrates for me when I’m in control of her, Dodd.” Leland grunts.

"You can have your dream, but she was mine before you." Dodd stated firmly with a wry grin on his face.

Joining in on the steam room, with the other men, Hewitt greeted with a deep “Howdy, gents.” There was no rank here which was refreshing to all the men. “How’s the steam. Nah, we need a re-fresh…” As Todd then gently lays on a wooden scoop of cold Canadian spring water over, glacial eroded granite rocks superheated. The result was mind-numbing for an already mind-numbed Pratt. “Oh… Ohhhh Heck No…” His face released all tensions, facial features melting in relaxation.

“Anyone catches the score? You know. I had it set on record. The Federation All Stars League, the Universe Majors… Baseball gents?” The two officers opposite already were in meditation.

"Majors. Galaxy. Soccer. Football. Hockey... it's hockey ain't it Todd?" Leland swallowed regaining his focus as another entered the room.

"Hockey. You got it, Hawkster." Hewitt lent a nod, as if he held a cap. "I got me some spicy tickets. How'z about we sit holo-gram ring side of the Federation Playoffs."

"Didn't follow hockey, but Ancient Greco-Roman Wrestling has always kept me entertained especially if they do it way it was originated."

"Yeah. Depends on /which/ City Hewksy!" Hawk grunted to himself. "It's York ain't it?" A brow with steam raised interested in the score leading in the serries.

"Rangers Baby!" Hewitt leaned across to their Chief. "Sir. I would be honoured to take you out on an ohhhh soooo sweet date ring side. I won a friendly bet here, and I share the weath!" He shrugged. "What can I say." He relaxed back.

Meanwhile, Nelson had just received a gratification unlike any he had received before from any relationship he was in. The hologram was very realistic. He was done with the glory hole experience and headed over the pool to swim a while and then relax in a shallow soaking pool that would allow him to lay in the water but keep his head above the surface with little effort.

"Room for one more?" Nelson asked as he now entered the steam room and took a seat. Nelson was used to seeing other male members of crew naked as he would often have them join him on his naked hikes. Nelson entered the steam room. "I certainly appreciate this time to chill out and forget the stresses of the ship. Hanging with all of you is so great for my soul."

Leland looked to Dodd. "Stress. What /stress/ do you experience Nelson?" Hawksley taunted in a friendly manner, only the dudes could feel.

"Well Hawksley, I know you are new to Engineering, but it can get hectic and stressful in the heat of battle or during an unexpected ODN rupture. Also, I have dealt with a lot of stress with my relationship with Kara as since she got joined, she is more than just a different person. She is now several personalities all fighting for attention as well as her father in the mix." Nelson replied.

Leland felt bad instantly. He lent a softer voice. "Yo. Bro. Bud. Nelson, Sir. It honestly was me kidding around. I apologize." He was a bit perplexed and quieted.

"Dude, I know but I need to get it off my chest. I have not made love to her in a long time ever since her dad's essence is now part of her symbiote. It just does not feel the same anymore as I feel he is watching from within her." Nelson replied.

“Hit me with it, bro!” Leland was ready to listen. He enjoyed hearing about other men with relationship issues because he had experience.

“Ok.” Hawksley folded his white towel, thinking things through. The steam was satisfying as it allowed him to relax, making nice folds in the towel.

“The father thing.” He tried to hold back the horror of hearing that. “You probably will have to get used to that. I can’t comment on that specific scenario Nelson.” Leland mulled, looking at the other men who were just as perplexed. “What makes her essence suddenly so difficult? Her father does not override your girlfriend. She still embraces you as nobody else does?”

"Yes, before her joining, the sex was amazing." Nelson was reflecting the past and part of him was perking up. "Then after her joining, the sex is not as full of joy as it was, she doesn't even want to mount me like she used to. She is weighted down by the inherited personas that are attached to her symbiote."

“Come to think of it. I haven’t seen her.” He grinned.

"She is always working anymore and I seldom see her anymore myself. Which is why I wanted to experience the glory hole here in this program." Nelson stated. "I have not had that sensation since Kara became joined with the symbiote. It was amazing and I could work myself up to going again soon."


End Part 1, the post continues in Part 2.

Lieutenant Command Remington Dodd
Executive Officer


Chief Petty Officer Timothy Nelson


Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Chief Engineer


Lieutenant. JG Todd Hewitt
Engineer Officer


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