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Well Well well Look what the Betazoid dragged in

Posted on 15 Feb 2022 @ 12:57am by Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze

2,797 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Ze's Quarters
Timeline: 0400 hours (The morning after Cat that ate the cream)

Ze had been having a pretty bad night, up and down like a yo yo, he swung his legs over his bed. He had spent the whole night trying to figure out why he couldn't sleep, one reason Mazal there was something about her that peaked his interest. His hair was a mess and his standard issue vest top hung over one of his shoulders, he grabbed his shirt over and grabbed his comm badge “Lieutenant Falk can you meet me at my quarters?” he said rushing his hands through his hair, nerves throwing him off like a freight train.

He grabbed his glass of water from his side board and waited for his friend to arrive at his quarters, he was shaking now and the water in his hand shaking his eyes red and weary but now it was all in the hands of fate.

Mazal woke up from a dream, its content fading away too quickly. All she could remember though that it seemed rather pleasant. Hearing Ze's call and it sounding urgent, Mazal was instantly awake and got dressed quickly. She had her hair slicked back in a pony-tail. Pair of sweatpants and a tee-shirt and runners she just slipped into. In just a matter of minutes she was outside of Ze's quarters and pressing the chime. "Ze, err Lieutenant are you okay?" she saying this as soon as the door opened, and stepping inside.

"What's wrong, did the wench send you another stupid message?" Mazal frowning at that thought.

Ze looked up to see her, his face lit up as he drank from his shaking glass "No thank god I just couldn't sleep and needed to talk to you about some things" He said with wide but vacant smile "Can I interest you in a drink?"

"Orange juice would be good. Ze are you okay?" Mazal moving up towards him, noticing the trembling of his hands. She gently took his glass and led Ze to the sofa. "I'll get myself some orange juice. You look like you need to sit down."

He let her guide him, to the sofa the tremble still evident "Just had a bad night" He said trying to steady his nerves, he said drinking some of his drink as he tried to smooth out his shirt, he was trying to collate his thoughts before he opened his mouth .

Mazal came back with her juice and sat next to him. "Want to tell me why you had a bad night? And be straightforward with me." reaching out to touch his shoulder. With almost a natural motion she moved closer to him, placing her arm around his shoulder. She couldn't help but feel an attraction towards him. She quelled that thought though they were friends, and he needed a friend.

He gulped and looked around it was now or never ze, he thought to him self "Ive been having trouble sleeping mainly because i cant get you off my mind for love nor money as the earth saying goes"he spoke "Everytime I close my eyes I'm reminded of the night we spent at the bar with Leland and ted and my brain cant seem to un hyperfixate on it" He said very matter of factly "I'm a betazoid so emotions tend to be my forte this I can't seem to understand" that last part was true he did have feelings for her he just couldn't form it into words yet needed to hear her reaction first.

Mazal heard the music turning her head towards the computer then she turned back to Ze. "when the three of you sang and danced along with me. The impromptu welcome to the crew party." she smiled, and not moving her arm from around him.

"It was an incredible experience, and I found some rather lovely men to be friends with, and I felt a connection Ze. And are you... feeling an attraction to me? As more than friends?"

When the music sprang to life the betazoid had been made in that very moment, he hung his head and smiled "I mean who couldn't have feelings for you" he said with a slight awkward and shy look as his face, turned away this was an alien moment to him the only person he had shared something like this with betrayed him and felt so vulnerable in this moment "that night was one of the best of my life..." he said going red.

"It was amazing I will agree. Ze..." she paused then said in answer to his comment, and listening to the next piece of music. "I don't know why people would be attracted to me, I am just me. And a terrible flirt. I am a heartbreaker Ze. That is how I feel I am." she looked down towards his hands noting that he worked with them, and they seemed so strong and sturdy plus had the aspect of gentleness. Then Mazal looked into his eyes. "I am just being up front so that you can run, and we just be friends."

Ze looked up his hands clasping hers into his "Mazal you don't understand how hard this can be for me, for me to admit this to you leaves me open to attack and if that attack comes to hell with it" he scootched closer, placing her hands on his chest "Good or bad that heart is beating for you right now" he said lacing his finger up her arm "Come hell or high water this is the moment that my dreams have warned me against or towards and I'm done hiding how I feel now."

"Why would I attack you, Ze. I wouldn't do that." Mazal could feel the goosebumps go up her arms, she could feel her heart beating rapidly, she was excited hearing this from him, but Mazal was also frightened, her expressive eyes showing the slight fear but also her emotions were in conflict as well what if she did indeed break his heart, that they got into something and he was destroyed by her.

"Ze...." She wanted to kiss him, so very badly, to pull him close to her. She wanted to say damn the torpedoes and just go for it, but something held her back. She wasn't certain though what that was. "Oh my, let me catch my breath. I am sure you can sense my feelings." she swallowed hard.

Ze searched her face but her emotions lead him to what he needed, he wouldn't mention them "I know you'd never dream of hurting me that's not you Mazal you seen the world for what it is and so have i, when I say that I'm talking about my past and how vulnerable this makes me" he said guiding holding her hand with one of his hands over his heart.

"I don't need to be an empath to tell that there's a spark here in fact the whole ship can properly feel it" Lord only knows hawk probably could and I'm sure he'd be rotting for his best friend "What I'm trying to say mazal is don't be afraid I'm as afraid as you this is a moment in all of time where this is just me and you and the feelings we have I want to kiss you, hold you and tell you the world isn't going to collapse on you I want you in my arms when i finish a hard shift on the bridge i want to see you across the bar and go yep im one lucky dude" he said clutching her hands so tight as if he might break "I want you Mazal Falk in all the forms what ever that may take"

Mazal took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "Ze, would you be willing to take things slow? I do feel quite the powerful attraction for you, but... I've also need to get something settled in my mind as well. I've got an attraction to someone I need to get sorted out, its getting there and I've not allowed it to go too far. I'm being upfront and honest with you. I have feelings for Jackson my CO but.. he and I have had some very honest talks between us. As I can't allow him or I to cross the line, would you be willing to let me get that sorted? To get my feelings under control? I am not saying no, I am not saying I don't want to explore this new aspect between us." she went silent not quite knowing what else to say.

He took it all in, slow was how he wanted to move, the last however long of his life had been painful "Slow it is I don't want to rush you but I needed to get my feelings out there before they ate me up and destroyed me" he said with a wry smile "You do what you to and I'll be here" he kissed her hand and clutched it tight.

Mazal nodded, "I am glad you told me this, I am glad we can speak honestly to each other. And there are concerns that will arise. Like me being in the Marines, and going out there and putting myself in danger. Will you be able to handle that?"

He put his hands in hers "Im a starfleet officer your a marine we came into this knowing that there would be danger, what matters is that we still come home at the end of it" he said wit ha weak smile "With my new position I'll be the chief security and tactical officer so I'll be in as much danger as you" he said squeezing her hands tight.

Mazal nodded, "What about my being a flirt? Its in my nature to some good natured flirting. Or maybe it is more of my appreciation for the person I am talking too. However I am of the mindset that if I am in a relationship with someone, I go home to them. I won't and don't mess around."

Ze looked at her "You Do what you have to, friendly flirty banter is fine heck me and hawksley flirt by sheer accident" he said laughing "Then that's fine I never stray from the person I loves side its not in my nature so were matched on that one" he said smiling.

Mazal nodded, moving one of her hands towards Ze's face, "Okay, now... It may not happen but, I .... told Jackson that I was going to give him some kissing lessons. And I have been giving him dance lessons. Um normal dancing lessons, not one between the sheets. " her face turning a dark pink. "I just want to not have any secrets and also have your take on this. Someone had told him he was an awful kisser and well... I wanted to prove him wrong." her eyes lowered, to where she pulled her hands to where she was fidgeting with her fingers.

Ze's face contorted into a bright smile "What part of you do you are we not understanding? Jackson is your colleague you want to make sure he's ok and if you have to teach him to kiss so be it that doesn't effect how I feel for you or about you if anything, it makes me love you more"

Mazal's eyes rose up to meet his. "Wait, what?" her feelings were in a scramble at this. She wasn't quite certain about this. He just bowled her over and she felt a bit giddy. In fact she was feeling like she had quite a bit much to drink. "Ze, I well I... Oh my...." she was leaning in for a kiss then her PaDD pinged. "Oh... I've got to get ready for work... Shift is starting... I don't know if I want to leave." giddy like a school girl feeling coming from her.

Ze grabbed his comm badge "Liutennant Jg Ze to Marine Detachment Liutennant falk will be with you just a little late shes helping me with some code work for operations" he said smiling "We've got a little extra time" he said with a slight wink "Look I'm not the type of bloke that's gunna control you every move mazal ive been there I know what control looks like i know how that feels, you don't have to be afraid to be yourself not at all"

"I'll stay just a few more minutes then, I do really need to go. Besides, don't forget we have that date to dole out icy cold revenge." Mazal giving a giggle, then she decided to throw caution to the wind, she wanted a proper kiss and not just a kiss on the cheek, leaning in and gently kissed Ze on the lips.

Ze closed his eyes and smiled against her lips as he returned her kiss, his head was swimming and now he needed to get his ass ready for the day too, he kissed her back passionately, operations could wait a few more minutes "that was as good as my dreams" he said going slightly red.

Mazal pulled back for a moment and looked into Ze's eyes. "You.. you were dreaming of me... my kisses?" her eyes widening. She pulled him in for another more passionate lingering kiss, her heart beating so rapidly, running her hand along his back. Then she moved back, "I had better go now." her cheeks a bright pink and a sparkle in her eyes. There would be a definite indication she was feeling highly passionate.

He felt her pull back "Yes yes i have i haven't even spoken to Hawksley of my feelings for you, I wanted to handle this is an emotional manner before I spoke to him." Letting the passion hit him again his hands entangled in her hair as he too needed to get up and get to the operations office "How about dinner tonight when we finish?" said grabbing his clothes from the side of him.

Mazal nodded, "Yes... dinner sounds lovely." feeling her heart barely start to settle, then it picked back up again as she looked at him. She smoothed back her hair realizing her hair band had disappeared. She rose from the sofa and placed one more kiss upon his lips, "Yummy." she whispered, "Don't forget to change out of your night civvies and into your uniform." giving a teasing smile.

He found her hair bobble "Darling your hair bobble ended up in my hands" he said placing it in her hands "I'll come and find you at the end of my shift" He said as she kissed him "I dont think ill ever get bored of that" he said smiling "Now away with you marine XO Falk your platoon awaits" he said lightly tapping her on behind "Hey if I forget to put uniform on its on you" he said winking at her.

Mazal laughed, "Well aren't you the sassy one." giving him a playful wink. "I can see us being big flirts with each other. Just off duty of course." She turned and blew a kiss at Ze, "I will see you tonight. And are we still going to do the revenge portion of our plan?" waggling her eyebrows up and down. "I am so in the mood to just give the proverbial knife to her." giving a wolfish grin.

"Well I am a betazoid" he said with an up turn of his eyebrow "Hey flirting is great i learned most of my stuff from Hawksley" he said returning her wink "See you tonight dont forget ill come by the barraks after I finish" He said with a wide grin "Our little knife to the gut to my ex of course its still on" he said putting on his uniform as he heard his blast door retract.

"Hawksley, the man of magic. The one who pulled me, pulled us into a lively get together." she flashed a smile. "It may have been just a kiss on the cheek but sparks must have ignited there, Ze, between you and me." Mazal twirling about, and hugging herself. She grinned at Ze. "Okay I am going now." giggling she made herself leave Ze's quarters and was whistling a tune. Ignoring the glances towards her as she passed by.

He smiled as he watched her leave "We have alot to thank leland for i suppose" he said with a wink "See you after my shift!" he said shouting after her as he got his uniform on and grabbed his duty bag and padd and made for his operations office so that he could brief the department before the away mission.


2nd Lieutenant Mazal Falk
Marine XO

Liutennant JG Tosrol Ze
Chief Operations Officer


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