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Target Practice, Part Two

Posted on 25 Mar 2022 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & 1st Lieutenant Josefina (Fina) Macapuno
Edited on on 04 Apr 2022 @ 2:09pm

1,848 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Marine Country holosuite
Timeline: Before SAR Mission


It had been an hour since Jane Sinclair absconded with the map and ran into the holo-forest. What had begun as simple target practice had turned into proper survival training. The Doctor was being hunted by a hostile party, and she had to reach the rendezvous point. If she was caught, she’d need to escape. Her phaser (set to low stun for the training course) would be hard to aim among the foliage while avoiding fire herself.

She crouched among some brush, catching her breath, and looked out into the forest. She couldn't see Jo, but that didn't mean she wasn't close. The destination wasn't far. Maybe one and a half kilometres (the wondrous moving floor of the holodeck could simulate distance fantastically) North-East, just on the other side of a creek.

oO I can do this. Oo

She slowly stood, surveyed her surroundings, and set off.

But not before stepping on a twig. Crack.

Joe smiled to herself, Jane was proving to be a challenge and she loved it. The doctor certainly was quick on her feet, as well as rather canny. Joe had come across evidence that Jane had covered her tracks on several occasions causing Joe to have to backtrack just a little bit. She had to go check the foliage for evidence of Jane's passing. There she found some and followed the trail. Joe didn't know if she were close to Jane when she heard the sound of a twig snapping. And it came from behind her.

Joe whirled around and went towards the sound, "ah-ha I found you...." she found herself staring at a deer. "Now hold on you are not Jane."

Then she heard another twig snap. Joe whirled around and then found herself falling forwards as the deer head-butted her from behind. Joe hit the ground as she wasn't prepared for that part of the program.

"Blast it!" she huffed out.

Apparently, Joe was closer than Jane had thought because the doctor heard it all, the impact and the curse.

Leaving aside the survival training, Jane ran toward the sound and saw the buck who stood in a defensive stance. She fired her phaser over its head, and the deer ran away.

She found Joe prone in the mud. She knelt by Joe’s side, drew a tricorder from her pocket, and gave her a quick scan. “I’m not detecting any serious injury. Holodeck safeties are on. You’ll probably have a nasty bruise and it will ache for a day or two.” She helped Joe turn onto her back, getting her hands muddy in the process. She instinctively fixed a lock of hair, which smeared mud into her hair at her ear.

“And yes, I know I lose, but I’d like to think in a real survival scenario I’d still stop to help someone.”

Joe looked up into Jane's eyes, "No... you didn't lose at all." her face streaked with mud and then she smiled, "You proved that you've got skills, and yes, I would think you would stop to help someone out if they were injured." She moved to sit up, wincing a little bit. "Thank you for scaring that buck away." Joe looked down at her clothing shaking her head then her dark eyes rose back up to gaze once more at Jane, noticing that there was a streak of mud near her ear.

"You've got some mud in your hair." Joe reached out to brush it away, then paused realizing that her hands were rather muddy. "Looks like the two of us are going to have to get cleaned up." she gave a bit of a laugh.

Jane laughed as well. "Plus, Colonel Somers might kill us if we tracked mud down the corridors. We still have the holosuite reserved for a little while, yeah?"

Joe laughed, "Yes she would probably do that, and also yes we've got the holosuite for a little bit longer."

"Computer, close program and open Starfleet Physical Training program, shower room," Jane ordered. "And replicate two clean uniforms, our sizes, and a tube of analgesic gel."

The forest disappeared and was replaced with a shower facility of a gym. A row of showerheads, water not sonic, lined one wall, while lockers lined the opposite wall. A row of benches sat in between them. A small bottle of medicated gel sat on one bench, next to a pair of tailored and pressed uniforms, skivvies included, one green, one blue. Four polished boots were on the floor in front of the uniforms.

"I assume Marines are used to this kind of washing?" Jane asked, a bit teasingly as she began to undo her uniform top.

Joe grinned once more "Of course we are, this is luxurious compared to bathing in a cold stream while out on manoeuvres. Or using a bucket." Joe gives a nod. She gingerly stripped out of the sodden dirty uniform and placed it away from the clean uniforms. "I am looking forward to having a hot shower," she said over her shoulder to Jane.

"Me, too," Jane said, finishing stepping out of her clothes and pushing them to the floor. She grabbed the bottle of analgesic and brought it with her. She set it on the shelf under the showerhead with the soap and turned on the water. The hot stream cascaded down onto her skin, relieving so much of the tension in her muscles already, such that she let out a little moan. "When I got my quarters on the Starbase, I gave up having a view for having more space. A full bath instead of just the sonic shower we have in our quarters here. God, I miss this." She got some shampoo out of the bottle and began washing her blue locks, getting any mud off her face and hands as she did so.

"When you're ready, I'll apply the pain reliever?" Jane asked. "It'll help you feel better long term, and it won't run off in the shower."

As the water hit her skin, Joe winced at first then when she got used to the temperature she closed her eyes and allowed it to stream from head to toe. Raising her hands after a few moments she began to rinse off the mud and grime, the dirt colouring the water as it went down the drain. Then she got her shampoo and applied it to her hair.

Joe with shampoo in her hair it being a frothy bubbly cap, looked at Jane. "That sounds like a good plan." smiling and then added a bubble moustache beneath her nose twitching her upper lip to make the bubble moustache move.

"A full bath now that sounds lovely, I've got one as well. Can't beat a nice long soak in a tub." Joe added.

“I have a pool and hot tub holoprogram,” Jane said, rinsing the last of the shampoo from her face and hair. “I love to swim, and the hot tub afterwards is soooo relaxing.” She saw Joe’s soap moustache and giggled. She stepped closer, touched Joe’s cheek, and gently cleared the soap with her thumb. She blushed and stepped back away. “Um, turn around, I’ll apply the gel.”

Joe felt her heart rate pick up, when Jane touched her cheek, and closed her eyes momentarily. Jane's gentle touch made her skin prickle up. Noting Jane's reaction, Joe turned to rinse the soap off her hair and body then moved for Jane to apply the gel.

With Joe’s back out of the stream of water, Jane put some gel on her hands and began to rub it into Joe’s lower back. She applied enough pressure to act like a little massage, without aggravating the injury. She stepped closer so she could work the gel in more thoroughly.

She blushed again as she realized how close she was again. She could feel the heat radiating off Joe’s body. But she didn’t step away. She stayed, her breathing getting heavier, and left her hands on Joe.

Joe didn't pull away, she heard the change of Jane's breathing, her own breathing changed as well. She felt a powerful attraction to the doctor, and it could not be denied. She slowly turned to face Jane and leaned in for a kiss, sliding her arms around her.

Leaving her hands on Joe's waist, Jane pulled the marine close, stood on her tiptoes, and welcomed the kiss...

Sometime later

Joe, her arms around Jane, smiled, they had opted to make things a bit more comfortable for the two of them, but their time was almost up. Leaning in for another kiss, she whispered softly, "Would you like to, be with me again? See me later on, for dinner or breakfast or even lunch?" Joe would like to see Jane more but, she didn't want to be too pushy. She really liked the doctor very much but didn't know if there would be a possibility. As it is she didn't know what the doctor's plans were for the future.

Jane grinned. "I'd like to see you again. And do this again." She gave the marine a wink. "I should tell you I'm not looking for anything serious right now though. I'm still...I'm still dealing with some things."

She thought about her swim with the counsellor shortly after coming on board. In the same meeting she had denied ever having been in love and minutes later Lamia had pulled from her mind the image of Alejandra Rios. She had tried to downplay it but that one was special; she was the one that got away and try as she might, but she wasn't over it.

"It's okay, it doesn't need to be serious. It can be a... if you ever have the need sort of thing. A warm body to snuggle up against to chase away the darkness. Friend with benefits?" a tender smile, another kiss. "Something with no pressure."

"That sounds nice," Jane agreed, returning the smile. Then she got up and started to get back into her uniform. "Thanks for today. Not just for this, but for the help. I feel a bit better going into the SAR mission."

Joe watched as she got dressed and then did likewise. "Be careful and let me know when you get back. We can celebrate or just do a snuggle. Just, either way, let me know."

"I'd like that," Jane said, before giving Joe a quick kiss, a smile, and sauntering out of the holodeck.

Joe watched with great appreciation as Jane left the holo suite, a grin going ear to ear. Once she was gone, Joe did a fist pump, "Yes!" She was going to stick to what she had proposed to Jane, however, Joe felt rather good. She had something, not someone to look forward to having some nice times with. She left the holo suite-only pausing for a moment to say, "Computer, end program."


2nd Lt. Josefina Macapuno

Lt Jg Jane Sinclair
Deputy Chief Medical Officer


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