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Donovan's Origins

Posted on 17 May 2017 @ 9:31pm by Major S'arila Donovan

1,936 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various
Timeline: Alternate reality timeline 1


A little Background on Donovan's Parent Species…..

The alternate reality Donovan came from used to have a now extinct Trilon species and the Trilon homeworld was a wasteland thanks to something called the Hunger, or as it was known The Darkness, this entity succeeded where the Borg had failed. From dubious sources, information was gathered but there is still limited data on these alternate reality beings that were available, mainly holographic recordings of how the planet once was. A limited amount of data of this reality it seemed that both realities shared the same planetary past, it was their respective future fates that differed. What little is known of a Trilon is that they have light-sensitive eyes and a marking between their eyes. What little is know about the Trilon species Government structure is they have a Monarchy system of government, but as a people, they are united as one people and the ultimate power remains with the Monarchy and not the government. Species specifics and statistics are currently unknown as Starfleet only has Major Donovan to scan and she was half-human but from Medical scans of Donovan. Starfleet scientists seem to think that full blood and half blood species seem to have the same type of organs in the same area as that of all humans. They appear to be just as susceptible as that of the species they resemble so closely, further contact will be required to get a better Idea of such Species-specific ailments.

As Donovan being altered on a genetic level threw out all models they could use, and it was from trial and error that the Starfleet doctors found out what she was allergic to and what she was not allergic to. Also, there was one downside to the genetic modifications that Donovan went through while still a baby, most of this is from damaged recovered records on where she had been found. But the data spoke of a baby girl equal to an eight-month-old unborn human child was removed from her mother along with the mother's womb and placed in a birthing chamber so advanced were the Trilan’s. While the baby continued to grow, she was subject to modification’s that would develop at a normal pace as the child grew, one of the side effects, which had surprised Trilan scientists. Was that when they added certain gene alteration modifiers the baby’s skin turned pink, they also sped up the babies maturation process, the combat type modifications would be a more advanced and stable form of the type of gene engineering done by the Angosian’s. They had finished their alterations when the Darkness attacked by this time the baby girl had matured enough that she could exist outside a womb, but she was put into a stasis incubator in an underground bunker shielded from the Trilan enemy. This battle happened while humans still thought they were the only intelligent life in the galaxy and still warring amongst themselves and other clans circa Roman Empire times.

For thousands of years after the Trilan people had been consumed by the Hunger, which in turn had left the known galaxy the wasteland of the planet Trilor was such that no life could exist there. Yet the planet still retained a breathable atmosphere, Starfleet for all its understanding of environmental failing this planet was a curiosity but when they had found the hidden lab they also found a roughly five-thousand-year-old or more stasis maturation pod still powered. But the system it had been hooked up to had begun to fail and its power source was all but expended so a Lieutenant Donovan a human on a Starfleet Explorer vessel requested that this strange alien child is placed in his family, it was agreed as long as the child was subject to regular medical checkups. Knowing that this would be the only way the Donovan’s could keep the child agreed and the half-breed baby girl grew up in a safe loving and caring environment and by the time she was two years old she was as tall as a five-year-old. Scientists were still puzzled on the child’s eye’s and often wondered how she saw the people around her.

Main Story......

- Donovan’s Quarters – USS Tomcat – Alternate reality Starfleet –

Stardate 237801.12 and S’arila has found a home in the Federation, it took them years to fully accept her, considering she was an enigma to them, she was seven feet in height had a Caucasian skin tone, but the skin colour and her humanoid shape are where her human similarities ended. Her human genes only mitigated her height; otherwise, her parent species was a lot taller. Due to her solid red eyes as in she had no pupils, she saw in the heat or infra-red ranges, everyone she had met looked different shades of red or yellow or the more muted colours of the two dead bodies appeared as grey.

She had a birthmark of sorts between her eyes, from what recovered records her adopted father managed to recover spoke of five separate castes, she had the mark of their nobility, which from what could be translated were the Trilan’s version of Elite Special Forces troops and were granted a command position upon joining their military. She knew they had finally accepted her when her application to join Starfleet’s newest marine regiment 2nd SAS MACO an elite regiment was granted, thanks to her altered genetics she managed to stay on par with the more physically robust marines who were doing training.

What interested Special Forces was the fact that she had a surgical adaption that allowed her to breathe underwater; she could breathe without breathing gear in most liquid environments. But like all others including amphibians she needed a space suit to exist in a vacuum or in a gas type environment, she was less susceptible to ailments but she was not invincible or immortal, she could still get hurt and die, get ill and die. As S’arila was recalling her past, she picked up her specially created glasses, put them on, and walked over to the nearest mirror. They looked like retro glasses, but that was the style, they were specially designed to allow her to see like a normal human albeit in black and white with a red tint.

The tint was there to assist in her light sensitive eyes they acted like sunglasses for her, like the eye inserts that were given to Gordie La Forge these glasses has a direct connection to her visual cortex when worn. She also had a combat visor that did the same and her specialised prototype Environment suit had such built into the visor of that suit along with targeting scanners and such. Now she removed them as the lights in her quarters were low enough for her not to need them, she received these items when she joined the MACOs.

S’arila walked over to the replicator “Terran tea standard” she said and the replicator produced a mug of tea that was milk and two sweeteners.

Like her parent species she was telepathic and a strong one, she has two years of the do’s and don’ts on the use of telepathy from Betazoid trainers, if you had said to her then that she would get pulled through a spatial anomaly into another reality and eventually lose her telepathy she would have grunted a disbelieving negative.

As she walked over to the sofa she looked at the door “Come in Alex” she said and the door opened and in walked Marine Captain Alexandria Somers with a mock hurt look.

“Hey you know I am telepathic, we really need to teach you how to dampen your thoughts, some time, ” Donovan said with a friendly smile as both women had been friends some time despite Alex being one rank higher than Donovan.

“What can I do for you, my friend?” Donovan asked congenially, while her accent was alien, the nearest accent it could be compared to, was old traditional Welsh Gaelic if someone from that area spoke English.

Alex looked at her friend “that lunch date, remember I am meeting my boyfriend Paul Sharpe so I can introduce you both, he is a fleet officer I know, but we have to make allowances heh?” Alex said and both women laughed.

Both were in civilian attire, Alex true to form with her preference for retro clothing was wearing block heel boots, a pair of smart denim with a boot cut length, a smart blouse and faux leather jacket. Her unnaturally red hair was smartly but conservatively done as was her make-up; Donovan was dressed in the latest modern attire.

“Well let’s go then shall we?” Donovan responded finishing her tea and following Alex out of her quarters; currently the Tomcat was at Earth Spacedock so the pair took a shuttle down to the planet.

- The Retro Diner – San Francisco Earth –

Both women sat at a table near the back and shortly after they were joined by Paul Sharpe, he gave Alex a kiss and sat down.

“Paul this is my friend S’arila D’Tana Donovan a marine in my unit; S’arila this is Paul Sharpe, Security Officer by trade and my boyfriend”, Alex said by way of introduction.

Paul offered his hand and gently shook her hand “A pleasure Miss Donovan” he said with a friendly smile, S’arila smiled back Paul’s mind seemed quieter than other sentients, it was as if he had more control over his thoughts and emotions, now he was studying her, she felt a little conscious as she felt her cheeks flush.

“Why are you studying me like that?” Donovan asked embarrassed.

The man immediately flushed red “my apologies, I have seen your reactions to others around here, it seems that you are used to them, yet upon meeting me you seemed a little shocked and I am wondering why?” Sharpe responded.

“S’arila I forgot to mention Paul is quite observant *she looks at Paul*, Paul S’arila is a telepath a strong one by all accounts, I think your ordered mind took her by surprise”, Alex said.

S’arila noted the man’s expression went to enlightenment knowing why “so because I have managed to dampen my thoughts and not be as loud when thinking I surprised you! Interesting, it would seem that my Vulcan tutors managed to teach me something after all.”

All went silent as their food was brought over and all three chatted away like they had always been friends, when they just had drinks in front of them both Alex and S’arila’s Commbadges went off.

=/\= All MACOs report to HQ for briefing =/\= despite this surprise all bid each other farewell and the women left leaving Sharpe alone.

Sharpe dropped some latinum onto the table and left, unlike the girl’s he had not been recalled, but he did wonder if there was ever going to be a right time to marry Alex. Little did anyone know these were to be the last days of peace that the Federation would know as an old enemy was once again on the move and it was no Empire from the Alpha, Beta or Delta Quadrants that were on the move.


Marine Captain Alexandria Somers [NPC: J Somers]
2nd SAS MACO Regiment
SFMC Earth

1st Lieutenant S’arila D’Tana Donovan[PNPC: Somers]
2nd SAS MACO Regiment
SFMC Earth

Lieutenant Paul Sharpe [NPC: Somers]
Utopia Planita Security
Sol Sector - Mars


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