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Not catching me at my best.

Posted on 24 May 2022 @ 6:56am by Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson

1,376 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Science Lab


-Science Lab-

It was official. Lieutenant junior grade Ted Silver was fed up. He had been going over some samples. When nearing the end of his task. It became clear something was wrong.

The sample was supposed to be like the Bellis perennis or daisy. That you found on Earth. But the probe kept telling him it was a kind of Earth Tagetes or Marigold. But it was clear the two plants were different.

But no matter how he tried. The computer kept telling him he was wrong. It began to get him very cross.

“ Look you collection of stupid metals and plastics. That sample is a daisy D A I S Y!!!!” He shouted.

He heard the doors open but did not see who it was. Perhaps if he had Ted would not of hit the probe in anger.

"Easy there Mr. Silver, what seems to be the problem?" Matt asked.

The fastest way to either be busted back to Ensign or find yourself on the beta shift. Was to be rude in front of your department head. Ted turned as he almost did that his jaw fell when he saw who the voice belonged to.

His department head.

“ Lieutenant Thompson sorry….um Captain on deck… sorry….oh dear……” he stammered

"As you were Ted, what, what's the matter?" Matt asked.

Ted looked at the equipment that had annoyed him. As always when the boss was around. Something that appeared to be broken. Had suddenly began to work again.

“ The analysis probe. Some samples were brought up for study. That….. the probe's computer keeps telling me it’s a not form of Bellis perennis or daisy. Which it clearly is. Instead, it keeps telling me it’s a Tagetes or Marigold. No matter what evidence I provide it. The thing keeps telling me the opposite.” Ted said.

"Have you run the probe through a diagnostic phase of its programming? Probes are stupid they only know what you tell them. Perhaps it's a programming glitch." Matt suggested.

Ted felt the anger disappear and the embarrassment tip toe in.

“ Oh. Sorry did not think. Just got crossed at a piece of metal and plastic. My bad….” Ted said

Matt chuckled, "Frustration in this job is part and parcel my friend. Need some help we can check it together and find out what the problem is," Matt suggested.

Ted gave a nod. His tantrum had not got him into trouble.

“ Yes, please. Judging by its failure to distinguish the sample from another that is just like it. This looks like a computer glitch. It is interesting though. The plant life on this planet seems to share a bond with each different variety. It is so minute that maybe what is causing this.” Ted said.

"Run a level 3 diagnostic on the probes' software and firmware. if that doesn't work we can plug it into the main computer." Matt said.

Nodding Ted ordered the probe to run the diagnostic. The probe made a stuttering sound and remained silent.

“ Probe run a level three diagnostic please.” He said again.

“ Nnnnnnoooooo…” It replied

He looked at Thompson.

“I'm not sure plugging this into the main computer is a good idea.” Silver warned.

"Okay then we can plug it into a portable, just make sure it has enough memory to run the diagnostic," Matt replied.

Ted nodded and went to do as Thompson said. But a shock caught his hand making him yelp.

“ What are you doing Dave?” The probes computer said

Silver looked at his department head.

“Who's Dave?” He said rubbing his hand.

"I don't know but it sounds like the probe is psychotic. Must be somewhere in the code." Matt said.

A troubling thought crossed Ted's mind.

“ I once saw a very old Earth movie. Where the ship's computer went crazy. One of the characters in that was called Dave.” He said

Slowly Ted made another move toward the machine. Only to be pushed back by a force field. He looked at Thompson.

“ What do we do now?” He asked

I think I remember that movie, 2001 A Space Oddessy, talk about a classic." Matt said.

Well, the force field was unexpected. Matt picked up a trident modulator. and began scanning.

"The force field is producing 4000 terajoules of radiant energy, and the frequency is shifting. What we can do is try a modulated pulse of energy. or perhaps a dampening field to nullify the field. It doesn't seem to be connected to ship's power, so perhaps we can overload its internal power supply by nullifying it. What do you think, Ted?"

Ted thought for a moment then gave a nod.

“ Yes. That should do it. But we better time it correctly or we’ll burn the lab down. You don’t think this is someone’s idea of a joke do you? Only I heard through the grape Bain. That on the Poseidon a couple of cadets. Played a joke on their CSO Sam Perkins. They made out the science computer had been taken over.” Ted replied.

"Well, I didn't want to use a phaser as it might eat that energy, or somehow deflect it no I think a localized dampening field should do the trick." Matt said.

"Let's set up a local level 4 containment field," Matt said.

Looking at Thompson Ted nodded and began gather equipment.

“ What are you doing dave?” The computer asked as Ted pressed a switch.

The device seemed to shimmer throwing out sparks. That just bounced off the containment field. Silver nodded at Thompson.

“ Woo. Done. Now what?” Ted asked.

"Now we remove its power supply. I'll need a dual-phase micro-spanner. after that we'll take out the memory chips and analyze them separately." Matt said.

Ted gave Thompson a nod.

“ Sorry about behaving like a bad tempered bear. Your not catching me at my best.” He said as he helped to removed the back cover of the device. By giving Thompson the tool he needed.

"No problem we all have good and bad days. Hopefully, we have more good days than bad though...", Matt chuckled.

Ted smiled although it soon faded when he looked into the devices insides.

“ The memory chips should not be that colour should they?” He asked.

"No, I don't believe so, I think someone swapped out the proper chips with these. What chips are supposed to be in here?" Matt asked.

Carefully Ted reached in and took one out. He lifted it up to the light.

“ No wonder the poor thing went mad. This chip is completely wrong. But why would someone do this?” Silver asked.

"Could have been an experiment gone wrong? A study in AI perhaps?" Matt replied.

Ted shook his head.

“ If it was to got it well wrong. These chips could never hold that much power.” He said lifting one to the light.

"Where did you get this device, Ted?" Matt asked.

Ted looked at Thompson.

“ I thought you brought this device in. Your names on the acceptance form.” Ted said showing Thompson the PADD.

"Interesting, I don't remember it, I will do a security trace to discover the origin. Perhaps I will be able to find the original bill of lading." Matt said.

Ted was beginning to feel a little wary.

“ Unless of course, this is something else. This could be something that ended up here by accident. It may have been for another vessel or station.” Ted said wide-eyed.

"That is of course a possibility, but we have to start somewhere," Matt said.

Nodding Ted sat at the computer terminal and began going over the data at hand. Silver typed instead of speaking. After his recent verbal attack on the machine. He felt with his department head watching him closely. It would be better to do the investigation this way.

“ Well. That’s odd. It did not come from our starbase. Looks like it was diverted here. But I can’t see where from…” Ted said

"For now, let's keep it in quarantine," Matt said.

“ Ok. Well that’s the end of my duty shift. See you again soon.” Ted said



A post by:

Lieutenant Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer
USS Tomcat NCC-62114


Lieutenant (jg) Ted Silver
Science Officer
USS Tomcat NCC-62114


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