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The Rescue Part #1

Posted on 11 Mar 2022 @ 1:35pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Warrant Officer K'Muss
Edited on on 11 Mar 2022 @ 1:41pm

1,189 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Location: Various
Timeline: During Main Mission


Their Venture class Scout approached the ship orbiting the dead planet, it was the same one that had a BDZ order done on it, as the closed in on the enemy ship it was a largeish Nausicaan ship, but it would not be a match for a fully armed Akira class. The ship was scanned and there was a spot on the hull that led to an empty cargo bay, so with great agility, Alex moved the ship to the spot with the top of the ship aimed at the spot, when both ships were connected she made sure the seal was firm before putting the ship on standby and got out of the pilot's seat she looked at Donovan.

"Okay S'arila the seal is good to start cutting," she said and looked at two other Rifles "when we are through secure the cargo bay as by now they are bound to know that something is happening to their ship," she said.

Donovan nodded and got to work, now Somers looked at the rest of her team.

"Do any of you have any further questions?" She asked, "also, make sure your kit is secure as we have probably set off all alarms by this time" she added.

"No, ma'am," Jane said as she secured her kit in her bag and drew her sidearm.

Thyra raised her hand, "Do we disable the alarm? Cause if someone gets me to a console I might be able to hack their system."

"Yes, do so when you get to engineering, even though the enemy will be alerted," Somers said and looked at K'Muss "okay Chief you have your spatial charges ready?" she asked the Warrant Officer

"At last check, everything showed green, Colonel" the caitian replied. "I hope" he muttered under his breath. Explosives weren't his "thing" after all.

When the cutting was done and the seal checked that it was secure the alarms started going off in the Cargo bay they had cut into, two Rifles entered first to secure, followed by Thyra and K'Muss, finally Sinclair and the Colonel.

She then looks at Donovan who seemed much happier now that she was not in a cramped space "S'arila, with me and Sinclair" she said, the Major simply looked at her and nodded.

"Okay, engagement orders, shoot to kill, otherwise you know your tasks, the engagement orders apply to us all, okay you all know your assignments, let's move," Somers said and led the way out of the Cargo Bay.

Thyra and K'Muss and a Rifle headed towards Engineering, one remained in the Cargo Bay while the Colonel, Donovan and Sinclair headed to the brig area, Alex was using her tricorder and was amazed how they had not met anyone yet, but that meant they would be defending Engineering, bridge and the brig in force.

Alex's team paused around a corner that led to the brig and she peaked around and almost got her head shot off for her trouble, she snapped her head back and looked at her team "dammit, S'arila smoke grenade" she said and the Major passed her a smoke grenade, before throwing she checked her pistols, unlike the actual ones these were like the larger Phaser rifle and fired a light bolt, but they were in a Desert Eagle case, so they had the look the feel and the weight of such arcane weapons, after prepping them, she activated the grenade and threw it hard, they heard a clunk as it hit the deck directly in front of the defenders and then a pop/hiss as the canister began to spew out smoke, Alex looked at her team as she put on some infrared goggles and pulled out her twin pistols "wait here" she said stepping out and thanks to the goggles her shots were one-shot kills, as she advanced forwards Phaser pistol blasts could be heard followed by grunts as the defending Nausicaans were taken out.

A short time later the shooting stopped and the corridor extraction fans kicked in, finally sucking the smoke out of the area "okay it is safe" Somers said and heard her team approach.

"Damn Alex, you meant it when you said to take no prisoners" Donovan commented.

"I'm just glad that your pistols are phasers," Jane said. "I thought they were real ballistic weapons and those are a lot messier." She wasn't squeamish (she was a doctor and a veterinarian, after all) but survivable phaser injuries were a lot less likely to bleed out or get infected, and fatal phaser shots killed quickly, whereas fatal bullet injuries, outside of the head or heart shots, could be agonizing and take a while to kill. These Nausicaans would almost certainly all be killed but they didn't need to be cruel about it.

Somers looked at Sinclair with a smile "I have real ones back on the ship, while I am out for blood an excellent shot and I may be a little crazy I do not have a death wish Lieutenant" she said.

"Crazy is an understatement" the Major responded wryly but did not flinch when the Colonel gave her a dirty look.

Jane said nothing. She did not yet know these people very well, so she was not comfortable throwing in a joke of her own.

"Okay, this way," Somers said pointing in the direction of the brig, fully aware that the hostiles would only increase in number from this point on, her mind drifted to how Team two was getting on. As her team moved forward she led the way to the level below the brig, knowing the lift that opened onto the brig would be guarded she decided to use a Jefferies tube, she opened it and crawled in.

"No way I am getting in there," S'arila said, part of it was fear, the biggest part was that she was a little too big to fit in it anyway.

Somers looked back "okay Major wait by the lift I will send it down to you when we have cleared it, but do put the cover back on this tube," Somers said then to Sinclair "okay El-tee lets go" she added.

Jane followed closely, for once thankful for her small stature. Sidearm still out, she kept her eyes and ears open for hostiles as they crept through the tubes on the way to the brig.

They finally arrived at their destination after a few false turns, they heard thumps and thuds of a body being beaten, they had made it to the torture chamber, she pulled out her tricorder and scanned the room and got a reading of four Nausicaan's and one human. She sat back down and indicated to Sinclair to go down the other branch which would open out onto the corridor that led to the torture room, she led the way Alex vowed to make the enemy pay.


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lt Jg Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Thyra Sh'shaaqir
Chief Intelligence Officer

WO1 K'Muss
SNCO Rifleman

Major S'arila Donovan [P: Somers]
95th Rifle Officer, Bravo Unit


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